46 Are you sure?

Have you ever wonder why people lie at you although they knew you knew what they lie about?

What a sad life?

I know Cole knew about what I am implying but he refuses to tell me. Does that make sense?

"Cole Are you sure you don't meet Annnyyyybody other than Rob?" I ask him to watch him like a hawk. He squirms under my gaze, but just nod his head, while I was ready to tear his head off, if he thinks he can get away he has another thing coming.

"Lyra how long are you thinking of asking me this? I told you I met no one," he says exasperated. I almost believe him but I am not that blunt.

"Hahaha you're cleaning the house today, no question " I replied standing up. It's Saturday today and we are supposed to go down to the beach but I decided to cancel our plans because my husband is a liar. I have the proof in my phone yet he refuses to tell me he met Maddie the ex-fiancee of his.

What an asshole.