47 Ex- psycho

"My boss is so arrogant, so, expensive planning is needed, he'll want expensive Italian food, who knows he wants even chandeliers," Alexander says rolling his eyes. I thought he came here to talk about the planning and here I am listening to his rant.

"Alexander I'll do the planning, I don't see why we meet today "

"Oh I have to ask you something you know about your boyfriend "

"Husband Alexander Cole is my husband, not my boyfriend "

"Alright whatever, he is Maddie ex-fiancee right?" He asks me his eyes inspecting me curiously. My attention is on him now and not on my cake.

"Yeah.." I drawl suspiciously.

How does he know about my husband?

Alexander is weird.

"Oh you know, she's my boss girlfriend, we met sometimes and the other day she asks me about you, about your husband, it's just the way she talks about you like you stole her fiancee "