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Chapter 9.

The next day was Saturday and I got a call from Michael that he would pick me up later that he has something to say. I wondered what it he wanted to say that was so urgent but I still got ready. After about thirty minutes he arrived .


"Hi, get into the car".

"Okay". Then I asked him,

"Sooo, what do you wanna tell me?"

"Okay, promise that you won't take it the wrong way"

"I promise". That was when he narrated everything to me, I hoped that it was a joke

I laughed and said "That was an expensive joke, it is a joke, right?"

"No". I wanted to cry so badly but I didn't want it to flow down here, that was when he said

"But I'm not going to marry her, I need only you". I looked at him and smiled feeling relief a bit.

"Let's go for a walk in the park" I said trying to lifting the negativity around .

"Anything for you, princess". I smiled

"I'm not a princess you know",

"You are my princess". I held his hand and we walked around the park and all of a sudden I wanted ice cream though I didn't say ,

"You want ice cream?" He asked


"I figured you wanted it, wait right here, I'll be back". I couldn't help but admire him, for the first time in a long while I felt very lucky.

He came back with ice creams in his hand ,one for me and the other for him.

It was getting late but I didn't want to leave him yet, I wanted to stay longer because I felt safe with him but then I remembered that Julia needed my help with something which she didn't tell me. As much as I hated to be away from him even after what his parents wanted from him , I had to go .

"Michael, I have to go home . Julia needs my help with something".

"Ok, I'll drop you off then".

"You don't have to".

"I insist, let me do it for you"

It was no use trying to change his mind so I accepted, "okay, then".

We got there and I got out of the car and bade him goodbye and went in to meet Julia

"I'm home , Julia".


"You needed my help right?"

"Nope, just wanted you to be home on time".

"You little monster", she laughed and ran into her room and I chased her up .