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Chapter 10.

*At Elizabeth's home*

"Mom, fo you think my marriage with Michael will workout?"

"Yes of course sweetie, trust me".

"But mom you saw his reaction the day we were introduced to each other",

"He must have been shocked, don't worry too much, just leave everything to us the elders".

"K, that means I have to arrange a date with him, see you later mom".

She walked up the stairs and into her room, got her phone and dialed Michael's number, at first he was reluctant to answer but she was too persistent and he finally gave in. "Hello?"

"Hi, it's Elizabeth".

"So how may I help you?"

"Nothing much just wanted to tell you that we are going on a date tomorrow".

"What? You didn't inform me, I've got a very busy schedule tomorrow". Michael said,

"Tomorrow is Saturday".

"Yes, umm, I ehh..... I have to go to the orphanage and visit so I'm afraid I won't be available"

"Then I'll come with you".

"You don't really have to", he said in an attempt to discourage her.

"But I want to, so I'll meet you at your house tomorrow then, good night".

*Michael's POV*

"A date? With Elizabeth?" I asked myself trying to figure out if it was a dream. To be honest , I have nothing to do tomorrow but I had to think of an excuse but she didn't budge so I had no choice but to give in to her but on the bright side , I'll get to stay with the kids and have fun with them.

*The next day*

"Michael , are you done it's time to go" said Elizabeth from downstairs . My parents weren't at home at the moment so I didn't bother to answer her, so I grabbed my car key and walked down the stairs. She pulled me in for a hug, the least I could do was to reciprocate it, so I walked over to my car and got in but she didn't, I asked why and she said,

"I thought you were gonna open the door for me, but you didn't",

"Just get into the car or we are gonna be late"

"Fine", she said with annoyance in her voice.

We got to a mall and bought gifts for the children and proceeded to our destination. I really wished that it was Lucy . I knew that sooner or later , I'll have to tell Elizabeth that I can't marry her.