Chapter 45- Kate's suspicious

I get inside and look at myself at least 5 times before I lie down. Kate shuffles and turns in her spot and before I know it she's up rubbing her eyes before she turns to face me. Why did she have to get up so early?

''Sia'' she says and looks at me with wide eyes.

''Hey'' I reply.

''I thought you said you weren't gonna be here because you had to help with a neighborhood clean up?''

''Yeah but uhm they postponed it till next week''

''Oh so when did you get here?''

''Not too long'' I tell her.

''Why'd you get up so early?'' I question her.

''I have to use the bathroom'' she says.

We get out of the tent and inform Ms. Wilber that we'll be heading to the bathroom. Ms. Wilber accompanies us to the bathroom and we engage in awkward conversation, he asks me even more questions than I was expecting from Kate but shes just curious about my whereabouts from last night. Wait I hope she didn't mention anything about me going to dinner or anything to my mother because I know my mother checks up on me everyday especially when she doesn't hear from me and I'm pretty sure that Ms. Wilber tells her everything too.

''Sia I didn't know you were coming back so early. I wish you would've informed us that you will not be coming back tonight because you can't just stay out all night without telling me. Your parents trust us an I'm in we're in charge of you all and you can't stay out all night without telling me'' She tells me as we walk to the bathroom up to the trail.

''I know I'm sorry. It won't happen again''

''Did you uhm tell my mom?'' I ask.

''No but I was going to ask her about your whereabouts this morning''

''Oh no she knows, I was with her so you don't need to tell her anything''

We walk up the trail and Kate goes into the bathroom while Ms. Wilber awkwardly stands outside waiting for her. We make our way back to the tent and Ms. Wilber goes back in hers while we go in ours.

''So who's gonna go first?'' Kate smiles from next to me.

''First for what?''

''About dinner'' She says.

''You go first'' I tell her. It'll give me some time to come up with lies about how my night was.

My night was incredible, I felt a feeling in my body that I've never felt before. I wonder what it was, it was indescribable but so amazing, I've felt it before but not so much as last night. Last night it dominated my body and I wished I could feel it forever and I only feel it when I'm with him.

He causes that feeling and I really wanna know if he felt it too. I still can't believe all of that happened last night, so many things happened last night: after our fight at dinner at his father's house to him almost dropping me off in some dark dead-end road to us having sex. I hope it's less painful than last night like he promised it would be. I finally experienced the one thing everyone craves and obsesses over and I've gotta admit it was painful but seeing him naked was the sexiest sight ever and I didn't want to take my eyes off of him until he kept smirking at me and making fun of me as I kept staring at him trying to distract me from the pain.

''Sia!'' Kate shouts and waves her hand in my face.

''Sorry I was just thinking about something''

''What was it?'' She asks.

''Nothing, forget it tell me how dinner was''

She tells me about dinner and I just nod and pretend to listen, I really wanna listen, I do but every time I try to Hero just pops into my head and before I know it I'm reliving everything that happened last night. The way he kissed me, the way he touched me and the way he moaned my name when I was on my knees in front of him taking all of him in my mouth, I reminisce about it all.

I was embarrassed most of the time as I had no experience and I still barely do and he has a lot, my face turned red of embarrassment when I saw the blood down there but after he cupped my cheek in his hand and told me I have nothing to be embarrassed about and immediately I felt better, I was still a bit ashamed but when I looked into those sparkling blue eyes filled with concern they were so calming that I felt much better and I clung onto him and didn't want to let go.

''Sia'' Kate interrupts my thoughts about Hero and me.

''Continue I'm listening'' I lie and cover it up with a smile.

Kate continues to tell me everything that happened at dinner even though I missed the first half as my mind was clouded with thoughts of my night. She tells me that dinner was great but they ended up going to a really fancy restaurant and she ordered something a little bit weird and the food was expensive considering the small portion they got. She says she didn't really like the food that much but the dessert was really good. I laugh so hard when she tells me that Elliot looked nervous and spilled a drink on his lap and it covered the area of his pants below the belt making it look like he peed himself.

She said everyone tried to hold in their laughter but they burst out laughing when he excused himself and went yo the bathroom to clean up but when he came back the stain from the drink was still there. She tells me all about Savanna Easton girlfriend and how lively, friendly and pretty she is. Overall she said dinner was great and she wished that I could've come. I was just about yo respond to her and tell her that I will definitely come next time but she raises her brows at me and confuses overtakes her face as she looks at my arm.

''What happened to your arm?'' she asks.

''What?'' I ask unsure of my next response.

''You have a bruise on your arm'' she points to the spot on my arm.

''Oh uh I hit my arm on a wall'' I lie.

''Really you look like someone squeezed or hit your arm or something''

''No I just hit it on a wall in the bathroom in the restaurant''

'' Oh does it hurt it looks kinda bad''

' 'No it doesn't okay'' I snap at her.

''Sorry but it just looks like someone grabbed your arm or something' '

''So what are you trying to imply that someone that someone grabbed my arm and squeezed it because no one did so maybe you should just stop asking questions about everything for once'' I growl and Kate has a mixed expression of both turmoil and a bit distressed.

''Sorry I was just concerned about it but I didn't know you would act like that'' She says and turns away from me.

''I'm sorry I didn't mean to say that it's just that you kept assuming that someone grabbed me by my arm when I told you that I hit it on the corner of a wall but I'm sorry for snapping at you like that" I apologize.

''It's okay'' She says.

We continue talking for a bit and she asks me continuous questions about dinner last night. I tell her that it was great and Nelson was such a gentleman to me and after dinner, I went to my mother's house and I spent the night there. As I continue to lie to her about last night I feel a snap of guiltiness and nervousness form a pit in my stomach. I try to ignore it and continue lying which I hate, I tell her the exact opposite of what actually happened last night but lucky for me she seems to buy it. I don't know how long I can keep coming up with these lies.

We then make our way outside with everyone else. Kate, Easton and I hang out for a while before we all have to pack up our things and move to our next destination. After walking for about 2 hours we finally stop for a water break. During our water break, Mr. Brown informs us of our next assignment.

''For the next assignment you all will get into groups of 2 and tomorrow we will give each group their own mystery, legend or story and we will use the little information that we have on them and you all will give to gather evidence, artifacts or anything that you can find given the information we have on mystery. We will tell you all more about it tomorrow but for now, you can form your groups of two. This assignment will be running for 5 days.'' Mr. Miller tells us.

After about 5 minutes we continue walking. We walk for another two hours with me checking my phone every 2 minutes to see if Hero texted me or anything but he didn't. Every time I check my phone there are just messages from everyone back at home but none from him. Where is he? I wonder what he's doing that he's so busy that he can't even text me. I don't text him first because I don't wanna seem like I'm clingy or anything so I was waiting for him to text first. I stare at the phone screen anxiously waiting for him to text.

''Everything okay?'' Easton asks as he walks up to me.

''Yeah sorry I was just checking for something'' I say, I hadn't even realized that I strayed away from the group. I was so caught up waiting for him to text that I hadn't realized I stopped walking and I'm far behind. The anticipation is driving me crazy so I decide to text him first.

''Thanks for coming back to check on me''

''Oh it's no problem'' He says and puts both of his hands in his pockets and we both walk off to catch up with the rest of the group.

I'm exhausted but as soon as we reach our new spot for the night relief washes over me. Kate and I work together and we set up our tent by ourselves, it's the first time we've done it without Ms. Wilber's help. We high five each other at our great achievement. We get in the tent and Easton joins us inside to hang out for a bit before we sleep. Easton tells me about last night and he and Kate tell me some other jokes that Kate forgot to tell me last night and we all burst out laughing. Easton then asks me about my night and I stick to the same story that I told Kate earlier today until he asks me what happened to my arm and I accidentally slip up.

''I hit it on the corner of the wall in my mother's kitchen'' I tell him.

''Wait didn't you say that you hit your arm on the corner of the wall in the bathroom in the restaurant?'' Kate looks at me with as confusion overtakes her face.

''Oh yeah right I did hit it in the restaurant but after I remember that I bumped into the kitchen wall too'' I lie.

I really need to keep my lies on track.

We continue talking for a while until it's 8 and Easton leaves to go in his tent as we all wanna get a night's rest. I change into my pajamas and lay down on my spot, I close my eyes for a bit until my phone beeps next to me.

*Get ready, I'll be there in ten

The message reads.

Get ready for what? I'm assuming he means that he coming to pick me up to go to his house. Kate's asleep and outside is quiet and the time is now 9:30.

*Be careful and don't let anyone see you

I text him back and he replies in less than a minute.


He sends and I'm so confused. Why would he just tell me to laugh out loud when I told him to be careful and don't let anyone see him? I'll ask him why he texted that when he gets here. I change into jeans and a top and put on my necklace. I quickly try to put on some makeup but before I know it the tent unzips and Hero tells me that he's ready. I get outside and his hand is in his pocket with his other occupied with his phone. He looks up from his phone and lowers his brows at me when he sees my outfit.

''What's wrong?'' I ask and look down at my outfit, he walks past me and goes into my bag to pull out something he wants me to wear.

He pulls out a skirt and tells me to wear it. Why does he always want me to wear skirts?

''Wait here'' He tells me and I do as I'm told.

He returns back later with a sweatshirt in his hand. I unfold it and it has a name on it and a football next to it.

''Put this on'' He instructs.

I go inside and just as I begin to change I notice Hero standing behind me.

''Can I have some privacy please?'' I turn to face him.

''You do know that I've seen everything already right'' he says calmly and I have no idea what to say so I just stare at him until he sighs then makes his way outside.