Chapter One

(Bond with the Tape. Let us just become one with it)....
The beginning to the end has already slapped me in the face and I wished I had no ears. I say this because I'm currently being tortured hearing four people in some other room arguing about who didn't put the toilet seat up. Like really? I know your all guys but that's just ridiculous of a topic right now.

I tightened my fist testing out how much they tied my wrist together while sitting down on this chair. My wrist screamed in pain but there was some room to try and rip the tape off. I already gave up on trying out my wings, since they're flat against my back and unable to even move. I grunted some more still trying my best to untightened the tape, but they sure knew how to wrap it around.

" I don't care! I had to go very badly, and your dumb ass self had to put it down. Your lucky I had the time to put it up or there was going to be quite a mess," I heard someone say as the door to my left opened up and men all walked in still talking about the toilet seat issue.
" You know we have people clean the bathrooms every 4 hours. I've been trying to tell you it wasn't me," The guy named Alan said to the first guy named Valen.

Valen tsked as though he wasn't believing Alan.

" Yea and I so happen to see you actually walk right into the bathroom right before we had the call to get this new hybrid. So lie again and I'll throw you in a cage," Valen said growing irritated.
The other two guys that weren't speaking were watching their co-workers in amusement. Guess they couldn't figure out why they were having this conversation as if it's THAT important.
I wiggled a tiny bit in the chair to get an annoying kink out of my hip that's been bothering me for some time now. In doing that movement though, I attracted their attention.

" Shoot. Forgot she was even in here," Valen said, and walked up to me and tilted my chin up. I grunted at him. He smirked at my expression and then brought his hand to my shoulder and squeezed a bit.

' So you walk into a room just for the fun of it with no purpose?' I thought.

" Sorry bird, but you're staying with us for a while. Our boss only said to capture you and hold you until he gives more orders. So sit back and relaaaaax," He said and smiled.

I gave a look, and then thought ' call me a bird again and I'll peck you', and jerked my face away from him.

"Feisty girl you are. Wonder how long you can keep it up. I'll guess it'll stop once your wings get ripped out of your back," He continued on talking casually.

My eye twitched a bit, but my expression stayed blank. These empty threats they make whenever I got captured was starting to bore me. I always get away so having their words get to me is pointless. I finally showed emotion by just giving him a smirk. His face dropped from playful to angry in a blink of an eye. He backhanded me making my head jerk to the left sharply. I heard my neck crack in a good way and sighed.

" Thanks, I needed my neck to crack for hours now," I said as I turned my head back to him.

" You little shit, Ill crack the other side, then," He said and was about to do it again when Alan held his hand back.

" Quit it. We need her in one piece. It's not our place to cause her harm. If the boss found an inch of anything wrong with her he will have OUR heads served on a golden platter" he said and let Valen's hand go.

Valen mumbled something and scratched his jaw. He tsked and walked around me in circles before he stopped and stared at me.

" Damn it. Until I see her without wings, I won't lay a finger on matter how badly I want to," He finished off and licked his lips his eyes looking over my shoulder to my wings.

I cringed hard and looked at a stain on a wall. ' Can I be that stain? Just plop me on a wall and never wash me easy that would be to enjoy. Better than this annoying jerk in my face'.

The two other men who didn't speak at all since they came in were speaking to one another looking at me and then at Valen. Alan was on his phone now, and Valen kept an eye on me like a dang hawk.

Does he think I'm capable of doing anything tied down? He's crazy. Perhaps he didn't take his pills today.

A sudden sound like an intercom coming to life was heard.

" Bring the Hybrid into my office now!" An angry voice boomed.

'Great another angry man not taking his happy pills' I thought.

Valen was way too eager to start untying me since he speed-walked behind me to do it. I felt his hands moving about and he wasn't being gentle. I felt his thumb go between my taped hands and move up forcefully causing me to cry out.

" What dick head tied her this way? can't get the damn tape to loosen. Keeps getting tangled even more. Damnit, I give up. Alex give me a knife," Valen said in frustration.

Alex stepped forward producing a switchblade and handed it over. Valen took it and opened it and started cutting away. I listened to the cutting sounds and then felt my hands separate. I sighed in relief and rubbed my hands.

" Stand up and walk out the door. Oh just to set things clear, try using your wings and they just might be ripped out before we even get to our bosses office." Valen hissed out by my ear.

' Like their not tied already you idiot' I thought.

I didn't reply but did as told as me and the four guys exited out of the current room and into the hallway. Being lead the way by Valen, we walked past door after door that had no sounds within the rooms.

' There's no way I'm the only one in this building... where are the other hybrids?' I thought as I scanned for signs of just anything.

Valen stopped me in front of a huge brown door that had the words, ' Headquarters' written on it. Alex walked next to me and knocked on the door. We stood to wait for an answer.

" Come in. Bring only the hybrid, Valen and Alex in," The man behind the door said.

Alan and the no-name guy yet, walked away leaving me, Valen and Alex alone. The doors got swung open by people on the other side of the door, and we walked in. My eyes widen a bit as I saw two girl hybrids chained by the throat with their wings being held down by weights, standing next to this so-called boss.

' This is new' I thought in disbelief.

One of the girls looked at me and without thinking, she started whimpering and started to walk to me. The moment she even took a step one side of her wing feathers started coming out. She stopped as she noticed and didn't move anymore. The weight on her wing was causing her to barely move. Even that chain around her throat wasn't giving her room to move that much. I gave her a look of worry. She was suddenly distracted by the boss who was staring at her in complete anger.

" See what I have to deal with. No good slave that can't see the obvious. Did you forget you're not allowed to move!" Boomed the boss making her shake in fear.
He stood up and grabbed her face squeezing it hard. She cried out in pain and started stuttering fast.

" I-I-I'm sorry...Ple...Please don't hurt me, master," She said in fear.

He grew a smile and let her face go but forced her on her knees causing more strain on her throat. I noticed that the chains were connected to the wall which meant if being put on the ground you will be choked out. Which the boss has intended to do. She started clawing at her throat and tried to stand up but the boss had his hand on her shoulder keeping her down. Her face started changing colours while he laughed and then forced her to stand up. She coughed hard and gasp for air with tears coming down her face.

He turned around and sat down in his chair and his gaze landed on me. I stiffened just then.

" Huh... Her wings are black. Haven't seen that before. Bring her here," He said and held his hand out.

Valen shoved me forward causing me to get closer to the boss.

In my head, I was picturing me planting my feet on the ground and being dragged to him against my will. I was right in front of him and I started to sweat a bit. He leaned forward and turned me to the side to look at my wings that were tied. I felt his hand run down my wings. I shivered.

" Who tied her wings?" He asked looking at Valen and Alex.

Alex stiffened and Valen didn't change his expression of being bored out of his mind. Valen pointed lazily at Alex making Alex look at Valen in shock.

" You did a good job. You might have a job of tying down wings. See to it," he said and I watched as some guy by the entrance to where we first walked into the room, stand near Alex giving him something. Alex's face lit up suddenly.

" Thank you, sir! I won't make you regret your decision," He said and walked out of the office to start his new position. Now there just leaves Valen, and me with the rest of the silent people besides the boss.

The boss suddenly plucked one of my feathers out making me wince. He's lucky it doesn't hurt that bad. He studied it for a while, turning it this way and that.

' It's a feather. Birds got feathers and he's acting like its some rare thing'. I thought.

" Throw her in a cage. I just might keep this one for my own pleasure. See to it that she takes a shower. Wash her wings and keep them tied for now," He ordered to Valen.

Valen nodded and gripped my arm. I watched as the other hybrid girl looked at me in fright. Those eyes were screaming for me to try to get away and not end up like them.
Little did they know it wasn't going to be that easy. Not this time.