Chapter Two

And we're back in the hall.

I growled a bit as Valen still held my arm as he walked me to this destination. We walked for 3 minutes through the hall causing me to forget escape routes and then walked through two glass doors. After we walked through, he kept us walking till he went to another door, took out a key card and slid it down the card swipe. The door made a beep sound and opened automatically. He dragged me in front of him and then shoved me in the room. I looked around to see it was a bathroom.

" Wash your body and then knock on the door and I'll get you. You only have 10 minutes so don't waste time. Clothes are on the bench.... get them wet and you won't be getting another outfit" he said and then walked off with the door closing on me.

I looked around and saw a bench on my right side and then saw the clothes on it with socks. My eyes then looked to see the shower head.

" Well, least it's not facing where the clothes are but still..." I mumbled as I took my old clothes off that was dirty from fighting the guys who brought me here.

Since my wings were tied up, taking the shirt off was a tad difficult. I ended up just ripping the shirt off me. I then set my old clothes near the door and then turned the knobs to work the shower. The water burst out hitting my skin and it was COLD! I screamed out jumping away from the water as best as I could. I readjusted the temp until it got hot. I sighed in bliss and washed my hair and body. I watched as grim and dirt ran off me and into the drain. I then forgot how long I been showering because there was a knock on the door.

" Times up. Get ready and come out," Valen said impatiently.

I squeezed out the remaining water in my hair and then turned the water off shaking my body a bit. I saw a towel hanging on a hook to my left and dried myself off. My wings were soaked and it needed to be blow dried.

' I know they wouldn't dare give me such a device to have...might just beat them with it' i thought.

I looked at the clothes on the bench and picked it up. It was a purple jumpsuit. Strangely they had rips already cut in the suit making it go low for wings to lay out. I put it on through legs first and brought it up past my butt. We had a problem though. Since my wings were soaked it was difficult to have them go in front of the material. So I had the jumpsuit stop at my butt and tried tugging my wings to where I can get the rest of the jumpsuit up. Try having that work when your wings are heavy and tied up. If I had them untied and outspanned it wouldn't be hard.

I turned towards the door and knocked on it. Valen started opening the door but slammed it shut after seeing my appearance.

" Why aren't you dressed?!" He almost screamed out.

I smirked for a second.

" Well, it's hard putting this jumpsuit on when my wings are tied up. So can you untie them so I can get this on?" I asked.

There was groan from him. He slowly opened the door with just his hand being shown with the pocket knife that he still had.

" Turn around and I'll untie them. Don't pull any tricks because this knife will cut you," he said.

I turned around for him, and I saw the door opening more in the corner of my vision as I turned my head to my left. I felt his hands working on my wings then. He was mumbling stuff as he cut the rope and I felt my wings separate. I sighed in relief a bit and then heard the door being shut again.

" There. Now hurry up, I got to tie you back up and then get you to the cage," he said once again behind the door.

I stretched my wings out a bit in this small shower room and pulled the outfit up and laid my wings back down. I zipped up the jumpsuit over my chest and it reached up to my collar bone. I took my long black hair out from inside the jumpsuit, put on the black socks and then turned around grabbing my old clothes. I knocked on the door again and Valen opened it. He looked up and down at me and then step back so I can come out.

I walked out and he once again wrapped the rope around my wings. I sighed inwardly and then was being walked again. We walked up to a desk and Valen took the old clothes from my hands and gave it to a woman behind a desk. She looked up suddenly from looking at the computer screen. Her expression looked surprised as she looked at me.

" A new one? Jeez when will he give up," she said and took the clothes on the desk and tossed them in a trash bin behind her that said 'waste'.

My insides hurt a bit because that outfit cost quite a lot to get. The woman then typed something on her keyboard as Valen waited for something.

" Name?" She spoke without looking away from the screen.

It took a second to realize she was asking for my name. She then looked at me raising an eyebrow.

" Desarae," I replied and coughed a bit.

She nodded her head and then typed again and started humming. Valen was looking around and I saw his hand taping on his thigh. He was getting impatient.

" Alright, your name tag is coming up. Here's the collar and the leash," She said as she stood up holding the two items in her hand and a printer was printing in the background probably printing my name tag. Valen grabbed the leash and collar. He turned to me and started putting the collar on. I stiffened to how close he suddenly was to me. He kept quiet as he gets the collar on making it not tight. He then put the leash on me. He backed up and then held the leash in his hand and then grabbed the name tag the woman held out for him to take.

" Good luck. Might want to behave with that boss. Your number 8 of his hybrid slaves," she said and went on back to her computer.


My eyes grew at this new information and I started to worry now. I didn't want to be number eight. What does he even do with the others? I know he had two in his office so where are the other five?

I wondered this in my head as Valen got us into a huge room and my attention became alert when I saw huge cages upon cages standing next to one other with an inch gap of space. Then I noticed other hybrids. They were sitting on like a damn bird swing in the cages looking scared and tired. My eyes watched as some were laying on the ground to sleep and others just on the swing staring off into space. Valen walked us past about 5 cages until he stopped us to one. He took out the keycard once more and swiped it down and the cage opened. He walked in with me in tow. He took the leash off me and then walked out.

" Welcome to your new home until the boss wants you. Like the woman said, you best behave yourself. You don't want to find out what punishments he got in store. You already saw what he does to his slaves that don't behave. I doubt you want your wings weighted down," He said and then closed the door and walked out of sight.

I pressed my teeth together and watched him leave and then started freaking out. I'm in a cage. A human cage. I looked around seeing a lot of women in the cages instead of men. They all had wings tied behind their backs. Some were looking at me but didn't say anything. In fact, there was no communication what so ever. So it was quiet besides humming coming from somewhere. I looked around finding where the humming was coming from because it started getting to me and making me nervous. I got my answer when someone spoke.

" The cage is wired to be used to electrify us," I heard a woman three cages down say.

What! Oh hell no.