Chapter Four

Valens P.O.V

I wasn't expecting this. I knew she was going to do something, but jumping through a glass window?! never saw it coming. It was already too late since I got distracted looking at my phone. That damn boss should've been keeping an eye on her considering her record. It's his fault!

I looked at the broken window in disbelief as I saw Desarae flying off further and further away. I turned towards my boss only to see him watching her in a calm way. I furrowed my brows at his expression. He turned away from the window sitting back in his chair. I watched him as he continued writing on his forms of papers.

'Something's off....why isn't he doing anything to get her back?' I thought.

" Valen. Go to the front desk, inform that number eight has escaped, and then return back," The boss said, casually looking down still.

I just stared at him not moving. I blinked, being stunned as he looked up with a raised brow in question.

I stuttered incoherent words as I turned around and went out of the office scratching my stubble on my chin. I looked back at the door and then to the floor.

" I must be missing something obvious...he's never calm when one of his slaves escapes, and yet he's chilling and not worried. Sending me down to report it as if that supposed to do something," I mumbled.

I ended up going down to the front desk, seeking out Valerie who was on the phone. I waited with my arms crossed. She chuckled and then looked up at me losing her smile.

" What's up?" She asked setting her phone down and leaning her chin on her hand in a casual way.

" Number eight has escaped," I said getting to the point.

She yawned and lazily looked at her computer screen and sighed.

" Great... have to assign them now...wish I got paid for this part of the job," She muttered as she stood up stretching.

I watched her as she pressed a red button, having a siren sound be heard, and about five men in blue came charging out of a room to my right. Valerie then rounded around her desk and walked up to the men.

" Bring the hybrid number eight back. Her record is interesting since she loves to escape from being held captive; so she won't be easy to get. Don't come back until you have her. Harm her if you must, but don't kill her. Do that, and your eyes and ears will be burned. Now you already know how to get your gear, so get it and start your mission," She said and crossed her arms as the men responded to her and walked off.

She jerked her head towards me having a serious look about her. I stiffened as she walked towards me. She stopped and slapped her hand down on my shoulder, making me wince.

" Don't worry they will bring her back...although I doubt she will live past those doors once she returns," Valerie said narrowing her eyes at the end of her words.

I narrowed my own eyes knowing exactly what she meant. No one dares to escape the bosses' grasp unless your planning on digging your own grave and saying farewell. I've been working here for five years and witnessed almost all of his rages. It's not very cool when it's directed towards you for screwing up his plans.

I rubbed my back remembering a scar left from him when I was first new here and kept messing up. I learned then and made sure not to make a mistake... but what if he blames me for her escaping...maybe he won't blame me...

" Hey, Valen get your head out of your ass!" I suddenly heard from my left.

I turned to see that Damien stood there with a glare directed at me. I cocked my head to the side a bit confused. He tsked and pointed to his neck. I blinked and it dawned on me what he was getting at.

Well damn. She's been microchipped in the neck. I grew a huge smile getting excited. I forgot that the boss came up with a new idea in case his captives decided to escape. It's going to be too easy to bring her back this way. I ran to my right going into another set of doors going directly into a small office space. I dug in a drawer searching for the microchip reader. I chuckled as I brought it up to my face turning it on. It booted up and then asked for a I.D number. I tapped in what it was and waited for results.

Damien stood next to me and watched. His eyes grew huge as it read 20 miles away from here.

" Damn she flies fast. How in the hell is she that far away already? It's only been 7 mins!" Damien said in disbelief.

He's right. It's crazy how her wings can carry her fast, I thought.

I looked up at Valerie who was standing halfway in the doorway watching us. She hmmed as she noticed I was looking at her.

"Do the men have the chip reader with them?" I questioned.

She nodded her head and folded her arms.

" Well of course they do. I wouldn't know how else they would bring her back if they didn't ….they don't have mind-reading powers you idiot," She responded back.

I coughed in embarrassment.

" Right," I said feeling stupid.

" Anyway let us leave it to them. This isn't their first or second time catching a Hybrid so I'm sure they will be back before dark...its only 5 pm," she said and then left altogether.

I nodded and then looked at Damien.

" You know... we should get to chase hybrids more then they should. I mean we are Hybrid catchers In training...but we already caught her, and you know we can't do it twice," Damien said leaning against a table.

" I hate how that works. Once you catch a hybrid you can only catch them once if you're not officially named a Hybrid catcher. Hell, we were just lucky we got to do it at all that day. Who knew she was in the neighbourhood," I said and sighed shutting the drawer and bringing the device with me out of the room.

" Whatever... We will get to torture her ass when she returns for causing chaos. I rather hurt her then the boss hurting us. I mean he's evil towards the hybrids, but he doesn't let up on us at all," Damien said and shuddered.

Yea...and I hate it, I thought biting my lip.

A/n: Hey guys sorry its been a long time since I published the next chapter. I've been working and having issues trying to write this chapter. Thanks for understanding and more will come. Thanks for the support. Love ya!