Chapter Five

Desarae's POV

How I miss flying! It's wonderful.

I smiled as I flapped my wings every few seconds getting more further away from that building. I punched the air in victory and screamed out in delight.

I've done it again. ha! I thought.

I flew past tree after tree trying to get my bearings. Its been a while since I've seen the outside so I forgot what direction my home town was. Since I'm not an actual bird with directional feelings it's not going to be easy to locate my house. Also, they brought me here in a van.

I sighed taping my chin as I continued flapping. I blinked suddenly noticing a stinging feeling in my neck. I touched my neck feeling a slightly hard item beneath my skin. I scrunched up my face in confusion not understanding what that is.

I flew towards a tree with a big enough space and stood on a branch with my wings outstretched behind me. I folded them against my back and then felt my neck again.

"What the hell is this? " I asked in fright and frustration.

I didn't have a phone or a mirror so I wouldn't be able to know what it was. I know for certain my neck never had a hard item their the last time I checked, which was when I took a shower... So when could it have gotten there... And what is it?!

I suddenly jerked my head towards the direction of the silhouetted building in the distance and heard something like a vehicle coming this way. I narrowed my eyes concentrating on my vision to see what was heading towards me.

" So he did send some guys after me... How pleasant, " I said gritting my teeth. I lowered my hand away from my neck, now understanding what the item was. They microchipped me.

Suddenly it makes sense why the boss was so damn calm! I thought.

I jumped down off the branch to the ground waiting for them. I ain't going to fly off and have them continue following me. It's pointless since they can track my moves now.

I saw the Vehicle more clearly and saw it was a blue van heading my way. I leaned against the tree yawning as they put full force on the brakes of the van making it squeal.

I raised an eyebrow at how dramatic that was.

" The poor wheels... And the poor engine, " I said as about five men came rushing out of the van with rifles and ropes.

They stood in a parallel line opposite me bringing their weapons up. One of the men walked forward, looking so buff that you can see his muscle through his shirt.

" Desarae come back with us without a fight or we will use force", the buff guy said.

I smirked at his chosen words. No way was I going back there without a fight. I had something up the sleeve that I haven't used before. The Boss certainly wasn't wrong when he called my wings crow wings... Since I'm able to call them on command when I'm outside in their world in the air.

I moved my fingers a bit into my sleeve down my wrist and felt up halfway past my wrist. I had a tattoo marking of a bird there. Of course, anyone who sees it would think its a normal tattoo, but this is what I use when I'm in a predicament and need the help of birds; crows to be more clear.

I smiled at the guy after I found the location of my marking and closed my eyes.

" You certainly can expect me to fight you guys. But it's your fault for what's about to happen," I said opening eyes with my smiling expression still present on my face.

The buff guy got angrier and stomped his way a few more feet towards me. He pointed his finger at me and growled.

" We will kill you if you don't come back. Are you going to throw your life away from this quickly?! " he shouted at me.

I'm going to be dead when I get back anyway so what's the difference if I die here or at the hands of the boss? I thought.

" Crows! I call you in the time of need! " I shouted into the air having my wrist glow under my sleeve.

The men hesitated when they heard my words and looked around themselves. When they didn't notice a change they all laughed at me.

I stayed expressionless, already knowing what's going to happen before they do. I heard caws suddenly and looked up in the sky seeing about 30 crows flying here. My smile deepened as the guys all looked up in shock.

" Doubting me seems to cause you guys to be stupid, " I said and laughed out loud.

I casually lifted my arm into the air having one crow land on my hand. It looked at me and then looked at the men. It cawed and the 29 crows all dipped down in sync heading right to the guys.

The guys all held their guns at the birds and started firing. The crows all moved in different directions dodging the bullets. The crow on my arm flew off and went right to the buff guy taking him by surprise. The crow cawed as it pecked his face and hands. I watched the other crows finally attack the guys after the bullets stopped and the guns fell out of their hands.

They screamed as the crows pecked, scratched and hit them with beaks and talons. I opened my wings up and ascended into the air. The buff guy saw this and started running to me. I didn't notice that he was until I felt his hand on my foot. I looked down in shock.

"You're not going anywhere! " he cried out as two crows kept attacking him.

He sure is taking that beating, I thought.

I flapped my wings even harder making him be lifted up into the air with me. I growled and leaned down towards my foot trying to get him off. He tightened his grip making my foot hurt. I cried out in pain and lost my focus and closed my wings against me causing us to fall to the ground hard.

I gasped as my back hit the ground. I felt the man's hand release from my foot as he smacked his face to the ground. He groaned and looked at me slowly. I rubbed my foot as I sat on the ground looking right back at him. He started getting up again growling as he rubbed his face in annoyance.

" Damn you. I hate how this is going. Just give up and end this already. Stop your crows and just come with us!" He said breathing heavily.

I blinked at him. I narrowed my eyes when his voice hit a nerve. I opened my wings again and forcefully flapped them making a cloud of dirt head right to him. He started coughing when it surrounded him making it hard for him to breathe. I stood up shaking my leg a bit to stop the annoying pain in my foot. I walked towards him when he had his eyes closed rubbing them to get the dirt out of his eyes. I grabbed his collar bringing his face down to my face level. I moved my wings where they were half hugging him in a threatening way.

" Listen here. I can make these crows dig your eyes out of your head, feed it to you and then cause your fingernails to get ripped I suggest YOU leave and never return." I whispered lowly to him.

He squinted his eyes looking at my angry expression. I moved my wings a bit away from his form as he thought about my words. My crow once before, landed on my head, staring at the buff guy again. The buff guy stiffened and backed away completely away from me.

" Damn it! Fine we will. I don't want my men to die under your hands. We will leave but don't think we won't come back. As long as that chip is in your neck, we will know where you are," he seethed.

I watched him turn around to yell at his men to fall back. They all did if not quickly enough to the van. They made a U-turn on the spot and drove away. I watched slowly as they disappeared out of my vision. I sighed slowly through my nose in relief. I flapped my wings one time to make it clear that I won and turned around to the tree behind me. All the crows besides the one still on my head were perked on the tree. I smiled at them and bowed to them all.

" Thank you so much for your help. I appreciate you all for driving them away. Since it's over you guys are free to go until I need you again. So thank you again," I said and straightened up.

The crow on my head flew to the tree then and went on a branch. It cawed at the other crows and they cawed back. They all opened their wings together and flew off into the sky. I smiled as my hair whipped around my neck from the wind they caused.

I chuckled and untangled my hair and then turned back towards that silhouetted building in the distance. I folded my arms against my chest as I hesitated.

" I know I should leave and never come back. But it just occurred to me other Hybrids are locked up in there. I can't leave them... But... I can't do this on my own. I need help from other Hybrids. It's going to be hard since they're all in hiding. Damn... guess an adventure to hell is in order. Well, bring it!" I said punching the air and biting my lip.