Chapter Six

I paced back and forth biting my nails as I thought up a plan. I really didn't want to return back to that hell place and get stuck there. I got out once, why should I risk returning there?

' To help your kind you idiot!' my thoughts shouted.

I shook my head groaning as I thought it over some more. I huffed out as I grew frustrated at myself.

" Alright Fine, I'll go back...I need a weapon or something. I got wings but they can only do so much," I growled out.

I looked around and noticed a gun on the ground to when those men came to attempt to capture me. I picked it up and checked to see if there were bullets and there was.

I put the gun in my sock and then covered it with my jumpsuit pant leg. I tested out my right leg and it didn't change the weight as much, so flying won't be a problem.

I looked in the direction of where the building was blurred away.

"I'm returning back to jail...which some won't willingly just go back to," I said sourly.

I opened my wings and ascended into the air. I gulped as I flew back to the building. I bit my lip and fiddled with my collar on the jumpsuit a lot. I blinked awkwardly as I grew nearer and saw where I burst through the window of the boss's office. I flew down until my feet touched the ground and tiptoed to a near boulder.

" Well, I'm back. Not glad to be back, but now I got to think of a real plan that won't be me staying locked up here. They probably will kill me if I waltz in with my hands up. Or worse, capture me before I even step my foot in the door," I whispered as I looked around.

I looked up and thought maybe there's a skylight where I could look into. I moved where my back pressed against the building, and opened up my wings, and flew up it. I landed on the roof and walked along till I found what I was looking for. I saw a glass roof huge enough to see through and crouched down till I was laying on my stomach. I looked around to see some people walking here and there, leading hybrids to wherever and then saw HIM come into view, and my eye twitched as I saw him talking to some other people pointing them from different directions and them running off.


I moved away from the glass window and tried to think of how to get fully inside without breaking the glass. I crouched still and continued moving around the roof. I eventually saw a door that could lead into the building. I tried the knob and of course it was locked. I twisted the knob with more force and the doorknob broke off and fell on the ground.

" Guess being angry comes in handy," I whispered.

I opened the door and went down a flight of stairs and did the same thing with the door on the bottom of the steps, breaking it and going on my way.

I was in some kind of boiling room by the way there was constant heat and smoke coming out of the pipes.

I covered my mouth and nose with my right wing as I hunched, crawled over and under pipe after pipe. I signed in relief after I saw another door which gave me hope that I can get out of here since I was sweating a lot.

This door wasn't locked, and I slowly opened it to be looking into a hallway and blank walls.

I fully walked out into the hallway and didn't hear anyone around. I walked down trying to listen to anyone coming and so far, nothing. I turned down another hall and noticed where I was and silently cheered.

I was where Valen first took me to the cages.

I was now in front of the keycode door, and I was confused on how to go about this.

I suddenly heard footsteps approaching the other side of this door and I quickly threw myself around the corner.

I heard the door open, and I peeked a bit to see a girl come out holding a keycard in one hand and a clipboard in the other. She was focusing on the clipboard as she rounded the corner opposite me and continued walking off.

I slowly and quickly slid through the door before it completely shut all the way. I sighed in relief as coughed a bit in my hand after realizing I was holding my breath.

" Desarae? your back?" I heard a female voice say.

I looked to my right and saw the female hybrid who warned me about the cage floor being electrified. I quickly walked over to her where she was already leaning against the cage bars looking at me.

I nodded my head and signaled her to be quiet.

She nodded her head at me.

" I came back to save you guys and get you all out. I'm actually surprised how I haven't been running into anyone this whole time and been quite a piece of cake." I said breathlessly and whispered to her.

" Hey Desarae.... Just out of curiosity but did you ever take out that tracker?" She whispered-asked me.

My face froze at her words, as it dawned on me that I never did.

I slowly shook my head at her as her eyes widened at my response. She made a twirling motion with her hand, and I turned around for her.

" No no no its blinking! you forgot to take it out?! they know you're here!" She whispered and shouted at me.

" But why haven't they raised the alarm if they know then?" I asked her.

She couldn't answer that question, but we both heard the sound of a keycard being swiped behind me and I turned my head to the door and then to her and she backed up away from the bars in fright.

I ran to hide behind the cage and crouched down to not be seen.

I heard about 8 pairs of feet enter into the room, and voices were heard about me being around in this room. I heard them asking the Hybrids questions and shouting at them about where I'm hiding.

I heard one voice stand out the most which was the boss as he was tsking and clicking his tongue in frustration as no one was giving him answers.

" I don't understand why the tracker is showing she is in here but yet I don't see her anywhere!" He shouted out.

" Maybe she isn't technically in here but might be outside instead?" Someone questioned.

The boss hmmph and then I heard him walk closer towards the door again as other footsteps followed behind him.

I heard the door open and close, and it was quiet once again in the room.

The girl in the cage moved and I looked up to see her looking at me in a relief way.

" That was a close one Desarea. I fear if you were caught, they would have killed you without a second thought due to the boss being very upset." She said as she released a long breath she might have been holding in after speaking.

I scratched my neck as I tried to figure out a plan to get them all out of the cages before the people realize I am indeed in this room.

" So, can you tell me what type of lock is on these cages? I didn't pay attention when I ran to hide." I said to her.

She turned her head towards the cage door as I stood up fully to try and get a look as well but wasn't helpful to what I saw. I walked around her cage to get my answer instead of having her give me the answer, and saw it was a padlock type.

I almost wanted to burst out laughing thinking how easy this will be to break off.

" So, do you think you can get us all out in time? Something tells me this won't be a quiet escape." She said warily.

I shrugged my shoulders in an answer to me not caring at this point, as long as they can escape out of this place because the way most of them looked, they don't even seem like they can even fly out of here.

I looked up at the ceiling and noticed whoever built this room was an idiot since the ceiling was half glass. I chuckled to myself and realized it was loud enough for the girl to give me a worried look.

" Don't worry about me just having a joke in my head is all," I said as I walked towards the other Hybrids which been watching us the whole time.

" I'll make this quick, since it will be a timed escape -plan I came up with, but with a show of hands who is able to use their wings to get out of here?" I spoke out quickly.

About three hybrids raised their hands out of five and I was very worried about that.

I breathed out an uneasy sigh due to the numbers that won't be able to leave easily.

" Ok that's not good. I suppose the three that can escape can and I will figure out the rest of you guys to get out." I said as I went to the cages to the three that can escape.

I did a high kick to the padlocks on the cages, and they all fell on the ground with a decent amount of noise. I heard some of the Hybrids gasp out of surprise as they stood up and walked out of the cages slowly.

They all tested out their wings which was a mix of white, brown and grey.

They all talked to each other quietly and then turned to me in a way to know what the next move was.

I pointed my finger up and their heads looked up to the glass window ceiling.

I walked back to the other girl who I haven't open the cage door yet and kicked off the padlock on hers and she walked out to the other hybrids.

" Thank you, Desara," she said as she looked at me and smiled.

I nodded my head to her and smiled back.

I decided to open the other cage doors to the other hybrid's and motioned them to the door for them to stand there and wait while I start the plan for the ones who can fly off.

I took out the small handgun that was still in my sock and cocked the gun to make sure a bullet was ready.

" Ok on a count of three and I do mean on three all of you guys in the middle of the room cover your heads and then immediately fly through the broken glass ceiling once I fire. Understand?" I asked as I aimed the gun up to the ceiling as they all hunched down with their wings covering themselves in a circle.

" Ok 1....2...3...!" I called out and fired two rounds at the glass ceiling making it shatter and rain down on the four hybrids who cried out in fear when the glass hit them.

As soon as the glass fell off them and, on the floor, they all stood straight up and made space for them all to use their wings and hovered into the air, and I watched as one by one went through the now broken glass in a quick haste.

I turned my attention now on the Five other Hybrids who looked at me in a ready to scare way.

" Ok I don't expect you guys to talk while we escape and I rather it be that way so I can get us all out of here safely. Theirs a door to our right as soon as we exit out of here which will lead us to the boiling room. I need you all to get through and follow the pipes that will lead you to a door that then leads you up some stairs. You will then find yourself on the roof. I know you guys can't use your wings but jumping down and having your wings spread out will make it where you can fall slowly and not hurt your legs. Now any questions?" I asked them.

They all shook their heads at me in sync.

I nodded at them in satisfaction that they didn't have any questions and I explained it perfectly.

I walked towards the door and realized something.

I chuckled out loud and realized we needed a key card to get out.

I held the gun in my hand twirling it about and then tilt my head to the five hybrids'.

" I suggest you guys' step back, looks like I got to fire our way through."

They all stepped back in one huge step which made me chuckle again and then I turned my focus on the keycard that glowed blue.

I fired at it once and the bullet went through it and the color sparked out and died into black.

The door then opened slightly.

I smiled and opened the door fully and didn't see anyone in the small hallway.

I motioned the hybrids to follow me as I poked my head in the open hallway left and right and didn't see anyone in sight.

I went to the door to my right and opened it and the Hybrid's all speed walked in.

I walked in after the last one went in through the doorway and I closed the door behind me making it dark.

I followed the hybrid's as they moved about through the pipes and smoke, and we make it to the other door and up the stairs and out onto the roof.

The hybrids all coughed as they breathed in the fresh air.

I walked past them and went to where I first flew up the wall of the building. I leaned over and noticed no one in sight down below but did hear voices far off talking and shouting out orders.

" Ok guys do what I told you and try and find where the other hybrids are. If you guys don't see him in 10 minutes or less leave and don't come back." I said as I looked at them all.

" Thank you for saving us, Desarae. Once we return and find our home we will see if we can find a way to get you out since you're the only one who was a tracking device. I'm assuming that's why you're not trying to come with us right now right?" One of the hybrids asked me.

She is quite right, I thought.

I nodded my head at her, and she nodded back at me and put her hand on my shoulder and gave a small squeeze.

I motioned for them to get going so they don't waste any more time.

They all opened their wings and hopped off the roof gently falling down until their feet hit the ground and they folded their wings and ran.

I signed in relief as I saved them all.

I looked into the sky and saw the three hybrid's that escaped were already far away but was still able to be seen.

I put the gun back in my sock as I turned my back and went back into the building and down the stairs and through the boiling room and out into the hallway.

I plan to get captured again but only to kill them all in my own way and my own time.

Like I said in the beginning, doesn't look like I'm going to be able to escape this time.