Tag Advancement Test- Friends and Enemies

We went hunting one last time during the week, but Grace thought it would be best if we spent the rest of the days coming up to the tag advancement test studying and practicing our skills. Each of us went to our masters and brushed up on different subjects pertaining to our jobs. We studied the histories, techniques, and basics of each of our individual jobs.

The test would be on the third day of the following week, so we were practicing and studying up until the day before. Even my master was more forthcoming with information, it would still be another couple of weeks at least for the metal worker to get us a prototype for our project, but even still she helped me study.

"It's an investment." She said when I asked her why she wasn't going to charge me for the study sessions. It didn't take long for the day to arrive. We packed up everything that we thought we'd need for the exam and headed towards the Travelers Guild. We were told to be there early in the morning, but I think we may have made it a little too soon.

There were no people out on the street when we got there, and when we came up to the door to head inside, we found that it was locked. Grace tried knocking on it only to have Sean come out and greet us.

"Hey guys, I'm so sorry it'll be another hour before we're able to let people inside. We're still setting up." It was understandable, but still, I wished that we'd maybe gotten there a little later. That feeling was short-lived, however because not fifteen minutes later hundreds of adventurers began appearing before the steps of the Travelers Guild, including some familiar faces. There was Jake, and his party, Boro and his lackeys made an appearance, of course, even my Master could be seen in the crowd.

I waved to get her attention, and she smiled at me as she started walking over. My sudden movement had gotten Jake's attention as well, and his group began to make their way towards us as well. I greeted my alchemy teacher first.

"Master, what are you doing here?" She shrugged her shoulders before pulling out a golden tag.

"Ahm here fer the same reason ye are ah suppose. Ahm tryin te advance mah tag." My jaw dropped. I didn't know that she was an adventurer. She noted my surprised appearance. "Ah may not be a traveler, but ah was raised by em, and ah am an adventurer fer mah country." Jake let out a peal of huge bellowing laughter.

"Don't you even know who your master is, kid?" I looked at him with a dumbfounded expression written across my face.

"Care to enlighten me?" I responded.

"Your master is Lilliana, the Poison Master! The most accomplished alchemist in this countries military history!" I changed my position glancing between my Master and Jake.

"Enough of that ah don't do that anymore ye know that." The alchemist gave Jake a small elbow to the ribs.

"I know, but you haven't even told the boy? You were one of the most famous adventurers in the realm at one point, and you didn't think to brag to him once?" Lilliana rolled her eyes.

"There's no need, ahm not that person anymore, ah don't kill ah teach. Let someone else be the Poison Master fer all I care." She paused and looked at me, who was now grinning ear to ear. "And yer never te call me any such thing do ya understand, boy?" I nodded my understanding. Our groups all intermingled for a while longer before Sean opened the door and stepped outside.

"Excuse me, may I have your attention!" His small voice was being drowned out in the ocean of talking that was happening in the crowd. "Ex- Excuse me!" My Master rolled her eyes before turning to the masses.

"SHATTAHP WILL YE BLEATIN ANIMALS!" She screamed in a voice that seemed too big for her body to be able to produce. The crowd took notice, though, and silence spread across the adventurer covered streets. Sean thanked the alchemist and turned back to the crowd.

"If I could have all of your attention! I am about to go over today's events!" He yelled out as loud as he could muster. "You will step foot into the guild, and once you do, you will look for the signs with your designated job written on them. Follow those signs, and it will lead you to the government proctor for your specific jobs test. You will follow them to the written examination area and will be further briefed on the specifics of the exam you will be taking. Each test is separated by a job, which means you will not be able to cheat using someone else from your party. Now in a neat and orderly fashion, please line up so that we can make today move smoothly!" I was finally glad that we had made it here earlier than anyone else as we would be the first ones in and wouldn't have to clamor for a good spot in line.

We were the first through the door. Most of my party immediately saw their signs and said their goodbyes and good lucks, but I was still struggling to find the one for Alchemist. That's when I heard my Master behind me.

"Todd, it's this way! We get shafted every year because we're in the 'least popular.'" She did air quotes to emphasize the last part of her sentence. I went ahead and followed her to the far end of the bottom floor, which were quite a ways away from the entrance given the size of the building. We walked until I finally found the sign for Alchemists.

"Thanks for that I don't know if I would have found it without your help." She nodded but didn't say anything else to me. She had a look of focus on her face that I'd never seen before. She almost looked nervous. I didn't have time to ponder though, because Roman walked up behind us.

"Looking forward to failing today?" He said to me. "Lilliana, I hope you're doing well." He said, turning to my Master.

"Excuse me?" I was about to go in on him, but Master held up a hand and told me not to. I didn't completely listen to her, though. "You should give our Master your respect." This brought out a stream of giggles from Roman.

"Oh, didn't you hear? I'm not her student anymore; yes I found a much more useful master; he shows me all kinds of cool tricks with battle alchemy. He doesn't waste my time with silly little potion-making lessons or makes me go pick plants in the forest." I scowled at him, but as he finished a tall, well-dressed man came up to Romans side.

"Doing some recruiting for me, are you?" Hello, I am Raymond The Alchemist Blade." I could hear my own Master scoff beside me. "Oh, Poison Master, I didn't even see you there! Is this one of your students? What a shame." He turned back to look at me and gave me a flashy smile. "Please do let me know if you get tired of this one and her outdated views on alchemy. I could always use another disciple." This guy made my skin crawl.

"But Master, you already have me! I wouldn't waste your teachings on an untalented nobody like this one." Roman whined while jerking his head at me. His Master gave him an amused chuckle before telling him to move along. They both went to greet some of the other Alchemists in the area.

"What a couple of gross dudes." I could hear Master sighing beside me. "Don't worry, Master. I do not doubt that your teachings will make me a better alchemist." She nodded her agreement.

"Thank ye fer that. Honestly, it did hurt mah pride a little to lose a student to that piece of human garbage." I couldn't stand those guys; they were just one and the same looking down on people like they were so much better than us. 'Gross.' I reiterated in my mind. We stood in silence for a few minutes before Sean popped up beside us.

"What are you doing over here? I thought you'd given up alchemy?" I asked him; Master had the same questioning look as I did.

"I gave up on adventuring, but I still have aspirations. I have plans for the government one day, and getting a higher level tag will only help my chances of receiving a commission." Master nodded, seemingly following what he was talking about.

"I thought that you weren't studying under Master anymore, though?" He agreed that he wasn't and bowed his head slightly at the alchemy teacher.

" The Poison Master specializes in alchemy that helps adventurers but there are different types of alchemy you know. I'm studying agricultural alchemy, but I know a couple of things that might help if the practical exam is has anything to do with combat. Which I hope it doesn't."

"Actually, after ah lost ye as a student, ah changed mah teaching style a little. So if ye ever want te come back and learn from meh again, yer always welcome Sean." Sean looked like he was going to cry. He thanked her for her kindness then told us that he had a couple more people that he wanted to talk to.

A few minutes passed, and I was starting to wonder where this proctor was. But I didn't have to wait very long because a very tall man in a dark alchemists coat similar to mine and a plague doctor's mask walked out from a nearby room. He stopped in front of the small group of alchemists that were assembled there and began to talk.

"The exam room is now available for those that aspire for a silver tag; everyone else waits here." He said in a soft yet demanding voice. I said goodbye to my teacher and followed the tall man to the exam room. I felt a lump swell in my throat, and my pulse quickened. Tests had never really been my forte'. 'What if I fail?'