Chapter 6

Before he knew it, Izuku found himself standing in his kitchen, with an enormously sulky Katsuki laying on his couch. He was looking for something for the other man to drink. Some sort of beer, or liquor, but he'd forgotten that he was exclusively gifted with fruity wines for some reason. How had he ended up in this situation? Just a few months ago, everything was normal in his life. He'd been doing perfectly fine hero work, spending time with his friends, learning to cook buns and cupcakes and nonsense. But of course, everything Katsuki touches explodes, and his life had apparently been infected by the chaos. He heard a groan coming from the couch, and he eyed the culprit warily.

"Kacchan?" He called hesitantly.

"Where's the fucking booze, nerd? Your resident piece of garbage wants to get wasted."

"I just have um, Riesling, champagne, and like ten bottles of rosé." Izuku knew what was coming long before Katsuki said anything.

Katsuki's head rose from behind the back of the couch like a corpse from the grave. "You seriously brought me here to drink that crap? Is this some fucking revenge plot for the past, Deku? 'Cause count yourself avenged. This is cruel."

"I wasn't thinking," Izuku mumbled, feeling kind of bad. "Everyone just gives me sweet things for some reason, but we can go somewhere else!"

"Fuck no," Katsuki said, oozing over the back of the couch so his arms dangled down. "You're stuck with me now, so hit me with your least-sweet shit."

Izuku brought him a glass of Riesling, setting it on the coffee table nervously.

"I cannot fucking believe I'm trying to drink myself blind with a wine glass of Riesling in some fucking nerd's apartment," Katsuki sighed. "Just when I thought I couldn't get any more pathetic."

"You're not pathetic," Izuku said, automatically. Katsuki heroically downed the entire glass in one gulp. Izuku poured him another, which was summarily rejected when Katsuki grabbed the whole bottle. Izuku sipped on the abandoned glass, trying not to fixate on how Katsuki's throat moved as he chugged the wine.

"Gonna have a hell of a hangover," Katsuki muttered.

"Isn't this self-destructive?" Izuku was concerned, but also unsure how much he could push.

"I've destroyed everything else, so I may as well add my goddamn self to the list." Katsuki held up a hand, watching small explosions dance across it. He seemed pensive and moody, which was a departure from any other mood Izuku had seen on the man. It unsettled him.

"Wouldn't have pegged you to be so dramatic," Izuku said, hoping to lighten the atmosphere. Anything to stop Katsuki from looking so down.

Katsuki practically melted across the couch, turning so he was nearly on top of Izuku. Izuku shrank down, looking up at the other man. One of Katsuki's hands had landed next to his hip, and the other precariously held the bottle, propped against the back of the couch. He was half-caging Izuku in, and the proximity was frying his brain. His heart pounded, as he took in the muscles bunching in Katsuki's shoulders, his burning expression, his slightly parted lips. God damn.

"Wouldn't mind being pegged by you," Katsuki drawled, and Izuku actually choked, fire shooting through his limbs. This was bad. He did not need that image in his head right now.

"Y-you can't say that," Izuku said, holding onto his glass for dear life.

"No, no," Katsuki admonished him, taking another drink from the bottle. "I'll say what I fucking want, nerd. I'm being self-destructive, remember?" It was unfair, really. Izuku had planned on being there for Katsuki emotionally, and had zero idea what to do when Katsuki acting like this. It was pushing the limits of Izuku's self-control, and he was seconds away from either bolting from the room or kissing Katsuki himself.

He snatched the bottle from Katsuki and downed the rest, ignoring how Katsuki's gaze fixated on his mouth as he drank. His head was buzzing. Distantly, he knew this was a perfect storm for something they'd inevitably regret. He'd meant to be there for Katsuki, not bang him. Could he not do both, though? No. No! Izuku would be a good friend. He wouldn't take advantage of the other man while he was down.

But it was hard to care about that when Katsuki was staring straight through his soul. It was impossible to deny his attraction any longer. Despite his nerves, despite how badly he wanted to be a good friend, Izuku couldn't resist reaching out. His trembling hand gently touched Katsuki's cheek. Izuku nearly expected them to both explode on the spot, but Katsuki just leaned into the touch, eyes half-closed.

"Deku," he said, voice low and rough. He moved even closer, one large hand bracing on Izuku's thigh. The touch burned, and Izuku longed to leave it there, to see where else Katsuki would go. But he wasn't here to mess around, after all.

"It's not going to work," Izuku said, voice catching. He scuttled backward, climbing awkwardly over the arm of the couch. Katsuki followed, ending up draped across the couch, looking sinfully good. Izuku swallowed. "You're not destroying this. I brought you here to keep you company, not to let you try and ruin everything around you. You can't do anything that will ruin this."

"You're so fucking good to me, Deku," Katsuki purred. Izuku backed up against the wall. Bekugou didn't follow, but his red, dangerous stare pinned Izuku in place. "Just how are you planning to keep me company, then?"

"Carefully, and from a safe distance," Izuku squeaked.


"You're drunk," Izuku countered. Katsuki climbed up to perch on the arm of the couch, tilting his head at Izuku. His loose tank top had dropped to the right, one sleeve dropping over a well-defined shoulder. Izuku stared at it, feeling like he was living in some strange, parallel universe. This couldn't be real, right? Horribly attractive men didn't hit on him in his apartment. He was boring, he was straightlaced. Yet, there was Katsuki, sitting on his couch, looking like a mountain cat considering its prey.

"Not nearly drunk enough to excuse my behavior," he finally said. "Got some more shitty Riesling? I'm planning to do some things I'll definitely need excuses for."

"You would be easier to deal with if you just passed out," Izuku mumbled, making Katsuki snort with laughter.

"Yes, the #30 hero, knocked out by Riesling and passed out on someone else's couch. Fucking glorious. Would you like that? Is that what you want from me?"

"Kacchan, don't," Izuku pled.

"Don't what?" Katsuki snapped, vaulting over the couch easily. The wall was nice and solid behind Izuku's back, and he refused to back away further. It felt like in those nature documentaries, where they say not to turn your back on a predator. Katsuki was on the prowl, and Izuku had to stand his ground. He swallowed.

"Don't talk about yourself like that!" It came out a little forceful, and a sneer lifted Katsuki's lip. "You're not pathetic. You're amazing, and one of the strongest people in this whole country, and, and, and a good person. It's stupid that the rankings don't reflect that."

Katsuki was getting closer, socked feet silent as he moved across the floor. "Fuck, Deku, don't stop."

"W-what? Stop what?" Izuku stuttered. He had to look away from the intensity of Katsuki's gaze. Katsuki's forearms landed heavily on the wall, framing Izuku's head. His heart nearly lept out of his damn chest. Katsuki leaned in, eyes narrowed.

"You know I like praise," he whispered, voice grating. Izuku's body reacted subconsciously, head tilting up, hands pressing against Katsuki's chest. The man was so warm, so strong. Izuku was short of breath, overwhelmed by the moment. But still, he had to be strong. It was hard though, with his head swimming and how goddamn irresistible Katsuki was. He cursed how much of a lightweight he was.

"Kacchan," he breathed.

"Tell me what you want from me," Katsuki ordered, voice harsh. "You want to keep me company? Fine. Tell me what you want to do. I'll fucking do anything."

The words broke something in Izuku, crushing his self-restraint. Fine. If Katsuki wanted this, then who was Izuku to stop him? He'd only been dreaming about it for most of his life. He reached up, fingers winding through the blonde hair at the nape of Katsuki's head. He pulled him down for a kiss, ready to face whatever consequences came of it.

Instead of warm lips, a hand slapped across his mouth. Izuku squeaked in protest, then realized Katsuki looked pissed.

"Fuck, no," he growled, lips next to Izuku's ear. "Can't fool me. I'm not fucking kissing you drunk again, lil' Deku."

"B-but," Izuku protested, his words muffled. Relenting for a moment, Katsuki's hand slipped from his mouth, gripping his chin instead. Nearly wordless with desire, Izuku managed to say, "But I wanted you to-"

"Shh," Katsuki hissed, dropping his head lower, mouth ghosting against the skin beneath his ear. "I've got other fucking things to do than kiss you."

Izuku made some sort of strangled noise, trying to look at his expression, but Katsuki's grip on his jaw tightened, forcing his chin up. Then Izuku felt him kiss the side of his neck. Then bite. His knees nearly gave out, and he was suddenly grateful Katsuki was helping support his weight. His hand threaded through Katsuki's hair, his last three brain cells marveling at how soft it was.

"Izuku," Katsuki whispered, pulling back. Izuku grabbed a handful of his hair, and pushed his face back into his neck. The man growled, and obediently went back to biting the sensitive skin, making his leisurely way down Izuku's neck. Izuku stared at the ceiling, lost in pleasure. Bakugou Katsuki was kissing him, even if it was just his neck. It was heaven on earth, and he never wanted it to stop.

Katsuki's hand finally dropped his from chin, moving to his sides, thoroughly feeling him up. "So fucking nice," Katsuki whispered, nipping at the skin beneath Izuku's jaw. He tried not to writhe with pleasure. "How you doing, lil' Deku? Having a good fucking time? Enjoying my company? "

Izuku whimpered, trying to find words. Katsuki pulled back, concern briefly flashing across his face. Never mind that he'd managed to push Izuku's shirt all the way up his chest, and at some point had unbuttoned his pants. He was an absolute menace. A menace who was starting to look worried.

"Deku?" Katsuki asked. Right. Izuku should say something. Anything.

"Don't stop," Izuku snapped, annoyed by the pause. Katsuki's eyes flew open. Izuku didn't care. He'd been dreaming of this for so damn long, and feeling Katsuki want him, Katsuki's hands on him… he wouldn't let anything stop this. He didn't care about the emotional fallout after, he didn't care about how his friends would judge him, he didn't care about looking desperately horny in front of Katsuki. He had what he wanted now, and he was going to take it.

"Deku," Katsuki rumbled, sounding approving. "You-"

Izuku grabbed the back of his neck, and pushed him back down to his neck. "Get back to work," he ordered. He was shaking, he realized. He was too turned on, too much adrenaline.

"Fucking Deku," Katsuki snarled, and with a thud, dropped to his knees. His hands slip up Izuku's sides as he licked a stripe down Izuku's abs. Shameless.

Looking down and seeing Katsuki's blond head between his legs was mind-blowing. It was all too easy to imagine Katsuki blowing him, and just the thought alone made his legs tremble. Katsuki's hands gripped his hips, steadying him. He rested his chin on the zipper of his pants, looking up. He was smiling, the smug bastard. Completely shameless. Izuku wanted to fuck that insufferable, cocky mouth.

"Tell me," Katsuki said, looking like he expected a medal. One hand crept between Izuku's legs, brushing over him. Just the light touch made Izuku shake. Fuck. He fisted his hands, trying to pull himself together. It was no use, as Katsuki purred, "Tell me what you want."

"Blow me," he choked out, cheeks burning with shame.

"There you go," Katsuki breathed, quickly unzipping his pants and yanking them down. Izuku whined with impatience, bucking into Katsuki's face, hands coming to uncertainly grab his hair. Katsuki's fingers tucked into the waistband of his underwear, giving it a gentle tug. "So good, Deku," he murmured. "You taste so good. Want more."

"Getting impatient, Kacchan," Izuku choked out. Katsuki shot him an amused glance, but agreeably pulled his underwear down. The cold was sudden. Then, even more shocking, was Katsuki's hot tongue running down the length of his cock. He was already rock hard, aching with need. He was too turned on to be embarrassed anymore.

"Fuck," Izuku hissed, hands gripping Katsuki's hair. He tried to keep still as Katsuki mouthed him, finally taking him all the way in. His mind was static, lost to the pleasure growing between his legs. "Please," he whispered, abs shaking with the effort not to move. He didn't want to make Katsuki uncomfortable, but the urge to move was overwhelming. Katsuki pulled away from his cock, making an obscene slurping noise. He hated the absence of sensation.

He looked up at Izuku, mouth wet and open. "Deku," he said, voice hoarse. "I'm fucking good at this. Don't fucking hold back, idiot."

"You-" Izuku gasped, eyes wide.

"Fuck my mouth," Katsuki said, running his tongue across his lower lip.

"Shit," Izuku mumbled, pushing himself against Katsuki's lips. He gave a small, experimental thrust. Heaven. Katsuki was right, he was fucking good at this. His hands gripped Izuku's hips, fingers digging into his flesh almost painfully, steadying him as Izuku thrust completely into his mouth. His eyes were open, just red slits, looking up at Izuku. Mind-blowingly hot.

Izuku couldn't last like this. He just couldn't. Even in his wildest fantasies, he'd never been able to imagine Bakugou Katsuki on his knees, mouth on his dick. Fucking hell.

"I'm going to come," he gasped out, "You should-"

Katsuki growled, the sound vibrating against Izuku, and pulled his hips viciously into his face. The message was clear, and Izuku was too close to hold back. With a cry that sounded nearly like a sob, he came into Katsuki's mouth, feeling the man swallow around him. Shuddering, he doubled over, fingers dropping from Katsuki's head.

"Fuck," he whispered. He was shaking as Katsuki waited him out, then gently pulled away, expertly pulling his underwear back up over him. He appreciated it; he was starting to feel horribly exposed. His mind was suddenly clear. What the fuck had he done? Katsuki had been drunk, he'd taken advantage of him, he'd… Katsuki's voice interrupted his thoughts.

"Hey, lil' Deku. How you doing?" He stood, looking down at Izuku. Izuku felt horribly vulnerable, pants around his ankles, shaking in the aftershock of his orgasm.

"I'm good," he managed to say, bravely. Was he though? Izuku honestly didn't know.

"Thought I was better than just fucking good," Katsuki snorted. Izuku opened his mouth to say that no, Katsuki was the best, better than everyone, better than his wildest dreams, but before he could the other man continued, "But I'll take it. Nothing wrong with room for improvement."

"Hmm," Izuku said, voice a little too high. Was this real? He was still struggling to wrap his head around what happened. Katsuki stepped away, stretching enormously.

"I feel fucking great," he said, rolling his shoulders. The sight was magnificent, and Izuku marveled at his own ability to be so damn thirsty. He'd literally just been blown within an inch of his life, and he wanted nothing more than to eat Katsuki alive. The man in question yawned, jaw cracking. "Nothing like some action to clear your head."

So that's what he was. Some action to push Katsuki's shitty thoughts out of his shitty head. Uraraka had been right to warn him. Izuku pulled his pants up, hands shaking. Katsuki turned, nearly tripping over his own feet. He glared at Izuku. "Nerd. I can hear your shitty thoughts from here. Whatcha thinking?"

"Nothing," Izuku sniffed, unhelpfully. "I'm going to clean up."

"Can I come?"

"No," Izuku said, a little too harshly, and Katsuki looked put out. Great, now he was the jerk. "Sorry," he said. "I'm just um, a little overwhelmed." And heartbroken, and used, and...

"Come here," Katsuki said. Izuku looked at him blankly. Katsuki sighed as if Izuku was stupid. "Where's your bed? We're going to fucking cuddle until you quit looking like I kicked your puppy."

"Why," Izuku muttered, leading the way to his bedroom regardless. Katsuki followed after him, large and shuffling. He sat on the edge of his bed nervously, but Katsuki bonelessly laid down, tugging Izuku onto his broad chest. "Why," he whispered again.

"Cause that shit was intense, idiot. It can be overwhelming for anyone." Katsuki pulled him tighter, pushing his face into the crook of his neck. Izuku hesitantly hugged him back. "There you go," Katsuki said quietly. "You know I'm gonna take care of you, right?"

"Mmm," Izuku said helplessly, burying his face in Katsuki's neck. He smelled faintly of sweat, Riesling, and smoke. What Bakugo was saying was too close to what he'd always wanted to hear. He was going to cry. He wanted Katsuki so damn badly, wanted him to be someone he could count on, someone he could say was his … God damn, he'd really done it now.

Katsuki gently stroked his back, apparently blissed out and completely immune to Izuku's silent meltdown. His regular breathing was strangely comforting, and eventually, despite the storm of thoughts in his head, Izuku drifted off to sleep.

Izuku woke up, feeling warm, safe, and boneless. It took him a couple of minutes to remember the night before, and he sat bolt upright. Then winced. Damn, he was hungover. He wondered if Katsuki was too. Katsuki. Katsuki who wasn't in his bed anymore.

Much faster than was reasonable, Izuku was out of bed and searching his apartment. It quickly became obvious that he was alone. Trying to not feel crushed, he looked around and saw a note on his table. It said,


Saw the fucking press outside and left before they swarmed the place. Had a great time last night. Hoping you don't have any regrets, I definitely don't. This doesn't have to change anything, k? I'm going home, just gonna work out and hide from the entire fucking internet. See you soon? Text me when you're up. Breakfast's in the fridge. You need to buy real groceries btw


Izuku stared, trying to wrestle his feelings. Katsuki had had a great time last night? Blowing him. Fuck. He braced himself on the table, trying to get a grip. But then, he said that it didn't have to change anything? What would it change to? Did Katsuki want nothing to change?

Quickly realizing he was going to hopelessly overthink things, Izuku padded to the fridge to find out what breakfast was. Fried rice with peppers, and Katsuki had drawn a goddamn happy face on it with hot sauce. Izuku stood in the cool fridge air, blushing like an idiot.

Yep, he was a goner. Totally gone for Katsuki. He could only hope that his heart wouldn't end up in pieces, but at this point, he couldn't even bring himself to care.

Then came the next realization. If he wanted a relationship with Katsuki, how the hell did he go about it? Just ask him out? Get him to go on a date? Hadn't they done things out of order? Weren't kisses and dates supposed to come before late-night sloppy blow jobs?

Fuck. Katsuki on his knees, mouth open. Izuku realized he was still standing before the open fridge, and grabbed the fried rice, and slammed the door shut. The smiley face looked at him mockingly, as if it knew how much of a pervert he was. And the fried rice was delicious of course.

One cold shower later, Izuku decided it was a great time to do some stress baking. Oh, and he had to text Katsuki.

Izuku: Morning. What do you spice your curry with?

Kacchan: Curry powder with chilies etc. Y?

Izuku: :)

Kacchan: Dont cook fcking shitty curry w/o me

Izuku didn't deign to reply. Besides, he wasn't cooking curry, per se. Just curry buns, and then he was bringing them to Katsuki because he was such a good friend. Yep. A friend.

Katsuki had been right about the press. They were literally camped out in front of his building, but thankfully with his hood on, no one recognized him as he scooted past.

By the afternoon, he was done baking. The buns smelled amazing, and Izuku only tried two of them. To quality test. They were way too spicy for Izuku, which meant they should work for Katsuki.

Katsuki obligingly texted him his address, warning him that he was working out and would take a second to get to the door. Izuku was reminded of all the times he'd gone over to Katsuki's house as a kid. He'd been terrified by all the yelling at first, until he realized there was no ill-will behind it. Maybe that was why he'd never been as affected by Katsuki's loud nature. No, it was never the shouting or cursing that had bothered him. It had been Katsuki's complete denial of their friendship, the intentionally cruel words, the way he'd pushed him away.

Damn, Izuku was making himself nervous. Still, he made it to Katsuki's place without incident. He lived deeper downtown than Izuku, just outside of his sector, in a modern-looking apartment complex. Nervous, he hit the code Katsuki had texted him. Sure enough, he was buzzed in. An elevator took him to the seventh floor, and somehow Izuku ended up in front of Katsuki's door. He took a deep breath and rang the bell. No answer.

Izuku: I'm here?

Another couple of seconds, then he heard feet pounding on the ground. Katsuki opened the door suddenly. Izuku froze at the sight of him. He had been working out. He was breathing hard, skin glistening with sweat. He wore a sweat-drenched, relatively transparent white tank top and low riding sweatpants, and looked illegally good.

"Brought you something," Izuku mumbled. Katsuki blinked at him.

"Fuck, Deku, come on in." He stepped aside, giving Izuku a view of his place. It was a fairly typical apartment, and was surprisingly tidy with black countertops and framed artwork. Once again, Izuku was faced with just how much his friend had changed over the years.

"You were right about the press," Izuku said, a little self-consciously, setting the basket on the table. He could feel Katsuki staring at his back. "They were all over the place when I left."

He finally turned, only to find Katsuki right in front of him. He jerked his chin up, refusing to be intimidated. Katsuki had the strangest expression on his face, like he was trying to hold back a laugh. He'd somehow expected Katsuki to be angrier, or sulkier, or even hornier after how he was acting the night before.

"Is everything okay?" He ventured.

"Did they," Katsuki said, wheezing slightly, "Did the press recognize you?"


Katsuki broke down in laughter. "That's good, because holy shit, Deku. Did you look in the mirror today?"

Izuku hadn't, actually. He'd studiously avoided it, because he couldn't face himself yet. "Um…"

Katsuki stepped in, reaching out. Izuku stood stock still. He wasn't drunk, now. Was Katsuki finally going to kiss him? Instead, he merely took ahold of Izuku's chin, gently lifting it. His eyes were dropped to Izuku's mouth, one thumb drifting over his bottom lip. Izuku was boneless in his grip. Damn, Katsuki affected him way too much. It was embarrassing. Then Katsuki took out his phone.

"Can I take a picture?"

"Sure, I guess? Why?" Izuku's eyes were wide. He had no idea what was going on, but he wasn't about to stop it, not if it meant Katsuki touching him. Katsuki lined up the shot, hand still lifting his jaw.

"Fuck, that's hot," he muttered, then turned the screen towards Izuku. Izuku saw a picture of himself. At first, all he could notice was how Katsuki's hand looked on him, and how pathetically turned on Izuku looked. Then he saw his neck. It was absolutely covered in hickeys, on both sides, from his collar bones to his ears. Oh no. Oh god, no. Izuku flushed from his neck to his forehead.

"Oh my god," he groaned. "Kacchan, why? Why would you do this to meee?"

Katsuki was back to snickering again. "Fucking couldn't help it," he laughed. "Oh, Deku, it's so bad. Jesus Christ. I'd say sorry, but I'm fucking not."

Izuku shoved him away, then covered his face. "How can I go to work like this," he whined.

"Oh relax, nerd," Katsuki said, stifling laughter. "I've got a great concealer for this. You can borrow it for as long as you need. Let me go shower and I'll grab it for you."

Izuku glared at him, both touched and very annoyed. "It had better work, or it's your ass on the line."

"Keep dreaming about my ass, nerd," Katsuki said, padding off to the bathroom. "Make yourself at home!"

While Katsuki showed, Izuku checked himself out in his camera's selfie mode. He managed to count eleven individual hickeys. God, it was like he was a teenager. Except he'd never even gotten hickeys as a teenager, because apparently teen Izuku was more damn professional than adult Izuku. He groaned. What was he getting into? He didn't need to ask how Katsuki had concealer for this on hand, either. It was all too easy to imagine everyone in the goddamn city thirsting after that neck.

His phone buzzed.

Ochako <3: Hey, saw you and BK left early last night. Everything good?

Bless her for checking in. Was everything good? Izuku had no idea, but he was buzzing with energy.

Izuku: Kacchan just wanted to get away for a bit, so I went with. Everything's fine :)

Ochako <3: Was it about the rankings? I saw when I was looking at Iidas, I bet he was pretty pissed

Izuku: It was pretty rough I think :/

Ochako <3: Yeah but Deku, have you checked today. It went VIRAL. Like, hard core. Jirou had to turn off notifications on Cheeper

Izuku opened the internet, and was immediately assaulted by the BOOM video. It was about 4:00 PM, and since the night before the video had hit… 100 million views? Izuku's jaw dropped. Holy shit. His stomach dropped. Katsuki was finally seeming happier, but if this had knocked him entirely the off of the top thirty…

Throat dry, Izuku checked the rankings. He scrolled down quickly, and saw Katsuki's name wasn't at #30. He felt cold, angry. How dare they. How dare they throw out all of his hard work over something so stupid? Angrily, he scrolled back up, resenting all the heros who hadn't had their ambition ruined by some stupid video. Then he saw Katsuki's name. #16, right behind Izuku.

What? He paged back to the news, spotting a headline saying, Ground Zero's Popularity Explodes After Viral Video Makes Angry Hero Approachable

Damn. It was good news, technically, though he couldn't predict how Katsuki would feel about his popularity being defined by a video, even if it was positive.

Katsuki finally came back, dressed in a simple green t-shirt and sweats. Still looking ridiculously good. Izuku glared at him. How dare he.

"Here, I'll put it on for you," Katsuki said without preface, whipping a tube out of his pocket. Izuku sat perfectly still as Katsuki carefully dabbed the cool concealer on his neck with a small sponge. It was strangely intimate. Izuku just wished Katsuki would kiss him, or something, but the other man remained focused on his task, the tip of his tongue poking out in concentration.


"There," he said, finally. "You'd never know I practically ate you alive last night." The last bit was accompanied by a sharp grin. All of Izuku's thoughts about hero rankings went straight out the window. Katsuki seemed completely unaffected. "You know, I love a good mark, but I'm not usually that fucking bad."

"Mmm," Izuku mumbled.

"Hey," Katsuki said, leaning in. "We all good? I'm worried I came on too fucking strong and you're freaking out, or something."

"When am I not freaking out?" Izuku sighed. "No, it's fine. I was actually worried I took advantage of you, cause you were all drunk and sad and…"

Katsuki looked at him appraisingly. "You're fucking sweet, Deku, but you didn't take advantage of me. You think I can get that drunk off half a bottle of shitty wine, huh?"

"Guess not," Izuku mumbled. Katsuki stretched again, groaning. The sound went straight to Izuku's libido. "Look, about the rankings," Izuku began.

Katsuki waved him off. "Don't worry about it, nerd. I was pissed last night, but it's fucking fine. I climbed up before and I'll damn well do it again." Izuku's mouth dropped open. That was the Katsuki he knew, and it was really, really attractive.

Katsuki cracked his knuckles, expression thunderous. "You were right, before. I can't expect to be #1 if I just fuck around doing my own shitty thing. People want a fucking nice Ground Zero? I'll mind my fucking- I'll mind my goddamn," he sighed. "I'll mind my blessed manners. And maybe then they'll see that I can be at the top."

Izuku's heart twisted. Somehow, this wasn't at all how he wanted things to go. He cleared his throat. "I just, um, well I checked the rankings today?"

Katsuki's expression went thunderous. "What the fuck am I know? Negative six hundred?"

"Sixteen," Izuku said, swallowing. Katsuki cocked his head.


"Sixteen," Izuku repeated, then added, "Just one spot behind me."

"I'd love to be in a spot behind you," Katsuki said automatically, but clearly didn't have his heart in the innuendo. He looked lost in thought. "Fucking why am I #16?"

"I haven't looked at all the news, but I guess people liked you in the video," Izuku said, blushing for some reason. Maybe because he liked Katsuki in the video. The truth was he liked that Katsuki had a horrible personality, he liked how much he swore, that he took absolutely no bullshit from anyone, ever. He never wanted to see that change.

"No way," Katsuki said, expression shifting from wondering to angry and back again.

"Look, Kacchan, about what I said earlier…"

"Hmm?" Katsuki had already wandered away, poking at the basket. "What's this? You bring me some food?"

"You made breakfast," Izuku said, momentarily side tracked. "They're curry buns," Izuku said. Katsuki's stare switched to him.

"You're the perfect fucking man," he said, then vigorously dug into the basket, making Izuku blush again. So much blushing couldn't be good for his circulation, or something. Katsuki found a bun and shoved the whole thing in his mouth, sighing in pleasure.

"Wait, Kacchan, I was trying to say something," Izuku protested.

"Best head of your life or what?" Katsuki said, voice muffled around the bun. Izuku glared.

"Shut up. I'm being serious." Katsuki waved a hand, inviting him to go on, but stuffing yet another bun in his stupid, handsome face. Izuku took a deep breath. "Kacchan, what I said earlier, about you being nice and stuff?"

"Yeah, yeah, I heard you," he mumbled around his food. "Gonna be a nice lil' hero."

" No ," Izuku said, trembling slightly. He was getting louder, but he couldn't stop. "You shouldn't. You are who you are, Kacchan. I like who you are, okay? And why the hell can't you get to #1 while being a complete asshole? Aren't you strong enough? Can't you show this stupid country that no matter what, no one can compare to you?"

He finished his rant, hands clenched. Katsuki was staring at him, eyes wide. He looked absolutely floored. A piece of bun fell out of his mouth. After a pause, he swallowed hurriedly.

"Fucking hell, Izuku," he said. Izuku shivered at the sound of his name. Katsuki slid around the counter, and pulled Izuku into a tight hug. He yelped in surprise, but let it happen. "Fucking hell, Izuku," Katsuki repeated, softer. He pulled back, taking Izuku's face in his hands. "That's what you really think?"

"Yes," Izuku whispered emphatically, meeting his eyes. "Show everyone they can't stop you. Take this whole goddamn city."

"Fine then," Katsuki said, his grin gaining a dangerous edge. "I'll fucking wipe the floor with these losers."

Izuku was grinning up at him, happy to see his friend back to normal. If normal was the right word - Katsuki looked incandescent, motivated. Beautiful. He half-turned away, as if lost in thought, but Izuku was high on success and adrenaline and his impulsiveness would not be stopped.

"And if you don't kiss me right now, I'm going to kick your ass all the way to the USA," he said, lifting his chin. Katsuki's head whipped around, eyes narrowed.

"Deku," he snarled, one hand snaking out and grabbing the back of his neck. In an instant, Katsuki had pulled him flush with his body. The other man leaned own, his hand cradling Izuku's cheek. Izuku met his eyes in wonderment. "So damn pretty," Katsuki whispered, then leaned in.

The kiss was gentle at first, an achingly sweet brush of the lips. Trembling, Izuku lifted his chin, leaning into it. And then Katsuki was kissing him hard, fingers catching in his hair, pushing him back, back, until his back thumped against the wall. Katsuki's hands dropped down, grabbing his ass and then hoisted him up effortlessly. Izuku obligingly wrapped his legs around Katsuki, leaning down to kiss him. Katsuki was merciless, head tilted up, kissing, biting. Izuku was utterly lost in the moment. He never wanted to be anywhere else, just here, kissing Katsuki, forever.

Eventually they stopped, breathing hard. Izuku was lost in the sight of Katsuki glaring up at him.

The moment lasted right up until Katsuki said, "Rate me, bitch."

Izuku blinked at him, mind barely working. Then it sunk in, and Izuku dissolved in laughter. Maybe it was because he was releasing the pent up tension, the worry, the desire, but Izuku leaned back against the wall and howled in laughter. Growling, Katsuki gently lowered him to the floor. Izuku steadied himself with a hand on Katsuki's chest, wiping tears of laughter from his eyes.

"Oh my god, Kacchan, you're so-"

"I'm so what? Give me a fucking number, nerd. If it's less than 10/10 I'm going to fucking murder you."

Izuku dissolved into giggles again. "Okay, okay, fine. You get a million, alright? A million out of ten. Now leave me alone before I die of laughter."

"Damn straight I do," Katsuki huffed, backing up.

Izuku was still giggling helplessly, but he was so damn happy. Katsuki had kissed him, and he might actually have a chance. He might actually have a chance to get what he always had wanted. He looked at Katsuki, who'd wandered inevitably back to the curry buns. Yep, he was done. He'd found the person he wanted to spend the rest of his life with, and all he had to do was win him over.