Chapter 7

Katsuki, Katsuki, Katsuki. Izuku was walking on clouds. His whole life had taken on a tinge of the unreal, as if Katsuki himself had blasted reality away with the palms of his hands.

He wasn't what to call their connection or where it was going, but Izuku damn well knew where he wanted it to go. But how do you ask out Bakugou Katsuki? Fireworks that said 'I've been in love with you my entire life?' Bring him to a curry store? Take him rock climbing, give him a heart-shaped rock? Izuku was rapidly becoming aware that the more he thought about this, the worse his ideas were getting.

He should just ask Katsuki out, specifically on a date. And he would have, he totally would have, except for one small thing. Katsuki might say no. Was it likely? Izuku had no idea, but he figured Katsuki at least liked him a little after sucking his damn soul out through his dick.

But did Katsuki want a relationship? Had he ever had any? Maybe he didn't date, period? The real question was if Izuku could handle rejection from Katsuki, and the answer was a resounding no . Maybe if Izuku was patient, Katsuki would spare him the agony and just ask him out.

And then there was the press. After the BOOM debacle, they were practically hunting Katsuki down with pitchforks. He seemed to be handling it fine, the same way he always did: forcibly shoving people out of the way while cursing wildly. If Izuku was being honest, it was actually amazing Katsuki was even in the top thirty with that behavior. Izuku never wanted him to stop. It was like watching a tornado tear through a town, terrifying, exhilarating, and he couldn't bear to look away.

Still, due to the press and a very drawn-out lightning storm, it was a while before Izuku saw Katsuki again. Kirishima had invited everyone out to "boy's night," and because it was Kirishima, everyone was invited. The man was possibly even friendlier than Deku, and couldn't bear to leave the girls out. That wouldn't be "manly," apparently.

It was pouring out, but Izuku made it to the tavern relatively dry thanks to his completely ridiculous frog-shaped umbrella. It had been a gift from Tsu, and technically matched his color scheme so… You just didn't turn Tsu down for things. It wasn't done.

Izuku shook out the umbrella and was immediately wrapped in a hug by Kirishima, hoisted in the air, and spun around.

"Bro," he said, meaningfully. He set Izuku down gently. Not that many people could lift Izuku like he was a kitten, but Kirishima was built like a semi-truck. "Bro," he repeated again, then wiggled his eyebrows. Oh. Katsuki's friend. Oh, no.

"What did Kacchan tell you?"

"Nothing!" Kirishima nearly screamed. "He's so impossible! But I know something happened because the bastard's been smug as all hell and it's driving everyone nuts."

Kaminari appeared over his shoulder, looking friendly. If Kirishima was an outgoing, friendly golden retriever, Kaminari was the stupid, adorable puppy that tried to hump people's legs. Both of them, adorable. Kaminari said, "Specifically driving Eijiro nuts. Please tell us, Deku. He literally won't shut up about it and I'm this close to losing my mind." He held up two fingers pressed together.

So Izuku was led very firmly by the two back to a booth, where Mina sat, looking deeply pleased with herself. She was sipping something pink, and gave Izuku the 'sup,' nod.

"Ready to get interrogated?" She grinned.

"No," Izuku said emphatically. "I'm dead if I say anything."

"Say anything about what ," Kirishima groaned, just as Kaminari added,

"Ah, death. The French word for orgasm is 'the little death,' did you know?" A pause, as Kaminari sat him down forcibly in the booth. "Did you know that?" He repeated, with an attempt at being menacing. Good luck. Nothing looked menacing if you were used to Bakugou Katsuki.

Everyone jumped as the restaurant's door slammed shut. Katsuki stood in the doorway, absolutely soaked and absolutely pissed off. Behind him, reporters were clamoring at the door. He stalked over to the table, cursing under his breath, finally flopping down next to Kirishima. Kaminari gave him one look, then returned to Izuku.

"So, as I was saying, the French word for orgasm -"

"Nope," Izuku said, slapping a hand over Kaminari's mouth. "Nope, interrogation over."

"You losers interrogating Deku?" Katsuki growled, looking exactly like a wet dog. Izuku smiled at him. He was Izuku's savior, his knight in shining armor, his foul-mouthed benefactor, he was perfection right up until he added, "Sounds like fun, I'm in."

"Kacchan," Izuku groaned, covering his face. So much for that.

"Katsuki! That's no way to treat your…" Kirishima trailed off suggestively, as if that would trick Katsuki into explaining their relationship. Deku would love to hear what Katsuki would fill that blank with, but he only said,

"Treat my nerd? Little shit had it coming, let's do this."


"Yes, nerd?"

"I hate you!" Izuku glared. Katsuki put his chin on his hand, ignoring whatever Kirishima was trying to say to him.

"Yeah, yeah, that's old fucking news. So what are we talking about? I haven't seen you since we kissed." Izuku froze.

Kirishima dropped his drink in shock, and without even trying to clean the spill, threw his arms in the air and shouted, "Brooooo! You ballsy bastard! You finally did it!" Then he dove across the table and grabbed a very surprised Izuku's hands. "Deku, sweet Deku. Was he good to you? Did he-"

Kirishima jerked forwards as Katsuki smacked the back of his head. "Oy, shitty hair, don't scare him."

Izuku was a little shell-shocked, but then, why had he expected anything different? Katsuki didn't even exist in the same dictionary as subtle. The single, glaring exception being how he guarded All Might's secret, but that clearly did not apply here. Katsuki leaned back in his chair, grinning like the asshole he was.

"I got that on video," Mina said, leaning on the table. "How much you paying me to not post it, Baku ho? #BringDatAssBack is trending right now, I could get tons of recheeps. "

"I'll pay you by not toasting your corpse over a fire," Bakugo snapped, his grin instantly replaced with a snarl. Then he switched tactics. "Besides, look at that sad little face. You wouldn't hurt poor Deku, right?" He pointed at Izuku, who responded with his best death glare. Not that Izuku's death glares were anything to write home about.

"I'll just keep it as blackmail for now," Mina said with a smirk. "And only because Midoriya does not deserve to be caught up in your bullshit."

"You are such a nice person, Mina," Izuku praised her, just knowing it would bug Katsuki. He was right, as Katsuki leaned back with an impressive sulk. Unfair, that he could make sulking so cute.

"I am," she grinned, then proved it by changing the subject ham-handedly. "So, how about this weather? Think there's a villain behind it?"

"Yes," Kaminari said, uncharacteristically solemn. "The static tastes weird."

"Fuckin' electric freak," Katsuki responded, acting like this was a helpful thing to say.

"No, really! It's been striking really specific things, too. Like it's maximizing structural damage."

"I love it when you use big words," Kirishima interjected, grinning at the other man. "Did the Association say anything yet, though? I haven't heard about any new major villains."

"I've got one," Katsuki said. "Bastard's some kind of earth-munching weirdo, though. He's so deep underground we can't track him right now. Driving me up a wall, but definitely not related to the weather shit."

"So nothing about the lightning though, huh," Izuku murmured, his mind turning everything over. Kaminari was right, actually. Lightning should be going to the plentiful lightning rods over the city, but instead hit things like bridge supports or power plants. If there was a villain involved, they were very powerful. Realizing he'd been spacing out, he looked up. Katsuki was watching him, an almost fond expression on his face. Izuku's heart beat just that much faster.

They left the place in high spirits, Kirishima leading the charge to desserts. Izuku very generously allowed Katsuki under his frog umbrella. Sure, Katsuki only accepted the offer after he realized that it would hide him from the press, but he didn't protest as much as he could have.

While the others dashed ahead, they walked leisurely under the umbrella. Izuku decided it was time to be brave, and ask something he'd been wanting to for ages.


"Sup, Deks?" Katsuki looked down at him sharply, and Izuku was suddenly awash with the memory of his lips. It had been too long, in Izuku's opinion.

"You want to start training again?"

"I'm always fucking training," he snorted. "What do you think I've been so goddamn busy with?"

"Training with me," Izuku clarified with saintly patience. Katsuki could be surprisingly sensitive, but sometimes it was like talking to a brick wall.

"Oh." Katsuki slowed to a stop. "It's been forever, hasn't it? When did we last spar?"

"A training match televised for viewers six years ago on the PLU Network, but they had to cut to commercial when it got too heated and the match ended prematurely," Izuku recited promptly. He was basically an encyclopedia on the topic, at this point. Katsuki snorted, shaking the umbrella with his laugh.

"Shit, you're right. What did I do again?"

"You held me down and set off an explosion point-blank in my face," Izuku said, annoyance lacing his tone. It was a sore point for him because, "They cut to commercial before they could show me kicking your sorry ass into the stands."

"Mmm, that was a good hit," Katsuki nodded, looking strangely pleased. "My hit, that is. Fuck, I want to see what you can do now. Got any more nerd books filled out on me?" Izuku did, actually, but he would not admit it.

"You wish. Think you can take me now, #16?" Izuku gave him a sassy grin. It was the wrong thing to say, or maybe the right thing to say, because Katsuki yanked him into an alleyway, and shoved him up against a wall.

It had happened before, many times, when they were kids, albeit in a much less pleasant way. "I'm damn well planning to find out," he said, voice low and forceful. Izuku swallowed hard. He'd always expected Katsuki to be a rough kisser, but he hadn't lived up to it so far. Operative words being 'so far.'

"Any day now," Izuku whispered. Apparently Katsuki's prior tenderness didn't hold up in rain-soaked alleyways after dark, because the man kissed him hard enough his head cracked against the concrete behind him. Katsuki didn't let up, deepening the kiss for a moment before pulling back, breathing hard, pupils blown wide with desire. Irresistible.

"Your head?" It took Izuku a second to process what he was saying.

"S' fine," Izuku muttered, pulling Katsuki back in. The frog umbrella was dropped into the mud as Katsuki devoted both hands to the effort of pinning Izuku against the wall. Izuku couldn't feel the cold, the rain hitting his face, the only things that existed were the hard body pressed against his, the thick thigh pushing between his legs. The feeling of his wrists pushed against rough concrete next to his shoulders, the way Katsuki was moaning into his mouth.

"Yooo!" they heard in the distance. Izuku glanced over, seeing an over-excited Kirishima waving, Kaminari in tow.

"Kacchan," he protested. "Our friends..."

"One sec," Katsuki said, eyes never leaving Izuku's. He took one hand, extended it towards their friends, and slowly, deliberately flipped them off. Izuku blushed hard, whatever he was about to say interrupted as Katsuki kissed him again, his mouth soft and sweet. He pulled away gently, smirking like the devil. "That's better," he said, and picked up the umbrella. "Dessert?"

"Mmhm," Izuku said, gathering up his remaining brain cells and hoping he could use them later. He was much more lucid by the time they reached their friends, and ready to be humiliated.

"First fucker who says something gets their face melted," Katsuki said, cheerfully. Or what passed as cheerful for him, which was sort of semi-cheerful with a hint of homicide. Kirishima wiped away tears, as Kaminari patted his back.

"So happy for you, bro."

Katsuki handed the umbrella to Izuku so he could flip Kirishima off with both hands, but the gesture felt more good-natured than not.

Training ended up being a great idea, because the press was strictly forbidden from any Hero Association grounds. That, and Izuku actually wanted to try his hand at fighting Katsuki. He spent the morning warming up and stretching, figuring he'd need all the prep he could get. Katsuki was there early, because he's always punctual for hero-related things. When Izuku arrived, he was stretching gloriously in the studio. Izuku paused in the doorway, admiring the sight.

"We gotta use the arena outside," Katsuki said by way of hello. Izuku watching his muscles straining as he leaned to the side, rolling one shoulder. "I'm banned from the indoor courts because I exceeded the shitty repair budget."

"How many times?"

"Four," Katsuki laughed. "Come here."

Izuku found himself stepping forward before he could even decide to. Katsuki stepped in, one finger under his chin. Izuku only had a second to process before he was being kissed, teasingly. Then he felt one large hand shamelessly squeeze his ass, and he scuttled away, yelping. Time for revenge.


"Yeah?" Katsuki looked pleased with himself, like a cat who'd knocked something off a shelf. In this case, that something was Izuku's sense of pride.

"I'm gonna kick your ass," Izuku said once he'd reached a safe distance. Maybe he did know his old friend after all, because he was already running when Katsuki launched himself across the room.

Being chased by Katsuki is a little scary, even if Izuku knew it was friendly. The man was enormous, and ran through the halls like a velociraptor in Jurassic Park - skidding, sliding, all teeth and menace and perpetually seconds away from catching him. Too bad for him that Izuku was fast as hell, and he made it to the outdoor arena entirely unscathed. Katsuki was laughing as they stumbled to a halt in the arena.

"You got faster, nerd. What're the terms?"

Izuku knew what he meant. "All out, barring major property damage," he said pointedly. Katsuki snickered.

"You're on, loser. Prepare to get crushed." He rolled his neck, vertebrae popping grotesquely loud. "Say when."

Izuku was glad he'd stretched at home. He could feel the adrenaline building; it had been a while since he'd been in an all-out brawl. "Go," he said.

Katsuki cannoned forwards instantly, a mere flash of blonde and red. Izuku jerked out of the way, Full Cowling flickering to life. Damn, Katsuki was fast. The follow up attack came just as fast, redirected by gratuitous explosions. Izuku dashed away effortlessly, because he was fast too. Not fast enough - Katsuki once again changed course effortlessly, a hand full of explosions pushing him into an airborne rotation that ended with a nasty haymaker to the side of Izuku's head.

It hurt , and Izuku rocketed to the ground, landing hard on his side. His breath whooshed out, as he watched Katsuki gracefully vault out of the air to a hard landing.

"That all you got?" Katsuki shouted. With a shrug of his shoulders, his hands engulfed in flames, smoke tricking up his shoulders in twin plumes. "Fucking fight me!" His hoarse scream echoed in the silence of the arena.

Izuku swallowed hard, realizing with a flash of guilt that he hadn't taken this as seriously as Katsuki obviously was. Gritting his teeth, he amped up Full Cowling, the power flickering through his body. It felt like burning lines of pure adrenaline, heat, energy . Katsuki launched himself forwards again, arcing up, clearly planning to come down in a finishing blow - he was showboating, now.

Izuku waited, nerves screaming, until Katsuki's momentum was fully committed. Then, lightning-fast, he rolled onto his shoulders and pushed his feet skywards with all of his core strength. That is to say, a metric fuck-ton of strength. His feet connected with Katsuki's jaw, hurling him off to the side. He rolled to a stop, covered in dirt. Izuku didn't wait for him to get up; he'd learned that mistake long ago. If you wanted to beat Katsuki, you better hit him while he's down.

Katsuki pushed himself out of the way just in time, kicking up a cloud of dust. Spitting blood, he locked eyes with Izuku. In that moment, they understood each other perfectly. It was electric - and the fight was on.

Izuku quit running and elected for the risky choice of close combat with Ground Zero. Taking direct hits would cause too much damage, so his game was to always evade, counter-attack, adjust. He didn't have the same kind of distance attacks that Katsuki did, so this was a technically better match up. But Katsuki was a smart fighter, which made things difficult. His ability to predict Izuku's movements, to adjust his strategy on the fly, and raw damage output were overwhelming - they would be overwhelming to almost anyone. The air quickly filled with the smell of nitroglycerin, sweat, and smoke. Izuku could die happy in that smell.

But he was too invigorated to be distracted, even for an instant. His laser focus had always been an asset, and he was reading Katsuki's updated fighting style even as he kept up with the fight. He landed the next major hit - a kick to the shin that sent Katsuki horribly off-balance, falling forwards, body in an uncontrolled spin. Izuku meant to follow up with a strike to the back of his descending head, but Katsuki whisked himself out of the way, coming full circle to stomp Izuku's chest point-blank. He staggered back, barely blocking another explosive strike.

After a few hits, neither of them were nimble enough to evade every strike, and it became a test of endurance. Full Cowling made Izuku's body impossibly strong, and he weathered the repeated strikes. Despite being massively strong, Katsuki couldn't take the same kind of damage Izuku could, and he began to steadily lose ground. Izuku followed up with a steady supply of heavy strikes, sweat flying, green lightning crackling over his limbs. It felt damn good.

Caught up in the moment, he didn't notice Katsuki's expression change. He should have been watching it; Katsuki has possibly the worst poker face in existence. Because the instant his expression changed from vicious focus to a sneer of victory, Izuku should have been on high alert.

So he wasn't prepared when Katsuki snatched one of his strikes out of the air, and flung him away. He followed up with something Izuku had only rarely seen - a long-range, focused explosion. The travel time was nearly instantaneous, and Izuku was engulfed in blinding heat and smoke before he could regain his footing. He desperately threw himself to the side, running laterally. Instantly, Katsuki switched arms, unleashing another roiling beam of smoke and fire. It hit Izuku in the hip, knocking him off his feet. Another, double-handed plume of fire hurtled towards him - in the last few moments, Iuzku realized it was a move that Katsuki couldn't afford to use in close combat - it was too risky to keep both of his weapons occupied. Now, though? It was perfect.

Izuku, already down, was blown backward another few feet by the blast, swallowed by smoke and fire. Eyes watering, he struggled to get up. A sliver of blue sky split the smoke as it cleared, and a second later Katsuki came crashing down through it. One smoking hand grabbed Izuku's face, slammed him back into the ground. Katsuki landed hard, knees on either side of Izuku's shoulders, hunched over and grinning in victory.

"Yield?" he said, eyes burning into Izuku's. He desperately tried not to be turned on, and nearly succeeded.

"Yield," Izuku coughed. Katsuki rolled off him, flopping into the dust. Izuku waited for the inevitable gloating. Ultimately, he was pissed about losing, and he couldn't pinpoint why it was bothering him so much.

"That was fucking good," Katsuki said, filling the silence. "You're not too bad for #15."

"You're #16," Izuku snapped, pushing himself upright. His whole body ached. It was painful, but mostly with the way any good workout is painful, though his ears were ringing from hitting the ground so hard.

"Not for long, if I can beat you like that," Katsuki snickered, rolling onto his side. "So, Deku, what're your notes?"


"I know you've got notes rolling around in that giant head of yours, nerd." He stood, stretching leisurely. "I'm going to be fucking #1 soon, Deks, and I want that dorky-ass hero analysis backing me up."

Izuku didn't have notes though, and it felt wrong. Everything felt wrong, actually, and suddenly he was tearing up. He should be happy that Katsuki wanted him to analyze the fight, but he just couldn't do it. He angrily pressed the heels of his hands into his eyes, wishing Katsuki wouldn't see.

"Shit, Deku, did I hurt you?" Katsuki scooted over to crouch in front of Izuku, but the concern made his eyes water more.

"No, Kacchan, I…" he faltered.

"Damn, Deku, I was just talking shit. You were great, okay?"

"I don't want compliments," Izuku insisted, finding his resolve. "It's not deserved. I haven't properly sparred in so long that I didn't even- I wasn't able to go as hard as I should have. I didn't even learn anything from it."

"Well, you've got me now," Katsuki grinned, as if that solved everything.

"That's not it," Izuku said, emphatically. "Why haven't I been sparring with anyone? Why have I been content with putting away low-tier villains and running whatever miscellaneous crap I'm assigned? What have I been doing ? I'm never going to matter like this! I'm never going to mean anything!" Shit, he was crying now. He pushed his hands against his eyes, as if he could force his tears back in.

Katsuki watched him, face grave. "Fuck if I know, Deku. We've both failed, haven't we?" He leaned back heavily on his elbows. He always avoided using his hands after a fight. Izuku always wondered if they got sore from all the abuse he put them through. Palm-striking things was rough, no matter how much reinforcement his Quirk provided.

"What do you mean?"

"Just look at me," Katsuki scoffed. "Fucking bitching about falling in rankings? I haven't even liked myself in ages, isn't that fucking funny? Most goddamn self-obsessed guy around doesn't even give a shit about himself."

"It's not funny," Izuku muttered, wondering where this was going.

"I think it's just growing up," Katsuki grumbled. "It's one thing to say you'll be at the top when you're a shitty kid, but it's not like you can do anything about it then. So what if you ace some tests? Win some tournaments? We've only been able to actually chase that goal that since getting licensed and eligible for rankings, anyway. And what have I done since then? Nothing, except what the fuckers at HQ told me to."

"It's true," Izuku said, sniffing. "I just get so caught up with doing everything perfectly. I can't stand failure. I stopped even thinking about if the things I was doing perfectly were actually what I should be focusing on, you know?"

"Yeah, I did the same shit." Katsuki's voice was hoarse, full of self-recrimination. "But hitting #30 again was the last straw for me. It's great that I'm #16 and all, but I'm done fucking around. I know what I want - I've wanted it my whole fucking life. I'm going to do whatever it fucking takes, and I'm going get to the top."

He stared Izuku down like it was a promise. It was unbearably intense, and Izuku felt the need to meet Katsuki's words with his own. "I want to be the best," Izuku replied. "Being at the top is great and all, but I want to be what people imagine when they say the word 'hero.' I want my very existence to stop people from taking the wrong path, to guide people towards being the best version of themselves."

"Fucking cheesy," Katsuki said, but he said it with a smile. "So whatcha gonna do about it?"

"Everything," Izuku said. "Train. I'm going to take interns. I'm going to insist on getting bigger assignments. I'm going to push myself every day to be better."

"Damn straight," Katsuki grinned. "I've got your back, ya hear?"

Izuku's heart was suddenly beating faster. It was everything he'd wanted as a kid. Katsuki there for him, listening to his fears and his dreams, supporting him. He swallowed hard, crossing the distance despite the ache in his limbs. He crawled on top of the reclining man, and rested his forehead against Katsuki's. "You're amazing, Kacchan," he whispered.

"That's fucking right," he said, voice gravelly. Pushing himself up on his forearms, he leaned up and stole a kiss. His mouth tasted like blood and dirt, but Izuku kissed him back anyway. He could feel the vibrations in Katsuki's chest as he said, "Hell, I could get used to this."

The words echoed around in Izuku's head. I could get used to this. The implication was clear, right? Katsuki wanted him around, at least in the foreseeable future. Despite the residual pain from their sparring, despite Izuku's own fear of failure, it made him feel invincible.

They showered in the locker room, and even Katsuki seemed too exhausted to make a move. Post-shower, Izuku found Katsuki sitting on one of the benches, scrolling through his phone. He'd thrown on a tight tank top that lovingly hugged his muscles, and old gray UA sweats. Izuku tried not to be thirsty, and failed spectacularly.

"Whatcha doing?" Izuku stood before him, starting to feel a bit awkward as he very noticeably checked Katsuki out. But it was okay now, right? He didn't need to hide it anymore.

"Looking at this viral bullshit. I called Jeanist up earlier to talk about how I could handle it, and the idiot nearly shat himself in excitement."


"Said something about me finally pulling my head out of my asshole and coming to him for help like I should have years ago," Katsuki snorted. "He's probably right. He usually is."

"What are you planning?"'

"Not sure yet," Katsuki replied, finally looking up, and he met Izuku's eyes. Izuku knew that look, and it meant trouble.

"Come here," Katsuki said, eyes lidded. He still looked tired, slouched against the wall, legs spread. He crooked one finger. Izuku went to him, wondering. Katsuki looked up at him. "Sit," he ordered.

Izuku had to fight the urge to just sit where he stood. Since when was he so damn obedient? "Where?" he asked, trying to regain some control over the situation. Wrong question. Katsuki's grin spread sinfully, and he wordlessly pointed at his crotch. Izuku tried and failed to look disinterested.

"Someone could come in," he protested. It was a token protest. Izuku wasn't technically an exhibitionist, but he was very, very weak for Katsuki.

"I know," Katsuki replied, but Izuku, weakling that he was, was already climbing into the bench, knees on each side of Katsuki's hips. Katsuki looked up at him with something like awe. "Good boy," he whispered, hands coming up to cup Izuku's ass. He squeezed. "So good." The praise went straight to Izuku's dick.

"We probably shouldn't do this here," he said, making a last-ditch attempt to be a good hero and not defile the locker room. Katsuki gripped Isuku's hips, grinding against him.

"Want to stop, Deku?"

Somewhere in the depth of his mind, his inner Iida was screaming. Izuku ignored him, and bent down. His hair dropped into his face, hopefully hiding his blush as he leaned in to kiss the man below him.

"Deku," Katsuki murmured into his mouth. "Tell me you want me." He ground Izuku's hips forwards again, arms flexing. Izuku hissed a breath in - Katsuki was hard beneath him, and was making small, restrained movements upwards, each one sending electricity up his spine.

"You're very demanding," Izuku said, instead, tilting his head. Katsuki might be the asshole, but it's not like Izuku doesn't know how to tease. Predictably, Katsuki glared up at him.

Izuku leaned in, biting his lip lightly. "You like telling me what to do, huh? Get off on being bossy?"

"Deku," Katsuki said, his voice a deep rumble. "You-"

"Big, strong Katsuki," Izuku interrupted, putting a finger on his lips. "Show me who's in charge."

Katsuki blinked up at him for a moment, and if he didn't know better, Izuku would have sworn he saw adoration in those red eyes. Katsuki huffed out a laugh, and flipped Izuku around.

"You asked for it," he said, sliding a hand up Izuku's shirt.

"Yeah," Izuku breathed, unable to properly think as Katsuki's other hand slid between his legs.

"Want me to jerk you off, lil' Deku?"

Izuku twitched at the sound of the nickname. Damn, he was being conditioned to be turned on by it. "The door," he gasped.

"You can keep your clothes on, baby," Katsuki assured him, hand sliding under his underwear. Izuku bucked into his hand, whimpering.

"What- what about you?" He managed to say. Not that he was complaining, but Izuku was usually the giver in bed. This was the second time Katsuki was taking care of him, and he was worried it was getting unfair. Then Katsuki ground his ass down on his dick, and moaned pointedly into Izuku's ear.

"I'm all set, Deks, worry about yourself. Here, help me out." He raised a hand up to Izuku's lips.


"Christ, I'll do it myself." He leaned his chin over Izuku's shoulder, and sloppily licked his own hand. Izuku watched in horrified fascination. It was just, well, lewd. Despite all of Katsuki's flirting, he hadn't expected him to be quite so raunchy. He'd always acted a little uptight, but Izuku supposed he also always gave 100% - then his train of thought crashed and burned, and Katsuki began to jerk him off. The man knew what he was doing, pumping Izuku's aching dick and moaning into his ear. Helpless against the pleasure, Izuku bucked into the hand, rubbing back against Katsuki's cock.

He didn't even realize he was making noise until Katsuki clapped a hand over his mouth.

"Shh," he ordered, then, "Come for me."

Izuku had always listened to Katsuki, and this time was no exception. He came hard into Katsuki's hand, cries muffled.

"So good, lil' Deku," Katsuki said, sounding choked, fingers digging into Izuku's hip. He shuddered for a moment, breath hitching, then fell back. Izuku jumped off him, trembling, and turned to look. Katsuki still sat there, legs spread, eyes closed, leaning against the wall. There was a tell-tale wet spot on his gray sweats. Fuck. Izuku was pretty sure he'd never seen anything that hot in his whole life. Nervously, he sat down next to him, and like it had a mind of its own, Katsuki's arm snaked around him and pulled him against his chest.

"Rate me," he murmured half-heartedly, simultaneously making Izuku laugh and erasing his nervousness.

"Kacchan, don't ask questions you don't want to know the answer to," he said, tucking his head under his chin.

"Sassy little fucker, aren't you," was all Katsuki said, fingers threading through Izuku's hair. They would definitely need to shower again.

"But you like it," Izuku said, realizing with a jolt that he actually believed it. He actually believed Katsuki liked him.

"Sure do, nerd. Keep up the good work."