Chapter 12

In no time at all, they were inside Katsuki's flat. Katsuki slammed the door behind them, face smug as all hell.

Izuku watched the door close with a sense of finality. He wanted this. He'd been literally dreaming about it lately, but now that it was here? Izuku looked at Katsuki, nerves rising. It had been a long time, after all. And this was Bakugou Katsuki . He'd never been quite this intimate with Katsuki before, and it was suddenly a bit intimidating.

Katsuki's grin had an edge to it, and he stared at Izuku while pointedly pulling off his jacket and tossing it carelessly on the counter. Izuku swallowed hard. Katsuki took off his shoes, kicking them into a corner. He looked up, red eyes narrowed and sharp. His grin suddenly widened, making Izuku's blood pressure skyrocket.

Then Katsuki said, "Ready to get dicked down by the country's #8 hero?"

"You're fixated on that," Izuku accused him, covering his own nervousness with bravado. Katsuki answered easily.

"Fuck yeah," Katsuki drawled as he strolled over to Izuku. He took his chin, tilting it up so Izuku had to meet his eyes. "I'm the goddamn greatest."

Desire coiled in Izuku's stomach. He didn't care what rank Katsuki was, but his cocky attitude was an inexplicable turn on. "Yeah you are," he breathed. Katsuki's lips parted.

"Deku," Katsuki said, voice low and rough, "I'm gonna be so fucking good for you. Just tell me what you want, baby."

"Fuck," Izuku whispered, melting against his chest. Katsuki smelled good, a heady mix of sweetness and smoke. Izuku's hand wandered up Katsuki's back, apparently having a mind of their own. His back was corded with muscle, supporting Katsuki's arm-centric fighting style. Izuku had spent so much time thinking about Katsuki's workouts, how they supported his quirk, and exactly how good he looked weightlifting. And now, how good he felt under Izuku's hands. Izuku swallowed. "I want you."

"You've already got me, idiot," Katsuki snorted, and started bodily pushing him towards the bedroom. Izuku stumbled backward, light in Katsuki's arms. In no time, he was pushed backward onto the bed, landing with a thump. Katsuki jumped on the bed after him, graceful as a cat, landing over Izuku.

Izuku stared up at him in awe. The messy blond hair, angular jaw, slightly parted lips. The muscled arms caging him against the bed, the thick thigh pushing between his legs. Katsuki's breath rushed out, like he'd forgotten how to breathe.

"Well, Kacchan?" Izuku tried to sound teasing, but ended up just sounding breathy. "What do you want, then?"

He watched Katsuki's expression shift to predatory, dangerous - the face he wore whenever he set his eyes on something he wanted. He leaned in and pressed his lips against Izuku's ear.

"Dirty, dirty things, lil' Deku. Want to make you scream. Want to fuck your overactive mind right out of your shitty little head. Flip you over and take your ass and make it mine," he bit the words out, ending it with a nip to Izuku's ear. Izuku moaned, bucking up against his thigh. The friction felt unfairly good. He chased the feeling, pushing against Katsuki's leg, eyes closing in pleasure.

"Good little nerd, " Katsuki praised him. "Keep making those pretty noises, okay?"

"Mmmm," Izuku managed to say, as Katsuki pushed against him hard. Almost painful, but the pressure felt good. He liked feeling crushed beneath the man, damn it. Katsuki was working on his neck now, biting, one hand sliding down his chest, grabbing his dick. He moaned at the contact, earning a harder bite on his shoulder.

"Good boy," Katsuki murmured. Izuku's dick twitched in response. God, embarrassing. He could feel Katsuki's smirk against his neck. "Is that what you like? Want me to praise you like the good boy you are, Deku?"

Humiliating. More specifically, it was embarrassing how much feeling humiliated was turning Izuku on. He turned his face away, trying to hide his blush, his body stiff under Katsuki's weight. Katsuki shifted over him, gently turning his face back up.

Oh god, not this. Not the tender touches when Izuku felt embarrassed. It always made him tear up, and now was the worst time for this. Katsuki looked down at him, concerned. Izuku was going to toss himself out the window if he cried the first time they had sex.

"Hey, lil' Deks, you okay?"

"Fine," Izuku said, face burning. He wouldn't tear up. He would. Not. "I'm just uh, it's a lot."

"We don't have to do anything, baby," Katsuki said, voice quiet. A little sad, maybe. Izuku stared at him, his mind trying to fight through his roiling emotions.

"I want to," Izuku told him, a little forcefully. He was telling himself, too. Self-doubt had no place here.

"Sure," Katsuki sounded doubtful. "Well, you can always tell me to back off, you know?"

Izuku looked up at him, emotions twisted between lust and embarrassment and desire and bitter-sweet memories of how he'd always wanted this. Suffice to say, his mind was barely functioning.

He didn't know how he'd ever expected Katsuki to be over-aggressive. Well, it was a fair guess given his explosive personality, but totally ignored that the man was all about fair play. He'd lost his shit when he thought he'd unfairly won against Shouto, and he'd been at the worst of his attitude problems then. It only stood to reason that the new, improved Katsuki cared even more about fairness. And so here Katsuki was, looking down at him, offering to back off at a moment's notice. Izuku had never felt safer with anyone.

Izuku looked up at him, fondness pooling in his chest. But somehow, what his idiot mind came up with was, "Back-off-ugou?"

The tender expression dropped from Katsuki's face. He looked dumbfounded, then outraged, then resigned. "Deku, how could you. That's the stupidest thing I've ever heard."

Izuku watched his emotional journey and found himself chuckling. It was irrational, but he couldn't stop.

"Back-off-ugou," Izuku snorted, and then Katsuki's face crumpled, and he dropped onto Izuku, twitching. It took a second for Izuku to realize that he was silently laughing so hard his whole body was shaking.

"Deku, what the fuck," he choked out. Izuku couldn't answer, because he was laughing too hard. He could only pat Katsuki's back in solidarity.

"I can't," Izuku gasped for air. Katsuki rolled off of him, lying next to him on the bed.

"You're fucking killing me, man," he said, wiping his eyes. "How could you do that to my name, damn you. Isn't Kacchan bad enough already?"

Izuku hauled himself up, and straddled Katsuki's hips. He'd derailed them, and he was going to get them back on track. Backugou's head lifted with interest, taking in the sigh of Izuku on top of him.

"Kacchan," Izuku said, leaning forward, bracing his hands on Katsuki's solid stomach. "I'm sick of you treating me like two seconds away from breaking."

"Am I wrong?" His tone of voice was challenging. It was frustrating. Izuku had fought hard to be as strong as he was. He hated feeling like Katsuki only saw the past version of him, the one that was too weak to handle anything.

"Yes," Izuku snapped. Okay, fine. He could admit that Katsuki underneath him was doing things to his attitude. He rolled his hips, feeling Katsuki shudder beneath him. "You know what?"

"What," Katsuki said, drawing the word out. There was a challenge in his voice, and Izuku always liked a challenge. Tension crackled through the air, their earlier mirth forgotten.

"I'll prove it," Izuku said, his eyes searching Katsuki's face for any trace of that hesitant concern that bothered him so much. He wanted to burn every ounce of worry out of Katsuki.

"How so?" Katsuki said, a smirk revealing his sharp canines. His hands ran up Izuku's thighs, gripping them, trying to control his movement. Izuku allowed it for the moment, then grabbed his wrists, peeling them off his legs. Katsuki looked affronted.

Izuku tugged at the hem of Katsuki's shirt. The green graphic on it was Deku themed, he realized. Katsuki had his merch? Izuku's mind narrowly avoided short-circuiting. He tapped the shirt. "Off."

"Shit, fine," Katsuki grunted, struggling to comply with Izuku's weight on top of him. Izuku made no move to help him, and instead admired the bunch and flex of Katsuki's abs, the sharp v cut, his perfect pecs. He had a thick waist, his core intentionally built to throw as much power into a punch as possible. Izuku ran his fingers over the muscles, equally reverent and greedy for contact. "Fucking pervert," Katsuki said, watching his hands. With a final shrug, he tugged the shirt over his head. Izuku ran his fingers up the fine trail of blond hair on his stomach.

"Yes," Izuku told him, meaningfully. "That's the point, idiot."

"You're the idiot."

"No y-" Izuku stopped himself. They were both idiots. "Take off your pants."

"You're in the way. Idiot." Katsuki's gaze burned with challenge. Izuku should have known he'd be into some weird, competitive sex thing. Izuku decided to be the bigger man if only to get Katsuki naked, so he lifted himself up enough for Katsuki to shimmy out of his jeans. It was another very nice view, despite the unbelievable fact that his underwear had the same tacky flames as his sunglasses. It was completely ridiculous, but Izuku couldn't laugh because he was fucking floored by the subtle intimacy of seeing the stupid things Katsuki decided to do with his day, like matching his fucking underwear with his accessories.

Katsuki used his distraction to rise up and yank Izuku's sweater off.


"Don't worry, I'll let you do your own pants," Katsuki told him, head cocked. Rolling his eyes, Izuku did so, pulling off his briefs while he was at it. It was worth it for the way Katsuki's eyes bulged. "Jesus, Deku."

"Hush," Izuku told him, then more or less ripped Katsuki's stupid flame-underwear off, make the man mumble a string of curses. "I'm just getting started."

"With what, exactly? Taking your goddamn time? Emulating a fucking snail? Want me to call you turtleboy?"

"Aw, so impatient," Izuku smiled, leaning forwards.


"That's not hot," Izuku scolded, taking Katsuki's half-hard dick in his hand, and leaning up to kiss his neck. "No, Kacchan, I'm going to show you that you don't need to be so stupidly gentle with me."

"By doing what," Bakuugou insisted, hands digging into Izuku's back. He'd started twitching upwards into Izuku's hand. For someone complaining about being impatient, he was restraining himself fairly well. Izuku would reward him.

"By fucking you straight through the damn mattress," Izuku said, his voice a soft growl. He bit Katsuki's neck for emphasis. Hard. He heard Katsuki's breath catch.

"Think you've got it in you?" Katsuki's words sounded more pleading than challenging, now.

"You're gonna find out, aren't you Kacchan?" Izuku tightened his grip for a moment, relishing in the control. Katsuki was going to leave scratches on his back, at this rate. He arched at the touch, pleasure shivering over his skin.

"Fuckin' hope so," Katsuki whispered, his eyes half-closed. "Lube's in the drawer."

Izuku felt a little bit self-conscious, leaning over Katsuki to hunt for the lube. Thankfully, the man seemed content to lay beneath Izuku for the moment. Izuku didn't typically top, but he'd done it more than enough to be familiar with making it comfortable for someone else, and he was slightly worried about Katsuki. Especially after the man twitched away from his questing fingers with a hiss. Izuku grabbed his thighs, pulling him closer. Damn, Katsuki was heavy.

"So, how often do you do this?" Izuku said, a little awkwardly. He didn't know how to ask this kind of thing in a sexy way.

"Not a lot," Katsuki said, voice low and rough. He readjusted his legs, and folded his hands behind his head. Izuku was lost for a few moments, looking at the muscles bunching in his shoulders and arms. So, so powerful. He cocked his head at Izuku. "What, losing your nerve?"

"You're so annoying," Izuku told him instead, focusing on the task at hand. He could hear Katsuki chuckling. Talking to Katsuki was distracting from what he really wanted. He kneeled behind Katsuki's spread legs, and gently began to work in one finger, heroically ignoring Katsuki's stare from the top of the bed.

He managed to push the whole finger in without any more smart-ass comments from the other man, which was a huge win in his book. Then he looked up. Katsuki's head was thrown back, chest rising and falling with each heavy breath, his eyes half-closed with lust. It was unbelievably hot. Izuku moved his hand, lips parted, reveling in the sight. Katsuki's answering moan was low and long.

"So much from one finger?" Izuku teased.

"Fuck you," Katsuki hissed, clenching around him. "I told you it's been a while."

"Uh-huh. This is what you get for giving me so much attitude."

"Forgot how good it feels," Katsuki sighed, ignoring Izuku. "Give me more."

"Demanding," Izuku said, pleased despite himself. He eased in another finger, and was rewarded by the glorious sight of Katsuki arching his back.

"Come on , Deku," he groaned. "What was that shit about the mattress?"

"Quit whining or I won't fuck you," Izuku told him, picking up speed, finger fucking the other man, half-leaning over him. He drank in every shift in Katsuki's expression, the desire, the impatience, and the apparently limitless need to be a brat.

"As if you could resist," Katsuki gasped out. Izuku pulled out his fingers slowly, torn between wanting to punish him for his terrible attitude and wanting to finger him further. Tormenting Katsuki won out, because he wanted more of Katsuki's insolence. Who was he kidding? He'd always loved Katsuki's bad attitude.

"Alright, Kacchan. Since you'd failed to ask nicely," he trailed off, holding his hands up.

"Hey, who said you could stop?" Katsuki's head lifted, eyes on Izuku. Izuku threw him an insolent grin, grabbed his hips, and flipped him over. It was easier than he expected; he still underestimated his own strength. Ten plus years of weightlifting had not gone to waste. Katsuki landed hard, breath puffing out of him.

"There we go," Izuku said, just as Katsuki turned, face indignant. "Since I'm so nice, I'm going to fuck you despite your bad behavior." Katsuki groaned in response, trying to lift himself. Izuku pushed him back down, one palm against his muscular back. And just like that, he was power-tripping again. He could feel Katsuki's back flexing under his hands, skin warm and dotted with scars.

"Finally gonna follow through, Deks?" his voice was muffled. Izuku didn't answer, grabbing his ass instead. Katsuki's muffled moans were gratifying. So, so gratifying. "Dekuuuuu," Katsuki groaned. "Did you not find the condoms?" Right. Suddenly in a hurry, Izuku rolled it on.

"You're being very patient," he told Katsuki, patting him on the ass, even if it wasn't true. He just got a growl in response. "Really, though," Izuku continued, rubbing his dick along his ass. Fuck, he couldn't believe he was doing this. "You're good. So good." He watched the muscles in Katsukis' back ripple as he shifted on the bed.

"Gonna be real bad if you don't hurry the fuck up."

"Fine," Izuku smiled. "Just admiring the view, you know."

"Fuck you." Katsuki made a considering noise. "Actually, fuck me. "

"Quit being a smartass," Izuku told him, and began rubbing his dick against his ass. Katsuki took a slow, steadying breath beneath him, as if he was trying to relax. "So good, Kacchan. Just like that. Nice and easy."

"Mmmhmm," Katsuki half-said, half-moaned. Izuku wasn't listening. He was lost to the world, slowly pushing the head of his cock inside. Katsuki was fucking tight, and he was trying not to hurt him. It was taking all his damn focus not just thrust in hard and abandon all restraint.

So, breathing harshly, he started moving glacially slowly, controlling Katsuki's hips. Katsuki took it like a pro at first, but quickly became impatient.

"Fuck, Deku, let me move," he whined. Izuku clenched his teeth, then drove in until he bottomed out. He couldn't help the moan falling from his lips, nor could he stop Katsuki from rocking back into him. He swore, fingers digging into Katsuki's pale skin.

"Shit, you're so good," he choked out, moving slowly. "Kacchan, you're-"

"Fuck me, please," Katsuki growled, shoulders heaving. "Fucking turtleboy up here thinks he can-"

Izuku snapped his hips forward with a snarl. "Fuck, Katsuki, do you ever shut up?"

Katsuki moaned low in this throat, sounding unbearably sexy. But when he spoke, it was with a growl. "Yeah, you just have to fuck me hard enough."

"Then shut the fuck up," Izuku told him, and gripped his hips, thrusting in hard. Katsuki's breath whooshed out.

"That's it-"

"Sh." Izuku picked up the pace, slamming into Katsuki again. His body was burning up with desire, he couldn't stop the pleasure pooling, the need for more. Distantly, he realized he was driving Katsuki onto the bed, each thrust of his hips dragging out a breathy fuck from Katsuki, the words coming like a chant, a prayer.

Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck…

Izuku had set a brutal pace, one he kept up mercilessly. He crushed Katsuki into the mattress, one hand on his lower back, the other guiding his hips and he thrust as deep as he could. Katsuki's fucks became less of a chant and more of a shout. Izuku was trying not to cum, actually, and attempting to focus on hitting just the right angle to-

Katsuki let out a strangled cry, as Izuku finally found the angle he'd been looking for. Izuku had perfected control over his body long ago, and now he used every ounce of that control to keep himself at that angle, trying to ignore the inescapable pleasure lancing through him. Below him, Katsuki cried out at each thrust, sounding absolutely wrecked.

Fuck, with Katsuki sounding like that, he really couldn't hold back.

"Please, please, please," Katsuki was pleading. "Fuck, I can't, baby you're gonna make me-"

"Yes, come for me," Izuku snapped, self-control breaking. "Want to watch you."

"Yes," Katsuki groaned, voice ragged. "Yes, fuck…" then Izuku saw his whole body shudder as he came, hands grasping at nothing, as he gasped out obscenities. Too damn sexy. He clenched around Izuku, too hot and tight and sudden, and then Izuku was over the edge too, vision blurring at the edges, his whole body flooded with sensation. Time stretched, unreal, the pleasure burning up all his sense of self.

Reality crept back in gradually, bringing back the sounds of his pants, the sweat running down his chest, the way Katsuki bonelessly lay below him, occasionally twitching, his breathing slow and heavy. Izuku was bent over, head nearly touching Katsuki's back. There were long, red lines of scratches down his back. When had he done that? Groaning at the over-sensitivity, he carefully pulled out, and hobbled over to drop the condom in the trash. He went back to the bed on trembling legs, and snuggled up to Katsuki's side.

"Hey," he said, softly. He was completely spent, tired in the most enjoyable way.

"Damn," Katsuki muttered, slowly, slowly rolling over to face Izuku. Red eyes met his, soft and full of humor. "Deku, you can fuck. "

"Oh," Izuku said, blushing. Incredible that he's perfectly able to rail Katsuki into next week, but can't take a compliment without flushing. "Yeah, well. You're pretty good."

"Pretty good, he says," Katsuki groaned. "After I just took that dick like a goddamn champion."

"Fine. You're a billion out of ten."

Katsuki snapped his teeth at him. "That's more like it."

"I think I left scratches," Izuku said, feeling guilty. Katsuki's mouth pulled into a grin.

"Good. Now get over here."

Obediently, Izuku scooted in. Katsuki pulled him closer, wrapping him in hot, sweaty limbs.

"3,000 degrees," Izuku mumbled in vague protest. Katsuki shushed him, burying his head in Izuku's hair.

"Just wanna stay like this for a bit. You staying the night?"

"Of course," Izuku sighed into his chest. He never wanted to leave.

This time, Izuku had gone to sleep naked as a simple pre-emptive measure against the monster he was sleeping with. He still woke up horribly overheated, blankets long gone, with Katsuki's leg thrown over his. He sighed. At the noise, Katsuki shifted. It was ass-early in the morning; 5:00 AM. An alarm was beeping insistently. With a growled "Fuck," Katsuki smacked it, then sat up with a groan.

"Deku, you're here," he murmured, looking down. Izuku blinked up at him, slowly making sense of where he was. He felt so sleepy, warm, and safe. The night was just beginning to drift towards dawn, and the gray morning light made Katsuki look soft and gentle.

"Morning," Izuku mumbled, reaching for him. Katsuki let himself be pulled in.

"Sometimes when I wake up, I think I dreamt all of this," he whispered. Izuku wanted to assure him that it was real, this was real, but then he said, "Then I feel how sore my ass is."

Izuku giggled, kissing Katsuki's nose. "Sorry, Kacchan."

"You're next, turtleboy," Katsuki grumbled.

"I reject that nickname," Izuku pouted, sitting up. "Wait, does that mean you'll quit acting like you're about to break me?"

"Sure," Katsuki said, stretching luxuriously. "Gonna wreck you, baby." Desire shot through Izuku like lightning through a storm.

"Mmm," Izuku squeaked, unreasonably turned on for 5:00 AM. Katsuki shot him a look.

"You like it."


Katsuki swallowed. Izuku watched the shadows of his throat. "You like when I talk shit. Like, act rough. With you."

"Been fantasizing about it since I was a teenager," Izuku smiled sleepily at him, enjoying the way Katsuki's face shifted from uncertainty to desire. "So yes."

"Fuck me," Katsuki said mildly. "Quit turning me on. I gotta go get a new baseline physical for this top ten bullshit. Don't wanna have a boner the whole time."

He dragged himself out of bed, and Izuku shortly heard the shower turn on. It was strangely domestic and peaceful, an achingly sweet change of pace from their violent day-to-day lives. With a sigh, he got up, wrapping a blanket around him. He had no idea where his clothes had gone. He'd made it into the kitchen and was heating water for tea when Katsuki came out of the shower. His hair was uncharacteristically flat and wet, and he was shirtless, swearing only slouchy sweatpants. He took Izuku's breath away.

"You're really, um," Izuku said, trying to simultaneously wake up and pull his mind out of the gutter. "Attractive."

You can't blame him for being overwhelmed. He was in the living room of the #8 hero, Ground Zero. Who was shirtless. Who was into Izuku. Who was his childhood friend, and childhood crush, and first love, and Izuku was blushing again. He pulled the blanket up to his eyes to hide it.

That was the wrong move, because Katsuki shuffled over and tugged the blanket down, stealing a kiss. "I'm really gonna call you turtleboy if you keep that up," he said, with a smirk. Then he looked down the blanket, biting his lip. "And where's your clothes?"

Izuku didn't know, and Katsuki just told him to pick whatever from his clothes. Izuku tried to not be overwhelmed at that. He was shepherded to Katsuki's closet, and tried not to succumb to the urge to be incredibly nosy.

He failed. Katsuki had a walk-in closet, with a dizzying array of clothes. Izuku was floored to see a variety of Deku merch, though admittedly, none of the obvious ones. Katsuki had been thinking about him this whole time, apparently. Sure, Katsuki himself had said so, but this was real, tangible evidence! Izuku was giddy. Eventually, he grabbed the most boring pair of sweatpants and what seemed to be an ancient Ground Zero hoodie.

He opened the door right into Katsuki, who looked him up and down.

"Yep, I could get used to that," he said, pulling Izuku out of the closet. "Those are yours now, Deks."

Katsuki wasted no time in getting ready. He'd dressed, packed a duffel bag, and was out the door in twenty minutes. Izuku was apparently supposed to "chill out and do whatever the hell he wanted," and the door would lock automatically behind him.

As much as he'd love to spend the day in Katsuki's flat, he had his own stuff to do. Like call his PR rep.

"And he destroyed the poor man's camera!" Izuku said, stabbing the remnants of his mocha with a straw. He was at Pothos' Place again, absently watching yet another shot of Ground Zero exploding a villain on the TV. Outside, rain pattered lightly against the window.

"Well, that's a little intense, but probably better in the long run," said Suika. Izuku's PR rep was calmer than expected, and Izuku hoped this wouldn't be a problem. "Well, you're not the first gay hero. So, who's the guy? Hopefully it's someone we can market well."

"Uh," Izuku said. He'd been dreading this part. He looked around, making sure no one was listening. "Kacchan."

"That's a cute name," Suika said with a smile in his voice. "So what's he like? I'll work on media strats in case you two decide to go public." Of course. Suika wouldn't know his nickname for Katsuki.

"He's um. He's a lot. He's, uh, he's Katsuki. Bakugou Katsuki, like Ground Zero."

There was a moment of silence, then Suika laughed. "Midoriya, don't scare me like that. It's funny that they have the same name, but it shouldn't complicate things too much. I think-"

"No, Suika. Like Bakugou Katsuki, as in Ground Zero, specifically ." Izuku felt numb. He looked at the slushy ice in his glass and wished he could melt into oblivion, too. "Kacchan is what I call him. Is that uh, bad?"

"You're fucking with me."

"Suika!" Izuku had never heard him swear before. "I'm not! We've been dating for a few weeks, I mean, I can call him and prove it but I think he's working right now and-"

"Oh god no don't call him," Suika said quickly. "Oh my god. Someone had pictures of you two? Are there any more?"

"No, Kacchan patted him down after blowing up his whole camera," Izuku frowned. "And threatened him. A lot."

"Thank god one of you two idiots have sense," Suika sighed.

"Wait why-"

"Midoriya. Sweet angel. It's been wonderful working with you, and now I see that you were just buttering me up for the biggest PR disaster of my career ."

"Um," Izuku trailed off. "It's not that big a deal, I think?"

"Ha! Not a big deal, he says." Suika sighed again, but even louder. "Well, I guess you haven't encountered this in your career yet. I really should have known it was too good to last. That's part of the problem - you are a good boy hero, as we call it. You don't have any major mistakes, you're likable to nearly all demographics, you're not controversial in literally any way."

"That's good, right?" Izuku folded his napkin. On the TV, Ground Zero was cussing out the reporters swarming him as he bagged the villain. He could tell because the subtitles were all asterisks.

"Yes, Midoriya. Except if you date Ground Zero, because then your fanbases are going to interact. And Ground Zero's fans are arguably as bad as he is. I mean, the guy makes one vaguely nice statement on TV and he's suddenly national news! That's how low the standard is! If people find out you're associated, you're going to be the one thrown under the bus."


"I'm not done explaining. Ground Zero's reputation has already shown it can weather pretty much anything you could throw at it. Swearing, temper tantrums, sleeping around, wanton violence… you name it. He's already popular, so honestly dating a sweetheart like you will just make him even more likable. It'll give him the approachability he lacks."

"Sounds fine," Izuku mumbled. Even if it widened the gap between them, he was happy he'd be an asset to Katsuki.

"No, not fine. Because you don't have that. The public has never questioned you, but they sure are gonna start when they figure out who you're dating. Outside of all the homophobes crawling out of the woodwork, all your principles, morals, and so on will be called into question. It'll be bullshit like ' what else is he hiding?' or 'Deku shocks all by throwing away morals!'"

Izuku could only think of only one thing. "Kacchan will kill them," he whispered. It wasn't a good thing. Katsuki was the last person you'd want to go on over-protective rampages.

"That's another problem," Suika groaned. "If Ground Zero actually likes you-"


"Then we have to deal with him throwing a bitch fit every time someone…" Suika trailed off. "You know what, I'm just gonna call their agency. We'll have to coordinate regardless. In the meantime, I'm signing you up for a hero relationship sensitivity course."

"A what?"

"All hero couples have to do it. Practical stuff like how to handle villains trying to use you against each other, how to avoid media traps, the likes. I'll email you some options for dates."

"Thank you, I guess," Izuku said. He was a little shell-shocked.

"Of course, Midoriya. Don't worry, I'll take care of this. You've been the best client I could ask for and," Suika sounded a little choked up, "And I'll make sure nothing touches your perfect, beautiful reputation. Not even that hellion. Don't worry. I'll check in touch with Ground Zero's agency and sort this out." The line clicked dead. Thunder rolled outside ominously, and Izuku wished he had his frog umbrella.

About forty minutes later, he got a text from Katsuki.

Kacchan: Thx for calling PR bby

Izuku: Was that sarcastic? >_>

Kacchan: No lol i actually meant to but forgot. Ono just broke my fckin eardrums w/ her screaming

Kacchan: Apparently i should have called her immediately and have now both ruined her life and broken her heart lmao

Kacchan: But yeah we should prob talk about we wanna handle this

Kacchan: <3

Izuku was distracted by the heart emoji. Was this his first heart emoji from Katsuki? He screenshotted it for future reference. He sent a quick text saying something vague about talking whenever Katsuki was available, and headed into his sector's headquarters.

Upon walking in the door, he was pulled into a debriefing and sent out. Apparently lightning had struck several places in his sector, and Izuku spent the day pulling people out of rubble, bringing burn victims to hospitals, and helping with risky repairs. It was exhausting. No flashy villains to fight, no battle tactics to consider - just the heartbreak and pain of those injured and those who'd lost their homes.

It was a long, thankless day, after which he gladly accepted an invitation from Uraraka and Iida to have udon at their favorite place.

And again, the next day. And the next. His days became a blur of search and rescue on shift, getting hot food with his friends for dinner, listening to Katsuki complaining about his night shifts, and passing out. Katsuki remained cagey about whatever he was working on, and Izuku quickly learned that Shouto was in on it too, being #10. Apparently briefing anyone else was too much of a security risk, but that didn't stop the rest of them from guessing.

So it came as somewhat of a relief when Izuku got to face down an actual villain. Izuku was more prepared than anyone else in his sector, and it was all thanks to Katsuki. Or it was all thanks to Izuku's compulsive need to take copious notes on anything hero-related, because he'd essentially been debriefed on the "ground munching" villain that had last been seen in Katsuki's industrial sector.

The villain called himself Terrestrator, which was by all accounts a terrible name. He surfaced inside a bank vault, stuffed a bag full of banknotes and jewels, then ate the titanium safe doors on his way out. Izuku got the alarm as soon as he'd surfaced, and got there by the time he was leaving the building. The villain moved fast.

The villain was large, easily three times Izuku's height. Not nearly enough to intimidate Izuku, but the way his skin rippled with titanium was a concern.

Izuku nearly broke his hand the first time he tried punching him. Fine. Flat-footed, direct kicks were probably the only way his body could keep from shattering on impact. Terrestrator was already on the run, but Izuku was faster. He was always faster. Green lightning crackled over his limbs, and he lept from building to building, avoiding the streets and pedestrians still seeking safety. He shut out the sound of sirens wailing, citizen's screaming, and made a calculated jump.

Air screamed past his ears as he plummeted straight into the back of Terrestrator's neck with both feet, driving the villain's face into the concrete with a sickening crunch. Izuku rolled away, narrowly avoiding the screeching tires of oncoming traffic. As police hurried to clear the intersection, Izuku regained his footing. His legs ached already, but he could see cracking on the back of the villain's back. It gave him a sick sense of satisfaction.

Then, with the strange creaking of asphalt, the villain's head lifted. His face swung around slowly, until he faced Izuku. His face was made of concrete, pebbled and gray. What?

"Oh, shit," Izuku whispered. He could hear the click of cameras behind him.

"That's right," Terrestrator roared. His voice sounded inhuman, echoey and horribly deep. "My power is unlimited! Everything here will only make me stronger! Give up now, while you still live." He rolled his neck, vertebrae creaking. Maybe the transition was difficult? He couldn't have wanted to become cement, when titanium was an option but it must have gotten in his mouth when Izuku had stomped him, and...

He was definitely still strong. Strong enough to give Katsuki's sector a headache. Izuku wondered if he had to eat normal food, or if he somehow got calories from what he was eating. At his size, he'd need at least 5,000 calories or more - and if he took on the qualities of whatever he ate, he would have to be relatively picky about what went into his mouth…

Terrestrator was charging him, but he was slow, and clumsy. Izuku was grateful for all the sparring he'd done with Katsuki. Most people seemed slow if you were used to Ground Zero.

Izuku led Terrestrator on a chase, antagonizing him with near misses, and bringing him to a deserted alleyway, past several overflowing dumpsters, to a dead end. Izuku had very little room to maneuver, but civilian casualties would be at a minimum. With a cocky grin, Terrestrator closed in on him. Izuku took deep breaths, calming himself while he waited for his chance.

The moment to strike was the briefest windows. Terrestrator lunging forwards, mouth open in a wordless scream, and Izuku threw himself forwards feet first, sliding between the villain's legs. It was a risky maneuver, but momentum was key.

He caught both of the villain's ankles with his hands, using his forward momentum to swing his legs up and around. A slight twist had him hooking one leg over the villain's shoulder. His core burned in protest as he violently brought his head up and over the villain's back. Terrestrator was stumbling forwards in surprise. He tripped, lurching down, giving Izuku an ideal chance to grab his face, fingers digging into cheekbones. With his free hand, he stuff a soda can into the man's mouth. Izuku jumped off of him, pushing him forward and down.

Terrestrator fell forwards, face-first into the wall, the can forced down his throat by the impact. Perfection. Before Izuku's eyes, he began to turn into aluminum. Without preamble, Izuku smash-kicked him into the wall, crumpling him like an empty soda can. With a few more stomps, Izuku had him compacted into a square. Eyes and mouth stared up at him in silent rage, looking like a Picasso piece.

"That's uh," Izuku said, feeling winded. "Weird? But kind of cool?"

The aluminum mouth opened and closed like a fish. How would he turn back into human-shape? Did he need other minerals? Izuku stopped himself from circling that storm-drain of line of thought, or he'd be standing there all day.

"I hope this doesn't hurt you," Izuku finally muttered, then carefully picked up the scrunched villain by one corner, like he was a dirty sock. He collected the villain's bag and carried it out of the alleyway. He was greeted by a wall of cop cars, camera shutters, and applause. He smiled awkwardly to the cameras and dropped the villain into a trash bag held out by the police.

"Make sure he doesn't suffocate," Izuku said, feeling bad. Even villains shouldn't be treated like trash.

By the time debrief and paperwork was done, Izuku had a raging headache. Four ibuprofens later saw him on his couch at him, eating a luke-warm microwave dinner and watching All Might cartoons. Who said hero life wasn't glamorous? He decided to text Katsuki, who should be getting up for his morning shift.

Izuku: Got your weird villain today, haha

These days, Katsuki didn't always insta-reply. Apparently the Striker case actually kept him off his phone sometimes, so Izuku was happy to see the quick response.

Kacchan: Fuck yeah, I hate that guy

Kacchan: Hope you gave him an extra kick from me

Kacchan: You ok?

Izuku smiled. He'd never get tired of Katsuki worrying about him. In response, he adjusted himself to get his dinner, his face, and the cartoons in his phone's camera. A smile and a peace sign later, he had a cute picture to send to Katsuki. If he was lucky, he'd get a shirtless picture back. Izuku had come to strongly suspect that Katsuki had a folder of pictures of himself on standby, but he really couldn't complain. Izuku loved steamy pictures of Katsuki, and Katsuki loved Izuku's selfies for whatever reason. All Izuku wanted was to be called "fucking stupid cute" again, and his night could finally be a good one.

Izuku: [image attached]


Kacchan: ARE U EATING.

Oh. Izuku should have expected that, actually.

Izuku: Dinner! See, I feed myself!

Kacchan: No u DONT. U survive off of garbage like a rat

Kacchan: Ur lucky im off tonight cause im gonna feed ur ratatouille ass some fucking food

Izuku: You're cute when you're angry

Izuku: (◕‿◕✿)

Kacchan: Im always angry

Izuku: You're always cute

Kacchan: Fck off. Ill be there in 30

Kacchan: Dont touch that shit deku i stg ill gut u like a fish

Izuku usually liked Katsuki's aggressive need to see people eat nutritious meals, but he wasn't up for the attitude today. He was exhausted and didn't feel like waiting thirty minutes for Katsuki to get there and start cooking. He did the only thing he could: took a picture of himself putting microwave lasagna into his open mouth.

Izuku: [image attached]

Kacchan: !!!!!!!


Izuku grinned. That'd turn thirty minutes to at maximum fifteen. Sure he'd have to pay the price when Katsuki got there, but he had a feeling he wouldn't really mind whatever Katsuki planned to do to him.