Chapter 13

Katsuki actually took seventeen minutes to get to Izuku's apartment, not that Izuku was counting. He blew through the open door, dropped a bag on the counter, then made a beeline for the couch. He held up the half-eaten container of lasagna like it was a murder weapon and there was a dead body on the floor.

"How fucking dare you!"

"You were slow," Izuku told him, helplessly giggling. Katsuki's mouth worked in annoyance.

"It took me fifteen minutes, Deku! And I brought food!"

"Seventeen minutes," Izuku risked saying. Katsuki was on him in an instant, squishing both his cheeks with one giant hand.

"You're un-fucking-believable," he frowned, then kissed him on his squished-up mouth. Izuku's heart thumped at the casual intimacy. The newness hadn't worn off yet, at least enough that one kiss was still capable of driving every thought out of his head. He must have looked particularly spacey, because Katsuki pulled away to consider him. "You feeling okay?"

"It was a long day," Izuku sighed, hating to admit weakness. He was immediately rewarded for it though, as Bakuogu pulled him into a hug.

"Sounds like shit," Katsuki said, quietly. Izuku had to smile at his attempt at being comforting.

"It's fine. Just so much search and rescue. Where are all the villains? It's just like, natural disaster after natural disaster. So many people injured, and I can't fucking save everyone. I hate it. It's exhausting. I feel like I've been lifting concrete for the last month."

Katsuki just threaded his fingers through Izuku's hair, massaging his scalp. Izuku melted against him.

"Want some real fucking food?" Katsuki murmured, his voice vibrating in his chest.

"I want to sleep for eight years," Izuku sighed. "But I'll settle for food."

Katsuki deposited Izuku on one of the barstools and began clanking about in the kitchen. He'd apparently brought over some of his meal prep, whatever was the 'least spicy.' Despite that description, Izuku knew better than to have high hopes for edible. He was treated to curry chicken and rice. It was spicy as hell, but technically still tasted good. Even the rice was fucking spicy.

"You cooked this?" Izuku asked, sipping water. His mouth was burning.

"Yeah, so?"

"I don't know how you find time to cook," Izuku murmured, pushing curry around his plate. If he took another bite, his tongue might shrivel up and die. Katsuki just scoffed.

"I'm a functioning adult, is how."

"And I'm a garbage-eating rat, apparently," Izuku groaned, his head dropping to the countertop. He was so tired, he wanted to melt off the barstool and sleep on the floor. He glanced up, to find Katsuki watching him vacantly.

Finally, as if he'd really thought it through, Katsuki said, "I guess rats can be cute."

Izuku cracked a grin. "Man, I'm sorry I'm so out of it."

"It's pretty typical Midoriya behavior," Katsuki snorted. "I don't mind."

"You know my typical behavior?" Izuku was smiling for real now, pulling himself off the counter. He risked another bite of curry, and his eyes watered.

"Dumbass, I've known you since we were four." Katsuki watched him carefully, looking a bit scornful. "Too spicy?"

"Noooo," Izuku lied, sipping water. His nose was starting to run.

"That's a weak-ass lie," Katsuki snorted. "But I'll make you something better when I have time."

"That'd be nice," Izuku murmured, exhaustion creeping up on him. "I wanna go to bed."

Katsuki blinked at him. "Already? I just got fucking here."

Izuku blinked back. Oh. Katsuki hadn't realized it was an invitation. He rested his chin on his hand, and let his lips curl into a smile. "Bed, with you," he purred. "I'm not that tired." Katsuki's spoon clattered onto his plate as he suddenly stood.

"Fuck yes. I'll just clean up-"

"Kacchan, bed ," Izuku insisted. "I've had a long, hard day and now I want-"

"Some long, hard dick?" Katsuki finished with a perfect poker face, already heading to Izuku's bed, dishes instantly abandoned. The man sure changed pace quickly, but Izuku happily followed him to the bedroom. Katsuki was already in his underwear by the time Izuku got there. No flame pattern this time, Izuku noted, though maybe he'd ripped Katsuki's only pair. Whoops. It was probably for the best.

"Yo, nerd," Katsuki beckoned to him. "Let's have some fucking fun."

Izuku's shirt was on the floor before he knew it, and his pants followed shortly after. He stared at Katsuki for a moment. Was he supposed to jump into his arms? Onto the bed? Was it normal to think about these kinds of things in times like this? He was ready to worry about this indefinitely, but Katsuki interrupted his thoughts.

"Deku, you gonna just stand there? Cause I'm gonna start calling you t-"

"Don't call me turtleboy," Izuku said quickly and hopped on the bed. Katsuki stifled a laugh, but followed suit.

"You nervous?" Katsuki asked. Was it a trick question? Izuku wanted to seem like the kind of person who wasn't self-conscious. And he wasn't really that self-conscious, it just takes him a while to warm up.

"You know," Izuku murmured, scooting closer to Katsuki. "I just get caught up in my own head sometimes."

"I know," Katsuki hummed, pulling Izuku's back to his chest, his arms snaking around Izuku's waist. Izuku leaned back, letting his head fall on Katsuki's shoulder.

"Sometimes," Izuku said, forcing each word out past his insecurity, "I just need someone to get me out of my head."

Katsuki's hands flexed against his stomach. "I fucking volunteer for that, goddamn. Deku, we gotta talk though."

"About what?" Izuku wasn't sure what exactly they'd need to talk about. They'd already gone over STI safety (Izuku'd been tested months ago, Katsuki was waiting on results), and so on.

"What you like," Katsuki trailed a hand up his chest, fingertip catching on his nipple. Izuku shivered at the touch. "Or what you don't like."

Izuku hummed, thinking it over. Katsuki's hand kept up its gentle stroking, outlining his abs, his pecs, trailing over his throat. It was hard to concentrate, but Izuku pulled himself together for the sake of safe sex. Katsuki beat him to the punch.

"Because I want to do all kinds of shit to you, baby. Been thinking about it for fucking ever."

"I like everything," Izuku managed to get out. Katsuki's roving hand stilled.


"Well, not like really messy stuff, like golden showers and, um," Izuku blushed horribly. "I like most things. Just give me a chance to tell you to stop if you're doing something new."

"Fuck," Katsuki said, his breath warming Izuku's neck. Izuku shifted in his lap, just enough to turn and look at him.

"What? I'm not that innocent, you know. You should know that by now." Izuku was a little indignant. Like Uraraka, he had cute-face syndrome. And like Uraraka, he liked all kinds of different things in bed. Katsuki was still quiet, looking at him with widened eyes. Izuku frowned. "You okay?"

"I'm just fucking…" Katsuki said, voice hoarse. "I've been fucking thinking about this forever. Now I can't even fucking decide what to do with you first."

"Well I can-," Izuku said, starting to get up, but in an instant Katsuki's hand was just below his throat, pressed against his collarbones as he stopped him from getting up.

"No no, lil' Deku," Katsuki growled. "Not letting you get away before I've even started."

"Started with what ," Izuku said, wishing that hand would go a little higher on his neck. "Turtleboy," he added, because maybe he wanted to find out what would happen if he antagonized Katsuki.

"You didn't ," Katsuki growled. His hand moved from Izuku's collar bones up his neck. Izuku whined slightly at the contact, enjoying the feeling of being vulnerable. But Katsuki's hand kept moving up his jaw, the side of his face, to grab hold of his hair. Then he yanked Izuku's head back, not hard enough to hurt, but enough to bare his neck. He leaned in, kissing his way up Izuku's throat, sending a pleasant burn of desire down Izuku's body. He shifted in place, settling against Katsuki's hard body, making sure to move enough that Katsuki tightened his hold on his hair.

"Kacchan," Izuku breathed out, boneless and warm. Then, remembering Katsuki's reluctance to push him, he added, "I like that. When you grab my hair."

"Shit," Katsuki swore, tightening his grip. His other hand made its way between Izuku's legs, palming his dick. Izuku bucked against the hand, breath shuddering.

"Please, Kacchan," he found himself pleading. He could come like this, he realized. He just needed a little more time, a little more pressure from Katsuki and… Katsuki's hand was gone. Izuku whined in protest.

"Greedy little…" Katsuki trailed off. "Deku."

"What?" Izuku growled. He'd taken to stroking himself, because Katsuki was slacking.

"Dirty talk?"

"What about it," Izuku sighed. He was getting a good rhythm going, and at least Katsuki hadn't let go of his hair.

"I fucking hate you. Obviously, I wanna know how fucking dirty can I talk to you. Tell me Deku, are you a slut for me? How bad do you want me to shove my cock in you, huh?" He pulled his hair again, slowly and with intention.

"I-" Izuku started, but Katsuki's free hand grabbed his wrist, stopping him from touching himself. Izuku was indignant. "Hey!"

"Tell me," Katsuki growled in his ear.

"Aw," Izuku sighed dramatically, feeling like some teasing was required after Katsuki ruined his fun. He twisted in Katsuki's lap and stared down at him. Katsuki looked up at him, wearing half a snarl and fire in his eyes. Izuku smirked. "You know I'm a slut for that cock," he said, tossing his inhibitions out the window. "Been thinking about how it would feel in my ass for years." It was hard to feel self-conscious when Katsuki was looking at him like he was a bowl of extra-fiery-hell-flavored noodles. Like he wanted to devour Izuku.

Izuku started pushing him back on the bed, and suddenly found himself briefly in the air before he landed on his back, with Katsuki over him.

"Sassy mouth you got, there," Katsuki told him, sitting up enough to shimmy out of his underwear. He was hard. Very hard. Izuku watched with a vested interest, barely even looking up when Katsuki growled, "Would be a shame if someone were to stuff it full of cock."

"Such a shame," Izuku murmured, eyes following Katsuki's dick. Izuku propped himself up on his elbows, and bit his lower lip. "Kacchan…" he trailed off. Katsuki paused.

"You good?"

"I don't want to turn this into a competition," Izuku sighed, then looked up through his lashes. "But I'm definitely better at giving head than you."

Katsuki's mouth dropped open. Yeah, Izuku did want to turn it into a competition, actually. "Piece of shit," Katsuki told him, apparently too turned on to use more relevant swear words.

"Try it and find out," Izuku prodded him. Katsuki swallowed hard.

"Don't mind if I fucking do, Jesus Christ." Then Katsuki's cock was at his lips, in his mouth, and Katsuki's hands were back in his hair. Izuku did what he did best, which was tease the fuck out of Katsuki until the other man was practically face-fucking him. Something about the repetitive motion, the lack of air, and the heady smell of Katsuki made time blur. Izuku knew of nothing but dick, and he loved it. That is, until his head was suddenly jerked back, mouth empty.

"Not bad," Katsuki told him, leaning down. "Not all I'm gonna do tonight, though."

"Rate me," Izuku told him, then wiped his mouth. After a moment, he added, "Bitch."

Katsuki's mouth twitched. "Don't make me fucking laugh again, nerd. I'm tryna set a goddamn mood. Now spread your goddamn legs for me, yeah? Gonna take my sweet time with you."

"Thought you were gonna go harder than this," Izuku muttered. Katsuki barked out a laugh.

"Lil' Deku, don't worry your shitty head about it. I'll fuck you good." God, his voice was deep. Izuku felt it in his bones.

"When," Izuku actually whimpered. He was so turned on it nearly hurt, and he wanted to be touched .

"After you quit bitching, you impatient idiot," Katsuki told him, then kissed his forehead. Izuku groaned in frustration.

"I hate you."

"You're gonna hate me more," Katsuki told him, taking a hold of his chin. "Baby. You say stop and I stop, okay?"

"Yes," Izuku sighed, lifting his chin. Maybe he was hoping Katsuki's hand would slide down to his throat. Maybe he had a thing for being dominated, for letting go of control, putting his life in someone else's hands. "But don't stop. Please continue," he added. Katsuki's hand trailed down his front, before settling on his sternum.

"So nice and polite," Katsuki praised him, pushing him back onto the mattress.

"I am," Izuku purred, lifting his hips and grinding against Katsuki.

"You talk so much," Katsuki said. "If you don't shut up, I'm just gonna fuck your face for the rest of tonight. You can try talking with a mouth full of cock. How's that sound, Deks?"

"That sounds gr-"

"And then you'll never get it up this tight little ass," he added. Izuku's mouth snapped shut. Then open.

"You didn't shut up last time," he protested, because it was unfair. Katsuki grinned, apparently pleased with himself.

"'Course I didn't. I'm the bitchiest sub in the country. That was me trying to behave ."

"Oh shit." Izuku felt his dick actually throb like in shitty erotica. He changed his mind. Maybe he'd never been a dom before , but fuck if he didn't want to ruin Bakugou Katsuki.

Katsuki grinned the worst shit-eating grin Izuku had ever seen. "You know you wanna make me behave."

"Katsuki," Izuku snapped. "You're tempting me."

"Sorry Midoriya, but we'll have to do that another time. This ass is mine tonight." Katsuki threw him a cocky grin and gave Izuku's dick a little pat. "Ditch your undies, loser."

"Why do I like you?" Izuku asked, but pulled off his underwear regardless. Katsuki looked victorious, and for a moment, Izuku was overwhelmed. He loved how Katsuki looked like that, grinning down at him, focused and dangerous. It was both familiar and thrilling. Katsuki was reaching towards him, putting two fingers in his mouth. Izuku let him, sucking on them, watching the arousal flutter across Katsuki's face.

"Where's your lube," Katsuki asked, pushing his fingers deeper. Izuku wrinkled his nose in response, because obviously he wouldn't be able to reply like this. Katsuki leaned in. "Where," he insisted, pushing Izuku's tongue down. "Tell me, Deku." Oh. That was the point.

Izuku managed to mumble something that sounded like 'drawer' around Katsuki's fingers. "Man, I love shutting you up," Katsuki drawled, leaning over to investigate. Maybe he leaned some of his weight on the hand in Izuku's mouth, and maybe Izuku bit down a little. Katsuki pulled his fingers away, looking at them with a frown.

"You'll pay for that," he said, lazily.

Izuku pointed at the lube in his hand. "Hop to it, turt-mmf." Katsuki had lunged forward and covered Izuku's mouth.

"Nope. No more turtleboys, or I'm fucking leaving you with blue balls. You're gonna be nice for me, right?" Katsuki stared him down, fingers digging into his cheeks. Izuku nodded. "Good."

Katsuki removed the hand, and Izuku deeply considered sassing him again to get him to put it back, but then again he actually did want Katsuki to get a move on. So he settled for sticking out his tongue.

Katsuki rolled his eyes, and thankfully went to find a condom (in his discarded pants pocket apparently). Izuku took the opportunity to spread his legs as sinfully as he knew how, propping himself up on his elbows in a way he knew made his abs look fantastic. When Katsuki turned back around, he dropped the newly found condom with a curse, then picked it back up.

"You look," he swallowed, "Fucking good."

"Yeah," Izuku said, knowing he sounded smug as hell. Well, he was smug. Anyone would be, if the sight of their naked body made Katsuki drop whatever he was holding.

Katsuki just shook his head and climbed up behind Izuku's thighs. Where he belongs, Izuku thought. "Fucking shameless," Katsuki told him, lubing up his fingers. Izuku was nearly trembling in anticipation, knees open, feeling horribly exposed. Katsuki was clearly enjoying the sight.

"You said to be nice," Izuku replied, sounding a lot more breathy than sassy. "So I'm being nice." Katsuki's eyes darkened.

"I did," Katsuki said, his voice rough. "And you look so good. Makes me want to reward you."

"Please," Izuku said, lifting his chin to look at Katsuki through lowered lashes. God, he wanted him so badly. Katsuki gave him a half-smile.

"Such a good boy," he purred, running his warm hands down the insides of Izuku thighs. Fuck. Izuku's back arched off the bed. He felt fucking touch-starved.

"Kacchan," Izuku whined. "Come on, I need you." In answer, Katsuki's hands curled around Izuku's thighs and yanked him closer. Then finally, finally touched him, stroking his dick, down over his balls, down to his ass. Izuku's mouth was dry with desire. He hadn't been planning to beg, but he was damn well about to start if he didn't get something in him right now. "Kacchan, come on," he pleaded again. It was a good thing he was too horny to care how pathetic he sounded.

"So fucking eager," Katsuki snorted and leaned over Izuku, propping himself up with one arm. Blessedly, his other hand stayed between Izuku's legs, where it belonged. Izuku rose up the rest of the way to kiss him. Unceremoniously, Katsuki pushed a finger inside his ass, making Izuku swear into his mouth.

"There you go," Katsuki said, voice hoarse. "Relax, baby. I got you."

Izuku realized he was trembling. One finger was easy for him, but this was Katsuki. Katsuki leaning over him, kissing him, Katsuki's finger in his ass and... fuck. He was too turned on. He let Katsuki ease him back onto the mattress, kissing him softly. He put his hands in Katsuki's hair, pulling him closer, deepening the kiss, trying not to be too obvious about grinding against Katsuki's forearm.

"Yeah yeah, okay," Katsuki moaned into his mouth. "One more." Izuku tried not to smile in triumph as Katsuki added another finger, and finally began to move them. Izuku was in bliss.

"Kacchan you feel so good," he panted. Katsuki kissed him again, taking way too fucking long.

"That's right, lil' Deku. Want some more?"

"Fuck! Please!"

"So good," Katsuki praised him, voice like gravel. Izuku moaned as another finger went in. He was losing it. It wasn't just that it was Katsuki, there was a primal aspect to being pinned down by such a goddamn badass man. He clutched Katsuki's shoulders, feeling the man's fingers push deeper, accepting the uncomfortable feeling of being stretched that was quickly overwhelmed by the pleasure flickering up his spine with each thrust.

"God, Katsuki, please just fuck me," Izuku hissed, nails digging into his back. Katsuki paused, pulling away enough to look Izuku in the face. Izuku's heart squeezed; Katsuki looked fond. Affectionate. Like he was trying to memorize Izuku's face, like he'd just been handed everything he'd ever wanted.

"Sure," Katsuki said, smiling slightly. "In a bit. I'm enjoying this."

Izuku was going to scream in frustration. Or cry. He loved him so fucking much, but he was so sexually frustrated. Katsuki kept moving, kissing Izuku again, maddeningly slow.

"Kacchan, I'm…" Izuku trailed off. "You're driving me crazy."

"That's the idea, idiot," Katsuki huffed. "Besides, I've wanted this for so long. I'm gonna fucking indulge." His fingers curled, once, twice, and then molten pleasure shot through Izuku. He was left gasping, legs squeezing Katsuki's waist.


"Soon," Katsuki grinned, and kissed Izuku's neck, curling his fingers again. Izuku moaned against his shoulder, taking deep, shuddering breaths. He just had to survive until Katsuki started fucking him, right?

"Kacchan, please," he said hoarsely, distantly aware of how undone he'd come.

"You sound so nice when you beg," Katsuki said. Was Izuku begging? He was, and if he was going to beg, he may as well do it properly.

"Please, Kacchan, I want your dick so badly," Izuku whispered, letting his lips brush Katsuki's ear. He could actually feel Katsuki tense up. Progress. "Please I just want your cock in my ass, I'll do anything, please just fuck me."

Katsuki sat up, looking down at Izuku. "You know what? Fine. I fucking will, you impatient piece of shit." Izuku grinned up at him, victorious and still very horny. Katsuki looked like he was torn between being desperately turned on, annoyed, and affectionate. Izuku felt it was a good look on him. He waited eagerly while Katsuki rolled on a condom and positioned himself, slowly pushing in. Izuku shut his eyes, relaxing into the feeling. The feeling that suddenly stopped.

"Open your eyes," Katsuki ordered. "Watch me."

Izuku's eyes flew open, and he felt his cheeks warm. "F-fine," he stammered. Katsuki met his eyes, his gaze mercilessly intense. Izuku's heart pounded.

"Good," Katsuki told him. "I want to see your face when I push my cock inside you."

Izuku made some sort of unintelligible noise, but somehow was able to keep his eyes on Katsuki. He had no idea what expression he was making, but Katsuki muttered something that sounded like 'fuck you're hot,' so it couldn't have been too bad. He effortlessly lifted Izuku's hips onto his knees, lining himself up carefully. Izuku wanted to scream about how slow he was being, but he was so close to getting what he wanted and he didn't want Katsuki to draw things out any further.

Then Katsuki was pushing inside, slowly but surely. "Fuck," Izuku sighed, his head dropping backward. It was good, so good. "God, Kacchan, you feel perfect."

"You too, Deks," Katsuki said. Izuku reminded himself to look up. Katsuki's eyes were still on his face, and Izuku drank in the sight. His goddamn sculpted body, the way his chest flexed as he carefully controlled Izuku's hips, the trickle of sweat sliding down his abs.

Then he picked up the pace slowly. Izuku found himself breathing with each thrust, making pathetic little pant-moans that seemed completely unavoidable. And he was being fucked by Bakugou Katsuki.

Katsuki fucked him slowly, leisurely, like he had all the time in the world. Izuku lasted at least a few minutes before impatience took over. He found himself trying to push his hips against Katsuki. Katsuki breathed out a laugh.

"Nope," he said, controlling Izuku's hips to move at his pace.

"Kacchan, please ," Izuku groaned. "How much nicer can I ask?"

"Guess you really want to get railed," Katsuki told him, maybe picking up the pace the smallest amount. With a groan, Izuku laid back. Katsuki was apparently determined to drive him up a fucking wall instead of giving him what he wanted. Instead he concentrated on the feeling of Katsuki driving into him, the pleasure curling through his body, the quiet sounds Katsuki was making. It was good, too good to resist touching himself. He sighed in relief, gaining a few seconds of bliss before Katsuki grabbed his wrist, and firmly pulled it away.

"Why," Izuku half-snarled. He hadn't meant to sound angry, but goddamn he was starting to edge and god he wanted to come so badly. Katsuki pitched forward, hands landing on Izuku's arms, pinning him down. The motion shoved him deeper into Izuku, making him cry out, his mind perfectly blank for a moment.

"Because, Deku," Katsuki growled, head hanging over Izuku's, "I'm fucking you . And you're going to take. What. I give you." He punctuated each of the last few words with a thrust.

"Fuck," Izuku whispered. Katsuki had him half-folded over, and began to fuck him in earnest. "Fuck, yes ," Izuku groaned.

"Shit," Katsuki snarled, thrusting harder. The obscene sound of balls slapping against Izuku's ass filled the room, and Izuku held onto the blankets for dear life. Katsuki's hands were driving his arms into the bed, hotter than was reasonable, but not quite enough to burn. Izuku thought so, at least, but it was fucking hard to think straight. And honestly, he couldn't care less if he got burned in that moment.

Izuku was too far gone to care what he looked like. Was he crying? He didn't know, be he did know he was sweaty, panting, eyes glued to Katsuki's face. Katsuki was slowly coming undone, his face losing its reservation, becoming almost animalistic with desire. Izuku realized he was talking, muttering praise telling him how hot he was, how good he felt. Izuku felt the burn of pleasure building up as he watched Katsuki over him, arms flexing with each thrust, the pressure bordering on painful but it felt too good for Izuku to care.

It was overwhelming, it was ecstasy, it was killing Izuku. "Kacchan, fuck," he panted. "I'm-"

"Izuku," Katsuki breathed out, eyes locking on his.

"I'm so fucking close please just touch me," Izuku began, words petering out into a mumbled stream of consciousness that was probably incoherent.

"Shit, baby, I got you," he groaned, straightening up, shifting positions to lift one of Izuku's legs over his shoulders. One strong arm circled Izuku's thigh, and he started working Izuku's dick with his other hand. Izuku's head was thrown back, chest heaving. Distantly, he heard Katsuki say, "That's it baby, come for me, come on…"

Izuku came hard, mind swamped by pleasure, breath stuttering. It took him a while to come back around, and when he did, blinking away mental static, Katsuki was laying next to him. He was propped up on an elbow, looking down at Izuku. He looked as wrecked as Izuku felt; sweaty and exhausted and glowing.

"Izuku," he murmured, leaning in to kiss his temple.

"Katsuki," Izuku breathed, rolling to face him. God, he was tired. His whole body felt boneless, the pleasant-post orgasm buzz blocking out any discomfort.

"I got you this." Katsuki held up a wet wipe. "Can I?"

Izuku looked down. God, there was cum all over his stomach. Had he really just fucking lost his mind for a couple of minutes? When had that happened? "Go ahead," he mumbled, trying to sound coherent. There was something viscerally relaxing about Katsuki gently cleaning him up, and if anything, Izuku melts even further into the bed.

"Mm just gonna sleep," he mumbled, then grunted as a very warm Katsuki crawled onto his chest.

"Get ready for bed first."


"At least brush your teeth," Katsuki insisted.

Izuku cracked open an eye. Katsuki was smiling down at him. "You're fucking with me," Izuku sighed.

"Hygiene is no joke," Katsuki told him. Of course it wasn't a joke, because apparently Izuku had forgotten he was dating the most anal person ever, whether it was about nutrition or dental hygiene or being the best stupid hero in the stupid country. "Don't worry, baby," Katsuki went on. "I'll help."

Then he scooped Izuku up and carried him to the bathroom.

"You like being in control," Izuku said, mouth full of toothbrush. Katsuki shrugged.

"Yeah, yeah, I'm a dick." Katsuki was using Izuku's spare toothbrush, which… was apparently Katsuki's now. Huh. The thought made Izuku strangely happy.

"Like in sex," Izuku clarified. Katsuki looked at him sideways.

"Good or bad?"

Izuku spat out toothpaste, making a face in the mirror. He looked, well, like he'd been fucked. His hair was a complete disaster, his eyes watery, and he was pretty sure he saw finger-shaped bruises forming on his arms.


"Oh! Uh, really good, perfect," Izuku said, smiling at Katsuki in the mirror. The man's expression went from worried to smug instantly, and Katsuki pulled him in for a minty kiss.

"I'll stay till you fall asleep," he promised, carrying Izuku back to bed. Izuku tried to remember the last time he'd felt so cared for by someone he'd dated, and failed. He fell asleep quickly, head on Katsuki's chest, listening to his heartbeat.

Days later, Izuku had to quit ignoring his PR rep's phone calls in favor of even more patrols.

"We want you to do news appearances together," Suika was saying. Izuku stared at the ficus in the corner of Katsuki's apartment, wondering how such an explosive person had managed to keep a plant alive, let alone healthy. Katsuki himself was out on patrol, but had lured Izuku over for Katsuki's breakfast/Izuku's dinner.

"I thought it would be bad for my reputation, or something," Izuku said, trying not to sound resentful.

"Well, it would be if you two were exposed and it became a scandal. My plan - and Ono-san agrees - is to have you two naturally get closer over time. Then people will be excited to know you have a boyfriend."

"We're already close, though?" Izuku ignored the twist in his stomach at the word boyfriend , and the faint guilt he felt at not correcting Suika to say they were just dating. He was determined not to push Katsuki for more than he was willing to give. He just had to believe that they would get there eventually, that Katsuki would tell him when he was ready. Suika's next words startled him from his thoughts.

"In public perception," Suika said, very patiently. "Have you heard of shipping?"

"No," Izuku said, which was a fat lie. Suika didn't need to know that, though. Izuku knew everything about heroes, through copious amounts of searching. He'd seen things.

"It's like, people who like to imagine a fictional couple. Anyway, if we make the public want you two together, it should go over pretty well if you decide to announce it."

"That…" Izuku trailed off, turning it over in his head. "Might actually work well. I'll talk to Kacchan about it, but I'm sure he'll be fine with it." It was weird to be able to say something like that about Katsuki, but it was true. Despite being unreasonably temperamental, Katsuki had become a relatively reasonable person.

Suika hung up shortly after, promising to add some joint interviews to his schedule. The first was a few days from now, on a hero panel about life after graduating UA. Izuku was excited to see that several other of their classmates had been tapped to participate, including Uraraka, Tsuyu, Jirou, Kaminari, and Sero. Izuku, Katsuki, and Uraraka were the big-ticket sellers on the interview, and Izuku strongly suspected Katsuki's agency had only agreed to it in order to go along with their 'ignite the shippers' plan.

The interview came all too quickly. Izuku had only managed to see Katsuki a few times before, but he'd seemed relatively calm about it. That in and of itself made Izuku nervous. He made it all the way through the fancy lobby, up the elevator, and to the studio's floor. Katsuki was waiting, dressed as Ground Zero.

"There's a janitor closet around the corner," he said by way of greeting. The lecherous grin on his face made the implication pretty obvious. Izuku looked at him, fighting with himself. On one hand, it was desperately unprofessional to make out with his fellow interviewee in a closet before going on air, but on the other hand… he'd never made out with Katsuki in his Ground Zero get up, and he was suddenly finding that he really, really wanted to.

"Is there?" Izuku said, his heart thudding in his ears. "Sounds interesting. Maybe you should show it to me."

"Maybe I fucking should," Katsuki snapped, and was off the wall and around the corner in an instant. Izuku followed him, giggling behind a hand. Katsuki opened a door, and waved a hand. "After you."

Izuku went in, and Katsuki shut the door behind him. With Katsuki outside. Fucker. "Kacchan! You asshole!" Izuku shouted, slapping the door. He almost fell when Katsuki opened it, and slipped inside. He was doubled over laughing.

"Deku," he gasped between laughs. "I couldn't fucking resist."

"This does not make me want to make out with you," Izuku snapped, trying not to find it funny. He felt the situation called for more righteous anger then he could muster up, but then… when was the last time he'd seen Katsuki laugh that freely? Or even seen him prank someone, like pointless fun was worth his time? Suddenly Izuku couldn't hold a grudge anymore. He pulled Katsuki upright and kissed him right on his stupid, smiling mouth.

"You're giving me mixed signals, baby," Katsuki told him, smiling into his mouth.

"Mmm," Izuku said, ignoring him in favor of running his hands over that tight black tank top. It really did leave nothing to the imagination. Katsuki kissed him back, pushing him up against what probably was several brooms leaning against the wall. Izuku made some sort of sinful moan, because being pushed up against anything by Ground Zero was literally a situation straight out of his wet dreams.

"No, don't tell me," Katsuki murmured. "Of-fucking-course you've got a thing for hero costumes."

Izuku jerked back, looking at him. Called out the fuck out. At least the closet was dim enough that Katsuki probably couldn't see his blush? "Relax," Katsuki snorted. "I don't give a shit. You know I'd wear whatever weird shit turns you on."

"W-would you," Izuku stammered. He had too active of an imagination to hear things like that. He was going to have some very productive self-love time in the future.

"I'm gonna regret this, but yes, whatever you want," Katsuki chuckled. "We should get going, though. Ono will castrate me if I miss this."

"I can't let that happen," Izuku said, trying to keep a straight face, "For personal reasons."

"Fuck you."

"Please do," Izuku winked.

"Get the fuck out."

Laughing, Izuku pushed the door open before Katsuki could say anything else.

They were seated in a half-circle in front of a studio audience. They'd barely had time to chat and catch up before the show started up, but at least Izuku had been emailed a list of topics beforehand.

The panel was relatively easy, which Izuku figured had been by either Suika or Ono's design. They were given softball questions, like what had it been like to go to UA together? What were some funny stories? What was it like to face villains at such a young age?

Still, it was fun to hear his old class mate's responses. Izuku was sandwiched between Uraraka and Jirou, and Uraraka was kicking his foot any time there was a funny reply. Sero told them about the time he'd pranked their floor by taping everyone's door's shut (it had gone over very badly), Uraraka talked about her internships and how she became an excellent martial artist, and Tsuyu gave them the insider's view of the Great 3rd Year Nori Incident (don't ask).

"So," the interviewer said, "Who broke the most rules? We've all heard Ground Zero was a trouble-maker."

"Katsuki? Good luck with that. The troublemaker was definitely me," Kaminari grinned, happy to take any title away from Katsuki, even if it wasn't a flattering one. "You wouldn't believe how much shi- stuff I snuck in the dorms."

"Please, just because you got caught the most doesn't mean you broke the most rules," Jirou snickered, waving a hand sarcastically. Kaminari was a good sport about it, because he's a good sport about pretty much everything. Jirou grinned at the audience. "That would be me . Because I have subtlety! Anyway, Bakugou always had a stick up his- uh, I mean, he wasn't a rule breaker at all, outside of like, property damage. He was just a dick. Um, a jerk."

Katsuki snorted loudly, but didn't seem that mad. "She's not wrong," he finally said, after realizing the interviewer was clearly waiting for a comment from him. "I've always been a fucking, uh, been a damn tryhard."

"It sounds like you all had a good time," the interviewer said, adjusting her glasses. "So, Deku. You have one of the highest popularity ratings among new heroes,"

"Oh, uh, thank you," Izuku blurted.

"But we know you had a rough start to your time at UA, with many self-inflicted injuries. What was that like?"

It was a topic Izuku had been asked about plenty of times before. "As you know, I got my quirk very late. It was definitely difficult to learn how to control it, and I am very grateful to Recovery Girl and the friends who supported me. That's why I think it's so important that organizations like the National Children's Quirk Support Agency exist now-"

"So, speaking of friends," she interrupted, leaning in. "Did-"

"So children with potentially destructive quirks can get the support they need to flourish." Izuku finished doggedly. "I think it's a very important cause."

"Right, of course," the interviewer recovered. "I wanted to ask about your relationship with Ground Zero. We have sources saying that it was a strained relationship." Izuku froze. This hadn't been on their briefings. Uraraka's hand discreetly landed on his knee, and she gave it a squeeze. Izuku was afraid to look at Katsuki. Ignoring the frigid mood, the woman continued, "He was a bully who targeted you viciously, correct?"

"I…" Izuku panicked. He didn't know what to say. Camera flashes were going off in his face. "He's uh, he wasn't that-"

"Are you afraid to speak up with him here? We can ask him to leave," The interviewer said gently. Uraraka opened her mouth to interject, but Katsuki was faster, face hard.

"Look lady, I don't know where the fuck you get off on blindsiding Deku with questions like that, but it's goddamn unprofessional." He spat the words out, hands making fists on his armrests. At least they weren't smoking. Yet. Izuku swallowed, wondering if he should interject. The studio was deathly silent.

"Ah, Ground Zero," the woman said. Her tone was measured, but the glee underneath it was apparent. She wanted drama, a scoop. Izuku's stomach was twisting itself in knots. He should have thought of this, expected it. He'd rarely shared any media presence with Katsuki before, as they'd spent so many years avoiding each other. But if they were going to appear together, of course someone would dig up dirt. He could see the woman's intentions despite her sugary smile. She stared Katsuki down. "Shouldn't you let Deku speak? Haven't you done enough already?"

Katsuki leaned back in the chair so suddenly it rocked. He crossed his legs, heavy boots pointing at the audience. It was a power pose. He lifted his chin, face hard. "Deku can say what he wants. But you want to know about it? Fine. I did bully the idiot for years, all through elementary school. It was horrible, and I was an absolute shithead," Katsuki snarled. "And then I spent the rest of my life regretting it."

The interviewer opened her perfectly lip-sticked mouth as if she wanted to say something, but Katsuki was on a warpath. He flung an arm out, pointing at Izuku. "But I'm lucky, because Deku? He's a fucking angel. I am beyond grateful he let me back in his life." Then he crossed his arms. "So here's the deal. You want to throw bullshit questions around with no warning? Fucking go for it, but leave Deku out of it. He doesn't deserve that crap."

The studio was dead silent. Izuku was sweating bullets, wondering abstractly about why he felt the need to fall for possibly the most dramatic person in the country. Even his fellow heroes looked shell-shocked, staring at Katsuki like he'd grown a second head.

"Any questions?" Katsuki demanded, his voice full of gravel. Izuku wanted to either punch a hole in the ground and die in it, or possibly leap across his old classmates and kiss Katsuki on his angry, beautiful mouth in front of the entire studio.

"Uh," the interviewer said faintly. She looked pale. Her eyes slid over to Uraraka, a much safer target. "So, Uravity, who was the hottest boy in your graduating class?"

"Huh???" Uraraka half-shouted.

"That was a disaster," Tsuyu croaked. They'd agreed to go out together afterward, joined by an eager Kirishima who'd apparently been waiting outside for Kaminari. For hours.

"And asking me about the hottest men? It's so sexist!" Uraraka steamed, savagely stabbing a fish ball in her soup. They'd reconvened in a private room in some chic restaurant that Uraraka liked, and were sharing at least six pitchers of Sapporos between the eight of them. "I'm shocked they pulled that on Deku though!"

"That bitch shouldn't have mouthed off," Katsuki growled. He was sulking, and Izuku couldn't help but find it endearing. Even if he was an overprotective asshole, he'd saved Izuku from hard-core panicking in front of cameras.

"She'll probably be fired, or disciplined at least," Uraraka said, her voice soft with concern. "It's really frowned upon to blindside heroes with questions like that. No one's gonna want to work with her after that."

"I always get blindsided," Katsuki huffed.

"Yeah, but you set the interview standard so low," Uraraka snorted.

"It was surprising," Izuku agreed, his chest still feeling tight. Uraraka leaned over and pulled him into a hug. Izuku let himself calm down, relaxing in his friend's arms.

"It's fucking bullshit," Katsuki snapped. He was brooding, elbows on the table.

"It's kind of your fault," Tsuyu said quietly. Katsuki's head snapped towards her, snarl already forming. "You're the one with the bad reputation," she said, completely unphased. "The people around you will get caught up in it. It's your choice."

"Go eat flies," Katsuki said, without any venom.

"I like flies," Tsuyu said thoughtfully. "Thanks. Though crickets are better."

"Actually," Izuku said, safe from in Uraraka's arms, "It's our choice. Like, it's not like he's forcing us to be around him? I'd rather have him and his bad press than have some weird, fake-nice version of Kacchan."

Katsuki made a choking noise. "Some weird, nice version? The fuck's that mean?"

"Mmmm," Kirishima said. He had one leg on Kaminari's lap, and was leaning into Sero's shoulder. Sero looked very patient with it, but also faintly squished. "No, I'm feeling it. Like, imagine Katsuki being like…. 'Hello, Good Morning. It is Nice To See You. My Name Is Katsuki. Let Us Be Friends," Kirishima finished, making robotic hand motions in the air. Kaminari started snickering, and Katsuki put his face in his hands.

"So basically Katsuki but with Iida's personality?" Sero asked, like he actually cared about the answer.

"I'm gonna throw up," Katsuki groaned.

"It could be fun," Uraraka said in a distant voice. Izuku looked at her sharply, and she winked at him. "You know what I mean."

"What the fuck was that tone of voice," Jirou said. "We know what what means?"

Uraraka blushed. "Nothing."

"Nothing!" Izuku exclaimed, because he knew exactly what she was thinking about.

"I like this idea," Tsuyu interrupted, saving them both from imagining Katsuki-as-Iida and Uraraka's freak fantasies. "Not about Iida. But fake-nice Katsuki, I think it has merit conceptually. Katsuki-kun's wearing, what is that? A minty green hoodie? It's a nice color. It goes with his fake-nice personality."

"Hello, My Name Is Bakugou Katsuki and I Wear Mint Green," Kirishima snickered.

"Gonna kill all y'all," Katsuki groaned, but his heart clearly wasn't in it.

"Seriously, what the fuck are you wearing?" Kaminari said, too loudly. He'd had a lot of the Sapporos.

"I'm fucking in hiding, okay?" Katsuki growled, then downed Izuku's beer, despite his own beer being right in front of him. Izuku pouted as Katsuki went on. "Goddamn people mobbing me 'cause of the goddamn video and that shitty interview. Can't even show my face without having people trying to photograph my fucking asshole."

"It's true, #BringDatAssBack is still top ten trending on Cheeper," Jirou said, poking at her phone.

"I didn't even know you owned anything in pastels," Kaminari went on, risking life and limb. "What is that? Is baby green even a thing?"

"I bought it literally just to hide from the press," Katsuki ground out, looking murderous. Izuku was infinitely amused, because now that he thought about it? Mint was a terrible color on Katsuki. The sweater itself was very soft, which he approved of, and it said 'KIWI' in sans serif pink on the front. Izuku couldn't remember the last time Katsuki wore pink. He was pretty sure it had never happened, meaning that this was prime teasing material.

"Baby green's such a cute color," Izuku said, leaning his chin on one hand. "I think I saw some toddlers wearing it the other day. You look just like them." Katsuki's resulting glare sent an inappropriate thrill through him.

"Fucking tiny kiwi over here thinks he can mouth off," he scoffed.

"I know I can," Izuku said, demurely sipping Katsuki's beer. He didn't even bother looking at Katsuki. His pissed-off expression was too predictable, and he'd already learned he could torment him by acting nonchalant.

"Woof, that sass," Sero cackled from behind Kirishima, which was arguably one of the safer locations at the table.

"Well, with #BringDatAssBack trending right now," Kirishima smiled, looking devious. "Maybe people are taking pictures for social media. We could get material for BOOM 2."

"Fuck that, I know they are," Katsuki grunted. "I'm fucking tempted to go out in speedo or something so they can get it out of their pervert systems." Izuku coughed slightly, thinking that speedo-Katsuki was an excellent idea.

"You probably shouldn't," Kaminari said, nodding sagely as he caught Izuku's eye. "Deku looks like he's about to pass out from just imagining it."

Izuku didn't even have time to protest, because Katsuki lunged at Kaminari. "Watch your fucking pervert mouth," he snapped. Kirishima stopped his progress with a palm to the forehead, like someone pushing away a rabid dog. Kaminari cowered under his arm, shamelessly giggling.

"Bro it's chill, Denki doesn't mean anything by it. He's just stupid," Kirishima added, fondly. Kaminari stopped laughing to glare at him.

"It's nice you guys made up," Tsuyu said, her smile reaching her eyes.

"Yeah," Izuku said, immediately thrown by how soft and fuzzy her words made him feel.

"Uh-huh," Kirishima said with a shit-eating grin, "I think we all know the real reason Bakubro's hanging out with us again. It's 'cause cute little D-"

"No," Tsuyu said, slapping a palm on the table. Everyone shut up simultaneously. "I mean, it's nice having you back like this, Bakugou-kun. It's fun having you here with us."

Everyone stared at her, and she suddenly blushed. It was… it was a really nice thing to say. Izuku felt like tearing up, but looked to Katsuki to see how he was taking it. Everyone's heads turning to Katsuki as well, wondering the same thing: Was he going to snap at Tsuyu? Izuku might smack him himself if he tried it. No one snaps at Tsuyu. But Katsuki had just frozen, face blank.

Then it happened. It started as a faint pink on his cheeks, and spread across his face, down his neck. It was the full Katsuki blush. Izuku fell in love all over again.

"Um," Katsuki choked out. "Thanks."

Kirishima let out an ugly sob, threw himself across Kaminari's lap and pulled Katsuki into a hug. "Bro," he cried, tears spilling. "It's so nice, I love you so much, oh my god."

"Dude, I know," Katsuki patted his head stiffly. "You gotta chill, damn."

"See, it's nice," Tsuyu said, smiling wide enough her eyes closed.

"Yeah, it is," Uraraka said, surprising Izuku. She'd always supported him, but still held a healthy skepticism of Katsuki. She gave the man a small smile. "I'm glad we're friends."

"Fuck off, round-face," Katsuki muttered, face still red.

"That's Katsuki-speak for he loves you too," Kirishima blubbered. "I'm so happy."

"And I thought I'd drunk too much," Kaminari wheezed, still being crushed by Kirishima's weight.

"Dude," Sero said. "That thing today was fucked up. We've got your back, okay?"

Katsuki looked completely overwhelmed. Izuku threaded his fingers through Katsuki's, giving his hand a squeeze. "We're here for you," he said.

Katsuki swallowed hard, and gave them all a smile. A real smile, like he actually felt safe and happy.