Rather Guilty Or Offended

To be slightly honest, I haven't had the single idea why I suggested the Barrier Reef as our next destination. More so, I didn't know why I wanted to go and try diving! All I know is when we were back in Japan, his picture with a lot of coral reefs popped into my head and suddenly wanted to try it out with him.

Sure I am clueless and all about the said sport but I just guessed that now is the time to try something new while it doesn't hurt. Now is also the time to just get out of my comfort zone and overcome my limits and fears.

You know, I couldn't exactly remember when or if I did admitted that I have this strange fascination with the waters. I liked how poetic and serene it can be, like how it dances with the moon every hour of the night, how it reminds me that waves are a symbolism of one's emotions. But ironically speaking, I also have this sense of obnoxiousness within me whenever I go to the beach or have cruises and such.