Accept My Challenge

We spent the next days roaming around Malaysia. Twenty four hours after my first dive, I insisted on trying it again with Lucas. I had a checklist of what I wanted to see and learn, like how to save my tank from gassing out quickly, seeing and knowing more about underwater creatures—but I didn't expected to achieve all of those within a three or four time diving.

It certainly needs a lot of practice and as for me, requires hundreds of sessions before I master all of the tricks and before I will finally be able to write a whole book entitled 'Jiana's Underwater Adventures'! I'm not even exaggerating, mind you.

Actually, the remaining three days we had booked at that certain resort, I only managed to see the same sceneries and even caught myself on a certain rough corals. Maybe it was because I still find it so difficult to go deeper to the dark part of the ocean—more so, near the cliffs!