
Chapter 36

Just a few more seconds, the scent growing irresistibly stronger and repugnant from the terror, and I am in the bushes right before a small hill.

Two figures are standing at the top, one short, and the other majestically tall. The moon is huge behind them, clear as can be, casting pure white light upon them.

"What I just gave you was an injection of Spier blood," George informs the short girl as she stands awkwardly beside him.

Traces of red in her hair can be plainly seen, her frown faintly evident.

"George, I don't feel so good," her relaxing voice, tinged with pain and anguish, speaks as she falls onto the ground.

George immediately bends to be by her side, concern in his movements.

"There will be two hours of this, and then it will be all better. Don't worry, I'm here for you," he practically begs, taking her hand and holding it close.

I feel a spike of jealousy at the way he is pulling it so near to his heart.