
Chapter 37

Scalding hot, unfamiliar blood is racing through my veins.

This is not the first time I have wished for death, but this time, the desire is much, much stronger. Every breath I take allows icy cold air to enter my lungs, freezing my insides and battling the heat that is enveloping me.

I experience the extreme burning, then the excruciating cold. I am bathed in excruciating agony, every second pure torture.

Thinking is impossible, hurt being the only emotion consuming my mind.

My tears are like little ice pellets, dripping down my cheeks as I writhe about. Once again, an all-too-familiar sense of doom impends upon me, entering through the fire and ice.

I am a lost cause. Death is here waiting once again. Why does he seem to want me so badly?

Then, a splash of a soothing substance hits my tongue, slipping down my throat like melted chocolate. All tranquility it brings vanquishes, exploding in my stomach like fireworks, only accenting my suffering.