The weeks just seemed to pass by and the wedding seemed to be closer than ever before which Nefetari was happy about the only thing she was't happy about was Atem being over protective of her by having guards follow her around where ever she went when she was't in the room they had a rather heated talked about it a few nights ago about her just spending her days locked away in the room and so he agreed that as long as she was within the palace grounds she was safe as long as she had someone with her at all time's and it was starting to get to her though she knew he was just being careful since Bakura and Marik manged to escape the palace after they broke in and manged to give Seto and Mahad the slip when they were sent after them with the guards, so everyone was on edge about that and most of the meetings was about dealing with them when they showed themselves again at the moment it seemed they were laying low, as far as she was worried about them as long as she never saw them again she would be happy.
Nefertari sighed while looking into the pound watching the small fish she chuckled as one of them swam around her fingers since she had dipped them into the water she was glade she had gotten some time to herself since she found it much hotter than normal to day and it was one of the meany reasons she was wearing a simple dress which was plum red and had one strap that went over her shoulder it was simple but it kept her cool by leaving her arms bare also she had her hair up trying to keep it off the back of her neck she just could't stand the heat to day and she could't keep her mind on the lessons with Shimon either so she had come out here, she frowned a little and it was reflected back by the water the heat had never bothered her before sure she had pale skin and she could burn if she stayed out in it for to long but she'd always been careful not to, and this morning she had't felt well but it passed she put it down to nerves as the wedding was closer now and worry about Bakura and Marik but during the lesson it had happened again that's why she told Shimon she needed a break and once she got out here she felt a little better she sighed thinking it was just worry that was making her feel like this and it was nothing to fret about, she was snapped out of her thoughts when a pair of hands covered her eye's but she smiled when she heard Mana chuckle and she chuckled back she normally greeted her like this.
"hello Mana" she chuckled removing her hands from her eye's.
"and hello to you i spotted you from the window where i was training with Mahad and since i was done i came down to spend sometime with you" she said sitting on the ground next to her and watched what she was doing.
"that's nice of you Mana but as you can see i'm not alone see" she said pointing over at the guards who stood only a few steps away.
"guess Atem is still worried" Mana said.
"good guess but i can understand why but at least he's not keeping me locked in the room every day after we talked about it" she said.
"well that's have thing's been with Atem?" Mana asked.
"what do you mean?" she asked looking at her.
"well that talk you two had from what i heard that it was rather heated between the two of you" Mana said.
"who told you that?" she asked.
"Seto he heard you two when he went to get the Pharaoh for the meeting that day it's why he waited so long outside the are thing's alright" Mana said.
"everything's fine Mana everyone has heated talks once in a while even future husband and wife or Pharaoh and Future queen which ever way you want to look at it" she said resting her head on Mana's shoulder and closing her eye's.
"hay are you feeling alright?" Mana asked a little worried.
"not really no i felt like this earlier this morning..out of sorts is the word i would us and it passed just like it will again" she said opening her eye's again.
"i can take you to see Isis after all she is the healer for the palace she might know what's wrong with you" Mana said.
"i'll be alright Mana really...i think i just need to rest for a while can you help me back to the room" Nefetari said lifting her head from her shoulder as she felt dizzy this had't happened earlier and she did't like it.
"sure Nefertari but i should get Isis" she said helping her to her feet.
"Mana i'll be alright after i rest for a while but if a feel worse than i do right now then you can get Isis for me alright" Nefertari said finding she had to lean on Mana since the dizziness was making it hard to walk.
"alright if your sure Nefertari" Mana said.
It took a little longer to reach the room even with Mana's help though by the time they had reached the room the dizziness had lifted a little and she sat on the bed rubbing the side of her head as she felt off still Mana sat next to her holding her hand looking worried about her, she knew she wanted to get her some help in case she had become unwell but she did't want to add to anyone's worries even more when it was most likely nothing, and she tried to take deep breaths but that only made her feel worse and it was when she put her hand to her mouth that Mana had dashed and grabbed a wooden bucket as she slipped to the floor and was sick and not just a little she was sick a few times she felt Mana rub her back in till it stopped and she found a cloth for her to wipe her mouth on and helped her to lean against the bed and she could see how worried Mana was since she was now covered in sweat and shook a little from being badly sick like that, she watched as Mana left her side and spoke to the guards and took off down the hall after that she knew she was going to get Isis which at this point might be a good idea she lent her head back trying to keep her breathing steady but it only made her feel sick again and she just manged to pull the bucket to her as she heard footsteps running into the room.
"Nefertari.." a baritone voice said and she felt strong arm go around her shoulders.
Atem's heart had been in his mouth when Mana came running into the throne room which Shada was't to happy about and tried to have the guards to remove her since they were in a middle of a meeting but when she said that Nefertari had been unwell and that she needed Isis right away, he had put the meeting on hold and hurried back to the room with Mana leading the way it was as they reached the room he saw her sitting on the floor and lent over a bucket and looking off colour she was pale anyway but this scared him, and she did't really do anything when he called her name or put his arm around her shoulder.
"Pharaoh we need to get her down the healing chambers so i can check her over" Isis said.
"Isis may i come?" Mana asked.
"of course i may need some help Mana" Isis said.
They watched as he lifted Nefetari in his arms and she leaned her head against his chest clearly tired from being sick and very tired he followed behind them carrying her in his arms, and they all hoped that she was going to be alright.