Chapter Twelve

Nefertari tried to ignore the feeling to be sick again though she did keep the bucket close at hand and she had to admit the beds in the healing chamber was rather comfortable and it was a good thing that she had been laying down, because when Isis worked out what was wrong with her she was sure she would of fainted though she got a huge hug from Mana they had left her alone for the moment to tell the Pharaoh and on that note a smile appeared on her face and she placed a hand on her stomach it was't that much of a shock after all they had made love a few times since she moved into his room after Bakura and Marik broke into the palace she tired to push that moment to the back of her mind for now right now after all she had just learned that she was pregnant with Atem's child, she rubbed her hand on her stomach and closed her eye's as she started to feel a little off again also Isis said the tiredness would pass after a while the same with the sickness but she had some herbs she would make into a drink that would help her with that in till then but the other thought she kept thinking about was if the baby would take after him or her and what they would look like she could't help seeing images in her head which made her chuckle at the mixes her mind came up with but as soon as she laughed she ended up rolling to her side and started being sick again she was thankful that Mana had placed it right next to her also some water so she could get the taste out of her mouth she had just taken a sip when she spotted Atem talking to Isis through the drapes and Mana gave him a quick hug before being dragged from the room by Isis and he made his way over to where she was with the softest look she had ever seen.

"how are you feeling?" he asked sitting on the side of the bed and holding her hand.

"i'v been better" she said giving a little smile.

"Isis said she has some herbs that can help you" he said.

"yeah i'm not looking forward to drinking that" she manged to chuckle then she noticed the tears slipping down his face and she became worried "i'm ok Atem really if i had known i would of told you i just did't want people worrying about me when Bakura and Marik are causing enough worry for everyone" she said sitting up a little only to be pulled into a hug.

"Atem.." she said feeling tears on her shoulder.

"this are happy tears Nefertari...for me to have fallen in love with someone who would worry more about other's than about herself even when she's being sick and now..." he said his hand against her stomach.

"never thought you'd be lost for words" she said tears falling from her eye's to.

He chuckled when she said that and he looked at her she looked more lovely than ever before sure he had been scared that she might of become ill and how unwell she looked but when Isis told him that she was just going through a bad patch of morning sickness he was sure she might of fainted if Mana had't given him a hug at that moment even now it really had't sunk in and it felt like a dream she smiled as his hand gentle rubbed her stomach and he smiled again his heir ..their child was in there and with that thought he could't help but kiss her and she melted right into the kiss after a few moments they broke the kiss and he helped her to lay down again since she looked rather tired he laid next to her and held her close and kept one hand on her stomach she chuckled and rubbed the back of his hand as they laid there.

"protective already Atem" she said.

" of you and this little one" he said kissing her neck.

"what do you hope for boy or girl?" she asked.

"i don't mind as long as it's healthy and happy that is all that matters to get some sleep i'll be right here" he said.

Isis had made her way to the throne room with Mana where everyone was still waiting for the Pharaoh to return and when they spotted her Mahad and Seto hurried over to find out what was going on and when she told them and everyone else the news they looked as stunned as the Pharaoh and Nefertari had done but soon they were talking about celebrating and moving the wedding closer she looked over at Mana who nodded and went back to the healing chamber to see how Nefertari was doing.

Atem had stirred after a while and smiled seeing Nefertari was still fast asleep so he moved from the bed and cleaned out the bucket for her since she might need to use it again he was't shocked that she was tired after being sick like this, he looked over his shoulder when he heard the door open again and he saw mana he waved over to her to come over to where she was so she did't wake Nefertari and she told him that Isis had informed the other's and that they wanted celebrate and move the wedding closer.

"sounds like we'er going to be busy for a while" Atem said.

"guess so but Pharaoh i'm worried what if Bakura and Marik find out?" Mana asked.

"they wont touch her or the baby i'll make sure of that" he said a edge to his voice.

"so how do you feel about being a father?" Mana asked hoping to change the subject onto something happier.

"more happy than i ever been Mana..i'm going to take Nefertari back to our room can you tell Isis that for me" Atem said.

"sure thing Pharaoh" Mana said.

She watched him walk back over to her and pick her up with even more care and some manged to grab the bucket as well and she could't help but smile watching him they made a perfect pair and she was glade Nefertari had been chosen other wise she did't think the Pharaoh would be like this but she was still worried about Bakura and Marik but like the Pharaoh said no one would touch her or the baby and she would make sure they were save as well and everyone else after all they had all come to love Nefertari and she would make a fine queen and mother and with that thought Mana headed back to the throne room to tell Isis the Pharaoh had taken her back to their room.