Moving forward is never easy

'A quiet and educational environment for your child', is the slogan with which the D 'La salle Bajío academy makes itself known to the world, an old academy founded more than 500 years ago and which is considered by many as the best institution educational institution of the country and possibly the continent, built in the center of the capital city and with one of the best infrastructures in the world, the academy holds the record of being the nest of formation and growth of the most influential figures of the last three centuries, Which is why in many companies, graduating from it is just as or even more influential than having a college degree.

Prestige and power are the two things that having studied at the D 'La salle Bajio academy gives you. Not only due to the fact of having one of the best educational programs in the world, but also due to the strict internal regulations which ensure the exit of exemplary and law-abiding young people.

Unlike how difficult it was to get in, getting out was relatively easy, so the students avoided at all costs attracting the unwanted attention of the academy administration. Deep in the main building, the director of the D 'La salle Bajio academy was shouting loudly. His usual serene and peaceful face was completely red due to the anger he felt. His forehead was full of inflamed veins that could be seen easily, which was not a good thing considering the health problems he had. Although he knew that fidgeting like this was not good for his body, he couldn't help it, the young man sitting in front of him had long since outgrown his tolerance for uprising; this was a discussion they had had a hundred times. He was 15 years old, with white skin, brown eyes and hair, along with a height close to 1.70 m; an ordinary boy from any angle.

If something had to be highlighted about his appearance, it would undoubtedly be his clothing. He was wearing an old school uniform from the Academy, a design that was discontinued more than ten years ago and that he was only allowed to wear due to his delicate financial situation; since he belongs to the few scholarship students who, unlike regular students, earned their place thanks to their own efforts. And although it was an old costume model, it was still an official school uniform, so the elegance in its design and materials could be felt in each fiber of the thread that made it up. The director was completely irritated.

In a normal circumstance, no professor or academy staff would dare to challenge him, much less a simple student, but despite his clear anger the student sitting in front of him did not seem to pay him the slightest of attention. The pendulum clock on the wall had all his concentration and the poor academic seemed not to exist for him, causing with his disinterested attitude that the other professors present there silently mocked his superior, who despite being the head of the campus could not handle an ordinary student.

"Are you listening to me brat!? .." the headmaster yelled angrily, hitting the desk in front of him with the palm of his hand causing the teachers who were whispering nearby to jump scared and quickly look away in another direction, but This was not enough to attract the attention of the boy who without even eyelash continued to stare at the clock on the wall, this not only caused the director's anger even more, but also increased at the same time the laughter and ridicule of the teachers who still they saw the spectacle out of the corner of their eye, generating a deep feeling of shame within the educator, who without being able to bear it anymore said staring at the young man.

"I'm talking to you ... don't you understand what I'm saying? This is an academy of excellence, a place of high standards where the best students in the country are educated, a temple of education recognized worldwide. Do you understand? .. "Replied the furious director.

"I understand perfectly director, he has told me 26 times this year and if we count this, it would be a total of 27 ..." the young man replied.

"Then why...!?" exclaimed the director, hitting the table again furious, so hard that his right hand was red after doing it "then tell me why ....? Why are you trying so hard to damage the image that people have of this academy? Have you taken it as your personal goal? You are a brilliant boy with excellent grades, do you really want to trash your future this way? Fighting every day of your miserable life with local thugs who are worse than same garbage and that are worth nothing, those to whom society does not care if they live or die .. "indicated the director, but the young man did not even bother to look him in the eye, despite the effort he made. onia in those words.

"Am I boring you ...?" asked the man, laughing subtly reluctantly "I see ..., so what I say does not interest you in the least, it is curious and funny at the same time, as a man as qualified and educated as me, he has to stooping to talk to an insolent brat like you, I guess what they say is true, 'apples don't fall far from the tree' your father was just like you when you were young, an unbearable and insolent human being and if I have to be honest , the only difference that I can see between you and him, is that your father is a disgusting drunk, I won't even bother to name your mother and your sisters who were even worse, some cheap prostitutes who fell silent before the feet of the first man that he showed him a penis .. " added the director hoping to be able to provoke the young man in that way, which was quite effective since he quickly stood up and looked at him with a certain degree of hatred in his eyes.

"What's wrong ...? Do you want to hit me? If so, please do it, that way I will finally have a valid reason to expel you, if I have to be honest I never liked the idea of ​​including brats from your level in our prestigious academy, if it weren't for the fact that the owner of the academy favors you, she would never have allowed you to enter .. "he ended up saying.

"You are wrong, director, I just wanted to notify you that classes ended ..." replied the young man pointing to the wall where the hands of the clock pointed to 14:00. "Now I'm free to go .." he added taking his belongings and heading to the exit.

"Eh ... brat come here !! We haven't finished talking yet !! .." the director yelled annoyed when he saw the boy's disinterested attitude to his provocations.

"I'm afraid director that this was never a conversation .." replied the young man leaving the room without looking back, leaving the director alone in his office.

"Damn brat !! .." the director yelled annoyed, hitting his table hard, which already had his previous blows marked. "Who does he think he is ...? If it weren't for the owner protecting him a long time ago, she would have expelled him ..."

"There is nothing that can be done, as long as he continues to be the student with the best academic qualifications at the national level, the owners will not dare to get rid of ..." replied a professor who witnessed everything that happened.

"Nonsense ... !!, what's the use of a brilliant mind in a brat as disrespectful as him? Has the world gone crazy? ..." answers the annoyed director, sitting suddenly on his chair "I'll never admit to a garbage like that .. "he added

"But he had good reason to fight this time, I understand that he prevented an attempted robbery of an old woman ..." replied a teacher.

"Ha ... And what does that matter? Was that old woman an important person? I doubt it, it's always the same, she gets into other people's fights to help ordinary poor people, why can't she be like the others? boys from our school and leave the hero work to the police, after all they get paid for that, helping an old woman will not bring any prestige to this academy .. "added the director.

While at the other end of the main building, the young man was going out the door, his gaze was lost in a thought, he was annoyed, he wanted to hit his director, but he knew perfectly well that he could not do it, he was an irritating man, but he was right If he hit him, he would be expelled from that place and this time the owner could not prevent it, he was not willing to accept that, much less after having fought so much to maintain his scholarship. Instead he preferred to calm his anger and go home, if he was lucky he would not run into any other problems along the way, it was not his fault to fight against those 'seekers' who liked to abuse the weakest, he saw how His schoolmates passed him, they were all afraid of him or even in the worst case disgust, they could not understand how a boy of his category had managed to enter their system, but that did not interest the boy, he only used that place as another step to improve his quality of life, he did not need friends.

They wondered how he can fight bullies without fear, not just the fact of risking his life but the expression on his face of joy in doing so. It was as if his body moved just remembering. Muscular memories inside him, he didn't know for sure or himself, but it all started after having those strange dreams at the tender age of 13. Remembering this fact created acute pain in his person, the way his family betrayed him, that would never have been expected, his older sister and less with his mother, they abandoned everything for a man.

Remember the times I cried, while that guy laughed while failing at 3 in his own house. It brought him a huge disgust, plus there is the feeling of hatred with him. mo for weak der.

Just months after being home alone, a goodbye note was all that was left of his family. He was devastated, he did not eat, he did not drink, and one day he simply went out for a walk, way and way, inside the forest he does not remember how many days exactly he spent in the open. He had nothing he was a child who had lost the light in his eyes, at least until that happened.

An unforgettable event, that trail of brilliant light. Opening in the middle of a lonely road all feeling evaporated when the strange voice entered his mind, promising him power, more power than ever thought, a risk, an opportunity, a decision.

He didn't even have to think twice, he accepted the idea and touched the stele with his hand. After that day he has only vague memories, not knowing how when he came to if he was right at the door of his house.

The afternoon sun was beginning to come to an end, little by little the cold weather of the night was entering the environment as he walked with his hands in his pockets. His gaze lost in his thoughts dulling the attenuating shine on his eyelids, rocked by the seeing his long brown locks waved strongly to the rhythm of the air, the sound of the murmurs through his head along with the noise of the beeping of the cars brought him from back to the real world. He looked straight ahead as he took a deep breath.

"It's been two years, and for some reason I have a bad feeling .."