the beginning

The universe is such a large and misunderstood place, many people may think that they are unique and special. But the truth is that they are not, just a tiny grain in the vast infinite of existence, many questions can arise in the subconscious of a person, questions for which there is no answer. For these reasons they are forgotten or simply go unnoticed by people over time, no one has stopped to think about the why of things, if our species is the dominant one and just as we kill for sport or consume out of necessity the flesh of another inferior species such as animals, who says that the same cannot happen to us, is the human being so arrogant as to think that he is the only intelligent species in the universe? Certainly it is not normal to think about that, it scares them to know that they could be like rabbits or rats in any case for a species superior to ours, so answering the question are we alone? Is something that nobody knows and for the good. of the species I hope we never know.

Around the world extraordinary events occur daily that are hidden from public view, this in order to avoid panic and allow people to live peacefully.

The universe is a huge place, this small planet is so insignificant compared to the vastness of stars that surround it, it is inhabited by humans who do not understand how valuable they have and is slowly corroded by those who are supposed to protect it. But this is not the case for everyone, there are beings who know the value of this rock, yearning to take root in it and take advantage of this valuable hidden ground that is the earth.

The time to change, it was getting longer.

Quick footsteps of two people are present, they run while looking scared on their shoulders, the agitated breathing and the cold sweat that falls down their faces, are signs of the terrifying situation they face.

It is about two men between 20 and 30 years old, they wear fitted clothes that seem to be made of black plastic, molding their bodies, perfectly fitted to their figure, this clothing has dripping a bright navy blue liquid, both hold unusual colored pistols clear lead, with which they aim behind them when they pull the trigger, releasing some uncommon shots, of which an electrical noise produces a strong echo seconds later the floor and walls explode surprisingly.

"Wh-How much? How much time is left? .." Asks the oldest of these men to his partner, he looks at him raising his arm but before he even has time to respond, a black stake goes through his head coming out his mouth jets of blood and flesh are fired through the hole that used to be his way of communicating, his eyes widen in disbelief, fear is deeply embedded in them until his inert body falls abruptly to the floor.

Shit ... Shit ... Get me out of here! There were many for us alone ... We couldn't kill them all », panicked the man who was left alive hurried around a corner, being surprised by the swift movement of a white creature, with the path blocked by the The man raises the strange weapon and proceeds to shoot him repeatedly, changing his direction abruptly as he feels the explosion behind him.

"I can do it! I can do it! It's just a few more minutes and ...!" He tries to cheer himself up, the cold feeling of sweat running through his body causes constant chills down his spine, without realizing as he runs he touches a white tentacle that hung from a light pole, upon feeling the contact this organ contracts between pulsations, managing to cling around his neck, between the panic the man tried to free himself by applying all his strength, unfortunately for him the tentacle wraps itself around his neck completely and lifts him by hanging him while kicking.

Grotesque moans of pain from this subject, it was the only sound in the whole area of ​​the red of his face, his bloodshot eyes and his tongue coming out almost completely from his mouth, denote the overwhelming force with which he is strangled. He kicks sharply trying to free himself, however, more white tentacles are climbing up his feet and are a sign of a definitive sentence. Those long white organs make a shocking sound when applying more force, they squeeze the body completely, splitting it into several pieces, which end up falling abruptly against the ground, filling it with blood and organs.

The wind blows on that cold night, you can only see three very tall silhouettes of even 1.80 meters, with a humanoid appearance and a white color, they turn around generating a sound similar to metal colliding while they retreat. A thin tentacle made up of black filaments, it crawls across the pavement and gets lost into the sewers.

Nights like this are repeated continuously, around the world and in places that perhapsyou wouldn't believe. Some live and many others die

But what is the objective of these massacres? Why are humans fighting against strange beings on the streets of the whole world. And most importantly, how is it that nobody notices these events?

Unbeknownst to people, a battle for the evolution of the species is about to begin right under their noses.