
Chapter 5


North was so confused...how would he discover? Like in what way of discovering?

Maybe he should go traveling? No, no bad idea...attend some worship seminars? No, I guess not, I've been there many times.

North was walking outside of his apartment to take some soda to cool off his mind.

He's been thinking a lot about how he will discover things. I should plan this thing out.

When he entered the convenience store he directly went to take a soda when he noticed some familiar presence.

Did I feel anything strange? I just felt someone's presence somewhere...that's strange.

Then he looked at his peripheral view. And saw a girl trying to reach something in the cans sections. So he went to her direction to lend her some help.

"What flavor do you want to miss?"

The girl was shocked at him since she stumbled and she nearly dropped on the ground. Luckily, North was able to hold her in his arms.

"You ok?"

"Wow, you shocked me! I think I almost died back there!"

She chuckled while standing straight.

"Hehe, thanks by the way, and hey we met again..such coincidence"

"Ahh yeah I guess"

"So you're from around here?"

"Ah yeah I live around here...you?"

"Well I live everywhere hahaha, I told you I have no home"

Here she goes again. This girl is something...

"What are you doing here anyway?"

"Well, I just you know...buying some sodas..."

"Hmm....ahahahaha well since you're tall can you get that...555 Carne Norte? Thanks"

"Ah yeah sure no problem"

North reaches the can of 555 Carne Norte and handed it to the girl.

"Hehe thanks again"

"Anything else?"

"Haha well there's no more, thanks a lot hehe"

"What's that anyway?"


"You call that a portion of food?"

The girl looked at him like she can't believe what he was saying but smiled afterward.

"Ahhh. I see you are a rich kid..good for you, I've been living eating canned goods and instant noodles dude ahahaha and here I am still living"

"Those foods are not healthy"

No wonder why she's so skinny. Well maybe what she said is true, she's homeless.

"Well yeah but I have no choice ahahaha as long as I have something to eat that all it matters, there are lots of people out there who couldn't even eat. So probably we should be thankful because we have something to eat. What if there's no more right?"

Wow, she sure knows a lot. I'm envious.

"Ah yeah, I guess.."

"Don't pity me, ahahaha I see that we have different worlds but don't pity me. I still have food so it doesn't mean that I can't even live"

"Why do you always say we have different worlds?"

"You see...the way you dress, the way you talk, the way you move. I can say...we're on a different level. Let's say you're in heaven and I'm in earth"

Now she's confusing me.

"Gosh, why can you be so slow?. You talk so well and you can't even understand me?..."

"Uh...I'm sorry? But you know there are lots of things that I don't know that's why I can't understand a thing at what you said."

"Well hey, mister...in this world there are people who live in luxury but don't care about those people dying in hunger. They have mansions and everything, while the others have no homes and foods. And I'm one of them. At least i have something foods and few things right? Haha..so lemme tell you, I know you live in a luxurious life. But I hope you're not the same as the ones who abuse helpless people. They need help more than you do. If I could do something, I should have helped people whom I met on the roads. Kids wandering around without any parents. If I had the money I would give everything they need. But I'm also one of them the needy."

Wow, I'm beginning to be amazed by her. I think she's a good person.i think I should learn from her.

" Gosh I talk a lot, I should go to the counter and pay"

"I'll pay"

Then North grabs all the things the girl brought and paid for all of it. Then they went outside the store.

"Maybe you just pitied me"

"Nope it's payback..since you also paid me with the ice cream before"

"No, come on! it's nothing. Anyways I'm gonna go. See you around bye!"

The girl was supposed to walk away when North held her wrist.

"Oh yeah?"

I don't want to waste any more chance...

"Can I ask what's your name? I'm North...you are?"

The girl just looked at him with glittering eyes then smiled.

"I'm no one North...I'm a nobody...."

Then the girl walked away. Leaving North speechless.

'Just who are you? You might be the answers from all of my questions'