
Chapter 6

North already decided that he should approach the girl again. But when?? Where???

They would only meet coincidentally. So he's not exactly sure when he's going to meet her again. It's like a chance of once in a blue moon meet up.

'Damn! I didn't get to ask her number too'

But does she have a phone tho? Nah! Super dumb North! Super dumb!

So the past few days he keeps going to the ice cream shop where he met her or in the convenience store hoping that he could meet her again. He became a regular customer of the ice cream shop because of that. And the bad thing is, he never saw her or even feel her presence.

'North just what are you doing? why are you looking for that girl? Are you insane?? It's been weeks now'

So since North has no hopes he went home.

' I should sleep there and slack everywhere'

Just where are you?


I never thought wearing mascot is this hot. I've been sweating a lot since morning. Well, I'm the mascot outside this ice cream shop, and this was the place where I and North met.

Yes, I still remember him and it's been a few weeks since we last met. After that, we never get to see each other again, and I stopped following him everywhere. I might be accused of a stalker. No way in hell, I can't bail in the jail, besides he's my Savior. My mom said your savior can sense you if you're in need. So instead of following him around, I just applied in this ice cream shop and as a mascot since I also need a living. As I've said I'm homeless and I have no freakin money. And I have to pay for my tuition in school. Gosh, I'm sure North is wealthy, but it's kinda awkward if I ask some help from him when we barely meet and we don't know each other yet. Even if he's my savior, I just can't ask him random things. What is he? a goblin? besides for him, I'm just a no one.

"Hello, sir welcome to-------"

What the motherfuckining is going on?!! I was just thinking about him and now he's here in front of me??? Seriously. What the heck??

"Uh...eh...hello sir good day"

He just nodded and went inside the shop. And here I am watching him inside. 'is he in a bad mood again?' no no no ' I think he's looking for something..and what could it be?'

He keeps looking around and he never ordered anything. I wonder why...

"Ehem...who are you looking at miss mascot??"

Oh, shoot.....

"Uh...ehhh nothing maam hehe"

"Hmm....you know you've been pleading me about this job and then you're not doing this properly? when you're just gonna greet people here."

"Ah eh... I'm sorry "I bowed a lot of times when my manager just sighs

"Be focused on your job ok??"

"Yes ma'am, sorry miss manager"

Shims...and I got lectured by my manager nice...

Then North suddenly came out.

"Goodbye, sir. I hope you had a great day. Come back again!"

I greeted him with goodbye but.

Then he just walked away?what is it that keeps on bugging him?

After so many hours of work. It was already 6 PM and it was the time for me to go home, so I changed in my usual attire and put the mascot in the storage room. And got paid.

"You did a great job today. Thanks and you were able to come up with the idea to have a mascot here in our shop. Costumers love it very much!. They were coming in huge numbers now. Here's you're paying for today"

When I looked at the small envelope, there this 5K inside.

"Ma'am... I think this is just too much, I mean.."

"You've done a great part in this shop you know? Thinking about it I guess it's still not enough. Because of you, the costumers are increasing..just what did you do? Ahaha your such a lucky charm in this place. It's been weeks but the costumers and orders ay is a lot. I'm afraid sooner we will run out of stock ahahaha"

Yeah, during my work here. I really can see the changes and improvements in the shop. Lucky charm? It's very nice to hear, but I'm no lucky charm....I'm a very unfortunate person.

I bid goodbye to my manager and went to a nearby convenience store.

"One instant cup noodles and soda please"

"65 pesos all in all miss"

After paying, I put some hot water to the noodles and went to the park to sit on a bench and eat.

The park is so quiet...I think it's still early so supposedly it's crowded til now. But I guess it's a good thing tho so that I could solo the place. After all, I'm eating.


Damn! I almost choked

"Ah...eh? Me kiddo?"

"Of course who else? Your the only one in here right?"

Wow, this kid is such a great philosopher. I'll be damned.

"Why? Do you need anything? Is anything wrong?"

'please not money kiddo? I'm so broke'

"Are you alone here?"

'duh, she's asking when she knows I'm alone here. Is this kid messing with me?'

"What do you think kiddo?"

"Do you want me to accompany you?"

'Awww this kid is so sweet and kind, I'll buy you candy later'

"Suit yourself..you want?"

I offered the kid a taste of my noodles but...

"No, it's bad for the health"

'i take it back I won't buy you candy later' joking aside

"Oh now, kiddo..i just asked you I never asked to let you eat. Although I know you wouldn't accept my offer. I was just being kind you know"

"Your crazy, well whatever..miss..but why are you eating outside?"

"Because I don't have a house that's it"

"Eh? Why? Where're your parents?"

"I don't have any they died already"

Then I felt warm hands on my palm.

"Well, it's ok, everything's gonna be fine..."

"Haha, don't pity me kid aright? Besides, there's something that is still left with me..."

I looked at the kid and then looked at the sky.

"Do you believe in saviors?"

"Eh? Like Papa Jesus? He's our Savior."

"Yes. I know kid...you know he sent me someone here...and I call that my Savior aside from Papa Jesus you know"

"Your boyfriend?"

I snorted at her question

"No! Ahahaha I don't have one...a savior kid not a boyfriend.."

"But is he a guy?"

"Well...yeah sort of?"

"Not gay?"

"Well, I'm figuring it out. But I'm pretty sure he's not a gay"

"I'm sure he's gonna be your boyfriend soon"

"Come on kid what do you know about that stuffs..your still at 8-9..."

"I'm 10 to be exact"

"Ok you're too young for that stuff...where do you learn it anyways"

"In Kdramas ..like Goblin...and many more"

"Then stop watching those kiddo"

"Where is he now?"

"I don't know...."

"He's your savior he should be by your side now"

"Well kid, everything is quite complicated for now..you won't understand alright?..."

"Lovers Quarrel?"

"Oh, for Pete's sake kid! He's not my boyfriend and I'm still a stranger to him he doesn't know my name."

I can see that she's shocked at what I've said.

"Oh..just like Kdrama cool"

"Idk..what to say to you kid...I'm getting nuts"

"Ok miss, I think I'm gonna go. My mom would go nagging to me if I come home late."

"Alright, you want some candy?"

"It's bad for the teeth"

'wow, this kid is unbelievably choosy'

"Ok, here 20 pesos...I'm broke so all I can give is that. Think of it as my thanksgiving since you accompanied me here"

"Uhh...I cannot accept that..."

"Just accept it, don't play all whatever, just accept it..."

Then I gave her the money without hesitation.

"What's your name? I'm Eliza"

"I'm Eunsol"

"Eunsol? Are you a Korean?"

"Well yeah?"

"Waaaa!! You're so beautiful just like in Kdramas!!"

"Piece of sh--, just scram kid..its getting dark!"

"Ok bye bye miss, thanks for the20 pesos even if it's not enough...hehe bye-bye"

'this kid aish...'

Well, it ain't that bad to tell my name to a kid. At least there's one person who knows my name...maybe I should come here more often...

Now ...what is my savior possibly doing now? Is he busy?

Where are you now North?