
Chapter 16

I was very anxious because it seems like the people in this school are totally big time! Gosh, I feel even smaller now.

"So this was your school before Miss Cathy?" North asked

"Yep, nice isn't it?"

"But I don't think if Amy is interested in this kind of environment"

Well, yeah he had some point. I and North talked about this matter since he looked up at the school's background. And yeah people here are big-time like super big time. Well, I'm not conscious about how expensive the tuition fees are or whatever it is. I'm afraid that I might not be able to get along with my peers. You know they might look down on me. The princess thingy about me no longer exist inside me, I'm an ordinary person now and I don't know if I can socialize that well if the people in here are high standard.

Then I felt a warm hand on my palm.

"Stop overthinking Amy, you'll be fine ok? I got you"

North really make sure to assure me that everything will be fine, so I shouldn't act like this. Just be calm Eunsol ok?

"So Amy, what we'll do first is to apply for your admission and then after that, you'll undergo to interview then back up check-in you, and when we get your exam results then were done! I guess that's all"

"What's a backup check?"

"Like they are going to have a background check on you, you know this school is real uptight you know so yeah. We have no choice but to follow protocols"

"Even if I already wrote my personal information there?"


Alright, well maybe I won't have to be conscious about it since I and North talked about it and well guess what he said…


"hey, North I have something to say"

"Oh yeah, what is it?"

"I'm going to apply in Eastwood soon, but I don't have any guardian to put so I'm gonna use your name"

"Ok, you can just put there that I'm your husband"

"Lol, stop messing with me North"

"I ain't messing with you though"

"HAHA That's funny North, it is"

"hahaha come here, come one come here. You're so adorable"


"Amy come here"

Here we go again.

He always pulls me in his arms then he caressed my hair like I was a kid or like a dog rather, it's like a habit of him. I don't know why but day by day we acted like we're ain't just friends. It's like we're acting like a couple and North's affection to me was showing. I don't want to be assuming but I just see it and I feel it. I don't know if it's just in his natural nature or maybe because I'm a girl and I'm lonely. He might think I need attention since I have nobody.

"Come on, you're treating me like a kid again"

"No, I'm not"

"Now, love birds let's get going because it's already 12 and I'm a bit hungry now"

Then I had an exam which took 10 mins, then the school staff did a background check on me then interviewed me. After that, the school staff told me that they will just contact me if I passed. And Miss manager got so hungry that we ended up at the school's cafeteria when I saw a familiar face.

'Could it be?' Nah, maybe I have just mistaken her for someone else.

"Come on you two aren't you going to eat something?"

"Ah yeah, umm what do you want to eat Amy?"

"Well, I'm fine with anything"

"Ok, maybe you just have to find a spot for us then I'll go order ok?"


So while I was looking around, I found the right spot next to those girls I looked at earlier. They're kinda loud but I guess it's fine.

"Umm, hi can I ask if this table is occupied?"

Then they all looked at me. The one smiled and the other one looked so shocked to see me.

"Oh, is this occupied already? Sorry I was uh"

"No, it's not. You can use it"

"Aww, thanks hehe"

"Oh, Amy you already got us a table"

"Well, it might be hard for us if we don't find one. There's a lot of people's here"

"Yeah, it's crowded already"

"So what about we eat now? I'm already hungry like really hungry. Damn, I should have brought some food with me. I didn't think about the process of getting longer than I have expected. It seems like the school changed a bit"

"Yeah, there are some things that happened that you didn't mention Miss manager"

"Well, back in our days the process isn't that long"

"Well, that was in your times Miss Cath" North saying in a sarcastic tone

"How about you North? Aren't you going to apply?"

"School? I already graduated Miss Cath"

"Oh? How old are you already?"

"I'm 22"

"Wow, good for you. You graduated at a young age"

"Hey, Amy are you that hungry that you're not even talking there? I think you're more hungry"

"Ah, no I'm not. I'm fine hehe"

Well, I can't pry in their conversation it will be rude of me. And I want to go home honestly. I'm really tired and I think had some appointments today. Well, I'm not sure about it too.

"Anyways Amy I will not be opening the shop tomorrow so don't come to work ok?"

"Oh? Why is that?"

"It's my sister's wedding so I won't be able to open the shop tomorrow. So North be happy Amy will be with you tomorrow the whole day"

"Oh yeah, maybe I should cancel all my appointments tomorrow then?"

"Come on, why are you being like this guys? Stop it"

"Maybe you should plan a date tomorrow North it would be nice I think"

"Yeah maybe I should"

"Oh now you guys are not listening to me at all"

"Movie marathon would be nice North, and go to some amusement park"

"Yeah maybe I should look about it online"

Yeah, whatever damn both of you. You're not even listening to me.

I just ignored them then continued to eat when my attention went to those girls beside us. I think they will leave. Then suddenly they all looked at me.

'Is there something wrong with my face?'

"Hi, Welcome to Eastwood"

"Oh, thanks"

Then they all left. Wow, that's so weird.

"Amy, you know them?"


"Well, we should get going now. It's already 5 p.m and I need to be home for some preparations"

"We can take you home if you like?"

"Nah, it's fine I'll just take a cab. You two should get going now ok?"

Then we went home after that. But I keep on thinking about those girls. There���s this someone with them who just welcomed me there, she looks someone I knew. Do I happen to see her somewhere? Why does she look so familiar?

"Amy is something wrong?"

"Ah no, nothing. Do you have some appointments tomorrow?"

"Well, it's not that important. I can cancel it if I will have some time with you tomorrow"

"What's with me having day-off tomorrow anyways?"

"Nothing we don't hang out a lot. You know you've been living there for almost 1 month already but we didn't have some time to like you know family bonding"

"Wow family" I suddenly mumbled

"Well, yeah family since I'm your guardian now "



I never said anything to him since I lived in his home and maybe this is the time for me to say it. Because I might not be able to say it again next time.

"Thank you for taking me in, thank you for taking care of me, thank you for always thinking about my well-being. Thank you for everything. I wish I could do something to pay you back"

"Wow, where did that come from? That came out of nowhere and it's flattering me. It felt like you're bidding farewell"

"Hey, I'm being sincere here haha"

"Well, yeah your one of my responsibility and priorities now so yeah"

"You always do things for me even if I didn't ask. Come to think of it you've changed a lot unlike before. And you know I think you adapted well enough to socialize with other people and made friends. You are not that social and talkative before you know"

"I did learn a lot from you Amy and everything around me but I didn't expect that you would say I changed a lot"

"Well, you are and you talk a lot now. You smile more often but I didn't hear you laugh yet"

"Well I'm not that kind of a person that easily laughs"

"It's because you're dense that's why ahahahaha"

"hey! What's with dense?! Hey that's too much, you're bullying me right now Amy"

"I'm telling the truth boy, you can't even understand jokes for Pete's sake haha!"

"Well, I don't know I don't know in what way to laugh or what to laugh at"

"Gosh, what else can you not, well anyway that's it right thanks for everything. I appreciate it, don't worry I'll pay you back with your kindness and generosity"

"Now that you said that, I have one thing in particular. I have a favor to be exact"


"You said you're gonna pay me back right?"

"Yeah? What's your request?"

"Can I ask some of your affection? Even just a little?"

Wait for what? My Affection?