
Chapter 17

I didn't know why I woke up early today. I got excited all of a sudden, North where is your cool now bro? Why are you being like this? Well, I had some things that I plan for today and I don't know if Amy would like this idea, since she's maybe tired and I guess she just wanted to rest the whole day. If she won't then I still have my back-up plans. I am very well prepared you know.

And last night, I know Amy is not that kind of person to show affection. Well, she cares, she is but she never shows it. I guess it's just her nature and it's very dumb of me to ask her affection but what shocks me is she answered "Wow, cool. Is that it?" She may be thought it was just a small thing. Why? Is it? I think she expected that I will ask some material things that's why she's surprised that all I ask from her is affection. I've felt affection from the Count and Lady SM and everybody. But this time I want to feel some affection for a certain someone. Someone I gave all my attention to, and that's Amy. I can't ask for more. That's all I needed.

It's already 9 in the morning but she's still asleep. She must have been so drained after all. I should wake her up. I went to our room and saw her still asleep. Then I stared at her face, she is beautiful no wonder that I can't help but show my affection to her. But there's this thing that bugs me a lot. I always see her as an ordinary person but why does she have this charm like she has something inside her that I didn't know? Something like authority? I don't know, from the past few days I began to feel certain things and it's really weird and scaring me.

"Hey Amy, wake up"

I poked her cheeks but no response at all.

"Sleepyhead wake up"

"What are you doing?"

"Waking you up I guess?"

She let out a loud groan and then looked up at me.

"Maybe you could, you know. How can I get up if you're on top of me?"

Top of her?

"Oh sorry excuse me"

"Alright, let me wash up first. Do you have any plans for today?"

"Well, I guess I have. Uh, I have"

"Cool, ok I'll just take a bath first then let's talk about it later ok?"


The water is so warm, it's like I'm in a hot spring. I was thinking about it last night, he wants some affection from me he knows me too well. That I am not a very affectionate person. I think I lost it way back then. When I started to become alone I never really cared or showed others my affection since I have no one. I don't know how to show it anymore, I'm getting used to caring about myself and not showing any feelings at all. I act like I don't care, I feel embarrassed about how to show my affection to him. How would I do it?? I don't know. Back then I used to love people showing their affection to me, but well it was a long time ago and I don't know how it felt like now.

But North showing his affection to me? I think it's just normal I don't see anything special from the treatment he's been showing me recently. It's a little bit awkward but I appreciate it. Now, how would I show my affection to him? Maybe I should act naturally? Ah, whatever! I'll just do my thing.

I went to the kitchen and saw North preparing the meal. We, someone, are in a good mood today. Did something good happen?

"Hey, what's up?"

"Hmm? Well, nothing. Come on let's eat"

"You seem to be in a good mood today. Is there any good news?"

"Well nothing much, I'm just trying to set up some positive vibes around"

"Wow, how come? Anyways so what are your plans for today?"

He looked at me contemplating whether to say something or not. Ok, I think I know why already.

"No, I'm not tired at all today North. We could hang out the whole day ok?"


"Of course, but let's visit somewhere first"


"Oh, so this is the place where you often visit?"

This is the park where I met the kid. I forgot about her name to be honest. I wanna see her again, it's been a while since I last saw her.


I wonder if this kid is still here. How am I supposed to know if she's here anyway? Wow just wow. But I'm pretty sure she'll be around.

"Who are you looking for Amy?"

"Well, just someone I know…"

"And who's this someone?"

I keep on walking around but all I see are kids playing and goofing around. Man, where is this kid?

"Ah, so you are the guy sis told me before?"

Oh, what was that?

I looked back and saw North talking to a kid. I'm a bit far from them but I can hear them so I hid to listen to their conversation. I don't know why I hid though, I just wanna hear them talk without me and see what will the kid says.

"What are you talking about kid? Do I know you?"

"Nope, but I know you and the person you're with"

"What do you mean? You know Amy?"

Hearing my so-called "name" the kid got confused after hearing it. Well, it seems that she was surprised about it. Of course, she would be! She only knows my real name for Pete's sake gosh don't be so hella dumb Eunsol.

I think she might say my real name to him. I guess for sure.

"Well, yeah! I know her! I'm her special friend after all"

Wow, special where did that come from?

"Oh, then maybe you're the one she's been looking for?"

"Eh? She's looking for me? Awww, I'm touched. Where is she anyway?"

"I don't know I lost my sight to her, she keeps wandering around looking for you. Were supposed to hang-out today but then she asked if we could stop here for a while"


"Yeah, you two must have been so close, right kid?"

"Well, I am"

Maybe it's time for me to come out now. But let's pretend that I didn't hear nor see them. I walked back and forth then went to their direction and I looked around. Of course, I was pretending.

"Where is this freakin K-Drama Kid…North have you seen a kid--- Oh hey! There you are! I've been looking for you anywhere!"

Ok, I can be an actress. I'm good at this one. They both looked at me then the kid smiled at me. Wow, she has gotten more beautiful. Is this the effect of K-Drama?


She ran towards me and hugged me. It would be a lie if I say I didn't miss this kid. And she has gotten taller, back then she was just a shrimp.

"Hey, how are you? You've grown up a little eh?"

"What? A little? That's bad"

"How long has it been since we last met? You were a baby back then"

"A baby?! You've got to be kidding me! You're making things up! Haha"

"Oh, I'm not though"



"Could you give us a moment?"

"Sure, I'll wait in the car ok?"

"Yeah thanks"

North went to the car and we walked somewhere we can sit and have a nice talk.

"So, is it him?"

"haha, yep it's him. Funny how fate keeps us together. It's a long story but it's a bit tiring to talk so whatever"

"About your name, didn't he know your real name? He said you are Amy"

"Yes, I am that so-called 'Amy' "


She didn't look at me and I think she's contemplating what to say. I guess she's now in the stage of confusion or whatever.

"Maybe it's time for you to know the----"

"I know who you are"

I don't know why I felt like my world has fallen. How would she know? Could it be?

"Stop thinking weird things now sis. Let me talk first"

I just nodded and maybe I could hear what she wanted to say.

"I've been wanting to see you so bad after I knew who you are. Actually, at first, I thought it was my imagination, or maybe I thought wrong. But no, I was right. You are the Princess in Korea, the Princess of Park clan. You know I've always loved K-Drama and Korea that's why there's no history in Korea that I would never know. I looked up at some old history of your family and saw your picture. It's you, although it was an old picture I would say it's you. I also saw some old documents about your clan but now I've seen from the news it seems that….it's gone. It's all gone, and the news"

"Well, you know kid my whole clan was killed. I and my mom escaped from them, but my mom also died protecting me"

"What do you mean? Don't tell me that granny?"

This kid is quick-witted than I thought. So I nodded.

"Waa, I can't believe it! Right from the start, I know she has some bad intentions. That old granny should be sued! I really can't believe she managed to kill your whole clan just because she wanna take the throne again? Wow, that old hag sure is unbelievable!"

And she almost knew everything. This kid is amazing.

"So what are you gonna do now? Take back the throne and make the clan peaceful? Or take revenge?"

"You sure know a lot of things kid, but I don't know. I'm planning to take back the throne, but I'm not sure when to start. And I don't know how to start"

"Well, you can always count on me. I have everything that can be able to help you. I can also help you layout your plan!"

I can't let this kid be affected by my issues and it's very risky since if we start planning we'll be risking our lives on the line.

"How about the guy? The one you called North? You're savior? He could be of help"

"No, it's risky kid very risky. He doesn't know who I am."

"Why are you together with if he didn't even know who you are?"

"He might be one of those people who killed our clan"

"If you have doubts about him like that, then you could've just escaped from him right? Why did you choose to stay"

Oh, man, she had a point.


"Sis, no need to say anything. I may be a kid in your eyes but I know things a lot better than you. Even if you didn't say the whole thing to me. I understand it all. I'm amazed after all that it sometimes scares me"

And now she has the time to be this boastful. Nice clap your hands everyone.

"Now, what do you wanted to say, kid?"

"You could've just trusted him. There's nothing wrong about it. What's the point of being with him when you doubted his intentions to be with you. Eun Sol-ssi 그게 당신 엄마라면 어떻게 할 거라고 생각하세요?"( If that was your mom, what do you think she would do?)

"There's nothing wrong in trying. Do it now before it's too late or you might regret it. If you're wrong let me smack you ok? But if you're right then escape. We never knew he's not someone that we should be afraid of"