
Chapter 18

I was thinking about what that kid says earlier and I can't seem to let it out of my mind.

'Eun Sol-ssi 그게 당신 엄마라면 어떻게 할 거라고 생각하세요?"( If that was your mom, what do you think she would do?)

"There's nothing wrong in trying. Do it now before it's too late or you might regret it. If you're wrong let me smack you ok? But if you're right then escape. We never knew he's not someone that we should be afraid of"

Why does she sound like Mom? That's weird.

"Hey, Amy are you ok? What did that kid say that left you staring out in a blank space?"

"Ah well, nothing hehe. I was just ahhh thinking of something"

"What is it?"

We are heading to the amusement park. I didn't know he would take Miss Manager's advice to take me to someplace very crowded. Very noisy and super crowded, yeah I just said the same thing twice. I'm not used to going somewhere fun, I've never been to an amusement park. I never tried those even in Korea. I don't have any fun memories when I was a kid, all I remember is reading books writing poems. Practice on how to walk like a real princess, how to act gracefully, and all those kinds of stuff a royal should do. And now I'm going to experience all those what does it felt like to have fun?


We are now at the Amusement Park Miss Cath told me, I don't know about these kinds of stuff but I'm trying my best to make Amy have all the fun she wants. Miss Cath said she never had time for herself like go to some places or like travel. So maybe I could give her that now.

This is my first time in an Amusement Park, so I'm kinda afraid if my well-laid-out plan will be ruined because of my mistakes.

"Wow, there are lots of people…" I heard her mumble

"Don't worry they won't bite, so what should we ride first?"

She let out a chuckle. "Yeah, I know they won't bite. Silly. I'm not used at a crowded place"

"Well, the more the merrier Amy"

I looked around to see some interesting rides. But suddenly Amy pulls me and went to a booth.

"I wanna ride this one what's it called?" She said while pointing the card with a photo of it.

"It's called the Roller Coaster, You wanna ride ma'am?" The lady answered

"Yes, two please"

I answered and paid for the ticket. While we're waiting in line I can't help but look at Amy. Well, I guess she's having some fun.

"Hey North look at it, it looks so interesting!" she pointed the roller coaster and exclaimed excitedly

"Woah, it sure looks scary"

I can't help but let out a chuckle. She's now acting like a kid and it's so adorable. I tapped her head and she looked at me with her eye smile. Fuck it she's so cute.

"Calm down ok? Don't worry we'll ride that one sooner"

"Aww, I can't wait"

When it's already our turn, she ran towards a seat in front and keeps on calling me.

"North come on! Come this way"

Gosh this girl, why is she like this it's so cute.

"Come on faster! Faster!"

"Alright, calm down let me sit first ok?"

I sat beside her then the guy in front of us said something to his co-workers.

"Ok, everybody please sit tight and…have fun everyone!"

There this seatbelt like thing suddenly moved and was secured to our chest. So I held unto it. Man, this will be intense.

Then the roller coaster started to move slowly until it got faster. And it goes up and down. Man, I feel like throwing up.

"Aaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhh shhhiiiiiiiiiiiiiitttttttt!"

I can't help it, I feel like my soul is going to be pulled out by my body. Fuck it!

"Waaaaaaaa! This is such fun!!!"

"Aaahhhhh fuuucccckkkkk why is this thing going up and downnnnn????!!!!"

"Yaaaaaaaaayyyyy Whoooooooooooooh!"

"Ah, Mother fuckerrrrrrrrrrrrsssssss when is this going to end?????!!!!!"

All I can hear is shouts from the people and my beating heart. Fuck I'm gonna die. The roller coaster keeps on going up and down, then it goes circling then up and down again. Then it suddenly slowed down.

"Motherfucker…..is is is it…..d—done now?"

"Wow! That was so fun. Do you like it North?"

"Yeah, I g-g-uess you enjoyed it a lot. I-I don't know in my case though."

"Hey, are you alright? Are you still alive? Hey hey, North?"

I'm at my worst now I feel like I'm dying.

"Come on, let's go let's eat something come on!"

I don't know but she's just dragging me everywhere. I don't know what place we are going, to be honest. My head is spinning.

"Ok, just sit there ok? And I'll just go buy something"

She left me here on the bench then went to the nearby store.

'I think she doesn't have any money with her? She didn't bring her purse'

Man up North! You're the one who should be buying food for her why is she the one who did that? Ok, my plan is 100% FAIL.

"Hey, I bought some hotdogs and burgers. And I also bought this cotton candy cuz it looks so cute. I wanna keep it but I need to eat it hehe. Come on eat up let's ride Ferris wheel next hehe"

She bought one hotdog and two burgers and this hello kitty cotton candy. No wonder why she did buy that, it's kinda cute.

"You're too hungry eh?"

"Yeah! That was hella a ride! Damn, I wanna go back but I guess no more ahahaha. You might collapse next time. Are you afraid of heights North?"

"Nope, it's just my first time riding it and I felt very weird"

"It's my first time too hehe"

" So what's this Ferris wheel?"

"That one"

Then she pointed at the round circling thing. I guess that's the Ferris Wheel. I guess it's not that bad to ride that one.

"Ok then let's eat up faster"

"I'm done!"

Wow, she's amazing.

"Can you eat slowly? Sheez you always surprise me, Amy"

She let out a laugh and shrugs

"You're the one who should eat up slowly North. You're a mess hahaha"

Then she wiped my lips, then licked her fingers.

Wow, that was sexy. Oh fuck fuck North North come on!

"Are you done? Come on let's go to the Ferris Wheel?" She was jumping in excitement

"Ok, Ok! Ahahaha"

Since we're waiting for the line. And take note were still in the last line so we managed to go in a photo booth even if it's not my thing and also played in the claw machine. And it's harder than I expected but I at least I managed to gave her a teddy bear although it's small I think she's happy about it.

She was carrying the teddy bear like it was her baby.

"Come on, let's go it's our turn"

So we went and rode the Ferris wheel. Now that I see it most people that are riding in Ferris Wheel are couples. Is this ride for couples only?

"Wow, look at the view. Look at the city lights. It's so cool"

I looked at the scenery and it's really beautiful and breath-taking. And I looked at the girl in front of me. She's way more beautiful. Why am I feeling like this? Why is my heart beating so fast? Looking at her makes me feel like I'm blessed. I'm blessed to have her. Even though she's not mine, even though we don't have any label between us. But I'm blessed that I knew her, and I met her. She's like a Princess coming out from a storybook whose role is to make me happy. And right now I'm genuinely happy. I'm not sure about how I'm feeling but I think I've fallen in love with her.

"So this is how it felt like…"

"The what North?"

"Seeing the beautiful sceneries it's nice, right? Won't you take a picture?"

She frowned "Oh, you've got to be kidding me. I don't have a phone! Ahaha"

"Oh right, I forgot to buy you one."

"Nah, nevermind. Pictures are just nothing they could be gone forever if you're phone is broken. But the memories in my mind will remain forever and can be remembered even when I get old"

She sure really is something. She's an amazing person and I look up to her. Even if I'm much older than her I think she knows a lot more than me. She's an incredible person.

"Yeah, you have a point"

After riding the Ferris wheel, we went to look around and bought some souvenirs and then went home.

This is the best day that I have experienced in my whole life. I've felt different kinds of emotions that I couldn't even explain.

"Hey, North"


"For what?

"Making me forget all my worries. I had a lot of fun. It's not that really bad for the first time. Maybe we can come back again"

Well, after all, my plan is not that 100% fail but a 100% SUCCESS. I might thank Miss Cath for the suggestion.

"Well, of course. If it will make you smile then I don't see any problem with it."

After all my role is to keep your smile forever.