
Chapter 19

Shoot shoot shoot!!!! I never thought I had this childish act yesterday. I never expected I lost my composure yesterday and acted like a child!

Damn, what would North think about me now? Please ground eat me now, please? Thanks, Gosh, he went outside for a while cuz he said he's gonna buy something. I wonder what though? Is he going to buy food? No, we have lots of food here so no worries. But Nah! I think it's great that he's not here. So imma go to the kitchen and get some beverage. I'm kinda thirsty.

I opened the fridge and took a juice but then I found a bar of chocolate. Man, I wanna eat this I'm craving for something sweet now. But no, North might get mad no, no no that's bad Eun Sol very bad.

"Hey, Amy why are you sneaking there?"

Ok, I got caught.

"Oh hey, North! Hi, you're home already? Where have you been? Haha"

"Well, I went outside for a while to buy you a phone. And this is your phone anyways. I already inserted your sim and bought you an earpods and the charger is also already there"

"Wow thanks haha"

"Are you going to eat? Are you hungry? You're opening the fridge"

"Well, uh I'm just thirsty I was just uhh drinking water hehe"

"I thought you were charmed by the chocolate, I heard that you love sweets so I ordered tons of chocolate and puts there in the fridge"

"Oh? It's for me? Why thanks!"

I excitedly grab the chocolate bar and eats it directly.

"Wow, this is heaven. Why am I hesitating to eat it when it's for me. Oh, damn"

"When it comes from your favorites you get reckless and all, come here"

I went near him then he leaned on me.

"You've got chocolates all over your lips"

Then he wiped it in his own hands and licked it. Why is this scene very familiar? And why is my heart beating so fast? Am I gonna die???!!

"Eww North, that's dirty"

He looked at me and smiled.

"But you did the same thing silly, plus it's still delicious"

Mother fucker what???

"Hahaha, come on now. You don't want to be late in your work right? Prepare now then let's go"


I've been dozing all day long and it seems like I can't focus on my work today. Is it because I got tired because of yesterday? Well, I don't know.

"Hey! Earth to Amy"


"You're out of mind today are you alright? You seemed tired. What did you do yesterday you kiddo" She laughs in a very mischievous way

Gosh, I know what she's thinking. Damn this old woman.

"Hey, come on it's not what you think alright. I'm just… thinking"

"What did he propose to you?"


"Ok, I surrender I do ok so what's up?"

"I'm just tired, and yeah we hang out yesterday and it was fun"

"Wow! Where did he take you?"

"Amusement Park? Yeah there"

"Alright, he did take my advice. That's a credit for me. You had all the fun. Gosh, maybe I should start dating someone now I'm getting old and it's a pity for my beauty if I can't even date just one guy. Poor me"


"Calm down, but I can see your future so I'm just being advance here."

"Oh beats me"

"Anyways the school didn't call you yet?"

"I don't know, I put North's number there"


"How about your sister's wedding? You didn't even bring me a cake"

"Why would you ask for a cake from my sister's wedding when there's a cake in our shop gosh Amy"

"Eh? We're selling cakes now?"

"Well yeah, it's in the house. My sister told me we should also sell cakes. She thought of it since I was the one who baked their wedding cake so yeah beats me"

"WOW you're amazing miss Manager" I raised my hands to give her thumbs up

"Oh yeah, so stop dosing off all day I might fire you"

She flipped her hair then walks out with a laugh.

Gosh, my boss is really weird. Then suddenly I heard a buzzing sound in my pocket. Oh, yeah I forgot I already have a phone damn. And who's texting.

'Hey, it's me North make sure to save this number aright? And btw, you are accepted in Eastwood so we're gonna find some uniforms for you'

Alright, this is such good news.

[North calling]

"Oh, gosh he could've just texted."

"Hello North, you called?"

"Hey, sorry if I disturbed you. Anyways I won't be home early today so make sure to go home right away after your shift ok? And don't go to the computer shop ok?"

"Yes, sir I won't"

"I will be at my boss's house so expect me to be late"

" I didn't ask"

"I'm just informing honey. Ok, so I will be off now bye. Make sure to come home early ok? I'll ask a cab to take you home"

"Damn, why do you sound like a daddy North"

I heard him chuckle. "Because I'm your guardian, Amy"

Yeah, and my savior. Well, I don't know if you are.

"Alright sir affirmative"

" Ok bye now"



I came back to work and it was a very hassle day. There are lots of costumers today. Maybe because we already availed some cakes in the shop and miss Manager was in the kitchen all day long baking. Gosh, she might be tired. And then I managed to handle all the costumers although some of them were in a hurry and it seems like their schedule is busy. Well, we are too. Can I even get home early today? It seems like the costumers are increasing time by time, since when did this place become ever famous? Maybe because I promoted it back then? Or because of the cake? Well yeah, whatever I don't want to be assuming.

It was already 7 p.m. and Miss Manager decided to close the shop. Gosh, it was a very dreadful day. I thought I'm going to die. Then I saw a cab outside and I think that's the cab he gets for me.

"Are you Miss Amy ma'am?"

"Oh, yes I am"

"Get inside ma'am"

"Thank you, sir"

While we're in the route I can't help but think about the kid's offer to help me get my throne and my clan back. I don't know but her acts reminded me of mom. You see I'm not surprised if she talked that way, especially when she uttered my native language. I know she loved K-Drama and Korean kinds of stuff so it's not new to me. Hmm, maybe I should approach her again and talk about it.

'Eun Sol are you crazy?? You're having an alliance with a mere kid, are you serious? You want to sacrifice that kid's life just to get your clan and throne back?'

No, I shouldn't do that. I'm a Princess and I should make wise decisions. But why does my instinct tell me that I should trust that kid? Man, nevermind I'll think about it later.

"Ma'am we've arrived"

"Thanks here's my pay"

"Ah no need ma'am, Sir North already paid"

Awww, that guy. I know and he knows that I don't spend a lot of money but I'm not that cheap! Gosh, he's kidding me but Nah I think it's a good thing though so nevermind about it.

I walked to the lobby and went to the elevator. As I was walking through the hallway I bumped into a guy.

"Sorry, I wasn't looking at the way sorry. Here let me help you"

"Ah, no thanks are you ok?"

"Nah, I'm really fine how about you?"

"I'm the one who should ask you that"

"Hey, mister I know that I'm small but that doesn't mean that… hey! You're the guy from before!"

Then he turned to look at me. "Oh, hey you're the delivery girl! Hi" Then he chuckled.

Wow, from all the people I should bump with it's him. This handsome fella, such a coincidence to meet him.

"Do you live around here?"

"Yep, I am. You too?"

"Yeah, I just lived here recently. That's where I live" Then I pointed our unit.

"You live there? Wow, coincidence…"


"I happen to know the guy who lives there. I thought he was alone, so now he's living with someone ey?"

"You know North?"

"Yep, I know him well. Although he didn't know I lived here and we're neighbors"

"How did you know him?"

"You should ask him. By the way, I'm Parker Ellis you are?"

Wow, nice name. Very suited for a guy like him. Gorgeous name gorgeous face har har.

"I'm Amy. Nice to meet you, Parker"

"Anyways I need to go now. And please tell North I said hi. Bye and good evening Amy"

Then he went to his unit and so do I.

Then suddenly North called while I was changing clothes.

"hey, North what's up?"

"Are you home now?"

"Yep, I just got home"

"Ok, I'm on my way there. And please don't cook for tonight I'm bringing some foods"

"You're ordering again? I told you no more it's bad for the health"

"No, it's homemade. It's from the Count's wife"


"I'm gonna hang up now. I'll be arriving later"

"Ok, bye"

So I should clean up the whole house. And arrange a little cuz it looks like a mess around here. Just what did North do here alone that some of his shirts are around the floor.

"Why are all this so… ugh this guy"

"I'm home"

"Oh, you're here already."

I continued arranging his shirts and put them in his drawers. Take note guys, it��s not new to me to see all his private things here like undergarments. Do you want to know his brief size? Well, that'll be a secret. There's no awkwardness around us even if we know each other's things. He even buys me napkins whenever I have my period.

"What are you doing there? Let's eat now come on"

"Give me a minute ok?"

He was just there standing in the door while I was here busy arranging things in this room.

"Ok, now it's done. Ok let's eat I'm hungry"

But he was just there staring at me.

"What's wrong? Is there something on my face? Am I too dirty?"

"Did I bought you that?"

"what you mean?"

"That thing you wore"

"Oh, yeah you brought everything. What's wrong doesn't it suit me?"

"No, I mean I should have looked unto all of it instead of just picking what I see. What's that outfit called?"

I just wore sleeveless fitting crop-top and a cargo pant. What's with it? Aww, I get now. Too revealing ahahahahaha

"Nah, nevermind it North. What's important is I still have something to wear"

Then we started eating but it seems like he's very distracted. Ok, imma change later if he's that distracted.

"You don't have to worry, I'll change later if you're that distracted"

"Ah, no-no-no. It's just… it's just I'm not used to seeing you wearing that kind of kinds of stuff and..uh"

"And what?"

"It's kinda sexy"

Did I hear it right? Sexy?

"Ahahaha, aww right…"

Why am I the one who feels so awkward now? Like I know it's a compliment but it feels so awkward.

"Anyway, there this Parker guy I met earlier"

"Parker? You mean Parker Ellis?"

"Yep, he said hi. He's our neighbor and his unit is just next to ours."

Wow, ours. It sometimes feels surreal that this is already my house. Our house. And that I already have a family and it's North. But how I wish if he's a family. I was hoping he's not someone I think he is.

"Oh wow, maybe I should text him to come over"

Then he was tapping his phone. I grab the basket he brought with him and opened it. Wow, there's a lot of food here. Since there are lots I put the remaining foods in the fridge. Then prepared all of it in the table, since some of it is cold I took the time to heat it and I notice North was not there anymore. Well, maybe he's calling that Parker guy. I guess they're best buddies.

"Why didn't you say that you live here Parker, since when did you move here?"

"Well, maybe Months ago? I can���t remember now. I got so busy"

"Researching about Lord Marquess cure?"

"Well, yeah I want Papa to be cured North. I studied everything almost everything. Experimenting all that I could."

"Well, someday you'll be able to find a cure for your Papa. No worries"

"Well, what do we have here? Hello there Miss Amy"

"Hey, come on join us for dinner"

"You never told me North that you have someone as beautiful as her here."

"Well, yeah…" he laughs awkwardly looking at me like he wanted me to say something

"Ahahaha well, he's really lucky right Amy?"

"Well, I guess so… ahahaha"

Then we ate together and talk about a lot of things. And I found out that North's parents are both guys. Homosexuals, I'm not surprised by it but I'm happy he has some very loving parents even if he is adopted. As per North, it is said that he's also adopted by his boss Count Knight. I guess that's the reason why they're close because they were both being taken in.

"How about you Amy?"


What am I going to say?

"Well I have North, he's my guardian. So.."

"No, I mean like parents"

"I don't have one. They died a long time ago, but I'm happy now. I have a new family so it's not that lonely. Before I used to be alone but then I was surrounded by many so it's not that lonely hehe so don't feel bad or what to me ahahahaha"

"Oh, well we're all on the same page here. Although my parents didn't die I was abandoned by them. As per North, I guess we're pretty similar"

"Yeah, pretty similar. I see"


We wrapped things already then cleaned the kitchen. As Amy was cleaning I bid Parker goodbye since he has some things to do and he needed to leave.

"Thanks for inviting me over North, it's been a while since we've talked like this. I really can't remember when was the last time we met?"

"I guess at your parent's wedding"

"Oh yeah, then after that we never meet. Recently I've been busy and I guess you are"

"Well, the Count said I should take a break and take a vacation so yeah. I kept myself busy from things and I have to prepare for her schooling this year"

"Wow, you're prettily acting like a guardian now North. I see the last time we met you're not that talkative at all. But now, you've changed a lot. Is this her impact on you? Since when did you two date?"

"Date? Hahaha no, we're not dating. It's just is"

"Oh, I thought you were. Well then I should go now"

Then he went to his unit and I came back inside. Why do I have these threatening feelings right now? Is something bad gonna happen? That's weird, why do I feel like Parker has some intentions towards Amy? Damn, why would I think this way?

I looked at the kitchen and saw that it was all clean. Maybe she's in the bedroom now, sleeping. So I went ahead to our room and saw her there sitting.

"I thought you were already asleep"

"Nope, I'm not"

"Well, what do you think about Parker?"

"He's cool and nice. I guess it's not bad to befriend him"

Why am I jealous all of a sudden.

"Ah I see"

"Anyways good night. I'm sleepy. You should also go to bed now North"

Why am I feeling this way? I need to ensure if I'm in love with her. Fuck it, it hurts. I can see that they clicked. I feel so threatened, and I'm afraid to confess I don't know and I'm not sure. Dang, it.

"Come on North, let's sleep"

Well, I'll take time to figure out my feelings and then I will confess. Anyways everything takes time so I don't need to hurry.