
Chapter 20

I left early since the Count summoned me. I think he has something to tell me, he's been summoning me a lot these days. He keeps on asking how I'm doing and these kinds of things, but this time I think it's different since he just called me to come and said no more. It's weird since I'm used to listening to him blabbers a lot. Now, I'm a little worried since I left without telling Amy. Well, it's fine I already left her a message so I guess it's fine.

[Bachelors Village]

"Good morning Lady SM, where's the Count?"

"Oh, hey North. He's in his office, you can just go there"

"Alright, umm here food for the kids"

"Oh, thanks you didn't have to"

"What does he want to say to me anyway?"

"I don't know, he just wanted to talk to you"

So I went directly to his office and notice that it's a bit dark. Ok, what kind of joke is this again?

"Boss, what kind of surprise is this again?"

"Why didn't you tell me North"

Then there was a light highlighted to him, just like in the movies.

"Yeah? About what?"

"That you're living with someone now! OMG I'm so hurt now, Your papa Count is very hurt now super-duper"

He's never getting any normal anymore. But how did he know? And since when did he become my Papa? He's weird.

"Now, you have lots of things to share with me North. Now that you're vacation is going to end soon"

"What why? What do you mean? I still have a few months left?"


"Wait? What daughter in law you're talking about?"

"Oh, come on don't be such a moot."

"I don't whaaat?"

"Well, Paris came here for a visit and he said you're living with someone now. Damn, why didn't you tell me fucker"

Then there's this background music. Ok, this is getting weird.

"Nube! This is the wrong music!"

"No, this is the right music"

"Fuck it, dumbasses! Now the feels are ruined!"

Oh, so like he ordered this two to make background music's and all sorts of what it is called. Some "filters" you see in movies. If you all know what I mean. Everybody's getting weirder.

"Ok, you guys are weird I'm out"

"No, Hey! North I'm serious here. I wanna meet her like for real"


"Because I've never seen you with someone, you're always burning some corpse. You never interact with people and you're always so damn silent. When I heard the news from Paris that you changed a lot, I almost cried I hope you'll get to see the world you didn't saw before. I'm sorry if i didn't let you see all of those back then when you were young. You know there's a lots of things that has happened back then so I couldn't think of anything else to do with you but to let you study and work with me."

"Why are you getting emotional? Stop it, it gross"

"He said you began to express your feelings and you talk a lot. You smile more often. And a lot! Lots of changes North! Do you know how happy am I?"

Did I change? Well, maybe I am. I guess it's all thanks to Amy.


"Amy! Did the school called you already?"

"Yep, I think miss Manager. I will be out later this afternoon to get my school uniform and pictorial will also be held later for I.D"

"Won't North be here to come and get you?"

"Nah, I can't afford to disturb him when he's in his busy hours. He went to his boss since he called for him"

"Oh, you want me to accompany you?"

"Nope, I can handle myself. You can just watch over your precious shop Manager hahaha"

"Alright, then get settled already it's already 12"


"정말로 그녀의 제이라고 확신합니까?"

(Are you sure it's her Jey?)

"아, 물론 내가 왜 그렇게 확신하지 않는지"

(Ah, of course, why wouldn't I be so sure)

"야, 멍청한 거 알아. 하지만 이것은 매우 심각한 문제입니다"

(yah, I know you're dumb. but this is a very serious matter)

"나는 당신이 종종 나를 의심한다는 것을 압니다. 하지만 저를 믿으세요. 여러분도 모두 눈치 채 셨을 것입니다."

(I know you often doubt me guys. But believe me, I know for sure you all notice it too.)

"이제 생각해 보면 제이가 옳은 것 같아요"

(Now, to think of it I think jey is right)

"왜 그렇게 생각하니?"

(Why do you think so Mhel?)

"글쎄, 그건 내 직감이야"

(Well, it's just my gut feeling)

"어머, 직감? 당신은 ...와 당신은 믿을 수 없어"

(Gosh, gut feeling? Are you...waa you're unbelievable)

"얘들 아, 그만해. 내가 옳은 것을 알아 차리지 못했다면 그녀라고 말하지 않았어?"

(Guys, come on stop. I wouldn't say it was her if I didn't notice something right?)

"그게 무슨 뜻 이니?"

(what do you mean by that?)

"그녀는 그녀의 눈에서 두더지를 볼 수 있습니다. 그녀의 모반을 보지 못했지만 내 추측이 맞는 것 같아요"

(She's, I can see the moles in her eyes. Although I didn't see her birthmark I think my guess is right)

"그래 맞아 나도 느낄 수있어 하지만 지금은 확실하지 않습니다."

(Yeah right, I can also sense it. But for now, we're not so sure.)

"그럼 이제 Kleah는 어떡하죠?"

(So what are we gonna do now Kleah?)

"그럼 그냥 그녀를 보자"

(Then let's just watch her)

"Uhm, excuse me? Can I ask where's the guidance office is? I'm sort of got lost in the way"


(oh my!)

Mhel and Zophia covered Jey's mouth to prevent her from talking. I know she's surprised more than I do. Wow, this is a very nice coincidence is the Deity on our side now? I can't tell if it's a coincidence but for sure it's not right? One day, we'll be going to see who you are and kill you. Your Majesty. Everything's on our side now.

"Well, I guess Kleah can help you lead the way. Right Kleah?"

"Of course Mhel, it would be my pleasure. Then come with me, miss"

"Aww, thank you so much."

I walked past her and she followed.

"This place is sure big no?"

"Yes, it is"

"By the way, you're Kleah right? I'm Amy nice to meet you"

I looked at her and smiled

"Nice to meet you too Amy. What a nice name"

"Hehehe, thanks"

And you've got an alias. A perfect thing to hide your identity.

"So..uhm are you a freshman in here too?"


"Aww, I thought you are an old student"

"Come on, do I look like one?"

"ahahaha sorry my bad, I guess you know this place too well"

"Well, not really but I happen to know this place back then"


"Yes, so here it is the guidance office. What are you gonna do here anyways?"

"Pictorial thingy and yeah I'm gonna get my uniform"

"Oh yeah, you can go inside and get it. So I'll get going now ok? Bye"

"Bye, Thanks for your help"


I went inside the guidance office and it seems like the staffs are very friendly. They took a picture of me then laminated my I.D and gave my uniform. I wonder that Kleah girl is very odd; no I mean she's very mysterious there's something hysterical in her, something scary or it's just my imagination? Well, I don't care. But I hope I could be friends with her. I don't know anyone at this school.

[Phone rings]


"Amy! Why didn't you tell me that you're in school today?"

Ah, damn! I forgot to text him and I rushed here without even thinking.

"I'm sorry North I was in a hurry and I couldn't.."

"Are you home?"

"No, not yet but I'm going to go home now..and uh"

"Wait for me there alright? I'll come and get you"

I waited for a few minutes then his car stopped right in front of me. The window of the car slid open showing the side of his face.

"Uh, hey"

He went outside and opened the door for me. Then he went to the other side and started to drive.

"I was with my boss's house today"

"Yeah? So what's up?"

"He said he wants to meet you"

Oh, shoot! Damn did they found out about me? Do they know who am I already? Why does North look so serious? Am I dead meat now??

"Paris told him about you so he wants to see you"

"Huh? That's so sudden North. Why?"

"Well because he knew you were living with me. And he's into his drama again if I won't take you there at the bachelor's village. Everyone's been dying to meet you there"


"Yeah you don't have to worry they're all nice"

Well, I'm hoping they all are. Maybe I should ask help from the kid now? For real this time.


"그래서 Kleah는 어떻게 되었습니까?"

(So how did it go Kleah)

"그래서 여기 모두"

(So here everyone)

"그래, 뭐야"

(Yep, so what is it)

"그녀의 이름은 Amy입니다."

(Her name is Amy)

"야 , 우리가 그녀를 다른 사람으로 착각했을 수도 있나요"

(Hey we might have mistaken her for someone else)

"알고 있으므로 아직 확실하지 않습니다."

(I know so we're not sure yet.)

"그러나 여러분, 그녀를 주시하십시오. 이 임무에 실패하면 감당할 수 없습니다."

(But everyone, make sure to keep an eye on her. We cannot afford it if we fail this mission)

After all, this is what we are made of. We are perfect and we never fail. Let's see if what is the truth here.