
Chapter 21

Since I have no work today I asked North if I could visit the kid today but he said he'll take me there and he wants me to accompany him to go to La Casa De Rosa. These days he's been so overprotective like wherever I go, he's always with me. Does it mean he already knew who I was and he should protect me so that they will kill me instead of the Triad and my Grandmother? Ah, why am I thinking things like this damn?

"So when is your free time? So we can visit them?"

"I don't know I'll look into it hehe"

After we visited the LCDR we directly went to the playground where I used to see the kid. For some reason, I'm very certain that I need that kid, well somehow. I've been pondering a lot of things since it's too risky for her to be involved in this matter. But I already decided. But since there's North with me I think I should tell him when the time comes and when I'm ready. If I can fully trust him then I will tell him who I am. But for now, let's think about my plan first before worrying about it.

"North, you just wait here and I'll go find the kid alright?"

"Are you sure you don't want me to come with you?"

"Yes, it's fine really"

"Ok, then I'll wait for you here"

I hopped out in the car then searched for the kid. And there she is, looking at the laptop sitting in my usual spot. The bench is where I used to sit before and eat my instant noodles.

"Hey, it's good to see you here"

She looked up at me and smiled.

"Did you ever thought about it is?"

Am I certain to plan all of this with a kid? With this kid? What if I fail? Then she'll be in danger.

"Don't let perturbations stop you"

"I know...I was just thinking…"

"What to think of?"

"Do you know it's very risky for you to be with me in this kind of plan? It's like we're putting ourselves in a great risk!"

"I know, I wouldn't say such thing to you if I didn't know any risk in doing things like this. I may be a kid in your eyes but I know better"

"Alright fine! So what's the plan?"

"I already looked into it and it seems like your grandmother is very quite. But I know for sure she sent her people to look for you. Be wary, it might be the people around you."

"So you mean… they might be around?"

"Yep that's a probability"

"I already told you! What about No---"

I didn't even finish talking when she suddenly interrupted.

"Don't worry, he's not someone suspicious. If he is then he would've killed you long ago"

Yeah she's right


Damn, it's so boring in here! What am I gonna do? Should I go after her? Ah, no I might disturb her. Are she and the kid have some kind of relation, are they that close?

[Count Calling]

"Yeah what now?"

"Wow, you're being rude now huh?"

"Well, nothing nothing that is it?"

"Where are you now?"


"What are you doing there?"

"Well, Amy's with a kid now"

"Wow! You have kids already? How fast"

Damn this weirdo Count, how could Lord Cloud be able to keep up with his craziness and weirdness.

"No, of course not! She's here to meet someone"

"Oh, she's dating someone else? That's too bad"

"Ok, I'm done I'm gonna hang up"

" No wait wait wait, I'm just kidding HAHA, Yeah seriously, Does Amy have work today?"


"Then that's good! How about coming here?"

"Fine, I'll ask Amy first. But I'm not sure ok?"

"Well I know she'll come. Just ask her motherfucker"

"Ok. I'll try"

" Okay then, see you later! We'll be waiting ok?? If you will say you can't come then I'll burn your house and kidnap her"

Wow, what a very nice threat. I'm not even sure if it's ok with her. She seemed to be scared just by hearing my boss's name. I wonder why tho.


"So that's it? That's all your plan?"

"Yep, we don't need to hurry. Everything takes time anyways"

"But do you think it's kinda risky?"

"How many times do I have to tell you? Gosh, Do you happen to know some sort of self-defense?"

"Well, I learned martial arts when I was young. But I forgot about it"

" I think you need to practice it again, in case. You have to"

I don't take I am gonna be able to do the martial arts again. It's been so long and how old am I that time? Maybe 5 years old? And how old am I now? Freaking 18!! How am I supposed to do martial arts again, when I'm no longer a princess. All I could think of is living. I don't have time for things like that.

"Well, then now it's settled start practicing your martial arts again. You can ask that guy over there"

Then he pointed at North who's walking towards us.

"So before I get going. Give me your phone"

I gave her my phone then she typed something there and gave it back to me.

'Our mission is a top-secret, if you trust North then you can tell him if you're ready and it's up to you. Try figuring things out while we carry this mission. BTW this is my number ***********, make sure to save it'

"So bye now! Gotta go, see you again next time"

Then she waved goodbye.

Then a perfect timing, North suddenly arrived.

"She's going already?"

"Yeah because you arrived" I joked


"Lol, was joking"

"Did you get bored waiting?"

"Yeah, almost. Anyways we need to go somewhere"

"And where is that somewhere?"

He looked at me hesitantly and unsure of what he's going to say.

"Why? What is it?"

"Well, uh actually the Count. He asked if we could drop by at the Bachelor's Village"

Oh, man what am I gonna do? I know for sure he said I don't have work today. That's why well, it's my guess.

"Why, it can't be helped then"

So we directly went to the car and drove.

What does this Bachelors's Village look like? Is his boss friendly and nice? What about the wife? The Idrytis? Man, I might be exposed early. I haven't started my plan yet what am I gonna do if they found out who I am.

'Eomma, please watch over me please'


[Bachelors Village]

"Here we are"

"Is this the Bachelor's Village North?"

"Yep, some people who lived here are friends of the Count"

Wow, this place sure is peaceful but very cool and elegant. I'm sure the peeps who lived here are big time. Like super big time. Can you see that house? No, it's not a house it's a mansion. Then we suddenly stopped at a very big big house.

"Is this it?"

"Yep, this is it. Come on let's hop out"

We went there and knocked on the door.

The door opened and two 2 kids suddenly showed up.

"Oh ish Norths"

"Uncle North, whos diz wit ya?"

"Hello, kiddos. Where's your mom and dad?"

"They k—kitchen"

Awwww, look at these babies so cute. I suppose this is his boss's kids.

"Aww, such adorable kids what's your name?"

"Who…who are ya miss?"

"Why I'm Amy. How about you?"

"I'm KN and he's NK"

Aww, so adorable I want to pinch them.

"Oh, you're here already"

"Lord Jacques" Then North bowed

"Why, who's this beautiful lady right here? I suppose you're North's girlfriend?"

"Ah, Hi I'm Amy. And no we're not like that hehe"

"Oh, that's tragic come inside"

We went inside and I can see how enchanting their house is.

"Wow" I exclaimed

"North! Hey, oh is this her? Hi, I'm SM I've been dying to meet you!"

"Oh, hi I'm Amy"

Wow, she looks so kind yet intimidating. Wow, so this woman is the Idrytis? Then where's the Count?

"Why hello there MOTHER FUCKER!"

Uhhh.. is this his boss? Why does he look like a total weirdo?

Then he came near us and then looked at me and smile.

"Hello there, little miss"

"Uh, Hi"

"Hi, I'm Knight. North's one and only handsome boss, and his one and only charming guardian, the very charismatic Knight Velasquez. Madamoiselle"

"Ah, yeah sure"

"Knight, will you stop it?"

"Mi Reina, she stole North from me!" then he was acting all childish like I stole some candy from him

"I stole whom?"

"Knight, stop it you're being weird again"

Then he looked at me up and down, like he was internally judging me. What is his deal?

"Uh, did I do something, the wrong sir?"

"What kind of potion did you use to charm him huh??"

Ok, this is getting weird.

"Come on Amy, never mind him let's go to the kitchen and eat. Then let's talk ok?

"Ah right"

"Cloud and Jacques please help me with Knight"

"What? What??? What did I do? I was just stating the fact hereeee"

"Lord Knight, please calm down"

"You fucking weird Count"

We went to the kitchen and foods were served everywhere. Wow, this place sure is nice and there's cake! Oh my gosh.

"Wow, this is so cool"

"Please I hope you enjoy the food, Amy. I prepared it especially for you"

'Why are they so nice and warm?'

We spent the whole night talking and laughing with the whole family. I never felt so warm before. They're all so nice. They're all so happy.

I began to know each one of them and it happens that Lord Jacques and Lord Cloud are Paris's parents. And the Count Knight is naturally weird while his wife is so kind. The kids KN and NK they're so adorable. They were all happy to see North changing because of me. Is it because of me though? Funny how I learned the truth that North is not a social person but now he's so talkative. But I've been thinking about it. What is my reason why I moved into his house? I don't know. Although I doubt him and them I think I'm wrong. And I'm never sure. This family? They who I suspect to be the ones who killed my whole clan? I guess it's blurry. How am I suppose to suspect them? Especially North?

"We'll be going now Lady SM"

"Thank you so much for coming in here Amy. We are so glad to have you here. I hope you will visit next time"

"Thank you for welcoming me to your home too. I had fun"

"I forgot to ask you, are you still studying?"

"Ah yes, I am"

"When you need something just call me alright? After all, you're a part of our family"


"Of course! Now, then take care. And North always look after her ok?"

"Yes, Lady SM"

"You guys look so cute together. Please Amy look after North too alright? He's such a baby.."

"Affirmative ma'am hehe"

"Well that's good"

"Well then, we'll be going now Lady SM thank you again"


"Hey Mother fucker, come back again. With Amy please"

"Yes, boss"

"Thank you for having me here. I appreciate it"

Then I bowed

They were kinda shocked at my gesture but I was so thankful that I really wanna cry. So this is how it felt like. To have a family that cared for you. It was a short time but a fruitful one. I will never forget this day.