Chapter 12

"I will be coming to that Goddamned party," I said. Jenny squealed beside me, tugging at my arm and pulling me outside the gates of the school and to the pavement.

"Wait, where are we suddenly going?" I asked her, still dragging me along with her.

"Girl, you seriously asking me? Shopping! Duh!" she said and I, in turn, pulled my hands away from her tight grasp.

"We will have to walk to the mall?! Come on!" I exaggeratedly retorted, not wanting to excess the already little energy I have.

"Oh, if that is what you want, you can go by your imaginary car and drive there, but I'll be going. See you there," she said and waved off, ascending away from me.

"Wait!" I yelled, catching up on her and heading to the mall, walking.

Yay, me.


"I present to you, the beautiful, magical and the—"

"Jenny, just get out and let me see," I cut her grand introduction off.

It's been almost two hours since Jenny and I were roaming around the whole mall, and to my total dismay, I couldn't find anything that catches my eye. And on the other hand, Jenny, picked at least hundreds of clothes to 'just try it on'. I complained about how many she had picked, which is so odd since she always wears hideous clothes and prefers hoodies. She rubbed me off saying, "The master needs time to find their perfect match", which was nonsensical, but went for it anyway.

Now, I am her 'spectator', as she is modeling every cloth at the store. I can't believe her 'fashionista side' triggered like that, for a stupid party.

She finally walked out of the dressing room, wearing gloomy green baggy jeans, with a white hoodie. She turned around, trying to look at herself and admiring the junk she is wearing as if it is a dress. She begs me to go to a party with her wearing a... I can't even name what the hell she has put on and call it something to wear. Poor girl, maybe her hoodie craving and her fashionista side mixed up, so she couldn't think straight.

"Seriously? Out of all the clothes you chose, this? Change." I commanded at her and she frowned, "You have been saying that for the thousandth time, say something else, like from the scale of one to ten, rate it." she said, her mirror reflection glaring at me.

"On average," I started, a smile threatening to surface, "I'd say about zero, but on a good day like going for a party, a solid ZERO," I said. She sighs and grumbles, "FINE."

"Where did your taste of clothing go? Out for a vacation?" I asked sarcastically, "Ha. Ha. Kate." she replied in a monotone voice, entering into one of the dressing stalls.

After waiting for at least twenty minutes, she finally got out of the dressing room, oh my days.

"Why did you take so long... oh, wow... Jen. I am mesmerized." I said surprised as Jenny walks out and stands in front of me.

She is wearing a paneled leather skirt just above her knee, with a glittering silver asymmetric top. This is so fucking gorgeous, if she would wear like this every time, then for sure, every boy will be lining up for her.

"Really? Like, I feel so... exposed," she said, trying to bring up the top to cover her chest.

"Are you serious? This is the best outfit I ever saw you wear since the day we met." I said, looking up and down at her.

"Ouch, Kate." she snapped, glaring at me.

"What now? You are the one who insisted to go to that party, and I'm trying to be honest." I said, laying on the surprisingly comfortable black sofa chair.

"Coming to think of it, you are right. We rarely get invited to parties, and also, it is our chance to stand up and show everyone we are cool!" she said, smoothing out her skirt and turning round and round, making it flow.

"Now, get in. It's your turn to see what fits you," she said. She helped me up and literally shooed me to the dressing stalls, "Don't worry about me, I don't mind wearing anything." I mumbled as I picked the little pile of clothes I chose and went into the dressing stall. It is pretty small, but manageable to put the clothes on the tiny stool and move to strip off the clothes I am wearing.

I randomly chose a red strapless red top with white short jeans. I looked down at myself, and to be honest, it isn't that bad, or 'that' good either. I opened the curtains, heading to the expert to judge my outfit. To my credit, her reaction was a huge dramatic gasp and wide eyes roaming up and down the outfit I have chosen, "Girl, you look hot!" she exclaimed, whistling lowly. "Look at yourself, you look like a bad bitch." she said, looking at me up and down again.

"You think so? I really don't think I would like how exposed I would feel around drunk high school boys," I said taking a look at myself. The short jeans are around my mid-tighs, the strapless shirt being tucked in it. I claim nothing negative at all, but, you know when you dress and feel like 'Yes, this is the perfect one!'? I don't feel it at all. I feel that something is missing but can't put my finger on that.

"Wait, I think we are missing something," Jenny spoke out what I was thinking, and rushed back to the clothes piled racks. I stood there awkwardly, waiting for what she would bring and hoping it will be something that will satisfy me.

She came back with a black leather jacket and a belt, an excited smile on her face, "I promise this will do the magic!" she said beaming. She puts the belt in the loops around the shorts and tied it. It is a wide black belt, with *cough* fake *cough* diamonds all over it.

"Put this on, and let's see how it will go." she says, handing me the black leather jacket. I nodded my head and shrugged the jacket on. Dang, it is heavy for a jacket that could seriously weigh a hundred pounds, I don't understand fashion sometimes.

I looked at myself once again, and now, it felt much better. The belt completed the short, making it look more fabulous, while the jacket, changed the whole look. I love it.

"Yup, this is it." I said mostly to myself. Jenny clapped once and stood beside me, both of us fully visible on the length mirror. Both of us look so beautiful, her with the black leather skirt along the silver asymmetric top, and me with the white jean shorts and the red strapless top.

"Damn, get ready to swoon boys with our looks," Jenny whispered and I nodded, mostly thinking of the target I have kept in my mind since I saw that asshole earlier.

Get ready, Carter. Tomorrow, I will show him what the real meaning of despise is.

"Uh, can we go home now?"


"Hello?" I hear mom through the speaker, and immediately, relief floods through me. It's been almost a week since they left the day I met the boys. They left for a business trip, and I got worried when they lasted for more than three days because that's their usual trip timeline.

"Mom! How are you? I missed you." I said, sitting from my laying position. I hear her chuckle, "We are doing great, honey. What about you, is everything okay?"

"Yeah, everything's good, and I'm fine. Why did you stay for so long? I remember you telling me that for any business trip you had, you would stay for three days max?" I questioned her and she sighed.

"It's the clients, they are being hard to get, even after traveling all the way to them. It's nothing to worry about, dear. Anyway, how are Jenny and Harris?" she changed the subject.

"They are all good. I was worried when you didn't show up yesterday. So, when will you come?" I asked, getting up and heading to the kitchen.

"Probably, Sunday or Monday, Kate. Oh dear, I have to go now, your dad came. We are about to go to eat lunch." she said. I smiled, lunch date, the two of them? How sweet is that?

"Okay, mom. I love you, tell dad I said hi." I said and tapped on the end call button.

"Jenny?" I called out, grabbing the mango juice from the fridge and pouring the left content on a glass.

"Here!" she yelled across the living room. I quickly finished the juice and went to where she called back. She is sitting on the couch, typing something on her phone.

"What are you doing?" I asked sitting beside her and grabbing the remote control. I hope there is something good to watch at this time, "Texting Harris if he will come, I doubt he will reply." she says.

"Of course he won't. He is probably with his father helping him at their garage." I said, switching from one channel to the other.

"You know what time it is?" she asks, looking at me, "Uh, time to.... study?" I cringed a bit at her deadly glare.

"Don't tell me you already forgot the party we will attend tonight," she rolls her eyes, "It's time to get ready! It's six and it almost takes an eternity to do the makeup!" she practically yells. Oh yeah, that. She tuts as she races with herself to my room, I tutted her back. Why is she too eager? I am the one who must be buzzing myself off to shoot my target.

When I entered my bedroom, Jenny had already taken all our makeup bags and scattered them on the floor, picking one after the other.

"Jenny..." I groaned at her recklessness, but sat next to her, watching what she is doing, "Well, I think I should do your makeup first, because most of the foundations and concealers are based on your skin tone. So, do not, by any means, face the mirror, and let me do some magic on your face!" she said, clapping her hand once, too excited. I laughed.

"I don't want it to be too much, or too light, though." I tell her and she nods her head, "As you wish, Katie. Now close your eyes." she said squirting the foundation on the sponge and dabbing it all over my face. I felt a brush brushing my eyelids and my nose. Then another brush brushing my cheeks and forehead, then another brush toning my cheekbone and my chin, and it all went on like that...

"Am I done yet?" I asked impatiently. It has been almost an hour since she started doing my makeup, "Wait, last touches." she said and sprayed something on my face, "Done! Now, I permit you to take a look at yourself."

I stood up and went to stand in front of my bedroom mirror. Woah, who am I looking at? I look completely different and a much more beautiful version of Kate. The thick eyeliner made my eyes look slightly bigger than they are, with red and dark eyeshadow on the lids. My cheekbones are tinted in pink, looking sharper and higher, including my jawline. My lips are painted in deep red color, and my overall face is highlighted. This is a whole load of change and something odd that I do, but I still love it.

"Like it?" Jenny asks. I turned to her, and she is already busy doing her makeup, "I don't like it," she stopped lining her eyes and frowned at me, "I love it." I finished, making her smile, and continue doing her makeup once again.

"Will Harris come? Or should I text Carter?" I ask Jenny, "Call Harris first. If he tells you he is busy, or he doesn't answer at all, then call him." she explained. I did as told, scrolled through my contacts, and tapped Harris', it ringed once, twice, "Hello?" he answered.

"Harris, what's up?" I asked, "Nothing much, my dad needed some help at the garage," he replied.

"That explains it. So, are you coming to the party?"

"Um... Let me see," he said. I heard the ruffling of a motor, followed by a pop, which made me jump a little, "Harris, you good?" I asked in concern.

"Yeah, the motor exploded or something, I need to work on it. This is a sign I guess, I don't think I would come, where are you guys?" he asked.

"We are at my house, getting ready." I answered and he replied with a heavy cough, "Oh shit, this thing just... okay, if I finished repairing this in like two hours then I would come, if not, then sorry, guys. I won't make it." he says.

"It's fine if you don't, I wish you all the best in repairing that motor, Harris." I said and hung up. If Harris won't come, then it would be either not going there at all or calling Carter to pick us up, which I really don't want that to happen. I thought of making an entrance at the party, making him shocked and try to do something which might piss him off, and I don't know why I need to do that, but I think it's - I hate to admit - a little jealousy, just a little.

"What did he say?" Jenny asks,

"If he couldn't come in two hours then he won't make it. He is with his father, helping him at the garage." I explained and sighed. Should I just call him? I mean, I don't have much of an option. Jenny would surely rip my head off if we didn't go, after all the excitement, money, and time we spent, she will surely do it, literally.

"Call the hottie then, we both know his father won't let him go like that," she said. I rolled my eyes and looked at her, her back facing me.

"His name is Carter, stop calling him that," I said walking to the plastic bags I had put there earlier and picking them up. I took out my outfit and laid it on the bed, and did the same to jenny's outfit.

"Kate, if we don't go to that party tonight and have fun because you didn't call him, then be assured, I will rip your head off." she said, confirming my previous thoughts.

"Okay okay, let's wait for Harris first, if he doesn't show up, then I will call him," I said. Then suddenly, I remembered the question I wanted to ask Jenny, "Jen, how come Carter got my phone number? Don't you find it, a bit odd?" I questioned her, and her back tensed. I knew she was behind it, of course, she would be delighted to do anything for a 'hottie' as she always christened them.

I sighed out loud, "Why?" I ask her, waiting for an explanation as to why would she give him my phone number for no reason, or the dumbest reason ever.

"He asked for it." she said simply, and I raised an eyebrow, her back still facing me, "You could have just said no, Jenny. I don't like many people knowing my phone number. What if he gave it to another person and get me in trouble?" I said frustrated.

"Take a chill pill, girl, he won't do that, I promise." she said, making me gape at her, "And now he turned to your friend? Or your brother? Or your lover?" I asked her putting my hands on both sides of my hips.

"Just saying, sis, calm down!" she bawled. I decided on texting Carter, at least to know if he isn't busy doing... the stuff he does.

8:05 PM *Hey, you free?*

I sent the text and turned to Jenny, "Happy? I texted your 'hottie'." I tell her exaggeratedly saying the last word.

"Kate, I just want to go to that party, nothing else." She said in an explaining tone.

"Mhm," I mumbled, distracted by the buzzing of my phone, it is a text.

8:10 PM *Yeah, why?*

I quickly texted him back,

8:10 PM *Can u pick Jen and me tonight?*

Before I switched to another app to play on, he immediately messaged me back,

8:11 PM *Yeah, now?*

Wow, too fast. I looked up at Jenny to tell her if I should say yes as an option, but my widened eyes got frozen on their spot, admiring what she has done for herself. She had smokey black eyes on, nude colored lip, her face a little cakier than mine, but still stunning. She had her cloth on, without me noticing. Dang, can someone be this beautiful?

Yes, my best friend.

"You are so gorgeous, hun," I said. She turned all around and smiled a shy smile, "You think?" she asked. Even when she is this beautifully done, by her freaking self, she doubts herself.

"Jen, I'd be lesbian for you." I said. She rolled her eyes and gaged, "Me, you? Ew, not with you, ever, but a sweet comment, so thank you." she said and beamed at me. "What did he say? Are we going now?" she asked.

"He asked to pick us up now. So, shall I say yes?" I said, she turned around again and jumped. "Yes! Tonight is our night! We better show our fun side, and you know, have fun!" she yelled. She looked at my old t-shirt and leggings, and gave me the look, "What are you waiting for? Text him, then get dressed too!"

"What about Harris?" I asked. What if everyone got drunk and I wanted to come back home? Harris and I are the only ones who don't drink, and he would be the backup, since he, like me, doesn't like parties and prefer quiet much better.

"Come on, Carter would bring us back, if you want. If you ever thought of that, text Harris, tell him we are going with somebody," she said, looking at herself in the mirror.

I sighed, she won't understand my worries because her head is filled with the excitement of going there and having the fun she has wanted. And I am pretty sure Carter will be drinking and not be eligible to drive. Well, I better do what Jenny says, and see where this would go. I tapped on Harris' contact and texted him shortly, but briefly,

8:19 PM *Don't worry, got sm to come and pick us up.*

And I replied to Carter's text message,

8:21 PM *Sure, we're waiting.

With that, I put my phone down and rose up, picked my clothes, and changed quickly. After I changed, I went to the bathroom to do my hair, curls will do for tonight.

"Kate, you're done?" Jenny peeked through the doorway. I smiled at her from the mirror, "Yup, let me see what is up with Carter then we will go." I said and went to the phone. Unsurprisingly, he didn't send another text. I think it's that I am annoying him? Am I bothering him to pick us up? But he agreed to, maybe he is doing it forcefully, or even- a ping sounded from my phone while I was overthinking about sending him one. My heart twinged a little in disappointment as I saw it wasn't from him. It was an unknown number,

8:43 PM *Hey, this is Xavier, I'm waiting outside ur house.*

Xavier? Okay, aside from the bothering feeling that Xavier also got my phone number, why did Xavier text me instead of who was supposed to?