Chapter 13

I rushed down the stairs to go and talk to Xavier, but then, abruptly stopped.

What am I doing? I will look like an idiot if I went to him and ask why Carter didn't show up instead, silly me.

So, does Jenny just shares my number with anyone who asks, or was it Carter who gave it to him? Why didn't he come and made Xavier pick us up in the first place? I might not be right, but I'm sure he is trying to either play games with me or get on my nerves, in a way I don't even know how he can do it. I should not let him win tonight, I will show who I really can be, this Carter guy will be seeing a whole different me tonight. So, no, I'm not giving in, not yet.

"Jenny! Xavier is the one taking us!" I shouted to Jenny. She came hurriedly and threw my purse at me, "Let's go then!" she says giving me that stretched smile. I nodded, stood up, and followed her downstairs.

"But why did he come? Wasn't Carter supposed to...?"

I sighed, "I don't know, Jen. Anyway, the main point is that we're still going, right?" I said opening the door. I let her walk out first, I did the same, locked the front door, and went to the black and blue colored Land Rover, that is waiting for our arrival.

"Hey, senoritas!" Xavier greeted us as we entered his car.

"Hi," we greeted back simultaneously.

"You won't believe how many people came to the party, it's so crazy," Xavier said, making me gulp. The more people there are, the more eyes would be watching me. This is my problem, I always regret doing something after deciding to do it so.

"The party is at Cole's?" Jenny asked and Xavier nodded his head.

The drive to Cole's house was silent, none of us uttered a word. Both of them look that they are wordlessly and effortlessly communicating by stealing glances from the rearview mirror and laughing silently. I was thinking of ways to leave the party if everyone wasn't going to take me, which no one will.

"We're here, ladies!" Xavier exclaimed as he steered the steering wheel and park his car at the only space left of all the lined-up cars, he probably reserved it. The cars were lined up, taking over the whole driveway from the tip to the bottom. When I looked to my left, I can just say that Cole's place has turned into a wild house. Students from my school are everywhere; on the sidewalk, some are puking all over those beautiful bushes, and I can even see some of them on the roof dancing, making out, and just being crazy. The peaks of red solo cups are littered everywhere, there were visibly broken glasses of probably beer bottles and other unknown drinks, the gate of the fence is wide open, making the whole movements of the whole crowd visible and the music blasting from speakers, audible from here.

I shuddered, this is definitely not my crowd, or place to be. I mentally prepared myself for what to come, because I know these kinds of parties and wild spots are the places that a person like me will end up damaged in some way and be thrown out.

I didn't wait for them, I got out of the car, my feet wiggling as I stood up. I shouldn't have worn these, I can't even stand on a short heel, let alone on a sharp stiletto. I am pretty sure this night would be the worst night in my whole life, but I need to remind myself, it could be worth it.

"WOO! LET'S BLAST IT!!" one of the students from the crowd came barging out of the house, with his underwear only. He ran and ran, but stumbled and fell in the middle of the road, poor him.

"What are we waiting for? Come on!" Jenny yelled and pulled me to the house. Oh goodness, it is very hard walking on these heels, but with Jenny pulling me, I feel like I'm walking on air, not.

As we entered the house, the music literally deafening my ears, a girl wearing only her undergarments came up to us and laughed, "Guys, I've been waiting for you! Where have you been?" she said, touching my hair, then my cheek, "You, you changed, did you put more make up?" she asked stumbling on her words. I held her hands and lower them from my face and shoulders. She looked up at me confused, "What's wrong? I'm, I'm Nicola girl, did you forget are that whiplash you got?" she giggled. She must be wasted, totally wasted.

"Sorry, you're talking to the wrong person," I said and this time, I pulled Jenny and went further into the house. Sweaty bodies are dancing, bumping on each other, and even grinding on themselves. We passed through all of them and turned right, which led to a different room, a little bit quieter and calmer, but still, the life of the party hasn't died down.

"I will go and get some drinks, you want some?" Jenny asked me.

"Non-alcoholic one is preferred," I replied. She nodded and went, disappearing into the crowd and leaving me here, not knowing to whom or where I should be going. I decided on looking for Cole, or Xavier who has also left us as we entered, or anyone who I know for that matter...

"Hey, Casey!" Someone came up to me and greeted me. Another drunk guy, thinking I'm somebody, cool.

"I'm Kate, wrong person," I said, making a move to leave. He shook his head and chuckled, "Sorry, I thought it would be it. I'm Drew by the way," he said extending his hand for me to shake it. As surprising as it seems, he doesn't look intoxicated at all.

"It's okay, nice to meet you," I said loudly, shaking his hand.

"You seemed lost here, my friends and I noticed you from there, wanna join us?" he offered. I hesitated, I have never seen this guy before, maybe he is a new guy too. And to be honest, it's better to settle me somewhere than standing here awkwardly, looking like a creep.

"Sounds good," I agreed.

"Good, follow me," he said, going to another hallway, which led to a vast living room.

"Here they are, and guys, here she is," he said. I took a quick glance at who is in the room, and I couldn't believe my eyes when my eyes froze at him, what is he doing here? He looked surprised too. He lowered the cup he was going to take a sip from, "Hey there," he greeted smiling at me.

"Hi, Troy." I said walking to the chair furthest from them and sitting on it. Besides Troy, there are another two guys from the football team that I recognized but didn't dare to greet or smile at.

"What brought you to our group?" he asked.

"Your friend invited me here," I said, looking at Drew.

"She looked like a lost puppy in the middle of the chaos, so, I brought her here," he replied on my behalf. Wait, didn't he say they were the ones who... whatever.

"I'm Sebastian, you are good looking, by the way." the football player spoke first and made me blush.

"Thank you, I'm Kate."

"Want a drink?" Troy asked me, and I politely declined his offer.

"We are waiting for our crew if you are wondering why we are too quiet." Sebastian said. I didn't think I would be totally circled by boys who almost half of them I have never met, I would've thought thrice about it and stayed in my comfort and safe zone.

"Damn, that girl was so good that I was about to..." I hear someone speak, and his voice is coming from the door, and that someone is no other than Carter Harrington. I turned my head to face him. He is shocked to see me of course, I was lost and didn't know what to do for a second before I smirked and crossed my bare legs. He took a look at them, then quickly looked at my face, then smirked too, as if to say, 'Game on'.

"Carter," I called out, waving my fingers in a girly way at him. He ditched who he was talking with to come closer and sit beside me, "Why were you avoiding me all week?" was the first thing he asked me. Oh, I totally forgot about that.

I leaned in a little onto him, catching him off guard, "Why didn't you pick us up?" I asked back, but then, I quickly shook my head and composed myself, "I really don't care actually, I better go." I said drawing myself up, readying to leave this room, it suddenly became too suffocating here. But of course, he held my wrist and stopped me. He leaned to my ear, his breath tickling me and making me shudder, he whispered, "Let us go talk somewhere, alone."

I am not the kind of person who tries to 'woo' boys and get their attention or wants to be touched that I can get that pleasure teenagers want to have, but I had to do it, right now, even though I will be disgusted at myself for the upcoming weeks. I put my index finger at the middle of his chest, tracing a line, slowly and carefully, quite noticing his breathing has picked a pace. "What are you doing?" he whispered. I chuckled and pulled away.

"I don't know, what am I doing?" I asked back. I lightly wrap my arms around his neck, and smiled sweetly, "Are you sure you can paw on me? Because I can be..." I paused, and pulled him closer, "Too hot to handle." I finished. Oh, I love every second of the way he reacts, it makes me more confident about myself. I better make a move to leave now, so that I would know if he will continue this or not.

"See you, Carter," I said in a sickeningly girly voice and swiftly left the room. I can hear the cheers and shouts of the guys in there, but I decided to ignore them for now.

Phew, that was a pretty hard one. I couldn't stop myself, but there it was. I hope Carter is as shocked as I planned him to be. I walked through the chaos and went to the back of the house. I slid the huge window leading to the backyard and went outside, the life of the party is hot and wild here too, but much quieter and calmer. I sighed a big sigh and sat on one of the decorative big rocks. I don't know anybody here, well, except the boys and Jenny. I knew Jenny would go and party after she left to 'bring drinks', and I just let her so she could have unlimited fun. As I was staring at the ground and talking to myself mentally, someone touched my shoulders. Startled, I quickly looked up behind me, Carter is frowning at me, merely centimeters between us.

"What?" I snapped. He rose up and sat on the stone that was in front of me, much small for him, but he quite managed on it.

"Why did you do that?" he asked me, and I tilted my head a little in confusion, "What do you mean?" I asked looking at what he is wearing; a white long-sleeved shirt with black jeans.

"You clearly know what I mean, Kate," he said. I remember this as sharp as a needle, that this is his second time calling my name. The first one was when he stopped and begged me not to tell anyone about his name for the two guys.

"I didn't do anything other than what I actually do," I said, not understanding what I just said.

"Why did you flirt with me?" he asked softly, and I huffed, "Who said I was flirting? Might have a problem in their eye."

"But it is not a thing that is seen, it is what is felt," he said in a soft tone. I looked at him in disbelief and snorted, "Okay, Mr. Philosopher, what you got next?" I asked sarcastically.

"I was not trying to be funny," he said seriously.

"I am not being serious, how about that?" I said, pulling my legs up to my chest and hugging them.

"Why were you avoiding me all week?" he repeated it. I don't want to tell him why, but it's not because I may hurt his feelings and he won't talk to me again, it is the opposite, he may hurt me with his harsh words and force me not to talk or look at him at all.

"I was busy."

"Busy doing what?"

"Hello? I'm waiting for my scab to form so I can pick it!" I quoted one of my favorite Miranda Sing's phrases. I know, you all would be saying that she is for kids, well, the kid inside me loves her dearly.

"What?" he asked confused. He doesn't know her, of course, he doesn't.

"You don't know Miranda Sings?" I questioned him. He shook his head and shrugged, "Do not know her, do not give a fuck." he said.

"Anyway," I said, taking off my jacket and putting it on my bent knees. I wasn't lying when I said it is heavy, it is so heavy that I could be all hot and warm in Antarctica.

"Not a compliment, but I like your body," he said directly, staring at my overall body, geez, can this guy be a little decent around his mouth.

"I will surely take that as an insult," I said stretching my arms. I will never tell him, but I'm so happy that he said that, since I have broad shoulders and I'm too tall for a girl my age, he said he likes my body, and I am so glad he did say that.

"Listen, I don't know what you want from me, but please leave. Why won't you be with the girls that are waiting for you?" I asked, trying to make him leave, even though a part of me didn't want him to.

"Because I want to be with you." he simply answered. Oh yeah, I know these words even though they weren't for me, 'Call me beautiful, so original, telling me I'm not like other girls,'. And yes, I just quoted Megan Trainor's song 'No'.

"Oh please, I know what you are trying to do and say," I said and he leaned closer to me, I gulped, "What am I trying to say, Love bunny?" There, he said the name I thought he called me with by mistake, but actually said it to say it really meaningfully... damn, what am I saying?

"Get away from me, Carter," I said coolly and stood up before he got any closer. I put my hands up in the air and stretched my whole body, I didn't realize I sat for too long, slouched.

I feel cool fingers tracing my stomach, I yelped and backed away, looking at him with complete disbelief and distaste. I am shocked, what in the fuck did he just try to do?

"Are you insane? Just because you play with girls doesn't mean you can do your shitty things on me too, okay? This is what I was talking about! You would freaking play innocent and use me to lastly throw me!" I shouted at him, I can't help it, he touched me.

He looked startled, but he quickly recovered and moved his gaze from me, "Well, you should have not bitched like that." he says, looking away and keeping his calm composure.

"You useless crap of shit, who uses girls and throw them away, who is always so tense and cold, who talks about your father in-" he cut me off and stood right under my nose, "Stop speaking about anything without knowing a fuck about it."

"OH, you mean you don't fuck girls who are too innocent for your games and talk shit about your poor father?" I yelled, tears starting to build up behind my eyes. No, this is not your time, tears. I don't want to look weak, not in front of him.

"Shut up!! You do not know a fucking shit about me!!" he screamed.

"Yes I know!! You are the actual loser and a damn player!!" I screamed back.

He grabbed a random glass bottle and smashed it on the wall of the house. I gasped and stepped backward, "Now what? I am the one who scares people off?" he asked mockingly.

"No, you are the one who destroys stuff and tries to look scary." I spat on him. He stormed towards me, almost no distance between us. His eyes illuminated anger, "You are the most annoying, nosey, and the most naive bitch I have ever met." he said coolly. So cool, that you know the storm will be coming soon.

"And you are the most arrogant, dumbass and a pl-" before I finish what I had to say, he grabbed me by my arms, and pulled me to his chest, flushing me onto him and smashing his lips onto mine.