Chapter 15

"So you ditch me to be with him?!"

"Speaking of the devil," Liam muttered beside me.

"Carter, what took you so long to come here?" Broody angrily storms towards him, but his eyes are fixed on no one but me, rage building up slowly in his eyes, and his chest heaving up and down. Why would he be mad at me? I can be whoever I wish to be with, probably his main reason is - I guess - that I am with his friends, that must be it or else, he is becoming one hell of a great psycho.

Seriously, Kate? It surely does hurt so much, and you know it.

Can you make me feel a little better at the very least? You are my subconscious for God's sake...

You brought this by yourself, so no, I can't help you.

I mentally rolled my eyes and turned to Troy, "I better go, see you later." I said and he nods his head.

"Why is he so pissed off and said that to you? Are you guys...?" he asked, looking at me expectantly.

I shrugged and thinned my lips, "I have no idea, but it's more likely a no." is all I said.

I climbed down the bleachers and headed straight down to talk to him before he comes up there, yells, and be crazy about this. This should be done with no shouting because it would be humiliating for the both of us to make the whole school know about our issue - correction, our non-existent issue.

"Carter, why are you trying to-"

"Run away from me as you do! What made you stop? Come on, off you go!" he continues shouting, even after I came to him so we can solve whatever the heck it is as quietly and peacefully as we can. This guy has problems.

"Can you just stop shouting and talk like how a normal person would? If what I'm doing pisses you off, let me tell you Carter, I can be with whoever I want to be and you have no say in it." I snapped, sensing my voice will be louder soon unless we cool this soon-to-be-heated argument down.

"Then why cannot you be with me?" he asked, a little calmer this time.

"Because... because you are not worth my time." I said murmuring, knowing it is not true. My aim here is to stir him up with my words as much as I can, then make him hate me and leave, but it would be a hard battle because this is Carter we are talking about.

He snorted, then laughed, "You do not want to waste your time with me, but want to be with anyone else? Let us be more precise, my friends?"

"That is my choice to make Carter, it is none of your concern," I said and pushed past him.

"Do. not." he commanded sternly, bringing me to stop in my tracks. I don't know how, but it made me stay still.

"Listen up first, okay? Then you can make the choice of leaving, or maybe not." he said, his face showing nothing but open honesty.

I thought about it for a moment, it would bring no harm to listen to him for once, then what comes will come. This will be the last time I will be agreeing with him for anything, or I know it, I won't stop myself to, this is getting more complicated than I convicted it would be.


A small smile appeared on his face, "Thank you. Look, I..." he whipped his head to look at his fuming captain, he sighed, "Can we talk after school? This new captain will be killing me if I spent another minute without starting the training." he said, scratching the back of his head, looking back at me.

"Where? At the local park?" I suggested.

"That is for me to decide, wait for me at the parking lot, okay?"

"Well, see you later." I said, parting away from him. I have this feeling that he is not planning to have a small talk with me and figure whatever we have to out, but rather than being mad and frustrated about it, I am more curious and excited about what he has in his mind...

Carter's P.O.V.

I watch her as she walks away, but this time, I am not mad, but glad and thrilled that she agreed. I made my first achievement, I finally convinced her to come with me. I obviously did not want us to have a 'casual' talk only. I might fuck it up for myself and make her hate me more than she already does, I do not even know why she hates me for fucks sake.

I can not seem to wipe off her face from my mind when she wept her heart out telling me about her dead bunny. It squeezed a little part of my heart and brought a different and an odd energy within me. I know what the feeling of losing someone who you dearly love would be and feel like, I think that is what made me try to be with her and see what is up. It is so fucked up, I can not describe what is it the feeling that I have when I am around her. The way she spoke with me, looked at me, and thought of me, even though I should not like it, I do. There is something up with this girl, and I want to know every single thing about it.

"Yo, Carter!" Liam called me shaking me from my thoughts, "Sappy romance?" he snickered, then laughed.

"Shut the fuck up." I growled at him.

"Woah there buddy, now go change, and let's start our training! You already wasted our time, man!" Broody said practically screaming. I smiled and flashed him the middle finger as I walk away to the changing room, with my mind thinking and wondering about only one person,



"Can we meet at the janitor's?" another girl asked me, batting her false lashes rapidly at me. I sighed, these girls are unstoppable for fuck's sake, I just escaped from a girl who tried to drag me to the girl's toilet.

"No." I answered honestly and louder than intended. Her face fell but reframed herself quick to dirty look at me, then folded her arms, huffing loudly, "Excuse me? I am not begging you here, so no need to be rude." she snaps, flipping her hair.

"You are the one who asked bitch, bye." I said smiling fakingly just as the bell rang, fucking finally.

"How dare you? You are..." she started but the rest was not heard as the students as well as me stood up and walked to the exit of the classroom.

"Hey man." Troy called as I was heading to my locker to dump all of my stuff there, no need to study today.

"Hey, sup?" I said and clamped my hand with his harder than I should. He scratched the back of his neck, trying to spit out what he is wanting to say, what the fuck is he doing?

"I don't know if I'm supposed to ask you this, but..."

"Can you please just say it? I am in a hurry." I said impatiently. She must be waiting for me now, I do not want to make her mad and fail my plan without starting on it, not right now in the fucking least.

"What is up with you and Kate?" he blurted it out, finally finding the courage to say what he has been thinking about. This fucker wanted to ask me about us? Wait... is there even an us? I do not give two shits, he should not have asked that whether it is a we or a she or a he.

"That is totally none of your fucking business, Troy." I said and walked away from him, "Stupid motherfucker." I muttered to myself.

I went through the bunch of students, who are pushing out and moving in like crazy, but gladly, none of them touched me, they were making space for me to go through them. I started to head straight to my car, where she will be waiting for me, pissed. I looked down at my watch, shit, it has been thirty minutes since the bell rang. What could be the thing that I did for the time to fucking fly like this? I hope with crossed fingers she would not go anywhere, she is the type who likes everything organized and punctual which I am sure of making her wait for long would be enough to make her go wild on me.

I hurriedly walked to the parking lot and when I reached my car, I sigh relieved, I spot her. A smile brought to my lips as I saw her sitting cross-legged on the hood of my car. She is leaning on her palm, making her left cheek bop up in a cute way and her brunette hair falling on her face like closed curtains, reading a book that is put on her crossed legs. She looked up at the sky, sighed, then situated herself as she was. She looks adorable and peaceful that I can watch her like this forever, no girl at this time would be sitting on a stranger's car and reading a book when they know a boy will be coming to them, instead, they would spend it doing their makeup and surf through their phone. One thing that makes love bunny special-

No, fuck that. She is a nobody, like any other girl, I would not soften for her in any way, this would do nothing but fuck me up as it happened before.

But you are taking her to that place.

That does not mean there is or she means anything to me.

Carter, your actions are showing it, more and better than before.

Fuck you.

I took out the car keys from my pocket and clicked on the unlock button, making the car beep. She got startled and jumped off the car, falling hard to the ground on her bottom, fuck. I should have thought twice.

I thought you said you would not sof-

"You okay?" I asked looking down at her. Without wasting time, she quickly stood up and shoved her arms at my chest. Xavier was right back when he called her 'feisty'.

"You could've just told me to get off your car! Not being an asshole and scare the shit out of me! And why did you take this long?" she asks stopping and rubbing her arm.

"Had some stuff to do real quick." I lied.

"So aren't you telling me where you will be taking us to?" she asked. The wind swooshing her hair to her face and to her mouth, she furiously wiped it off and looked up, then groaned, "I am sure it will rain again."

"Do you want to stay here or...?" I asked, hesitation and nervousness overtaking me. If she does not like watery bodies, then this would be miserable as fuck.

"As long as it isn't spooky or a haunted place, then I don't mind." she replies. Fuck yes, I am so relieved and satisfied with her simple answer. We both got in the car, I started it, and drove us off to my always private and best place to be at.

"When did you buy this car?" she suddenly asks me, I quickly steal a glance and focus again on the road.

"I got it for my sixteenth birthday, why?" I answered honestly.

"Let me share you one thing about me, I have this addiction to the smell of new cars. They are just so good that I always beg my dad to buy me one, which he refuses. I sometimes want to just rip off and..." she stops, "Sorry, I know I seem weird and now I probably scared you. Damn it, Kate," she muttered to herself, stopping and facing the window, covering her face from me.

"No, no. It is actually fun to be weird, anyway, I have heard more weird things." I said assuring her. She should not feel so insecure with me, I just want her to open up and talk to me about anything, everything. I like it when she speaks freely about what she hates and likes, or what she does or does not, let it just be about her, then I automatically become all ears.

"Never mind."

"By the way, plug your earphones in. I will be rolling down the windows." I said, knowing from the last time we had a ride, she has long drive sickness and hates it.

"Urgh." she groans loudly but did as I said. I glanced at her once, checking if she is comfortable enough or if she wants anything...

Fuck me, why am I being like this?

Kate's P.O.V.

"We are here love bunny, wake up."

"Five more minutes," I said and tried to roll to my other side, but I am stuck in a small space, where the heck am I?

My eyes flew open, and the first thing I see is Carter's face, smiling at me.

"We arrived," he said. I rubbed my eyes and took out the still playing earphones from my ears. I don't remember falling asleep, heck I didn't sense the drive to here. I looked up at the window, raindrops are trickling down on it, just as I thought they would earlier.

"How long did it take to come here?" I asked as I squinted my eyes to see through the heavy rain, it looks like a forest, a huge equatorial looking forest. Okay, where the hell are we?

"An hour and a half, it started raining halfway coming here," he replied. I am starting to get scared, it is raining, we are at a place that surely no one would be here, we are alone in his car, and there are a lot of opportunities and stuff for him to do.

'We will kill her in no time.'

Oh, no.

"Oh my goodness, are you trying to kill me?" I asked in horror, terror filling inside me. But he laughed it off and lazily looked at me, "I could have done it in a better way, not like this."

"What you said must scare me, but it's a relief to hear that." I said, "So, will we wait until it stops raining or shall we just talk here?" I asked.

"We should be going," he said getting out of the car and slamming the door shut. Wait, what? Is he insane? It is raining cats and dogs that I can't see shit, and he still wants us to get out? Where would we be going through this?

"Are you crazy?" I voiced my thought. And to my ultimate horror, he swiftly opened my side of the door and pulled me out. I yelped, stumbling out, and just stood outside the car with my arms folded tight, the rain pouring hard on me and wetting me.

"We should go quickly," he said and pulled me into the dark hoods, oh my...

"Carter, are you sure this is the right place?" I asked, making him abruptly stop. He turned to me and looked straight into my eyes, holding my hand tight, "We can just go back and act like nothing ever happened if you want to! Do you want to go for that?" he asked loudly. I couldn't say no, I am too curious to find out about the place he is trying to take me, so my curiosity winning over my fear, I shook my head, "Good," he said and continued the journey.

"But are you sure??" I asked, but he don't seem to hear me. See, this is how much the rain is so heavy. The cold and the blowing winds not helping much, it made me shiver. I am starting to feel regret, this is called torture, not taking me to somewhere we can talk and discuss.

Finally, he stopped. I looked around where we are, it looks like we are standing on a cliff with us standing outside the circular shape of the forest. When he didn't move from where he stopped, I put my hand on his shoulder- which strangely tensed - and peered over it, I gasped.

Where in the world did he bring us to?

"What the heck Carter? Are you fucking crazy?!" I yelled with all my might. What I see in front of me, is a terrifyingly looking big water body. I can't seem to guess the depth of it because of the rain splattering on its surface, but it looks pretty deep.

"Why in the world did you bring us here?!" I shouted, the winds and storms drowning my voice within them.

His whole body is wet, raindrops dripping on his nose and cheeks from his now black hair, "You asked for it!" he tries to overcome the sound of the heavy and hard hitting rain. I shouldn't have come here. He is right, I agreed to come here and now there is absolutely no one here to save me from this.

"Take my hand?" he asks holding them in front of me.

I hesitated, but before my mind could process what is happening, my heart took control of everything.

He smiled and pulled me close to him, chest to chest, "Do not let go of my hand, okay?" he tells me yelling.

"But why?!"

"We are going to jump off this cliff!" he says.

"WHAT?? No!! CARTER!!" I screamed but he didn't hear me, he didn't care to listen.

He held my hand firmly and jumped off the cliff, pulling me with him, I screamed until I felt my throat and lungs being almost ripped out, but got cut off as I splashed into the ice cold water.