Chapter 17

Carter's P.O.V.

"Hey, Carter!" Abigail greets me as I entered the house and closed the door behind me. It is quiet and almost dark, making me surprised at how she is here, she has the fright of the dark.

"Hey Abi, what are you doing here?" I asked her. She held my hand and lead me to the kitchen. "I was waiting for you." she answered, "I really really do not want to tell you this, but I have to," she says and stretched her arms, motioning for me to pick her up. I quickly did and sat her on the edge of the island.

"Tell me everything," I said, but before she even started, I saw it. My blood boiled, my nose flared, and my vision is blurring into red. There is a mark on her face, a fucking reddened hand mark on her cheek.

"When I came back from school, I saw dad on the sofa with a woman, then when I went to him and said, 'dad, I am hungry' he took me upstairs and started to shout at me," she paused and sniffed, "And when I went back down the stairs, I saw dad and that woman shouting at each other about things I did not understand, then after she went he saw me and tried to catch me. I ran away from him, but he held me and..." she trailed off, pointing at her cheek. I immediately pulled her into my arms and hugged her tight. Where was Allison when all of this happened? Fuck her, where was I? This guy we call Dad is crossing his limits.

"I am so hungry, Carter," she said, her voice muffled on my chest.

What in the fuck did I just hear my little sister say? That shit of a father bullied her because he made him lose one of his hoes? And the least thing she asked was for him to fucking feed her. I do not know what to do, confront him or kill him? But before anything, "What do you want to eat?" I asked her. After she eats and be satisfied with it, we will see how that fucker will be surviving tonight.

"I do not know, maybe a huge sandwich!" she exclaims expressing with her hands too.

I chuckled and nodded at her, "A huge sandwich it is, little sister." I said and walked to the cupboards then the fridge to make her a cheese and beef sandwich with chips on the side, which by the way, is the only sandwich I can make.

After some time and getting myself fucking burnt, I served it for her on her favorite purple plate and her favorite drink, pear juice.

"Here you go, Abi, sit on the chair and eat," I said. She happily nodded and took them both from my hands and went running to the table, eager to eat.

"Abi?" I called her name, I hear her answer with a mumbled 'yes'

"Is dad here or did he go out? There is something I need to talk to him about." I asked her, readying myself for the fist fight I will probably have. It has been a while since I have been in one, fuck yes, tonight would be my best night ever, even if I will be sacrificing myself for one punch, I am absolutely up for it.

"Yes, son." I hear his voice behind me, which made me jump a little and quickly turn around to directly meet his eyes, cold and emotionless eyes.

He is wearing a nightgown, a fucking white and sleek nightgown I mostly see women wear it. Why is he...? I do not give two fucks, I will get and have what I wanted from him for a very long time.

"Let us talk upstairs," I said politely, trying to not make it all happen in front of Abigail and also to control my urge to go and bash his head with the metal door frame, but he shook his head.

"If there's a thing you need to tell me, then say it," he sighed and continued, "I really had a long day, son."

"Having your fun time being the womanizer you are?" I asked smirking playfully. He snapped his eyes to mine with full attention, shock and anger mixed together in his blue eyes, the usual emotions I always see in them.

"Have some respect for your father, Carter," he said sternly.

"Respect? Respect for what? You probably made us conceived while you were busy fu-"

"Enough!" he shouted hitting on the door of the kitchen.

"No! It is not enough! I will not let you go anywhere if you do not tell me a fucking sensible reason as to why you would hit Abigail!" I yelled, inching closer to him.

"She did something wrong and it was my responsibility to teach her a lesson." he calmly said. This guy here has the guts to accuse her too? He must have had something that made him happy about himself, he must be high.

"Excuse you? You are the one who teaches her a fucking lesson? You are the one who is responsible?! She told me everything and as I understand, you did not fulfill your responsibility." I said, my rage level raising dangerously too much.

Suddenly his eyes landed on Abigail and sternly spoke to her, "What did I tell you about not telling what happened to anyone?"

"You dare to even look at her?? Shut the fuck up!" I shouted and shoved him hard on his chest. He stumbled backward and fell on the expensive-looking marble floor. Bish, expensive? I will destroy every fucking valuable thing he owns, I will destroy him.

"Allison!!" I screamed her name, waiting for her to come. I hear hurried footsteps from the stairs to here, she quickly entered the kitchen with wide eyes.

"What happened, Carter?" she asked. When she saw the position of dad on the floor and me almost towering him she gasped, "Carter, what is wrong?"

"Al, go take Abigail upstairs with you, and make sure she eats well." I said, my eyes not moving from him, "The son and the father have a lot to talk about."

"No, Carter, please stop this,"

"Just take her," I said in a final tone. She sighed and went behind me, taking Abigail with her and heading to the doorway.

"So, dad," I said mockingly, walking closer to him.

"Carter, don't even think of hurting me," he said, and it made me laugh.

"Oh really? Why daddy? Is it because you are my father? Or is it because you are so fucking rich that you have a shit load of an army?" I asked sarcastically.

"Son, you should understand my sit-"

"What the fuck?! Understand what?! That you slapped your fucking little daughter who is my sister because she caused your secret of having children to unleash for a stupid woman??" I exploded.

"Don't talk about her like that," he warned.

"You did not even defend for our mom like this! And you just fucking protect any woman that you collect from here and there?? You are a fucking dead meat!" I yelled, grabbing him and throwing a punch on his face. He groaned, but it did not make me stop, indeed, I started to beat the shit out of him again and again. He shouted "Security!!" but I held on to his neck with both of my hands and choked him.

"Son... stop... I..." he said, struggling to breathe.

"What? I can not hear you!" I said, leaving his neck, making him splutter and gasp for breath, weak motherfucker.

"This is for Abigail," I said and hit him across his jaw, "And this is for Allison," another hit on his nose, "And this is for mom!" with that, I punched him on his face, hearing a satisfying crack. Fuck, yes.

"And this is for all the shit you have done!" I again started to hit, beat and kick him all over his body, but not much before arms wrapped around me and backed me away from my target.

"Let me go!" I shouted and tried to move, but no success. Those people are hard as a rock.

"Ah, son, you did a very bad mistake," he said standing up. When I wholeheartedly looked at his face, his nose is bleeding, there was a split at the corner of his upper lip and I could see the bruise forming around his eye, not that satisfying, but much better than nothing.

"What are you going to do? Hit me again? Do it." I said, and before I saw what was coming, his fist connected to my stomach, then straight to my face.

I groaned, "You can hit me with all your might, but you will never take out my love and care for my 'real family,' unlike you."

"Shut it!!" he screamed and punched me all over my face, chest, and stomach, "Finish him for me." I hear him command, then I was dragged from the kitchen and the living room, to a dark room, being kicked and punched by a couple of his people, until I blackout.


"Yo, Carter!"


"Big brother?"

I hear familiar voices calling me numerous times, but the one I clearly heard was Abigail's, which made me snap my eyes open. I looked around and down at me, I am laid on my king-sized bed with Cole, Xavier, Abigail, and Allison surrounding me.

"What happened?" I asked groaning.

"Allison called us, she said she found you at the basement, knocked out," Xavier explained.


"I tried to drag you out with the maid, you were totally unconscious. The house nurse said you are really hurt. I think we should take you to the hospital." Allison said, concern etched on her face.


"No, I think we should know who did this to him," Cole said.


"Dad," Abigail answered.

"Can you stop talking for once? My head is hurting very bad." I said, placing my hand over my forehead. Their noise and talk are making it fucking worse.

"I will get you the medicine with water," Abigail said and rushed out of the room.

"Where the fuck is he?" I asked Allison. She looked at me and shrugged, "There was a lot of crashing and other noises, so I locked us in my room, scared to leave the room with Abi."

"That coward fucker probably went to one of his fucking huge houses," I said, trying to sit up.

"Ugh," I groaned when the pain and heaviness of my head intensified more.

"What happened to your hand, bro? Did it happen yesterday too?" Xavier asked. I shook my head, looking at the now loose bandage around my knuckles. She took her time and carefully wrapped them for me. I did not even remember this when I was with dad. He even ruined this, he ruins everything, anyway.

"I fell." I lied easily. I do not want to tell them a shit of what happened or will between her and me, it will always stay between us only.

Everyone eyed me suspiciously for a long time, which made my insides squirm, "The fuck you are looking at?"

"Nothing, so, you won't go to your school right?" Allison asked.

"No, fuck no," I said rubbing my face.

"Here!" Abigail said, holding the Advil in one hand and a glass of water in the other.

"Thank you, princess," I said and smiled at her.

No matter how fucked up I am or look, I will always smile and be positive as much as I can to Abigail. I want to be the perfect brother as much as I can for her since she has one shitty of a father. I will do what I have to do and more for, for the bright future she will be having.

"Anytime!" she said, smiling a toothy smile at me. I took the two Advils, put them in my mouth, and washed them down my throat with the water. I feel the cold water run through my chest and land on my stomach. This med should better be working in no time, I do not like staying in bed and being lazy the whole time.

"I am sorry Carter." Abigail says suddenly, making me look at her in worry.

"Why? Did anything happen? Are you okay?"

"No. If I never told you about this, you would not be hurt," she said, her eyes tearing up.

"Abi, come on, do not say that. It is the total opposite, I am glad and happy you did. It is my responsibility to protect and save you, and it makes me sad and mad when I see you hurt." I tell her. Tears slipped from her eyes, and I quickly grabbed her and pulled her closer to me, hugging her.

"I do not want to see you hurt too," she says breaking down. Now, I do not know what the fuck is wrong with my heart, because my chest can not stop tightening and force me to cry too, but I would not, not in front of these people I consider as my closest.

"I love you," I whispered to her and she hugged me tighter.

"I think we should go out," Allison said clearing her throat. "Because none of us will go to school."

"Yeah, great idea. You all go out and I would stay here by myself." I said stretching my arms.

"No, if we go out, then we will spend time together," Xavier said.

"And let us invite Kate too!" Cole chimed in.

"Yeah, with her friends too, so we could get to know each other well." Xavier agreed.

I sighed, I do not think she would be coming, I felt and knew it yesterday, it was the last day she wanted to even see me, let alone spend time together. The way she distanced herself from me, the different way she spoke with me, it looked like she was forced to do that. It was so fucking dumb of me to put that stupid doll in her room, what was I even thinking? She will surely think that I am sobby and a bitchy person begging for her attention and time... which... I actually am doing... right? I know she would not want to come with us, but... I will make her come, I can do that. Not by forcing her, she will be coming by her own will, it is actually easy and possible.

I want her to be with me, I do not know why I am feeling like this, but I want us to not be separated by any means,

"Yeah, it would be so great," I said, smirking to myself.

Plans and ways of bringing love bunny with us... activated.

Kate's P.O.V.

"This is so stupid! What is the point of a quiz?? You know, when I say a quiz, it was a surprise quiz, that I am sure no one will pass," Harris grumbles and groans as he tells us what happened in the chemistry class.

"Thank the Lord I am not learning that," Jenny says and I laugh.

"Trust me, he is over exaggerating, it wasn't that bad," I said, cutting from the grass under me and throwing it mindlessly.

"If it wasn't for Kate, then I am sure, I would've gotten a zero," Harris says resting himself on the trunk of the tree.

"I am disappointed in you, Harris. You could have done it on your own!" Jenny says, and he scoffs, "Like you won't cheat when you get the chance." he said sarcastically, and in the process, getting himself a pinch on his arm.

I looked around the whole playground and through the school stadium, still no sign of him. When I went home and found that stuffed bunny, I exactly knew it was from him, and I know, don't blame me, but I wanted to tell him to stop it... or not.

Shit, my feelings are so mixed up that I can't think straight about him. And now I am worried as to why he didn't come to school today. I guess it's because he skips and it is usual to him, but it didn't feel like that today. I thought of texting him, but I don't want to look like a person who wants to be given attention and be seen everywhere, even though I like the way he sees me differently. He is the only one who complimented and said good things about me, except my best friends and my parents, obviously. He is the only one who desperately wanted to talk to me, while no one really cares about me. He is the only one who understood me and shared with me his own secrets and family issues. He is the only one I felt so, comfortable with about myself and my body. I don't think he seemed to notice it, but he made a lot of effect on me.

1:56 PM *Hey, u OK?*

I finally typed and wandered around the send button, should I send it? I mean, the worst thing that could happen is he ignoring me, that's all. But what if he deletes me completely from his contacts just because of this text? What if this text annoyed him so much that he would come and fight me? What if... stop, I tapped the send button, there, I did it.

"Guys, it's really been a while since we have done anything interesting. I bet ya'll want us to have a fun time together like me," Harris says.

"We are...?" I said and asked at the same time.

"No, I mean by hanging out and you know, having some time outside beside restaurants and malls," he said.

Jenny nods her head and looks at me, "He is right, it has been a long week for all of us, and since tomorrow is Saturday.... bingo! We have the whole day for ourselves." she says, bowing her head and dabbing. If they only knew what happened yesterday and where Carter took me... I need to stop this, I should free my mind and have some time with my besties. It should not always be about him, they are absolutely right, we will be having our own time for ourselves together.

"Yup," I said popping the 'p', "We should definitely hang out," agreeing with them.

Jenny's phone rang and looked at it. She wore a confused look, then after a second or two, seemed to realize something, "An urgent call," she says, standing up and answering the phone. She walked over to the next tree, her voice barely audible.

"Is she seriously hiding something from us?" Harris asks unbelievably.

"It could be her brother, or anything consisting of her personal stuff. Let us not put any pressure on it, okay?" I said, and he grimly nodded his head.

After a couple of minutes and plucking of grasses, she came back and sat with us, an excited look on her face.

"Guys, I got a huge and fantastic idea!" she says, looping her arms around our's and shaking us, "We should go to Fellanium Festival! The festival is up to Monday, so lucky us, tomorrow will be the perfect day!"

"There is a festival around here? Strange." Harris asks. Jenny nodded her head, then shrugged, "It could be a little far, but it is worth going, guys!"

"Well, will you drive us? Or will a fairy pumpkin carriage come and fly us there?" he asks humorously.

"Aren't you, Harris Shaady, our always assigned driver? Plus, we have google map!" she says, shaking her phone in her hands.

"Well, the festival it is guys," I said, excited to go there too. I never really went to a festival, so I would love to go and see what's up. That could be the perfect place to free my mind and have as much fun as I can, and with the best people that I know in this whole world.

"Yay! I swear you all will love it!" Jenny says excitedly. It looks suspiciously odd, but I went with it and smile.

I hope that place would be as amazing as I imagined it to be.