Chapter 24

"But wait, you can not be Kate, are you?" the girl keeps on taunting me. Oh my days, this is the most embarrassing incident that has ever happened to me in those seventeen years of my life.

"No?" I replied, making it sound more like a question.

''Such a lovely way meeting you," she says sarcastically, "I will wait for you outside the bathroom. Until then, finish your... business." I hear the clanking of her heels to the exit of the restroom, closing the door on her way out.

I couldn't handle it, the pressure down there is so much, so once again, I let it out. Relief, such a huge watery relief. What on earth did I eat to have stomach pain? I didn't even touch my food... for fuck's sake, I need to take my meds of stomachache when I get back home.

I finished my 'business', got out of the stall and started to wash my hands. I looked at myself in the mirror, the makeup is good as it was before, my dress is also in a good state, even my hair doesn't seem too bad. I smiled at myself and boasted around, "You are a beautiful girl, you can show them all you can do it!" I started to uplift myself because I can sense there will be some interesting scenes happening from the opposite side of the door.

But why is Troy here? First, he came up to us in a 'friendly manner' then offended us. Second, he is sitting near us and gesturing things to me. The girl that I saw with him was his date for sure, but he didn't even give her a second glance when she was talking to him. And the strangest thing of all is, how Carter was so cool about it? I mean, there is nothing to be pissed off and annoyed about, but as much as I know Carter, the little things bother him, and the way he reports that to you is with his fists and sometimes including his special kicks, not with his mouth or with this cold silent treatments.

What I have to do next is act normal and see what that weird girl, who has heard all the 'shit show' while I was on it, wants to say to me. Oh God, she heard me while I was... I hope she isn't a familiar face, because if she is one of the students from my school, then I can say the whole school including the janitors and the teachers already know about me and my asshole. I fanned my face and breathed out, then walked out of the restroom. As the girl of her words, she is sitting at the edge of the bar waving at me to come to her.

"Who are you?" I asked as soon as I sat beside her. She laughed and gestured for the two drinks in front of her. I gave her a look and shook my head, denying her offer, "I don't drink."

"I'm Lauren, I just found you interesting to talk to, and wanted to get to know you." she said picking her glass and taking a sip from it, "You are seriously missing this out," she says scoffing.

"Thank you, but I'm here with my... boyfriend," I said, feeling a bit odd when I call him with that label.

"The one who is sitting there by himself? He seems so lame, but hot as freak," she said twirling her hair and taking more sips.

"Watch what you are saying about him." I warned, suddenly wanting to defend him, "I don't mean to be mean. But come on, look at how he is zoned out and not even looking at his phone! If my man would be like this, then sorry for him, I would be leaving the hell out!" said slurring at her words.

I stood from the slender and tall bar stool, straightened my dress then turned to glare at the stupid woman, "I guess you should check your face with a mirror, because your nose is deeply dipped in my boyfriend and I's business." I snapped and walked away. I thought she would say something like she knew me and just wanted to greet me, not opening her mouth and speaking bullshit about Carter. I know he can be quiet and the wandering type sometimes, but I at least understand his situation and will be supporting him. No matter what we are.

"Hey babe," I sarcastically called him, which made him snap out of his thoughts in an instant, "Did you just call me babe?" he asks slowly.

"Yeah, so? This is our date, right? No matter what the reason is for, it's still counted as a date." I said smiling sweetly at him. Then after praying sincerely in my head, I started to eat my pasta. Ooh, it is actually delicious, and very very abundant. (Note the sarcasm)

"I was wondering about this since you left," he cleared his throat and scratched the back of his head, " I know you would not agree, but I wanted us to have some fun tonight..." he said nervously.

"Carter..." I started.

"I do not mean it like that, love bunny. But will you agree to stay the night with me? I promise to keep my hands to myself." he said reaching and holding both of my hands, "It will mean something to me if you said yes."

"Carter, you don't understand. You and I are not even meant to sit here together. It's not because you are a bad person, it's just that we would not work, even for a friendship. That's why I hesitated on answering you. And you know how people talk about me, so think of how rumors about me will be spread if they saw me and you together..."

"Oh my fuck," he mutters, "Please, love bunny, can you fucking quit thinking about other's fucking opinion? And why would I even waste my time with you if I am using you? Just one night then I would have thrown you away... shit sorry," he apologizes when he sees the cringe and disgust on my face, "I have never been this genuine in my life. This will be the most sincere way of asking you, so love bunny, please would you stay the night with me?" he asked, this time holding a strong emotion in his eyes, swirling around his hazel pupil, they seem to wait for an answer too.

I sighed and looked away from him, I am wavering for this decision, but not because I don't want to be with him and he might do something misfortune to me, in fact, I would love to spend most of my time with him, but there is a red flag flapping right in front of my mind signaling me that it is unwholesome and baleful of me to agree.

"Okay, Carter. I'll be staying the night with you." I said the opposite of what I just planned on saying. In an instant, my father's words echoed in my head reminding me what he warned us earlier; "Five O'clock".

"Was it only me that forgot that dad told you to drop me off like two hours ago?" I asked sweetly. He smirked then glanced to his side, "I already thought something about that."

"And what is that, smarty pants? You know you can't fool my dad that easily."

"I know, that is why I begged your friend like a fucking baby to save my back and tell your dad that you were so tired that you stayed over hers' instead of mine. She even asked me for a favor, so this better work out for her." he tells me.

"I am pretty sure she asked you to buy her a couple of huge hoodies." I said laughing. If Jenny had the chance, even a slight one, she would literally buy the whole store.

"No, she asked for cash, so I gave it to her."

"What?" I abruptly looked at him with my undivided attention, "Jenny doesn't ask bluntly for that type of stuff. Wait, who did you ask?"

"Leslie, is it not that she is your friend?"

"Carter, Leslie is not my friend..." I trailed off, "Oh God, what do we do now? What if she tells my parents about this? Worse, what if she—"

"Relax," he stops me, "I am sure she would not do anything. She is such a nerd..." I gave him a look to silence him, "Sorry, she just likes those school shit like you. Anyway, let us go now, I already paid for everything." he said standing up.

"This place is such a waste of time. Subways is much better." I muttered as I gathered my purse from the chair next to me, "Well, I need to call Jenny and tell her what's happening," I tell Carter as I rummage through the stuff inside my purse. Dang, there are a lot of unnecessary things inside it, like a lip gloss, a gum stick, a refresher, a— "Oh!" I yelped as someone bumped hard onto me that the tendency pushed me back and made me fall. Fucking again, lovely.

"What the hell..." I mumbled and looked at a shocked looking Troy, "Shit, I'm so sorry, Kate, I thought of blocking your way, not to push you back, here let me help." he said extending his hand to me.

"Thanks," I said and made him pull me back, "You could've just called me, I can listen, you know," I said, smoothing out my dress and looking at him with cool eyes.

"I wanted to tell you something since you are leaving right now. So you know that girl you saw me with right?" he asked, "I didn't see her face, so I couldn't recognize her, why?"

"I want you to know that she isn't my date and she wanted to have fun, she is a nobody, okay?"

"Uhm... Okay? Why are you telling me this then?" He threw me in the pool of deep confusion. What is he exactly trying to say? What does it have to do with me?

"Love bunny, why are you taking so... hey Troy, what are you doing with my date?" Carter approached us and immediately wrapped his arm around my waist, his grip tight, "Hey man, just having a small talk with 'your date'." Troy replied adding humor at his last phrase.

"Well, nice to meet you too or whatever for the night, bye." I quickly said and pulled Carter's hand to the door.

"Way to go, babe!" Carter yells to the night, making me laugh. "Calm your manly ass down, Carter." I said as we enter his car.

"Where will be our next stop, Mr. Romantic?"

"I was thinking to go to the ice-cream place, but there are loads of it at my house," he answered.

"Your house? You are now taking us to your house?" I ask whining about it. It's not about me wanting him to venture more by taking me to places, isn't it too early for going to his home — any home for that matter — and just stay there for a date night?

"I know what you are thinking, trust me, it is better than you will be expecting it. I invested so hard on it, and it is almost like... a theme."

"Theme? You surprise me now and then, so I don't think this will be more surprising."

"Love bunny, I want to confess something to you. But I know it would make you uncomfortable." Carter says, giving me a quick look then glance away. He is looking ahead and his arms seem tense, his hands wrapped tightly on the wheel, "It is alright, let it roll off your shoulders." I assure him.

"Damn it, see? This is it. You always comfort me and talk nice things to me while I am closed off and can not utter nice shit. I do not understand you, what are you up to?" he confessed. What a great confession, I thought.

"Carter, talking good doesn't do with anything at all. I admit I want us to be friends and learn each other's attributes and culture." I looked at my window, not wanting to see his reaction when I tell him this, "For instance, I am half Ethiopian, a country that is found in East Africa. And you are from...?"

The moment of silence he maintained to make it last long was suffocating until he finally replies, "England. I was raised in Canada where my mom was. That is why my accent sounds confusing." he said chuckling lightly.

"There is something more different when you speak actually, I can't put a sure finger on what it is though." I said looking at the huge building's blurs as we pass them, "It is the lack of abbreviation, my mother taught me and my sisters to speak without any short methods." he answered. I don't know why I pretended just realizing that, worth a shot though.

"Oh yeah, now I see. That was the very first thing I liked about you, to be honest, your accent." I said smiling, then continued, "I was raised in Ethiopia for the most part of my childhood as an only child, then moved here with my parents."

"An only child? That must be so great." Carter said sighing dramatically.

"No, it's not. There are times when I feel lonely and that is because I don't have someone to be with, like siblings. But then I rethink of it sometimes, and instantly don't feel like that, because I always had my three cousins as the perfect substitute."

"Tell me about them, we actually have another twenty minutes or so to reach my home." he roll all the windows down then turned on the radio, jazz playing through the speakers in an almost humming sound, "I still remember, love bunny, continue." he assures me.

"My cousins; Ramzi, Lucille, and Aiden the first two are twins while Aiden is a single child like me. So basically, other than Aiden I am the only child in the whole family tree. There are other cousins which aren't really our cousins, but from all of us, the closest ones were and still are the four of us. Before my parents and I were forced to leave the country because of our own personal issues, we used to hang out together, explore new places, and have an adventurous time together. When Ramzi and Lucille graduated from high school, they got the same scholarship to the states, so they left. After some time, Aiden and I stayed together for a longer time together. Our bond is much stronger than the rest, most probably because we have a year difference and were raised together for almost five years, but anyway, when my parents decided on moving here, my dad's origin place, we didn't have much choice other than the internet to see each other and catch up. So then.... am I speaking too much?" I paused my story and asked worriedly. Sometimes my mouth doesn't have its accorded limit to stop when it is necessary.

"No you are not, I like it when I get to know about you more," he said smiling a dimpled smile. I smiled back at him and looked out the window.

Hm, something really changed between us. Not by how we act or speak to each other, but by the air surrounding us. Once upon a time, it was too thick and tense, but now it has loosened up way more than before and it feels so good. I didn't think he would talk to me in a friendly manner like this let alone give me gifts and bunnies, the stuffed bunny.

"I have found this little cutie golden furred stuffed bunny on the middle of my bed. It is still not clear to who would bring that to me, or if it is a gift." I said, trying to play like I don't know that it's from him.

"Why are you trying to trick me and act like you do not know, huh? It is just a toy, and maybe a present too."

"Of what exactly?"

"Love bunny, I do not know what it could feel being someone like you, but I know you have been through a lot of shit and it is so fucking bad. I appreciate it to be with a capable girl like you and be friends, you know, learning from each other and branching in our whatever connection will be. So again, I appreciate it that you want to be my friend." he finished. Oh, my Lord, this guy is really killing me.

"Mr. Harrington." the elegantly dressed keeper greets Carter and in an instant lets him pass through the huge gates, "What about the drug thing you talked about?" I asked out of curiosity.

"I think they found something better to do than to always keep on checking up on me," he mumbled his reply and parked the car right at the spot where he parked the last time he brought me here.

"So where are we going?"

"First things first, let us get to my room to change, I have a couple of pairs that you might like," he said and ascended the stairs. We got into his room and I followed him and walked straight to his closet section, "I will be choosing what I want to wear." I instruct and started roaming the small space for a hoodie that catches my eye, until I found a pink hoodie with black sweatpants that has pink polka dots all over it stacked in the back corner of the closet. So cute for a guy like him.

"Okay, Miss boss, bring it on and let us go." Carter says from the opposite side of the door, "Okay, just a sec!" I quickly grabbed them and put them on. Oh goodness, they smell just like him; cinnamon, vanilla, and his aftershave, my very favorite scent of his. I stayed where I was standing for a second. Millions of thoughts coming my way, and occurring a huge dysfunction in my brain, that made it make a decision by itself with the help of longing desire.

Way to go Kate, show him how much of a needy mess you are.

This is not called being needy, silly. I just want something that I couldn't get, now it's a good chance, and I'll take it. I have to.

"Damn, this hoodie looks much better than you, drop dead gorgeous." he compliments me as I walk out of the closet.

Without any words, I walked up to him to stand right in front of his nose, making him look at me strangely and confused as hell. I am doing the wrong thing and should distance myself from him right at this second, but, I need to do it, I need to...

"What are you doing?" he breathes, the words tumbling out from his lips, "I don't know Carter, I.." I hesitantly put my hands around his neck, "I might be wrong but... I sometimes wish we could be..."

"Together?" he finished it in the form of a question, and that made me nod my head, then quickly shake it. My feelings are currently jumbling inside my head that it hurts. There is only one thing on my mind that I really want and need to do now.

And I can feel it, he wants it too.

I rested my hands on his cheek as he gently pulled me closer to him, "I have wanted this to happen for so long, love bunny." he whispers.

"We already did it twice." my smartass side whispered back, he shook his head then smiled, "You never knew what I was about to do though." he mumbles on my ear, sending shivers down my spine, the anticipation and excitement already killing me.