Chapter 25

His lips met mine, kissing me gently and holding me tight. I threaded my fingers in his soft curly hair and pulled on it, making his fingers dig in my hips and make a noise behind his throat. He removed one of his arms from my waist and lifted the hoodie higher, placing his hand on my bare skin and lightly squeezing it. A gasp escaping my lips, I tensed and quickly put both of my hands on his thick forearms, pushing him back, "Carter, I- this, I don't think we should..."

He stops me by giving me a soft peck on my lips, "I know. I did not mean to do anything, love bunny." he smiled, tucking my hair behind my ear, "I think I just got a little tempted." he adds.

Not being in the mood to nudge him at his cheekiness, I moved away from him feeling insecure once again. I don't want him to think that I am lame and someone who doesn't get this kind of stuff, but at the same time, I don't want him to think that I am in greed need of his touches and doing what pleases me. Holy shit, I just confessed to myself that his touch gives me some sort of confidence and that feeling of me being actually enough and, good.

"Now why are you apologizing? There is no need of saying sorry here, you can say stop when you do not feel uncomfortable or do not want to do anything at all, okay?" he says coming to me and holding my hands in an assuring way.

"Are we going to stay the night here or shall we start going?" I asked.

"Oh, right," he shakes and shakes his head at himself, "The room is at the basement because no one dares to enter there, so we will be having our privacy," he said smirking. Still not in the mood to come up with a remark so I ignored that.

"What about the ice cream?" I asked instead.

"I knew that you came here for the ice cream, not to spend your time with me." he fakes a whine then sniffs, wiping a fake tear underneath his eyes.

"Dramatic," I said rolling my eyes and headed out of his room.

"You look like you know the way, love bunny. We must head down the back stairs, not the main one," he said. I stopped from walking down the stairs and looked at him dumbstruck.

"There is an extra stair at this house? This mansion never fails to impress me." I said scoffing and looking around the decorations and the high chandeliers of the house. I am sure that the smallest crystal hanging from it would cost millions of pounds, even more than me.

"The extra stairs that never fails to impress you take us only to the basement, nowhere else," he explains looking at me with a face, trying to stifle a laugh.

As we walked down the endless stairs, I admired some of the paintings that hung on the wall. I don't understand art, but they look beautiful and breathtaking for the eyes. One of them that caught me off guard was a black and white painting that I thought was an inappropriate image, but when I looked longer at it, I was shocked because the painting was a huge woman with two bald men bowing in front of her. I shook my head at myself, I am such a dirty-minded person and need to clean up, but hm, once you see stuff that way, there is no way to unsee them.

We stopped walking when we reached the bottom of the stairs. The whole place is pitch black that I waved my fingers in front of my eyes to see nothing. It feels like the dark is consuming me slowly and taking over me, I quickly clung to Carter and hid my face on his chest.

"Carter, please I am not in the mood for scary surprises," I said my voice coming out muffled. I feel his chest vibrating from his low laugh, then he put his huge hands on both sides of my arms and pulled me.

"Let us switch the light on first. Walk with me, but be careful, there might be tripping things," he says and I nodded knowing he can't see me. I held his hand and put my other hand on his chest, grabbing a handful of his shirt.

We walked a straight line then stopped when we reached a wall. I touched and traced the wall to back myself onto it. But before anything, lights from all the bulbs of every size shone very brightly like the sun. I put my hands on my eyes and covered them from this sudden harsh and damaging brightness of the lights combined.

"Fuck, I put it on the highest level," Carter growls and lowers the brightness of the bulbs, making them dimly lit now.

"This is much better," I said, looking around the room and smiling at the view. The room is covered literally in glitter and sparkles. There are two black and red sacs placed in front of a TV, which is hung up on the wall and underneath it is a collection of CDs. There is a small pink fridge between the two sacs and one table which consists of my favorite snacks. At the corner of the room, there is a huge red colored couch with different types of decorative pillows, and three blankets placed on the arm of the couch. Wow. He really did work it out and tried his best. I feel honored and... special in a way because if it would be anyone who invited me to a sleepover, we would have eaten pizza and watched some movies, then make me leave. But Carter? He is the only one who brings up the idea, then turns it into a fun, cozy, and comfy night.

"I still can't see the 'girly theme' you talked about earlier," I said smirking.

"You girls like glittery shit and some ice cream, that is the only girly theme I have done, to be honest," he said shrugging. I rolled my eyes at his lack of knowledge of what we girls prefer and like. But who am I kidding? I don't even know if I have the same taste as the girls in our school do.

"What type of movies do you want to watch? I have action, thriller, mystery, horror—"

"How about romance and comedy hm?" I abruptly cut him off, smiling sweetly at him.

"Oh fuck no, I watched one last week with my sisters and it was awful. How could you love that? A girl meets a boy, falls in love, fight, argue then fall in love again, then finally happily ever after. It is obvious that it is all fake and not happening. Which is out of the point of it being a movie." he says. Uhm what.

"You are wrong, bub. It is okay to feel like you are in a world of your imagination and think of all the happily ever afters you can dream of. And these types of movies are the ones that help you to." I tell him.

He scoffs, "And do you think all of those shit would be happening to you? I do not believe in happy endings and soulmate things, it sounds too ridiculous to be true," he said raising one of the CD boxes to my sight, "This?" Its cover looks like a horror movie, and I don't do horror at all so I shook my head as a "No."

"So in your opinion, racing cars and shooting people and being in a mafia gang would really happen in your life?" I ask adding a bit of humor to it.

"In my case, yes." he answers simply. I blinked, what? He sighs and straightened up, looking at me, "Can you please go with the flow for only tonight, love bunny?"

"Fine, but no horror, I seriously don't do that," I said, fear clearly audible in my voice.

"There is this movie that I still didn't watch, and it is kind of a comedy slash action, what do you say?" he says picking up the CD.

"Fair enough. Insert it and come here then." I said resting myself on the comfy and fluffy sac then opening the cute and small pink fridge, "This is the cutest thing I have seen all this week." I said then gasped slightly, eek!!

"How did you know that Oreo and caramel flavored ice cream is my favorite?" I asked taking it carefully out as if it would vanish in a blink of an eye. Two spoons were also stored inside the fridge with another tub of ice cream, mango juice, and... beer bottles.

Minding my business, I sat back again with the ice cream. Sensing my off mood, he came up to me holding a remote control in his hand, "I usually store it in here when I feel in the mood to drink." he said. I opened my mouth to tell him that it is no good and it will harm him, but instead, I nodded my head and said, "Cool." because there is no use to tell a guy who does this all the time and expect him to change his bad behavior and leave it all for good.

"Cool, um... I will go and turn the lights off, to make the watch better and all." he said and walked to the switches of the lights and turned them off, the light from the TV illuminating at everything. He came back and sat at the sac beside me then took out the other ice cream with a spoon.

"Vanilla is your favorite flavor?" I asked, surprised at the mutuality of his choice.

"Yeah, so? I love vanilla," he said. Then that must be why he always smells like that. He really does have a very attracting scent, I verily admit.

"It is just manual nothing else," I said, "Start the movie then."

"Lets our movie night begin." he declares then pushes a button on the remote making the movie start. I cuddled on the sac further and opened the lid of my ice cream and scooped a spoonful, putting it in my mouth. Mmh, the best.


"Oh my gosh!" I screamed and quickly jumped to Carter's sac to turn my head and hide it on Carter's chest, not wanting to see when the opposite gangs started to rip out each other's intestine with knives, which, made him laugh. I looked at him in horror and slapped his arm, "It is not funny, Carter! Would you be happy if I laughed when you were shot??" I scolded him.

"Relax, love bunny. It is not true and is made for entertainment."

"This is not a movie night for me, but more like a 'Carter's movie night.'" I muttered and looked back at the TV screen. They are running and looking for shelter, then the handsome one from the gang got on the campus to look for his brother. I like the main point of the movie, and it is that family always matters, and sacrificing for them means nothing but a great grant. So this guy called Daniel has a brother called Kaleb that will be kidnapped while he was asleep by a dangerous gang in their community. Then the whole main story was the adventure of Daniel finding his brother and saving him. I knew Carter was lying when he said it has some comedy scenes because all I saw and am seeing was violence and fighting scenes only.

"Hm.. no, it is 'our movie night', not mine. What made you think like that? Do not tell me it is because the movie is an action." he says, slowly getting closer to me.

"No, it's actually because..." his face came closer to mine, his hot breath fanning my face, "Because it was..."

"You do not need to finish what you want to say, I get you." he said and put his hand on my smaller back, "But I am not sure if you get me." he continues.

He lowered his face and put feathery kisses on my neck, his hot and wet lips gently kissing me right below my ear and making me shiver. I felt him smile on my skin, then slowly, he moved from the sac and knelt on it putting me between his legs and arms, our kiss never breaking. Seeming that I am not doing anything and my hands are on his chest, I put one of them in his hair and pulled like I always do, thankfully he always seemed to like it so I continued doing it. He moved one of his arms and placed it under my thigh and pushed me up, automatically, I wrapped both of my legs around his waist then I pulled his face, making his mouth onto mine again. He immediately started to nib on my bottom lip, asking me for permission. I opened my mouth, granting him the entrance he is waiting for.

"I can not get enough of you, love bunny, can... not." he whispers then feel him lifting us up. I am situated on his waist with my legs still around him and his arms securely wrapped around me, kissing. He landed me on a soft surface, then broke the hot and needy kiss. "What's wrong?" I breathily asked, breathing harshly.

"I think this is enough for both of us, because I know I would not be controlling myself if we continue furthermore," he said smiling a half-smile.

"Right. Yeah, of course, yes. Um.. well, are we going to sleep then?" I stumbled on my words, confused and disappointed that he stopped. But I am glad he did. I can't believe that he is the one who stopped us, not me. I am so whipped.

He chuckled getting off me, "I am sleepy, I had a long day preparing all of this for you, but we can talk until one of us would sleep." he said.

"What time is it?" I asked. I don't feel sleepy at all, the total opposite of him. It is our steamy moment that made me.

"It is almost one."

"One? Like after midnight one O'clock? Damn, luckily tomorrow is Sunday. You need to take me to Jenny's home tomorrow early in the morning." I tell him taking one of the blankets from the arm of the couch.

"Sure, I am a morning person anyway, so it is okay," he replied.

"At least we have a common thing," I said laughing lightly, "Why are you still sitting? Go to the other side and lay." I instruct.

"I am admiring you." he confessed bluntly. I widened my eyes, feeling the blush creeping from my neck to the tip of my ears. I looked down and played with the hem of the white blanket, "You don't need to." was all I could say.

He looked at me for a moment, then frowned, "Stand up." he says and held on my hand gripping it, "Why? Where do you want us to go now?" I asked as I followed him to somewhere he wants us to go.

"Look at this mirror." he says and made me stand in front of the huge mirror that almost covers the wall, "What do you see?" he asks. My reflection is staring back at me, tall and long faced, her head is tilted to the side, frowning. The hoodie hid my body well, thanks for that, and the long sweatpants of Carter are almost the length of my own legs, making me cringe internally.

"I see a girl who would never be loved and always looks different from everyone," I answered what I see honestly.

"Do you know what I am seeing right now?" he asked standing behind me and lowering his head to my neck, "I see a girl who is the sweetest, kindest, smartest, and the most fucking beautiful in the whole universe. I can even see your crown on your head that is about to drop," he said then put his arms up on my head putting an imaginary crown on my head, making me laugh, "Love bunny, I see you much differently than anyone, do not crash your self-esteem like this just because everybody is jealous of you and your rocking body. Everyone in this world is unique in their own way and deserves to be loved that way." he says.

My reflection smiled a sweet smile at both of us, following Carter's reflection. I looked at Carter who is already looking at me, "Thank you, it means a lot to me." I said.

"This is facts and only facts, which are proven true." he says, putting a soft kiss on my cheek.

"I think we should sleep now," I said and speedily walked to the bed looking couch. We situated ourselves in our comfiest way possible cuddling each other, making a small smile appear on my lips.

"I have to ask you," he speaks, "was this night a great one? I mean, I am sorry for Troy intruding on us earlier and for the food, and also for the poor planning of being here and nowhere exciting as it should have been," he says, blaming himself.

"No, it was such a great night I spent with you. I really enjoyed every second of it." I answered honestly. This is such a rare case for me because someone planned a date and chose me to be with them, that is a giddy making and a buzzing sensation thing for me, and makes me feel loved. Truly loved.

"But I am still confused as to why Troy was there, I chose a hotel where there would be rich older people so we can have the utmost privacy we could have," he said crossing his arms behind his back.

"He had his date, and maybe both of you thought the same." I tell him, then I instantly remember what Troy told me back there, "Oh, he told me that she wasn't his date and to not think she is anything close to him." I tell Carter.

"See, this is what I am trying to tell you." he asks, "He was following us. Maybe he likes you and tried to make some moves on you, or maybe he saw me booking the reservation and wanted to see my every action then spread a whole different shitty rumor about me to the students." he speaks his thoughts.

"You really think a lot." I said chuckling then turning around, "Goodnight, Carter."

"I am actually having the best night." he answered, making me blush again.