Chapter 6~

Shigaraki POV

"all right everyone is here correct?" I said very serious while scratching "yes sir" everyone said in unison "okay no why I asked you to be ready by dawn is because we will be getting the schedule from UA High" I said excited to see the hero's faves in pure fear "but I will only take one of you with me to get the paper" very quietly someone raised there hand "so who will be going with you to UA and helping you get there?"

"Well kurogiri will warp me there behind the reporters and my helper will go in after I disintegrate the entrance door" I said quite loud for everyone to hear "well so who is it" toga said excited to see who it was "well I want (Y/n) to go" I said excited to see her face " Really me" she said excited about it "yes and now the rest are dismissed beside kurogiri and (y/n)" after that everyone left but those two. 'Hopefully a teacher doesn't catch her but most likely they won't'.

We moved to the bar and I placed a paper down "so (y/n) I want you to go in through here and from there you should be able to see the teachers lounge" I said pointing to the spots she will be going "and kurogiri I want you to warp me in between the reporters so I can reach the entrance with (y/n)" I said pointing exactly in the middle of the paper. "Okay so from where I enter I will go left then straight and the last door is the teachers lounge?" She asked certain about the directions.

"Yes and when you get the paper kurogiri wil send a warp there and just get in okay" I said giving her a chance "alright when will we leave?" Kurogiri and (y/n) asked "we will leave around noon but mainly around 10 or 11. Now get ready with your disguise"

Aizawa POV

"Alright class we will be discussing what will happen tomorrow afternoon" I said bored about this event "you will be going to USJ also known as Unforeseen Simulation Joint. Two other hero's will be joining us there to help you out" I said annoyed that All Might is going to be there "may we ask who is the other two hero's Aizawa sensei?" Mina asked loud enough for the class to hear "I suppose so the other two hero's are All Might and hero Thirteen" I said looking at everyone "Now do whatever until lunch I'm tired" I said annoyed about the screams about the hero's.

'This is annoying why did I become a teacher....'

Class 1-A POV

"Woah I can't believe we get to see hero thirteen" kaminari said excited "same here and All Might will be there too" Midoriya said as he was writing in his notebook "hey guys do you ever wonder why Mr.Aizawa is upset or tired?" Uraraka said questionably which made the whole class think 'I wonder why' "kero , I think that too since before kids who went to UA said he was happy and never was upset" Asui said

"That is true but we shouldn't get in our teachers lives you know it's rude and not polite" Iida said respecting Aizawa's space "maybe we should ask him tomorrow tho maybe he will tell us?" Momo said curious of the outcome "maybe but we should do something besides talk about this topic" Jirō said which everyone agreed 'maybe we will figure out tomorrow' as the class thought that they went in separate directions in the classroom and talked.

~Time skip to lunch~ todo POV

After the bell rang everyone went separate ways but I went to the roof top after I got my soba. It was a peaceful day even tho the reporters are still at the front of the school which is annoying. "I wish days were peaceful back then" I said while touching my scar after I said that I ate some of my soba just as I was gonna have another bite the alarm went off. I got up as quickly as I could and went down the stairs to see everyone leaving.

"Hey what's going on?" I said asking one of the 3rd years "it's the alarm going off it's a level 3 so we have to leave" she said leaving I went towards the direction of teachers lounge since there is an exit over there but as I was going I saw a girl in a hoodie looking suspicious. I slowed down and followed her and saw she was going to the teachers lounge. I hid around the corner of the door to see what she was doing.

'She's taking a paper but what is so important about it?' Just as I was going to stop her a warp opened up in the middle of the room and she walked in. Before I could stop she ran in just in case a teacher was near by and then disappeared. "It's just the reporters relax everyone go back to the cafeteria" Iida said loud enough to relax everyone 'how did that girl get in?' I though as I went back to the roof to get my stuff.

'Oh well hopefully nothing happens tomorrow...'

"Alright since lunch is over I need to you too pick a home room representative" Mr.Aizawa said making everyone sigh in relief. "I want to me representative" everyone said loud while raising there hands "wait maybe we should do a vote" Iida said hoping he would get voted as representative "sure do whatever helps" Mr.Aizawa said

~few votes later~

Midoriya 3

Momo 2

"Midoriya is the class representative" Aizawa said bored "uh I-I uh want Iida be representative since he calmed everyone down during the alarm and I think he deserves the spot" Midoriya said stuttering "okay whatever" was all Aizawa said. 'I wonder what Midoriya's quirk is?' Was what I thought before Mr.Aizawa dismissed us for the day 'oh well who knows'

Toga POV

"How was the mission (n/n)?" I asked since she seemed excited "it was fun even tho there was a slip up" she said embarrassed "what happen?" I said confused "well while I was going to the room to get the paper one of the students was following me" she said scared "oh it's okay but do you know who?" I said trying to help. "Yea he had red and white hair and had a scar on his right side" she said explaining what the boy looked like.

"Oh that's fine as long as you got the paper" I said happy she got to see outside for once without having to only be out at night "well I got to give chapped lips the paper see ya" she said tired since she had to be quick on her part "alright see ya" I said happy 'I hope it wasn't that todoroki kid' I thought as I went to find Dabi to tell him about where boss and the rest of the villains are going tomorrow since we have to stay here.


Hope you enjoyed this chapter it's kinda rushed but I succeeded 😂 but see ya my dudes ✌🏽 and thank you for the 100+ reads 🥺