Chapter 7~


7:04 A.M. Dabi's POV

"Rise and shine (n/n)" Dabi said whispering in my ear "no give me 5 more hours" she said "okay I guess you'll miss your mission then" I said slowly walking away "okay fine but help me though" she said lifting her arm to me I pulled her up and got some good clothing. "Here wear this" I handed her a beautiful dress that matched her quirks.

(This is beautiful right❤️ anyway you can change the colors and stuff up to you anyway back to the story)

"This looks beautiful" she said "now out I gotta put it on" pointing to the door I laughed and walked out to the bar "hey toga (n/n) may need help with what she is putting on" I said giving her the hint "okay I'll be right there" she said running to (n/n) room. 'I hope she comes back after this mission' I thought as I waited for the girls "done how do I look" she said spinning around for me to see "it looks beautiful. You look beautiful I'm glad it fits you" I said walking up to give her a kiss on the forehead "thank you dabi it's fits good perfect size" she said smiling.

"Now that (y/n) is ready we will now discuss our plan at USJ also known as the unforeseen simulation joint" chapped lips said "we will enter in the middle of the building with help of kurogiri and one of our villains will jam the system so the alarms don't go off. Then our nomu will come in and destroy all night and we get the win" he said looking happy about his plan. "alright sounds like a good plan" (y/n) said excited "now let's get ready for our fight" chapped lips said smirking. 'Yes let our fight begin'

Izuku POV

"Alright class wear your hero suits or wear you gym uniform you choose and after you change go to the bus" Aizawa sensei said tiredly. He walked out with his sleeping bag and went to the bus "so who's gonna ask him" kirishima said while grabbing his case "I don't know but we better find out fast" Denki said while leaving "I-I will a-ask" I said while going to the locker rooms "alright don't mess up midoriya" kirishima said while patting my back.

-after changing and onto the bus- izuku pov

"So ummm... sensei?" I asked nervously "yes midoriya" Mr.Aizawa said "why are you always sleeping and upset?" I asked hiding behind Tsu "none of your concern anyway we are here" he said seriously. We got off the bus and waited for someone "hero thirteen" I said excited "omg it's her" *it said hero thirteen is a she sooo* 'woah I wonder where all might is he should be here by now' I looked up and saw aizawa hold up 3 fingers 'oh right he only has 3 hours left on his quirk so that means he is resting at the moment'.

"Deku let's go" uraraka said to me getting my attention back to class. We walked in and it was awesome it's huge too.

Authors POV

As class1-A walked in it was a beautiful sight to see until the lights went out "huh?" Midoriya said the lights turned back on and it was fine until they seen a portal open "sensei what's that?" Iida said pointing to the middle of the area. "Those are actual villains" aizawa said just before he was about to go shigaraki said "oh look who's here Shota Aizawa" he said smirking "Dabi cover her ear for me" he said and Dabi nodded and covered (y/n) ears "look aizawa your daughter happy to see her?" He said laughing "Why would you take her?" Aizawa said yelling "well we wanted to see you at your weakest state. Seems to have effected you for a while" he said nodding to Dabi to uncover her ears.

Class 1-A was shocked to hear the he had a daughter. "Thirteen protect the students" Aizawa said rushing towards the villains just as the class was about to leave. A villain opened a portal and made all the students disappear to random spots in the joint. "Alright (y/n) do your thing while we wait for All Might" shigaraki said "yes sir" (y/n) went to attack some of the students that didn't disappear "ahh what a lovely outfit to bad I'm going to rip it to shreds" she said while smirking. She grabbed her hair and moved it out of her face she took 3/4 quirks one of them was too fast for her to see them.

She grabbed her string and pulled her puppet out "attack" she said and they attacked the remaining ones without a quirk. "Alright moving on" she said while running away.

(Y/n) POV

Let's go to the center of the plaza. "Kurogiri release the nomu" chapped lips said "yes sir" kuro released the nomu and was commanded it to attack the teacher. I don't know what came to me but I wanted to protect him. "No" I said while taking another puppet out to grab the teacher, but I was too late. The nomu smashed his head into the concrete. "Your so gonna pay dude" I said while rushing up to the nomu. "(Y/n) what are you doing?" Chapped lips said.

"I'm protecting him that's what I'm doing" I said frustrated "he gives off a familiar feeling" I said attacking the nomu. I used my puppet to attack the nomu. The creature moved out of the way and tried to attack my side I jumped up and tried to erase its quirks but no use. "Ugh your irritating" I said furious my puppet still attacking while I'm still dodging 'I'm running out of energy' "I'M HERE" All night said 'finally' I got hit on my side and my back hit the wall of concrete. All might took my spot where I was fighting the nomu.

I went towards the teacher but I was pushed out of the way "w-what do you want with h-him?" Green head said "I would like to see if he is alright?" I said rubbing my forehead "he's fine" he said quickly and him and another green head took him away while a purple thing looked at me. "What" I said "n-nothing just you look kinda hot" he said I kicked him to the side and moved along. 'Perv' "nomu get our exit" shigaraki said there was a explosive kid on kuro as I was about to get him he disappeared'huh where did he go'.

'He appeared next to a redhead' the nomu attack all might and as he was in a weird position some kid froze the nomu. "Oi villain kid what the hell are you doing here?" Explosive kid said "none of your concern" I said while walking away. The nomu got up and was about to attack a candy cane kid I rushed over to get him but I only pushed him and I got the hit. "Gosh dang it this was a nice dress" I said complaining I walked up to see if the kid was alright but I passed out before I could make it to him.


Hope you enjoyed the chapter sorry it was kinda rushed but I did it woohoo 😂 see ya next time peace ✌🏼