Chapter 8~


Authors POV

You wake up tied to a chair with your dress ripped up but not to much to show skin. "Finally your awake" someone said seriously "who the fuck are you?" You said furious "that's not important we just have questions" said the unknown person "why should I answer you dumbass? I don't even know you" you said ignoring the person "well my name is Max" (just go along) he said "well you know my name let's continue" he said looking at a piece of paper.

"What relation do you have with LOV?" He said looking directly in your eyes "I don't know they said something about my father and a mission and he died" I said barely remembering something I didn't know I knew "hmm well next question, Where is the hideout at?" You looked at him and laughed "what's so funny?" He said pissed "you actually think I know I don't even know where it is I've always went through the portal" you said laughing still. "Well then next one, do you remember what happened to you?"

"I blacked out before I even seen if candy cane dude was alright" you said not caring. "Well then that's it for today but, before I leave someone wishes to speak to you" he said walking out. The door creaks open and in walks a hobo with bags under his eyes "you may not remember me but I am your biological father"



Class 1-A message POV

Deku~ I can't believe sensei has a daughter!

Ura~ same here

Boom boom boy~ Oi shitheads it doesn't matter she tried to kill us

Icy hot~ agree but she did save me

Shark boy~ that is true she did save todoroki

Boom boom boy~ so what it doesn't matter now she is being dealt with authorities

Sonic~ I agree it's no longer our business you found out what you need to find out now she is with law enforcement.

Now sleep it's past your bedtimes

Everyone logged out

Shoto POV

'I wonder what will happen to her? Why do I care all of sudden?' I was thinking while getting my rest well trying 'maybe because she saved me and I want to repay her for it' I thought before I went to bed.

Time skip to Aoyama's brightness~

We got 2 days off of school because of the attack. "Great" I whispered softly "SHOOOOOTOOOOO" flaming trash said while bursting into my room "I heard what happened did you kick some villain ass?" He said loudly "....yes" I said in a serious tone "good job son you will be successful and be #1 hero!" He said yelling "...okay" was all I said and he left. 'Very annoying flame trash' I thought while getting dress to spend flaming trashes money.

I left my horrible home while saying goodbye to my brother and sister. I walked down a busy street and waited for the sign to say walk. I looked up and saw the news about the villain girl. I then realized she was the girl who my trash of a father showed me when I was younger. The sign said walk and I walked to the store to buy some clothes and cold soba. "Oh hey todoroki-kun" *honestly idk if that's right •_•* "oh hey deku" I said while eating cold soba "whatchu eating?" Deku asked being sort of obvious "cold soba" I said coldly

"Oh nice" he said rubbing the back of his neck "well I must go before my mother calls see ya" he said running out the mall 'weirdo' I thought

Your POV

"Your my WHAT???" I said screaming "I am your father" he said calmly "that's impossible they said you left for a mission and then died saving lives" I said crying "it's okay honey it isn't your fault" he said reassuring "how can I trust you though?" I said upset "well I know you've been with LOV for a while so you will have to get used to me I guess" he said shrugging "I want to go back to them" I said even more upset "why?" He said confused "they were like family they helped me with things you never did they took care of me and said hero's kidnap people like LOV and brainwash them. So how can I trust you and the so called "hero's"?" I said pissed while tears coming down.

"Well then I will prove your perspective of hero's wrong child of mine" he said confident "how will you do that?" I said confused " you will see" he said walking out "see you tomorrow kiddo" he said after closing the door. "Fuck how do I get out" I said struggling with the chain around me. "It's impossible to get out if you tried" someone said through the speaker "well guess what ima try anyway and once I break free I will break you" I said laughing "let's the game begin then" the mysterious person said before I could say anything I felt something sting me. 'SHIT this hurts' i thought "what's wrong why aren't you trying" the person said I tried to move again but it came back "oh that's right you can't" they said laughing "f-fuck y-you" I said pissed.

"Sorry couldn't hear you" person said "I said FUC-" before I could finish it came back stronger and hurt like hell. "Before it stopped I blacked out because of the pain.

'Well shit'


I'm soooo freakin sorry I thought I wouldn't have a lot of work the first week of school but turned out I was wrong I will try to update and sorry for like mixing something's about the reader anyway see you next time peace out✌🏼