Chapter 10~

Skip if you like idk🤷🏽‍♀️

Previous chapter~

You tried to walk away but as soon as you did some video was showing it was like you had seen this before. You walked closer to it and went in and you saw it was you as a child. You were in tears but why? You walked more into it and saw why your mother died from something mysterious. Your father who is the so called eraser head moved you outside and went to the neighbors house. Police arrived and then you drifted off to sleep. " do you know why I showed this to you?" He said peacefully " no why?" You said curios "well that lady there is obviously your mother but she wanted me to show this because what I will show next will change your mind.

"Well follow me please" he said taking out his hand~

Anyway enjoy


Authors POV

As you look at his hand you looked him and stared "what you coming or not?" He said looking back at you confusingly "first tell me your name" you said saying judging him for being rude "ummm my name is EJ also known as EJ" he said now waving his hand. "Okay lead the way EJ" you said taking his hand. As you walked with him it looked brighter and brighter until you walked into a room. "Woah this looks very (whatever color)" you said shocked

"This was your room as a child" EJ said pointing out a baby picture of you "this was mine?" you said confused "I know your probably confused as heck but this scene will explain what happened exactly" he said leaning on a wall. As you nodded you moved next to him and watched the scene play out.

~scene beginning~((y/n) POV ) you can skip if you like

As I seen the pro hero also known as my supposedly father walked in he yelled out "honey I'm home" very tiredly 'hmm seems busy during the day?' As he continued past the living room he went to the kitchen and sniffed the air. He said " I see your making a pie! Yummy" as he tried to get closer a little voice spoke "No" the little voice spoke I went to see who it was but realized it was me. I leaned on the door frame of the kitchen door and continued to watch.

As little me said no she stuck her hand out so he could be far away "why I want some" my 'father' spoke. Little me didn't budge "we not finish yet" she said very small. He laughed very loudly "okay I'll go" 'dad' said and went to kiss my 'mother' and went to a yellow bag.

1 hour passed~

"Darling the pie is done" my mother said my dad looked very tired though. Little me went up to the mysterious bag and jumped on his gut "mommy said pie done" she said very cute. He looked through the bag and laughed at how adorable she was. "Okay I'm up no need to jump on me" he said while Little me giggled. 'I was very cute as a child' "I can agree" EJ said snickering. I turned back to look at the scene going on dad had put me in my chair while my mother put out the utensils on the table.

Time skip Bc we don't need to see them eat~Midnight~

"Now you will see what changed your father and how you became the bait" EJ said seriously I looked at the scene turn. I see my mother go downstairs "who's there?" She said scared "sorry honey did I scare you?" Dad said "my all might you scared me what happened?" She said confused. She walked up to my father hugging him and him hugging her back but with something shiny. Before she could realize it wasn't her husband it was too late the knife had pierced her skin.

She screamed in pain and the killer transformed back 'that's toga' I thought Ed shocked. She took the blood and left leaving my mother bleeding to death my father ran downstairs quickly but he realized it was too late. He then ran back up stairs tripping some and opened my room door he whispered "thank god" and picked me up. He opened the front door and walked towards the neighbors and knocked "hey could you let me and my daughter in I know it's late and also can I borrow your phone?"

~time skip to 2yrs later~

"Now this is what happened before the cleared your brain" EJ said pissed off about it still "okay" you said quietly still confused. As your father left for the night shift things weren't going as he thought it would. Your window opened very slightly then opened all the way and two people walked in. You recognized them very easily they were little but you still recognized them.(yes they kidnapped you as 13 yr olds) The scene then moved to the hideout "where is my daddy" little me said scared.

~scene ended~

"You see after that scene everything was erased from your brain that you couldn't remember me or your family even your father was upset whenever he seen you that day" he said leaving "wait so you showed me this because my mother told you too?" I said confused "yes because she knew something like this would happen so please think about it but, I suggest you should not to go back to l.o.v even thought you've know them longer." He said with sadness

"But how can I trust him what if he doesn't like me or ..." "he will relax your father was worried literally for 6 years he would take you back any day" he said walking anyway that's when I woke up.

Present time~your POV still

I screamed out because the stupid guy freaking electrocuted me to death but it hit me like a bus. I was crying and I looked up at the glass to see myself but through I could see him. Soon the door opened and he came rushing at me "eraser head stand down you don't know if it's a trick" bob said with a serious tone. "I'm sorry" I said multiple times. "It's okay honey none of it was your fault I promise" he said in a hushing tone.After that I soon went to sleep peacefully and calm.

Aizawa's POV

"Well since you seem to control her you are able to take her home or with you to the dorms if you like" bob said to me while i was holding my daughter."thank you now please take her off the restraints so I can take her to the dorms." I said calmly "yes sir".

'I finally have you and a piece of your mother back' I thought happily


Omg I made another chapter at like 1:39am yassss anyway I hope you enjoyed the story see y'all next time peace ✌🏼