Chapter 11~


Aizawa's POV

"Well since you seem to control her you are able to take her home or with you to the dorms if you like" bob said to me while i was holding my daughter."thank you now please take her off the restraints so I can take her to the dorms." I said calmly "yes sir".

'I finally have you and a piece of your mother back' I thought happily

enjoy the story mkay I may or may have not fucked up the POV sorry realization didn't hit me till maybe a week ago so this may or may not be short Bc I'm trying to figure out my mistake


Authors POV

After they got you out of your restraints and helped your father pick you up they left as well as your father. As he took you to the teachers dorm there awaited his yellow haired friend. "Yo shota how's it goin?" Yamada said energetically your father just pointed to you since you were on his back. Yamada chuckled and decided to help out since your father was tired like always. After his yellow haired friend helped he then thanked him and went to his room and placed you gently on his bed. He stared for a while and smiled "I'm finally happy now since I finally got you back" he said out loud. He bent down and kissed your forehead and then he disappeared into his yellow bag.

Time skip~ (after nap time)Your POV

'Where am I' I looked around "AHHH AND BIG CATERPILLAR" you screamed and fell of a bed "hush caterpillar sleeping" the mysterious caterpillar said. I looked for something long and I found a teacher pointer. "Who are you" I said *poke poke* " your father" caterpillar said dramatically "*le gasps* how that's impossible you were dead" I said dramatically back "well I'm back to haunt you" he said slowly rising to look like a big worm. "Ahhh don't kill me please" I said falling back into the bed with the pointer in hand.

*oof* "owwww your heavy" I said whining "appreciate this heaviness before I tickle you" caterpillar said laughing "no your to heavy" I said pouting "you asked for it" he said laughing loudly

~3minutes later~

"I give *gaspin for air ya know* up please sthap" I said tired from the pokes and tickling "say I'm not heavy" he said seriously "your not h-heavy" I said trying to not laugh. Finally he got off and took of his yellow bag 'bad hair day orrr?' "*pfft* your hair bahaha" I said laughing hysterically on his bed. "You can't say anything because you have the same bed hair as you did as a child" he said chuckling.

^^that picture credit to artist

Authors POV

As you both laugh he noticed something 'she's just like her mother looks and everything' he thought while he stared at his daughter. 'I want to know more of how I was as a child' you thought admiring the moment you had "umm can I ask you-" "I heard screaming" mic said yelling "uhhh sorry mic I was just spending time with my daughter that's all" dadzawa said "sorry man I got scared" mic said blushing a bit "uhh anyway sorry I barged in" he said leaving nervously. "So his name is mic?" You asked confused about his name completely "yeah that's his hero name though but for another day" he said a bit nervously "so what was the question you were gonna ask me?"

"Oooh I forgot" you said rubbing the back of your head "oh no worries your fine would you like a tour?" He said holding out his hand "yes so I don't get lost while looking for ice cream" you said giggling 'oh how I've missed this' you both thought

Blah blah talked about where everything is and how things are (time skip)~

"Who lives there" you pointed to 1-A dorms "that's my class they live there you will meet them soon" he said moving in the the school building "this is going to be your school" he said smiling as y'all walked closer you felt someone staring 'oof broccoli' you thought and continued to walk on. As you both talked about the do's and don't you noticed something odd. "Umm why is there a live skeleton?" You asked pointing to all might "ohh that's all might he is a teacher her at UA high" he said looking at skeleton dude. "Is he nice?" You asked scared since well ya know.

"Yes (n/n) he is nice once he warms up to you" he said reassuring after you left UA you went to the dorms and waited for he food.

~after waiting for food and eating it Bc it's to much to do~

"That was yummy" you said as you got up to wash your hands "yes very delicious" dadzawa said laughing "so when will I meet your class" you asked "hmm whenever your ready but I wanted to wait at least a week" he said while drying off his hands. "Hmm okay what about Wednesday?" You asked prepared to meet new people "okay Wednesday it is" he said smiling.


Uhhh sorry it's so short it's just it's kinda complicated anyway hope you enjoyed ignore the conflict okay, okay lmao chill also Ik it's weird that they acting like everything is okay it'll get there later onto the story onto whyyyy...🙃