Chapter 12~

"Yes (n/n) he is nice once he warms up to you" he said reassuring after you left UA you went to the dorms and waited for he food.

~after waiting for food and eating it Bc it's to much to do~

"That was yummy" you said as you got up to wash your hands "yes very delicious" dadzawa said laughing "so when will I meet your class" you asked "hmm whenever your ready but I wanted to wait at least a week" he said while drying off his hands. "Hmm okay what about Wednesday?" You asked prepared to meet new people to "Wednesday it is" he said smiling.

okay onto the next chapter :) I'm sorry if the pov is messed up I don't intend it to


Your POV~

Welp today is Wednesday time to go to 'class'. "Hmmmm what should I wear?" you thought out loud "you will be wearing our school uniform" dadzawa said tiredly "what why should I dress like nerds?" you said annoyed. "Well do you want a fresh start or to go back to the cell?" he said seriously "fresh start" you said pissed off "good now put this on" he said while pushing the uniform into your hands "fine" you said boredly. (honestly idk if that's a word oh well)

Time skip to the school~

' Ew nerds makes me want to barf' you thought jokingly 'where am I going again?..... oh yeah to the "class room" what a lame word' "(y/n) pay attention whenever I enter I will give you a cue to walk in and introduce yourself and tell them your quirk got it" dadzawa said serious "yes I understand just hurry I don't like talking to strangers" you said annoyed by the fact you have to talk to future hero's. "Okay students we have a new student aka my daughter be nice to her even though she may have done bad things. Okay come on in" he said blankly.

"hello my name is (y/n) Aizawa nice to meet you. My quirk is Puppeteer and my fathers quirk but I can last longer than him only by 5 minutes." you said nervously "well is there any questions?" dadzawa said lazily. "Why are you here?" angry hedgehog said loudly "well that isn't important because I could ask the same to you" you said sassy "she is here for a fresh start now if any of y'all have any problems with it talk to me or to the principle" dadzawa said angrily "now (y/n) you sit next to Todoroki. So Todoroki raise your hand please" he said normally *momo sits where mineta sits since he isn't in this if I mentioned it in the past chapters my apologizes*

You walked towards the peppermint boy and sat behind ponytail girl "alright since this is situated we will have a sports festival coming up in 3 weeks" dadzawa said sternly "what why we just had a villain attack?" broccoli boy said nervously "well we would've cancelled it but it wouldn't have been fair and just because of a villain attack doesn't mean the world will wait for you it continues on" dadzawa said irritated "yes sir" the class said in unison. "now you will have to pick a class rep and a vice rep now I will sleep it must be done before homeroom is over" he said while going in the sleeping bag.

*annoying class yelling out me* "SHUT UP" you yelled annoyed that they got louder and louder "now that y'all are quiet why don't y'all just vote instead of yell out me continuously" you said loud enough for the class to hear "she's right we should vote instead of yell" glasses dude said while doing weird hand motions. *everyone agrees*

time skip after the voting~

"Winners are deku and momo" glasses dude said sadly "uh thank y-you I g-guess" deku said nervously. 'Hmm now I know 3 names deku, momo, and todoroki' you thought to yourself. "Well wonderful to know welp the lunch bell is about to ring just go ahead and go to the cafeteria" dadzawa said still exhausted. As everyone leaves you go to dadzawa "uhh father/dad where is the cafeteria?" you said nervously "oh right I'll take you since no one is in here" he said remembering you don't remember where everything is exactly since you visited it almost a week ago.

"Here you go (n/n) see you later" dadzawa said while kissing your forehead and leaving "bye dad/father" you said smiling

"Hey aizawa come sit here" someone said yelling at you "just call me (n/n)" you said smiling


anyway hope you enjoyed this chapter see ya next time peace out :)

that's all for now