chapter 14~

ahhhh finally almost summer!!! anyway to the story ^~^


Your POV~

As you walked back to the teachers dorm you noticed someone was following you "oi get out from the bush" you said annoyed "sorry" they said terrified. You turned around and noticed half of the class was there "what do you want?" you asked tiredly "I- Uhhhh well we wanted to see if you wanted to hang out with us at the dorms instead of you know waiting in the teachers dorm" Uraraka nervously. "It was only polite to ask our new fellow student" Iida said while chopping the air "hmm seems so but I don't want to" you said normally "thanks for the offer though" you said while waving goodbye to them. "Tck.... Lets just go I told you guys it was pointless" hedge hod said irritated "Kacchan is right lets go" broccoli boy said

As you got closer to the teachers dorm you started to get nervous 'what if they judge me like other people do' as you opened the door it was silent "uh hello I'm Aizawa's daughter" you said quietly while bowing "oh my your very adorable" someone said jumping with joy and running up to you. "hey I'm Nemuri Kayama but you can call me Midnight nice to meet you" she said while pinching your cheeks "OH YEAAAH HEY THERE (N/N)" a yellow banana man yelled "ACK LOUD" you said while covering your ears "Mic don't yell in the house while people are here" a nurse lady said "yes ma'am" he said while he sweat dropped "hello dear I'm the nurse here at UA my name is Chiyu Shuzenji but call me (whatever you want bc idk)" she said kindly.

"hun why aren't you with your classmates right now?" (whatever you want bc idk) asked concerned "I- uhh wanted to wait for my father thats all" you answered unsure "well why don't you go with them you may find somethings interesting while you wait for Aizawa" She said urging me to go "perhaps I can get to know them a bit more but I can another ti-" "nonsense go" she said pushing me out the teachers dorm. "But-" "No buts go on now start walking" she said while Mic was snickering "ahh she is just like her father" Mic said only the staff could hear and they snickered as well.

time skip to 1-A dorms~

(I'm sorry if i get these wrong ik I wasn't gonna put them in but I'm gonna have to)

Shoto's POV~

*knock knock*

"I'll get the door" I said while walking to the door "oh hello Aizawa-kun" I said politely "please call me (y/n) or (n/n)" she said while bowing "what seems to bring you here?" I said confused about past events "I- uh well I wanted to come since I don't know y'all very well" She said while looking away "oh (n/n) come in" midoryia-kun said happily "Ah let me move away from the door so you can enter" I said while opening the door more and moving out of the way "thank you Todoroki" she said quietly. "Hello (y/n)" Momo said "hello" (y/n) said back I watched her walk to the students to talk and hangout with them. I closed the door and went back to what I was doing which was literally me thinking about my life. 'I haven't even thanked (y/n) for saving me during the villain attack'

"Uh (y/n) may I please speak with you a moment?" I asked before she walked off "hmm sure why not" she said while shrugging I walked away somewhere so its private she followed. "so whatcha need?" she asked once we stopped "I wanted to tell you something" I said "if your gonna ask me out no" she said seriously "no I'm not 'asking you out' I wanted to thank you" I said quietly "for what?" she asked confused. "Well for saving me whenever my class was at USJ" I said while looking away "Oh your the candy can kid I saved from getting hit well your welcome I guess" she said while giggling at the fact she called me candy can. "Was that all?" she asked looking at me "Yes that was all I would've said it sooner but everything was too chaotic for to say anything so I hope we can be friends" I said while bowing down politely.

"Yeah everything has been a bit crazy for me especially since you know I was a 'villain'" she said while using her fingers for the 'villain part "well let me take you back to our living room" I said while turning around to lead the way "thank you Todoroki" she said quietly. "Call me shoto" I said while almost reaching our destination "okay" she said while walking back to momo and the rest of the group.

Bakugo's POV

'I wonder what IcyHot was saying to (Y/n) I'll ask about it later' "(y/n) fight me" I said angrily as she was about to sit down by momo "hmm why not" she said while leaving ponytail girl and walking up to me. "When and where" she said smirking "What about right here and right now" I said smirking back at her "perhaps but you don't want to get in trouble for blowing up the place do you" she said while walking to the door. "S-she's r-right Kacchan you don't want to have detention do you" Deku said while trembling under my glare 'ha be scared deku because I will beat you to be number one hero'. "Tsk fine" I said while glaring at the door that is now open "HEY GET BACK HERE" I said while running outside to fight her.

"Relax Pomeranian I was sitting on the steps waiting" she said while lazily gets up "Let's do this" I said while stretching "If you say so" she says as she gets her puppets ready.

(I suck at fighting scenes) (y/n) POV after Fight~

"Are you done yet" I asked bored while still sitting "NO" He said while still laying down "why not" I asked "because I haven't won yet" he said angrily "ugh I give up" I said while walking away. "Want some water?" Shoto said "yes please" I said while sitting on the steps and getting the cup while watching Bakugo sit in front of me. "Train with me" he said "no" I said while getting up to leave "why" he said while getting angry "I'm not participating in the thingy y'all have" I said while giving Shoto the cup back.


YAY school is out for me so I will try to update every Saturday If not maybe Sunday see you next time