Chapter 15~

Omg HELLO GUYS!!! I'm so sorry I haven't posted on this in a while but I have a good surprise for you guys I'm going to update whenever I'm available since school has me occupied a lot recently but here ya go lovely's. Anyway onto the story you have been waiting for :))


Your POV,

"I'm not participating in the thingy y'all have coming up" I said while sighing after saying it the millionth time that night. "If you don't mind me asking why not?" Asked Momo confused "the only reason I won't participate is because I find your 'Sports festival' boring and I would win anyway." I said shrugging. "HA! I doubt that would happen since I placed first in the entrance exam" Bakugo said smirkingly while aggressively munching on veggie straws * i have  no idea what he eats i apologize *. "Have you seen where I just came from??" I said shockingly " I deadass just came from the league of villains I know way more ways of beating you than you could ever imagine" I said staring at bakugo crazily. "So that doesn't mean I can still beat you at something you've never done before" Bakugo huffed while getting up to leave "maybe your just weak" He said while smirking.

"I literally beat you with my puppets so don't even think about convincing me to beat you again in a festival thing" I said glaring at his challenge he is giving me. "(Y-y/n) maybe you should try out the sports festival it'll be fun there are other a-activities" Deku said while taking notes of something. " I'll think about it but my answer still stands as no" I huffed and got up to find a snack. "Oi where you think your going puppeteer" Bakugo said yelling " I'm stealing your snacks that's what I'm doing sir" I said while looking for (whatever snack). "Look at the top right drawer that's where our snacks are" Kirishima said  while watching tv. "Oi redhead don't tell her where it is you idiot" Bakugo said while angrily leaving  it his room. "Thank you very much uhh... Kirishima was it?" I said stuffing my face with (whatever snack) while walking back to the couch offering others some. "Yeah I'm Kirishima call me Kiri or Ejiro and no problem you were very  manly earlier showing bakubro your strength" He said smiling And eating some of your snack that you offered. 

Authors POV,

As everyone either left after the conversation or stayed to watch television eating snacks they were offered they heard commotion coming from outside. "No I wanna get her first" someone said loudly "So she's my daughter mic I have the right to get her first" dadzawa said sighing. Finally the commotion stopped and everyone went back to doing there own thing.  "Hey Kirishima if you don't mind me asking but is that your real hair color?" You said looking curiously at his hair. "No my natural hair is black wanna see? The picture is from when I was in middle school so I probably look different then and now." Kirishima said while showing you the picture. "Awww you look cute when you were younger" you said smiling at the picture. "That hurts (n/n) your saying I'm ugly now" kirishima said holding his heart while laughing.  Everyone was shocked that you were smiling since from the time they met you, you seemed like Aizawa and looked bored or tired. 

*Knock Knock*

"I'll go get the door." Deku said while getting up from the couch and opening the door only to see two of his teachers looking tired. "H-hello M-Mr.Aizawa and P-present Mic. H-how can I help y-you?" Deku said scared his teacher knew about the fight that happened in front of the dorms between bakugo and (y/n). "I came here for (y/n)" they both said breathlessly and looking around for you. "yeah?" You said confused why they  both were breathless and looking for you. "Come on I'm done with my work" Dadzawa said boringly to you. "YEAH lets go" Mic said enthusiastically and was pumped up for some reason. "Alright well see you guys tomorrow perhaps" you said waving goodbye after getting up from the couch and walking to the front door. "B-bye (y/n)" deku said while closing the door. You looked at both of them to see what was wrong with them since they seemed tired than usual. "Care to explain why both of you look tired?" You asked while walking of the steps of the porch * I have no idea if its a porch or not but let's continue*  

They both followed you but none of them  said anything besides bicker with one another "this is your fault Hizashi" dadzawa said tiredly while wrapping him up with his scarf "Ehhhh this is my fault its your fault you didn't let me do it first." Mic said irritatingly while looking away from dadzawa while huffing. "What's going on and you didn't get to do what first mic?" You said confusingly while looking at both of them get embarrassed. Dadzawa finally let go of mic and sighed "we are tired because we both wanted to get you from class 1-A dorms but ending up arguing about it then we both bickered" Dadzawa said embarrassed about admitting what they both did. Mic just laughed at dadzawa's defeat while dadzawa just glared at the yellow banana  haired man. You laughed at his embarrassment and grabbed both of their arms and said "well lets go then" you said happy you got to reconnect with your father and his 'secret lover'. (Hasn't happened yet ;) )

Time skip(to tomorrow)~ 

"I don't wanna get up" you said lazily while covering yourself up more and moved into the corner of the bed. "I guess no getting a cat then" dadzawa said dramatically while trying to take the blanket away. "Nooooo I want the cat" you said getting up quickly. 'You managed to convince him last night to get a cat for you and him and he quickly agreed'. You pushed him out of your room so you could change into the uniform that you still think is disgustingly ugly. "Hey what-" dadzawa soon realized after why you closed the door on him when you opened the door ready for school. "I'm ready" you said excitedly since all you thought about was the cat you were going to get. "Okay then lets go" Dadzawa said while walking away from your room to the living area. You soon followed him but quickly grabbed a (whatever fruit) and began eating it. You and dadzawa left the teacher dorms and quickly headed towards the school.

Hardly anyone was there since it was quite early for most students to be there so there were mainly staff there. You walked with your father into the teacher lounge since you couldn't go anywhere without a U.A student or staff with you. Since most of the staff already got to know you it wasn't awkward it was pretty calm and quiet. You passed the time by knowing more about the staff members since you would see them in the dorms more than the students so it was easier to know what you would be dealing with in the future. Once you heard chattering of students you left the teachers lounge to go find the students of class 1-A. They were all barely walking into the cafeteria so it was convenient for you since you just left from hearing students. You went to find Kirishima and them so they would know your here instead of sleeping in like her father did in the teachers lounge.

Once you found them they....


Hehe I will update the next time i have free time so have a wonderful day or night see ya