Chapter 16~

Omg omg omg omg I'm back after i believe like two years hehe my apologies anyway onto the story.


Author's POV~

Once you found them they were trying to see who could guess where you would sit in class. "I believe she will be sitting next to me" Denki said enthusiastically "I highly doubt that nerd" Bakugo said smirkingly "She will sit next to me unlike you nerds since I better than the rest of you". "Well I heard about a seat change so I highly doubt we will be sitting where we normally sit since I know that majority of us shouldn't sit next to others due to some distraction" Iida said professionally. You walked in and shook your head "I will not be sitting next to you peppy kid because you irk my last nerve and I won't sit next to you pikachu since you would just try to hit on me the whole time. Last but not least Angry Pomeranian I will definitely not sit by you since you would try to kill me the whole time." You said annoyingly 'I hate this with a burning passion all of them talk to much besides a few of them I guess I have to get used to this'

*WHAM BAM dadzawa walks in tiredly*

"Okay students I suppose you heard since all of you are standing still that you will all have new seats due to some of y'all's behavior with some students and distractions from others" he said annoyingly " Now here is the new seating chart for all of you including Ms.(y/n) since she wasn't originally on there" he said while pointing to the board of the new seating chart.

"Now please sit in your new assigned seats please while I prepare the lesson for home room" As he prepares the lesson plan some students complain while others are satisfied with the arrangement of their seats while you were stuck with one who constantly talks while the other stares in space. "Greaaaat" you said sarcastically as you walk to your seat "okay I see some of you found your seats! Bakugo would you like to explain why you are not in your seat?" Aizawa said confused "I don't want to sit next to Icy-hot" He said frustrated with the sitting arrangement. "Well its not your choice now sit or you will be dismissed to the office and Todoroki has a name so fix it or I will." Aizawa said annoyed with the boy. Bakugo proceeds to go to his seat while the others snicker silently.

"Okay class I possibly mentioned this before but the sports festival is arriving shortly and I would like you to be prepared so for the rest of this week you will all be training and practicing your quirks. Also Ms.(y/n) will not be participating due to the fact she does not want to and she will be helping us with the festival and the with midnight on the stage to determine whether a student won or lost. Now any questions?" He said looking for hands. "How come we have to participate and she doesn't that isn't fair to us" Bakugo said angrily "Well she does not want to participate so its only fair she helps us with the games that will be hosted there" Aizawa said boredly "Now if that is all I will be sleeping and do not wake me up for the last 10 minutes of class otherwise I will hang you up in the classroom like decoration." He said while slipping in his sleeping bag.

"You see I told you we had this conversation previously he was fine with the choice I had made and wasn't upset with it and Nezu said it was fine since it wasn't a problem as well" You said as the bell was getting close to the end of class. "Well that's nice of you to at least help the staff with the festival so we get to see you while we participate" Momo said happily. "Yeah that's nice of you (n/n)" Mina said as you turned around in your seat. "Oh so nice, blah blah blah, still call bull since we will fight soon and I will win the match just to prove you wrong." Bakugo said while standing up. "Ehh I still would beat you even if we fought no hesitation." you said while walking out of the classroom not giving him the chance to say something back. "GET BACK HERE LOSER" Bakugo said angrily while letting off explosions while the bell finally releases if for the next class. "She's so cool" Todoroki said quietly to himself while walking to the next class.

*WHAM BAM now lunch*

Your POV~

"I hated my past few classes they don't make any sense to me" Mina said complaining to the small group that's formed around you while heading to the lunch room. "It's not that difficult Mina I wasn't here for majority of like the school I was supposed to be in" I said surprisingly "WHAT???? THAT DOESN'T MAKE SENSE" Mina more confused than ever. "That's pretty neat that you understand all of the stuff we are currently learning I could possibly never" Momo said as confused as Mina. "Well technically the curriculum is the same as when I was younger so I can just remember what all of it was and how it is now since they didn't change anything." I said boredly "So technically I don't really have to pay attention like the rest of you since I already know what all of it is." I said as I walked into the lunch line looking at what I want to eat. "I forgot you were.. or um are Mr.Aizawa's kid and I suppose you were with him at the school when you were younger am I right?" Uraraka said putting the pieces together while we wait for our turn. "You are completely right" Dadzawa said boredly "AHHHHH A CATERPILLAR IS TALKING" Tsuyu said holding on to Jirou for dear life. "Hello Mr.Aizawa" Momo said politely "Thank you for screaming and (y/n) I need to see you after you get your lunch and hello Ms.Yaoyorozu" Dadzawa said before leaving. "Alright?" I said while I was ordering (fav food).

I grabbed my food and said goodbye to the girls and that I would see them later in class. I started walking to the teachers lounge since I knew he wanted me to go there. As I was about to leave the lunch room I heard the same comments as before. "Look their is the villain student I can't believe they are attending here." One student said to the other "I know its a surprise they want to put the schools reputation at stake for them" another one murmured. 'They really are stupid aren't they' I walked out of the lunch room and towards the teachers lounge I knocked before I had the go just in case they were having a meeting. I see dadzawa sitting at the table with some food munching quietly. "You wanted to see me?" I said while placing my lunch infront of him and taking a seat. "Yes I just wanted to have lunch with you" Dadzawa said while sitting up. "Oh okay why didn't you say so ?" I said confused "Well I didn't embarrass you infront of your friends so I just said something that made it seem important" He said nervously.

"It's alright I don't mind eating lunch with you since I don't know you as well as before so technicallly this is a great opportunity to now how we are now." I said while I stared to eat my lunch "True I haven't seen you in forever and I'm glad you are here and well alive" He said while smiling.  "Well I'm glad I get to see you again even if it may have costed my life" I said happily *btw the league still wants her but since she is with the hero's they either want her dead or alive*

Author's POV~

As you both talk and catch up Hizashi walks in quietly admiring how the both of you catch up and how it seems like everything is falling back into place with Aizawa. He walked up to the table to eat with the both of you while y'all were still in the conversation. "Hello (n/n) how are you doing today?" Hizashi asked politely "I am well today what about you Hizashi?" You said while finishing your last bite. "I am great" He said happily "I'm great as well since your not screaming." Dadzawa said happily while Hizashi pouted. You just laughed at the scene infront of you while you put away your empty tray onto a counter that holds the trays and empty containers. As you returned they both decided to put away their empty trays along with yours and waited for the bell to dismiss the students and staff for class. As you guys waited they continued to talk to you about what will be happening next for you during the sports festival since you won't be participating in it. Soon the bell rang and you walked with Hizashi since he was your next class which was English and you said goodbye to Dadzawa as he left for a meeting with some other staff about the sports festival. 

You both continued to talk while you walked into class about what you will do in English since you already know majority of it. You then went to your seat and waited for the others to arrive and you decided to keep yourself occupied with little fidgets you found in the teachers lounge. That were taken from students or that were left in classes after school. As everyone walked in they all got seated and waited for the bell before Present mic gave the lesson of what we will do today. It was pretty funny to you with how everyone struggled with the concept with English and how it worked with writing and speaking. As it continued you stared off into the abyss before you were called to say a sentence in English. It was a pretty simple one in your opinion but everyone else was confused on how you would say it. The sentence was "Where is the nearest library?" You said it smoothly with no mess up since you used to practice English with Mic whenever he came by to help Aizawa with grading.

Everyone was shocked with how you said it and they continued on with the lesson and you continued to stare into the abyss again. Once they were done there was about a couple minutes left of class so you all had a little bit of free time before the last class. Everyone was either finishing up some English or their other class work and getting help from others with either answers or how to do a certain thing. As it came to a end you all left to go to the gym for the next class since you all had to train for the festival besides you who only watched with Aizawa and All might. You helped some fellow friends with techniques and other information to help them with their quirks which helped all might and aizawa from running back and forth to help them with weaknesses or key pointers. It was coming to the last hour and all might decide it was combat training to see who need the most help out of the others. You helped with starting the match and ending it as training for you since you would be doing just that. Some did well with ending and some didn't which you got help from aizawa with his scarf since some didn't want to stop fighting *cough cough bakugo*. All might and Aizawa helped those who didn't do so well with the combat training and you just helped those who did well with more pointers.


WHAM BAM I'm done for now toodles hope you had a good day :)