Chapter 17~

WHAM BAM another chapter currently 3 am goal is to finish in like two hours sooooo lets see how that goes also my writing has improved so if you see some changes that's because I'm cool like that also if some songs are mentioned its because I'm jamming out to music in the process of writing anyway onto the story..


Currently Thursday still (since chapter 9) and its your favorite crappy authors pov tehehe~

As you helped those who did well in combat training some asked what would be helpful if you were to get in a tricky situation. "Well anyone want to volunteer with my puppet? It won't be difficult it will just be a demonstration for those who are wondering what to do in a tricky situation." You said happily using your quirk again with a actual purpose " I-I will I suppose" Uraraka said nervously. "Alright now explain your quirk to me while I make my puppet to your level of experience." You said while preparing your puppet. "Alright, my quirk is Zero Gravity my quirk gives me the power to nullify the effects of gravity on solid targets by touching them with the pads of my fingertips, causing the object or person to become weightless and float. I can cancel the effect by touching my finger pads together and give the object or person their gravity back." She said excitingly while giving a demonstration with a little rock that was beside her.

"Alright its ready now lets begin" You said excitingly

*wham bam author sucks at writing fighting scenes still*

"So what do you think that you learned?" You said happily "well I think I learned that I can have the upper hand if I know what the limits of the person I'm fighting against have and that I can use my quirk to its fullest potential!" She said excited about what she had learned during the practice fight. "Thats good anyone else have pointers for Uraraka?" You said looking for hands. "No okay now lets continue with pointers for anyone else but without quirks okay!" You said while taking them to a mat. "Now this objective you will not use your quirks and its all about your strengths and how far you can go without your quirk okay everyone whose here got it?" You said looking around for hands. "Yes Iida?" You said looking in his direction "How will you know if someone used their quirks?" He said confusingly "Well I do have my fathers quirk so I can make those who are in front of me not able to use their quirks to about 10 or more minutes" You said while seeing if anyone else has questions.

"If that's all the questions lets begin this shall we" You said prepared for the first match.

*WHAM BAM I still suck at fighting scenes and idk what to put for them*

"Now how do y'all think this went?" You said while looking at the tired students "It was terrible I can't move my legs" Mina said dramatically "Tehehe jokes I think it went very well I think I improved a bit on my strength and quirk" She said excitingly. "I agree with Mina I found this pretty fun. Can we do this tomorrow during this class again?" Kirishima said pumped about how he improved in many ways. You nodded your head and looked at Aizawa to see if its fine with him "Sure I don't see a problem with it as long as I don't have to deal with all of you" he said tiredly while walking away. Everyone happily yelled about tomorrow and headed towards the locker rooms to change out of their gym uniform and back into their school uniforms. As the day ended everyone went to the dorms to catch up on school work video games or sleep. Some staff were in the meeting room and some were just roaming the halls due to them not wanting to grade their students work due to the rough day they had. Then their is Dadzawa sleeping in his caterpillar outfit just slumped on the chair. You snickered and took a photo on his phone and sent it to some of the staff that he had on his phone. Some came rushing in to take more after they had gotten sent the first one midnight took the most along with the nurse to use as blackmail.

"Okay lets go dadzawa" you said tiredly. He looked at you in a tired way and slowly started moving in the sleeping bag inching towards you like a caterpillar.  "So how was your day?" He said while fighting off his sleep " It was well besides the fact that the angry pomeranian was upset that I wasn't fighting in the sports festival" You said while leaving the room. With dadzawa following shortly behind "Well you decided not to participate and we would've not wanted you to participate anyway due to you possibly destroying the competition." He said smirkingly, you laughed at the thought of being bakugo with only one hand. "That is true but I still wouldn't have wanted to do it either way if you guys did or did not suggest it. I would rather help you and the staff since I don't have much to do while y'all are doing the events and its easier to monitor me just in case the league comes and takes me." You said while holding the front entrance for dadzawa " Yes it will be easier for me mainly since the police told me to keep and out for you" He said while thanking you. 

Time skip because idk what else to put yay ~

"You can go to the students dorms if you'd like since we won't be doing anything here but working on things for the festival" Dadzawa said while getting papers out of his caterpillar sleeping bag.  " Okay I don't mind since they were interesting last time I was there." You said while leaving the teachers dorms "Be safe" dadzawa said before you closed the door. "I will" you said quietly. You walked to the students dorm and contiplated whether you should go in or go back to the teachers dorm. You gently knocked on the door hopefully no one answered but to your surprise candy cane kid opened the door. "Umm Yes?" He said quietly "I .. Uhh I wanted to hang out with you guys again" You said unprepared for someone to answer. " Oh well come in its only me since everyone else is training or studying for class" He said while walking to the couch near the tv. "Oh well I'll hang out with you then" You said while going to the opposite couch.

"So how was your day.. uhh (y/n) right?" He said while looking at the screen that was showing something about a movie that was coming out soon. "Yes! My day was alright it was just sort of boring you know" You said amused with the movie that was showing next week. "What about you candy cane man?" You said while giving him your attention. " It was pretty well since I got to train and learn new things" He said while turning to you " and you can call me Shoto or Todoroki whatever you prefer." He said smiling and turned his head back to the tv "Well todoroki how come your not doing any studying or training" You said confusingly. "Well I finished everything in class and I only use one side of my quirk so isn't much training" He said shrugging. You both continued to talk about your days and what your quirks are. Along with getting to know each other to which you both enjoyed since it kept you both company while everyone else was busy.


I lied to myself I did not finish the same day I was knocked out after 4am but here ya go hope you enjoyed