chapter 18~

Howdy guys let's get to the story now.


Someone's pov~

I can't believe this is happening right now. I said while puffing my cheeks out, can you believe it? I said angrily while looking at shitty hair behind a wall. "Well bakubro you do remember that she saved his life and he did thank her and….." shitty hair said while rambling "Shut up redhead" I said while looking back at the couch. "She can't talk to icyhot anymore" I said while walking away. " I don't think thats how that works bakubro" Shitty hair said nervously "Well guess what I will make it work with or without her or his permission because she will be my sparring partner not icyhots" I said while walking to the elevator. "Ohhhh I thought you meant something else silly me" Redhead said while giggling. "I don't want to be with her because she is a loser just like everyone else." I said while pushing the button to my floor "Yeah yeah I get it".

Author pov~

As they both went into the elevator you realized that it's getting late. "I must go todoroki it is getting late and I need to go back to the teachers dorm" You said while getting up and collecting whatever you brought with you. "Ah your right it is getting late I must head to bed" He said while bowing "Goodnight (y/n) I hope you enjoyed your stay with me" He said while going to the elevator. "Thank you for staying here" You said while you walked out of the Class-A dorms. You walked towards the teacher dorms and enjoyed the walk that you had. It was quiet and peaceful. You walked into the dorms and no one was there like usual and so you went to your room. You walked past dadzawas room only to hear him snoring. You giggled at the thought he could possibly have a cat onesie on.

As you got comfortable in your bed you had some realizations about things now. "What will I do now with my life? Everyone may think I'm a villain or I'm not worthy of their help as the others." You thought of this idea you created in your mind and slept with it just sitting there.

~the part y'all have been waiting for the part 2/ background of prologue~

Author's pov~

"Okay guys I have a mission for one of you. I don't care who takes it, it just needs to be done. Everyone understand?" Shigaraki said with a stern voice. "Yes understood sir" everyone said in unison. "Alright this is a two part mission we will go for the wife then the child. The wife has a stronger quirk: her name is Lucy Aizawa and her quirk is puppeteer; she can make and control puppets and people if she chooses. Now the daughter is named (y/n) Aizawa she is the daughter of the hero Eraserhead and His wife Lucy. It has been heard that the daughter has both quirks of the parents so that is why we are getting her last. By attacking the wife and killing her it will leave Eraserhead in a difficult spot and then a few years later we will take the daughter to keep him from getting us villains through the night. Now who would like to take part in this?"

Shigaraki said seriously "What's in it for us?" One of the members said intrigued with the mission. "Well depends on how well you succeed with it" Shigaraki said with a smirk on his face "If you do well you could possibly have a place with us or have anything you could think of with a help of us or if you do horrible we would just have to turn you in anonymously" He said while getting up from his seat. "So pick your poison or don't it's not our decision to make for you." He said while getting close to the person who asked the question. "I will take the mission" Dabi said smirkingly "But under one condition though chapstick man. You won't control what I do unless it's mission wise. That's it then we have a deal." Dabi said while sticking out his hand "Then I guess we have a deal then Dabi" Shigaraki said while grabbing his hand while sticking one finger out.

"This is great now we just need one more person to help with part two of the plan" Shigaraki said while scanning the room. "ME I WANNA DO IT I LOVE KIDS AND BLOOD" Toga said loudly and moving to the front. "Good then that's done for we will prepare this plan in the next few months and understand the area of the house they live in" Kurogiri said while cleaning a cup. "This is going to work out perfectly for all of us," Shigaraki said while leaving the room. After they had picked out the people everyone left besides dabi and toga "Let's hope we are doing the right thing toga otherwise we are dead" Dabi said before he left the hideout.

Lucy's Pov~

"Mommy, why do I have to wear this?" she said "Well mommy is sending you to school" I said while grabbing her bag. "But I wanna stay here with mommy" I looked over to see (n/n) on the floor pouting. "Well honey mommy has work to do at home and you need to learn some awesome things" I said while picking her up and taking her to the car. "I wanna help mommy" She said, upset and getting into the car "If you do well today in school I can buy you your favorite snack on the way home" I said while getting into the driver's seat "Really!" She said while getting excited "Yes but you have to do good in school okay" I said while getting ready to drive off. "Okay mommy I will do good" She said with a confident smile. 'I will miss her very much' I thought while driving to the school. "Alright honey ready to go?" I said while getting out of the car "Yeah I wanna do good so i can get a snack." She said while hopping out of the car.

"Alright baby girl have a good day at school okay!" I said, trying not to cry. "I will mommy, see you later" She said while running to the doors of her school. I go back into the car and prepare to drive off but I get upset. "AHHHH MY BABY SHE'S IN SCHOOL NOW" I said while sobbing in the driver's seat. "I can't do this" I said and started driving off to UA

Time skip~

"I need to see Eraserhead Principle Nezu" I said, trying not to cry again. "Okay Lucy, come right in you already know where his class is" He said while opening the doors "thank you" I said while running to my hubby. I see his class door and slam it open while sobbing "What's wrong love?" Hubby said with a panicked look "I m-miss m-my b-baby g-girl" I said while sobbing even harder "oh honey it's okay I promise she's gonna do great in school and you're going to be okay as well" He said while hugging me tightly. "A-are y-you s-sure??" I said while sniffling "Yes now go before you forget the things you need to do today" He said while smiling after giving me a kiss on the forehead "Okay" I said shyly and walked out. 'AHHHHHHHHHHH I LOVE THIS SLEEP DEPRIVED MAN' I thought while leaving the school. 'Well time to do my work' I thought while going back home.

Authors pov~

It stayed like this for the first month of (y/n) going to school but after that everything was fine with Lucy and Aizawa. Then the day came it was normal for everyone but, (y/n) had wanted some pie and wanted to share it with her dad. She was excited for it even when he came home before his nightshift. It was fun bonding time with her mother on making the pie and it was fun sharing the pie with her favorite hero. That was a night to remember for her but it wasn't so much for her mother and father. She won't ever know what truly happened to her mother until she is older and forced the truth by law enforcement.