"Hey yow! Hello! Hi! Heller! What's up, classmate? Opss.. Wait! Where's your friennybels?" Stacie said in hyper and happy tone. She suddenly came from nowhere. She looked at my back like she's looking for something or should I say someone. She sat beside me.

"Why? You miss them already?" I asked her and smirked. She rolled her eyes and she also make face. And it's made me laughed.

"LIKE DUH! Why would I miss them? They always bullying and fighting me." She frowned and sighed.

"But where are they? Maybe in classroom. Like usual... Why are you not with them, anyway? Why are you alone?" She's really talkative. She's asking too much... I smile and sighed before I say something.

"I just want to be alone and I don't want to be with them right now." I said in serious tone.

I pissed at them right now. It's easy for them to forget everything about Stel. It's easy for them because they did nothing to Stel but torture and make her suffer. I don't even know if they really consider Stel as their friend.

"So I'm not allow to stay here? Please allow me stay with you... Please... Please... Cause I don't know where to go right now. I'm alone and I hate being alone. If I stay in our classroom for sure nicole will fight me. That's why I don't want to go there. My sissies have a class right now if I sit with them I'm super duper sure I will get the attention of their classmates and I hate it. I don't want to be their distraction. LIKE DUH! I'm not a attention seeker. If I go to library... No way! I don't want to go there! It's so boring! It's full of books and silence. Ew! But I'm hungry right now... But I don't want to go in cafeteria cauze like what I said earlier I don't want to be alone. I don't want to looks like a nerd or weird. It would be a shame for my beauty if I become a nerd. My suitors will cry If that happens. So please let me stay here..." She said and she pouted. I shook my head and laughed because of what she said. Beauty? Well she's right... She's really beautiful but.... She so full of confidence and she's too talkative.

"And I make you happy. I'm so pretty but I just become your clown." She said with a pretty smile. I looked at her and smiled.

"See! You're smiling now... When I saw earlier... I can see the sadness in your eyes." She said again and smile at me again. I just sighed.

"So can I stay here now?" She asked and she also do a puppy eyes. I just smile and looked away.

Shit! Why my heart is beating so fast? This is crazy.

"You can stay here but stop being nosy." I said with a smirk in my face.

"Yes!! Thank you for letting me to stay here. But wait! I'm not nosy! You're the one who talking too much here. You so nosy!" She said and she also slammed me. I smile and I shook my head.

What did she say? She's not nosy? Tss.

"But anyway, Why are you sad? Do you have a problem? Why don't you share it to Nicole or to your other friennybels? Maybe they can help you..." She asked me non stop.

"They can't help me." I said and I force myself to smile.

"So what's your problem? Maybe I can help you with that." She asked in concern tone. I remember Stel on her... When Stel sees a person crying she immediately got worry. She always comforting them... Hayyyy... I'm so sorry Stel.... I miss you so much...

I sighed.

"I miss her..." I said in very sad tone. Stacie stared at me.

"Huh? Miss? Her? Who? Your girlfriend? Mom? Sister? Grandmom? Auntie? Or cousin? Who?" She asked me non stop again.

"Hahaha... It's Stella. Our friend..." I answered in middle of my laugh. I couldn't help but laught at her. She never failed to make me laugh.

"None of the above. Stella? Ahh! Your dead friend. By the way, Is she important on you? Of course Stacie! She's a friend. Hay! You so stupid Stacie!"

She said and she also acts like she talking herself.

But wait! How did she know that Stella is dead?

Maybe because of Melanie. That grumpy girl.

"For me... Yes. Stella is so important on me. I just don't know if she is also important to Nicole and our other friends." I said and I smile at her.

"Ahhh... You so sweet. Stella is so lucky to have a friend like you. But wait! Is it true that you and your friends are the reason why she committed suicide?" Stella is lucky? No. I'm the one who lucky to have her.

"Yes. We are the reason. And I didn't even help her." I said and sighed.

"She so nice on us. She do nothing but a good. But we abused her kindness. She became our slave. She suffered because of us... And we forgot her. We left her. Actually it's just Nicole and others. Because me? I always there for her... She an orphan. And I'm bad because I didn't even help her. I can't stop them... I regret that I was not able to protect her. I regret it when she already gone... When she already left me... When she already left her Boy Bestfriend." I said to Stacie.

It's just sad to think that we are her friends and she treats us like her own family but experiences it with us.

"You are probably the only one who considered her as a true friend." Stacie said and smile at me.

"She's good, So why don't i consider her as my true friend? But i just don't know if she felt that." I said. I really hope she felt that...

"Okay! Let's stop this Drama. I'm going to cry if we don't stop this. And sadness is not suits you. To make you happy, Buy some me some foods in cafeteria." She said and smile. She stood up.

"Let's go! I'm really hungry..." She said again and she pulled me and she walked to the cafeteria's direction. So I have no choice...

"Thank you so much Rence! Let's eat!" She said and she also clapped her hands. I laughed at her.

"Try this. It's delicious..." She said and she put something in my plate. I ate it.

"What can you say? It's delicious, right?" She asked with a smile.

"Mmm..." I answered and I also nodded.

"Mmm! Tss! What kind of answer is that?! 'Yes! You're right... It's delicious. You have a good taste.' That should be your answer. Tsk tsk tsk..." She said while she shaking her head and rolling her pretty eyes. I laughed at her.

"You looks like a kid." I said. I get some tissue and I wiped the side of her lips.

"Yieee... You so sweet." I just laughed at her crazyness. She laughed too. We just laughed together and chatting while we're eating.