"Babe! It's our vacant! Our professor is absent that's why we don't have class right now." The man in front of me said in hyper tone. He's talking with Nicole that's why I facing his back.

But.... Anyway, Who is this boy? Nicole's boyfriend? Ohhh! How unlucky boy... Tsk tsk tsk... What a shame... Opsss... Sorry for the bad attitude. Hahaha...

"Oh?Really? Me too... So you're going to stay here?" Nicole said with a smile in her face. I rolled my eyes.

Oh gosh! My foot is hurting because I've been standing here for almost an hour.

Why? I'm standing here? Cause this flirt couple are talking at the door of our classroom that's why I have to wait for them until the end of their conversation.

"Why? You don't want me here? Okay.... I'm going to leave now." The boy said in dramatic tone. What an actor.

I started to walking but the man suddenly turned around that's why we bumped each other.

"Ohh! Grrr.. Shit! My butt is hurting." I said in irritate tone. I heard Nicole's giggled. I immediately glared at that man.

"Oh my gosh! Steven?? OMG! STEVENNNNN!!!" I said in a shock and happy tone when I saw his face.

"Stacie? Shocks! So it's true? You're here. You're studying here. But anyway I'm sorry. Let me help you girl..." Steven said in happy tone. He immediately offered his hand on me. I accept it with a smile.

"No. It's just a joke. It's a fake news that's why I'm here in front of you... Of course! It's true! I got bored in korea. So.... I came here. I also came her to see you." I said in sarcastic and happy tone. I also hit him.

"I'm so happy that you're here." Steven said with a smile. I rolled my eyes and laughed. He laughed too.

"I missed you so much..." He said and he hugged me so tight.

"I missed you too bro... But i'm here now. We can have fun again like we did before. We can talk when you have a free time. And you can also visit me in Momshie's house like you always did when we're in korea." I said to him with a smile. I looked at Nicole.

Oh gosh! She giving me a dead glare. I just raise my left eyebrow. Tss. Jealous. I put my arm on Steven's shoulder and i whisper at him.

"You so unlucky bro. Your girlfriend is so easy to get jealous. She's giving a dead glare right now..." I whispered at him and I laughed. He laughed too.

"That's why it's hard for me to be this handsome." He whispered too. He smirked and he also winked at me.

"Wew! Nice joke. You make me laugh." I whispered and I laughed in sarcastic way. He laughed again and he squeezed my cheeks. I just pouted at him.

"I'm going inside bro. Bye!" I said to him and smile. I also pointed our classroom.

"Alright. I'm going to text and call you sis." He said. I nodded at him.

"Alright. See yahhh!" I said with a smile. I also waved.

"See yahhh! Take care..." He said and he also tapped my shoulder. I smile and nodded at him.

I was about to enter the classroom when Nicole suddenly grabbed my arm. I knew it! She's jealous and mad at me because I hugged her handsome boyfie.

"What did you whisper to steven?! Huh?! You flirt. Slut." She whispered in very angry tone. I rolled my eyes.

"You want know what is it? Steven is your boyfriend, right? You're free to ask him." I said. I pulled my arm on her. I smirked at her and I continue walking.

"Oh! Thanks!" I said when I finally sat at my chair. Rence immediately hid his phone and he looked at me. I smile at him. He laughed.

"Tired?" He asked me. I smile and I shook my head.

"Nope. Super tired." I answered with a smile. I almost jumped when Athena struck my desk.

"Stacie! What did you whisper to Steven?!" Athena asked in angry tone. I sighed.

"It's just nothing." I answered in a calm tone.

"Oh?! Really?! Did you really expect me to believe that? If it's nothing, Why Nicole fight Steven because of that??" Athena said in angry tone. I rolled my eyes and sighed heavily.

"Well, It's not my problem if you would believe it." I said. I'm trying control my anger.

"Can you just tell us what is it??" Athena asked in irritate tone. I close my eyes for a minute and sighed again.

"Who's your friend? Me or Steven?" I asked them in irritate tone.

"Steven." Shaun answered me.

"Steven... Then ask him. Not me." I said. I can see that Athena got pissed because of that.

"Can you please stop bothering her and leave her alone? She said it's nothing if you still would believe it, Go to Steven and ask him." Rence said in serious tone.

"I agree with them. We should stop this. Let just ask Steven... Let's go..." Mia said and they walk away.



That bitch and freakinh girl! It's her fault why Steven and I got fought. She's flirt. I throw my cellphone because of my anger.

"Gosh! Your phone!" Athena said in a shock tone. I also saw her jump because she got shock on what i did. I rolled my eyes at her. Grrr!

"Nicole calm down... Drink this." Shaun said and he put some mineral water on my desk.

"No!!!! I really pissed at her!" I angerily shouted and thrown away the mineral water.

"Wew! Chill nics..." Mia trying to calm me. I dropped my jaw because of what i heard. What? Nics? She called me Nics? No way! Stella is the only person who calling me Nics. She made that nickname for me.

"Oh shit! What did you called to nicole??" Bryan asked her in a shock voice. Mia got confuse on Bryan's question.

"Huh? Nics... Why? What's wrong?" Mia asked too.

"What?! Nics?! Gosh! This is so scary..." Athena said in scared voice and she also hugged herself. Mia frowned.

"What's wrong with you guys? What's problem with that? I don't understand you..." Mia said and she laughed.

"Nics. Stella gave that nickname to Nicole. She's the only person who is calling nicole that." Rence explain to her. We nodded sign that we agree on what Rence said.

And of course he know it. It's his bestfriend thing.

"Okay guys! Let's move on... Let's forget about that." I said. Gosh! Mia scared me. It's Stella thing. Stella gave us other name. She makes our names shorter. She gave us a nickname. And we use to love it. Well... We still love it.

"You always good at that. To forget everything connected to Stella." Rence said in a serious tone and he walk away from us. As always... I rolled my eyes.

I don't get it... Why he always like that? Stella is dead. She's gone... And we need to move on. Don't get me wrong... Stella is also my friend. She's like a sister to me. Yes, i did something wrong on her but I love her. I also miss her but we really need to move on. Forget the past because like what they said Past is past.

"Rence!" Athena called him.

"Dude! Where are you going?" Shaun asked him. But he just ignored them.

"He always like that when it comes to Ella." Bryan said and he shook his head. He's right.

"Maybe that Stella is so important to Rence." Mia said and she sighed.

"Stella is so important to us too... Don't be jealous Mia but she's very important to me or should I say to us. We love her so much. But we are a human too that's why we made a mistake. A mistake that we always trying to forget." Shaun said. I smile and nodded at him sign that I agree on what he said. I never thought Shaun to be this sweet. In our group... Steven is the only guy who is sweet. Maybe it's because of Stella. She change us. She makes us a better person. I really regret what i did to her.

"If she's really important on you and if you really love her. Why you didn't go on her funeral?" Stacie asked. She suddenly came from nowhere. How did she knew about it? Maybe because of that witch Melanie.

"Oh? Speechless? Maybe because all of you are guilty that's why you didn't visit her. Because you are the reason why she's dead." The flirt said. Tss... She talk like she know everything.

"Guilty? Where did you get that stupid words of yours?" I asked. I also raised my left eyebrow.

"In my pretty and intelligent mind. And according to the students and person i talked... I predicted it. I think that is your reason why you didn't came on Stella's funeral." Stacie said in a calm expression. She also smile at me.

"Why we should be guilty?" I asked while i still raising my left eyebrow at her. She just laughed. What's funny? Why she's laughing like a crazy? What a psycho girl.

"Hahaha... Why you should be guilty? Why? Haha... I forgot. That all you are evil and the person like you are really don't know how to feel a guilt." She said and smile at us. What?! Evil?! Huh?!

"Ha! Stop acting like you know everything! Because you know nothing so shut the fucking up!" I shouted her.

"A lot... I know a lot of things. Like how you treat Stella. How you used her for your needs. How you make her suffer. How you make her feel like nothing. You never considered her as a friend. You just know her as your maid, slave, saviour, servant. That's the reason why she committed suicide. And now you're acting like nothing happened. I know everything. I really knows." Tss. She just pretending she knows it if i know she just heard it from a random talkative students.

"Here! Eat that! Steven ordered me to give you that. He also said Sorry for not coming here. He has a substitute teacher that's why he have a class right now. He's not cheating on you. We're just Bestfriend. We're treating each other as a true sibling." She said in a tired tone. She put some paperbag on my desk. I looked at that.

"Don't worry... I didn't put a poison or anything on that. If I allow to do it but I'm not that kind of person. I'm a bitch but not a criminal. " She added and turn back at me.

"You so lucky to have my Bestfriend. Steven really loves you. I know it because I can feel it. I never saw him to be this inlove on a cheap girl. So stop being jealous and immature girlfriend. Just trust him. Cause even me... I am irritated by your jealousy. Well... Even i saw your face it irritates me. Okay. I'm done on my speech. I'm going to walk out now. Bye enemies!" She said and she walks away. I heard my friends laughed because of the last part she said. She really said to us that she will walk out. She's really crazy. Well she has a point... Steven really loves me. I'm just being immature here. I looked at the foods Steven gives me. It has a note.

'I'm sorry babe... I'm not cheating on you. I can't do that. Stacie is just my Bestie. I know you know how much I love you... I really really really really really really really really love you. Please eat that food. Our misunderstanding is not enough to not eat that. Eat well! We already have a class so I'll just going to demand Stacie to give you this. I'm really sorry babe. Promise i will go to you after class. I love you so much babe. Study hard♡♡♡.'

-Your Handsome Boyfie Steven.

Because of the ugly handwriting and the 'Handsome Boyfie' i have already proven that it's really from steven. I'm so lucky to have Steven...